
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

It was a week. As if dealing with daylight savings time wasn't bad enough, my head cold got to the point where I just couldn't function, and I had to call out on Wednesday. It really wasn't enough time to fully recover, but I the day of rest + Vicks + Zicam + Tylenol cold and head and was able to function better. My silver lining was the lovely springlike weather we enjoyed towards the end of the week. It was sort of surreal to be wearing a light jacket again. Not to worry, it's much colder today, but hey, spring will be officially here in just a few short days.

Let's Discuss!
  • Amber made me wonder what my blogging would look like with ARCs
  • Jo tells us whey female friendships in books are so important
  • This was fun post of how books earn five-star ratings on Goodreads
On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Opposite of Always & Cold Day in the Sun
  • Tuesday: TTT - May I Have Some More?
  • Wednesday: CWW - We Are the Perfect Girl & Planet Earth is Blue
  • Thursday: Nutshells - Fear of Missing Out & The Sound of Drowning
  • Friday: Discussion - The Pros & Cons of Rejection

What I Read Last Week

It was quite a mix of books I tackled this week. Most were on the heavier side, though almost all of them also tended to be quite hopeful. I was really excited to get a late approval for Killing November, and it didn't disappoint, ending up my highest rated book of the week.


What I Am Currently Reading

I really should be reading one of my review books, but I won a copy of Tin Heart and it sounds wonderful, and I am in the mood for this kind of story.

I am about two-thirds the way through Ready to Run, and Lauren Layne books are always a good time for me. Needless to say, I am having a lot of fun in Lucky Hollow right now.

What I Plan to Read

I am going on a middle grades run here, and I am pretty excited about all three books.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The time change always throws me off. Usually takes a few days for me to adjust to it, for whatever reason. And yes spring will officially be here soon! I hope the actual weather cooperates haha! I'm so over winter...

    Killing November is definitely one I'll be getting, looks fun!

    Hope your week is awesome!!

    1. I am hoping we eliminate daylight savings. I mean, they are doing just fine in AZ and HI without it, right? Killing November was so interesting. Mather always includes some history in her books, and this was a cool slant on how there have been these families steering history.

    2. Ooh, I want to read it even more now! :)

    3. I hope you like it, if you get to read it.

  2. I always loved the smell of Vicks when I had a cold-nice and soothing!

    1. I don't love or hate Vicks, but I like how it helps.

  3. We don't switch to BST for another couple of weeks but I hate it! I hate 'losing' that hour. It's just wrong. It takes ages for me to settle with it too.

    It sucks when you're ill and can't take enough time to full recover but I'm glad that you at least had Wednesday to take care of yourself. Fingers crossed it passes fully soon.

    1. I understand why DST started, but we live in a modernized world now, and I think it needs to end.

  4. My head cold is persistent and Vick's and Musinex is helping me function this week. Yay for spring in a few days! Hope your head cold is gone.

    1. I just kept popping the pills. That's all we can do, but I do think all the Zinc really helped.

  5. Ack. Sorry to hear about your cold, but glad you're on the mend. Head colds are the worst since they tend to prevent one from reading. At least they do for me!

    Nice new reads! Hearing a lot of buzz over Killing November! I hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Only my crummy eyes prevent me from reading. The head cold has me feeling off balance though. I loved Killing November. It's a bit of a departure from my normal reading choices, but it was interesting and entertaining.

  6. I felt weird from the time change this week too. Never used to get to me. I hope you feel better and can enjoy some of those lovely books:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. I heard congress is supposed to vote on if DST stays or goes. Maybe they can make a good decision here.

  7. Yeah, daylight savings time has been a struggle. I’m not tired at night and very tired in the morning. I hope you feel better soon!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I have been sick, so I have been tired all day. I am sad that it is pitch black (again) as I walk the 8 blocks to the bus stop. At least this one is under a street light.

  8. I hope you're feeling much better, Sam! Head colds are so hard to deal with - I can't function at all when I have one.
    Your new books look great, and I hope you'll enjoy them as you get to read them.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. I think the head is clearing. I still feel off balance, and am blowing my nose a lot, but it's improved, which is a good thing.

  9. I am not a fan of the time change. The weather has been up and down around here as well. I am so ready for warmer temperatures to stay around for a while. It looks like you had a great reading week. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Friday we had the a/c on and Saturday was cold again. I enjoyed the warmth, though.

  10. Ugh, for some reason the time change really killed me this year. But the nice weather did make up for it!

    1. I am never game for the time change. Even when DST ends, it messes me up. #ElimiateDST

  11. I hope you're feeling better Sam. <3 Enjoy your new books. Killing November has been under my radar. Luckily is comes out in two weeks. :)

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. This pub has been approving me right before publication. I had to bump another book to read it, but it was worth it.

  12. happy reading and have a great week.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  13. I hope you kicked your cold in the butt!
    Killing November looks awesome! :)

    1. Killing November was great, and I cannot wait to learn more about this world

  14. Sorry to hear about your head cold Sam, at lesat the weather was nice! I've been going back and forth between my spring coat and my winter coat and it's confusing me so much. I appreciate the sun though.

    I see you also got Hard Sell on hoopla, haha. I was waiting for them to make that available for MONTHS.

    This is Amber @ Du Livre btw!

    1. I was like, who's Matt?! 😂

      It's cooler again, though I heard it's nice by you (I'm jealous), but my head is clearing out, slowly but surely. I get the coat dilemma. We are expecting 20s at night, but mid 40s during the day. That means I am stuck with the parka all day.

      Hard Sell took FOREVER to come to Hoopla, and I have been burning through LL's backlist. They are the perfect audiobook. Light and fun and not too complicated. Really easy to follow along in that format while I do other things.

  15. Oh goodness, daylight savings was AWFUL! It seems like it gets harder to adjust every year. I hope you're feeling better now! Killing November looks really good and I'm glad to see you enjoyed it! I'll have to keep an eye out for your review!

    1. I was surprised by how much I liked Killing November. It's very different for me, but I found it interesting and wanted to know even more about this strange world they moved in

  16. I hope you are feeling better! That time change really was the worst. Fake It Till You Break It looks like a really cute read. Will definitely be on the lookout for your review of that one. Hope you have a good week!

    1. I don't know. Am I sick? Is it allergies? I am just very stuffy and making lots of mucus, but I am sure I will live. Nguyen's last book was fun and cute, exactly like I want them, and I feel like this one will give me more of the same. Looking forward to reading it.

  17. I love Daylight savings, much prefer the longer days in the sunshine :)

    Have a great reading week, please stop by.

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    1. I love longer days, but I walk to the bus stop at 5:55 am, and now it's back to being pitch black, when I was just starting to get some daylight.

  18. Aww I'm sorry your cold got so bad :-/ I hope you feel better soon and continue to have nice weather <3

    1. Nope. It's cold again. Back to the parka. It was good two days....

  19. Aww I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well Sam, the weather has been all over the place here too, one day I'll be wearing my Ugg boots and the next day my trainers, I think that's probably one of the reasons I'm getting sick. I hadn't heard of Killing November of Fake it Till You Break it, but I'll definitely be checking those books out now! I hope you have a great week :)

    1. Massive temperature fluctuations always make me sick. Hate them! I am a fan of Mather's books, and I think November was her best yet.

  20. Ugh, head colds are so miserable. I hope you were able to recuperate some over the weekend, Sam. And hooray for a few days of better weather. I have a friend who adores Sara Ney but I have yet to read anything by her. I thought Ready to Run was really cute. Not my favorite by LL but still a good time.

    1. I have not read the (not kidding about this name) Douchebag books. They are really popular and I have two, but no time to squeeze them in. I have been listening to her older stuff via Hoopla and they work really well on Audio for me. My favorite LL books are Blurred Lines and An Ex for Christmas. I almost didn't read Ex because of the cover, but I loved it!

  21. I hate this time change - losing an hour is not fun. It's supposed to warm up some this week and I cannot wait! I hope you are feeling better!!!


    1. Ain't warming up here. The highs for the day are bearable, but it's so cold in the morning.

  22. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your head cold, it's been the same for me the past week, it's so annoying. I hope you are feeling better now! <3
    SO exciting about Fake It Til You Break It, I can't wait to read this book, very excited about it. I hope you'll enjoy it :)
    Have a wonderful week! <3

    1. I always get sick around the change of seasons. I guess, because new irritants get released and whatnot, but I hate it. I am excited about Fake It too. I liked Nguyen's last book, and am hoping for something along those lines.

  23. Well Sam I hope you are feeling much better by now because with all the books that you hauled/won etc you'll need a clear head LOL Have a great week! Sophie @bewareofthereader

  24. The time change totally messes with me and throw in allergies from the spring and I was a mess! Hope you are better!

    1. Whatever is growing is KILLING me! I just want to open the windows, wear a spring jacket, and feel better. Is that too much to ask?

  25. The time change kicked my butt more than usual this year. I really wish we would do away with Daylight Savings Time.

    I'm so happy to see that 4 1/2 star rating from you on Killing November. That's one I'm really looking forward to reading soon.

    1. I heard they are voting on DST. Let's hope they realize it's a relic we don't need (no offense, Ben Franklin). I was really into November. Not what I was expecting, but really good.

  26. I'm excited about the 4 1/2 star rating for Killing November. The book's caught my eye more than once. Will there be a full review? I remember you don't post all your reviews on here.

    That is so frustrating about the head cold. I hope you're feeling better. The spring (ish) weather is at least doing its part to bring some light back into our lives!

    1. Killing November will post in a week or two. I have a million blog tours coming up. If I don't post a review, I always link to it in GR, but I loved the book, so I will definitely be sharing my thoughts.

  27. Hugs for being sick and for dealing with daylight savings at the same time. Ack! I'm sorry, what a nightmare! Here's hoping this week is going along much better for you! And yay for enjoying Ready to Run by LL! That's my favorite book in that duology, it was so much fun!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I am feeling better. Everyone in these parts is experiencing some sort of congestion/cold-like illness. I think it's because stuff is starting to grow again. I always get sick during the season changes. I have yet to read an LL book that I didn't enjoy. I read that duology backwards, but agree, I liked book 1 a little more. The backstory was more emotional, than in book 2, though both were fun and entertaining.

  28. I really want to read Killing November. I am interested to see what you think of it. I love the romances this week and their covers. Have a wonderful week. I caught up (mostly). Still behind on some of my other bloggers. I will get there. Hugs to you.


    1. I loved it! I didn't know it was a series when I requested it But now I am excited to continue the story

  29. I hope that by now you are feeling much much better! Being ill is never fun but it's great that the weather is improving at long last :)

    1. It's takes me so long to get back to 100% after a cold, but I am much better. The weather has been a very unpredictable beast here, but I guess it will get better until it gets worse, right?
