
Friday, March 29, 2019

Discussion: Losing the Social Media Game

This Week’s Topic: Losing the Social Media Game

As bloggers, we are Expected to be EVERYWHERE! We need to have a presence on Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Pinterest -- name that social site, and we are supposed to be there.

To those of you, who are posting different content in a million different places, I bow down to you.

I admire all of you, who have the time, the energy, and the endless inspiration, but I am here today, to officially declare that I am losing the social media game.

I leave my home at 5:55 am and do not return until about 6 pm or later each night. Since I am not home much, I do not get the opportunity to do that much associated with the blog. Sometimes, if I am not busy at work, I can sneak in some post replies, but usually everything waits until I get home. I really can't afford to give up any of my sleep time, since I only get about 5-ish hours a night. Choices had to be made. I could not keep interacting the way I did before I was blogging, and slowly but surely, I had to cut back.

Facebook was the first to go. I was involved in way too many groups, and I don't know, I find FB sort of toxic. I only really check in, when my daughter messages me, and I never post anymore.

Back when we attending a lot of book events, I was taking pictures and posting a bunch on Instagram, but I had to be honest with myself when it came to that site. I don't really get any physical books these days, nor do I really want them, and therefore, I have nothing to photograph. The other thing is that I am not very good at arranging or taking the pictures. I was spending so much time trying to make these books look good, but it was a wasted effort.

Tumbler was never anything I ever really did, and I tried Discord, but it was overwhelming.

I have an interesting relationship with Pinterest. It used to be my social media blackhole. Seriously, I would go there, start pinning, and when I look at the clock, I just lost hours. So, now I only go there with a clear mission.

I don't get to spend as much time as I would like on Goodreads, but it's still someplace I fully enjoy.

Then there is the site I have chosen to build my following on - Twitter. Twitter is well know for its toxicity. However, I have worked really hard to curate my feed, and for the most part, I see mostly positive things. I enjoy the interactions I have there, and it's pretty easy to get content out on there.

So, basically...

Now it's your turn! Tell me, are you winning or losing the social media game. Where do you interact the most or the least?

Are you winning or losing the social media game? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm totally losing the social media game. Lack of time coupled with social awkwardness are not the formula to social media success, lol.

    1. I am so impressed by all those people, who can come up with something witty to say all the time. I am awkward and it shows in my tweets.

  2. I'm only on Twitter, Pinterest and Goodreads. I never had any interest in Facebook, I can't be bothered taking endless photos and uploading them so I never joined things like Instagram. I'm on Twitter once a week to follow the football results but I rarely get time to post. I do check Goodreads daily and spend a bit of time there when I can. I'd love to have time for Pinterest as I find it relaxing but rarely get the time! I'm not really into social media and prefer to spend the time on my blog.

    1. I miss having the time to be on GR more, but the actually blogger is so time intensive. I try to spend a bit of time there on the weekends though, because it's still my favorite place.

  3. I have also lost at social media. I avoid a lot of it because even the happy, successful people make me depressed. I’m on Goodreads, Pinterest, and Twitter. I have Instagram, but I’ve mostly given up on it. I need to work on being more social on Twitter. I mostly use it for shameless blog promotion.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. One of the reasons I spend so little time on Instagram is because it made me feel inferior. We're not the only ones. They did a whole study on how social media makes people more depressed. I am guilty of promoting my posts on Twitter too, but because I only post my positive reviews on my blog, it's also a way for me to show some love to the authors.

  4. I really enjoy Goodreads and Twitter and do post personal stuff related to nature, events, and books on Instagram, but not too often. Twitter is my favorite way to say good morning and share hope and encouragement to those who need virtual hugs and/or answers to questions/advice if I can help. I'm on Facebook because that's my family connection as we are spread all over the country.

    1. I used to enjoy FB for staying connected to my sorority sisters and what not, but it became too political, and I just need a break from people shoving their opinions down my throat.

  5. Yes to everything you said. I'm up at 5:50 am every weekday, I've got kids to shuttle around, a husband to drive to and pick up from the train, errands to run to make life run around my house, I can't be everywhere online and still manage to live my regular normal life. I've been taking a massive FB break since January and it's been sooooooooo nice. I'm on Twitter more often, but like you, I've curated my feed so that it's not toxic or crazymaking. I'm doing my best blogging, although it stinks on days like yesterday when I was out of town and can't do anything at all with it. I'm in awe of the people with thousands of followers; I have no idea how that's even possible!

    1. Those people with big followings work hard for it. They post often and consistently and they are engaging. I do a little, but you know what they say, tempus fugit.

  6. What the hell is Discord; I can't keep up! I never did Facebook but when I first started blogging I was very involved with GR which I feel like was very similar to Facebook. There are so many groups that I joined back in 2012!

    1. Discord is like chatting software, but reader groups are in there too, and I think I am too old for this stuff, because I got so lost in the threads. GR is definitely like FB, but better, because all we really talk about is books there. Still my favorite of all the places to talk about books

  7. Like you, I'm not at home a lot because of work, commute, and trying to stay active and healthy. I post on the blog and Goodreads. Sometimes I put my links up on Facebook, but I'm never scrolling through my feed. I don't get many physical books and I don't have a book Instagram, just a personal one where I'd never post anything book related. My family is on that feed and I have way too many judgmental relatives to ever show what I'm reading!

    So yeah, I'm with you, the blog and Goodreads. Sometimes I'll look at Twitter too but that's rare.

    Great topic, Sam! :)

    1. Only my daughter ever reads any of the books I read, so I get that your family will judge your books. My relatives are more highbrow than me, and my friends all read women's lit, which I read sparingly.

  8. I'm with you, I like Twitter. I like it for the bookish stuff and randoms but you do have to be careful or its toxicity level hits lethal.

    Facebook I've all but given up on. I'm seriously thinking of deleting the blogs FB page as I rarely remember to post there. My personal page is rarely updated also, but I keep it for family check-ins and messenger.

    When I created my Instagram, I had visions of making it a 'bookstagram' but like you I don't really have physical books, I'm time poor, and I couldn't be bothered to make all the pretty book pictures. So, now it's just my instagram. I post places, things and cats. *shrugs* People like to get to know a little about the blogger - not just the books - right? I certainly do.

    I've never done the others so I'll join you in 'loser'ville. I don't even understand pinterest or tumbler.

    1. It's amazing how much damage people can do with 240 characters, right? My only read Facebooking is messenger as well. It's good not to start Pinterest, because I swear, it's addicting.

  9. Goodreads and Twitter are my favorites - I'd also been on Twitter for years before I even started the blog so that probably helped. :)

    1. I was so late to most social media. I think I got a Facebook five years after everyone else, and I didn't GR until I started pleasure reading again. Twitter was the last one I added, but now, the one I use the most.

  10. Omigosh, social media is so so much for the blogging game. It's amazing how we are expected to be everywhere. When I was just doing alone, I totally let things fall by the wayside - and I was only doing a few social media choices. At least with Sha and me, we take certain social media accounts to divide between us. But still, it's so hard to maintain. I've found Instagram to be my hotspot, but I'm still struggling. XD Wonderful post, Sam! :)

    1. Technically I have co-bloggers, and Noor and Kiersten drop in every now and then with reviews, but I am pretty much on my own most of the time. I find Instagram too difficult for me, and I think it's the one that makes me feel the most inferior. I didn't think there was much engagement there to make it worth my time, but there are a lot of talented people on there.

  11. I feel this so much! I finally called it quits on Instagram. I tried for years and did well in the early days before the algorithm changed, but now it's such a competition and I don't have patience for it! I do love Twitter though! I never even tried with Tumblr. XD

    1. Twitter has become my place as well, but like I said, it is carefully curated. That place can go for lovely to cesspool quite quickly.

  12. I have a Facebook page for the blog, but I have so few followers that it almost doesn't make it worth it. I don't do Twitter or Tumblr. Pinterest is where I keep my TBR, but I actually don't use it as much for other stuff as I used to, which I guess is kind of good because I could lose hours there! I love Instagram, though. Again, I don't have a ton of followers there, either, because I keep it private (it's also for my personal life). But I love taking pictures, so that one was a no-brainer for me. I guess you could say I'm losing, too!

    1. I know WLABB has a FB, but they never really used it, and I don't think FB is as popular as it used to be. I don't tend to take a lot of photos, but if I ever have anything cool to post, I do. I used to share more on Instagram, but they were usually collages or just book images, because I don't have the books to photograph, and since Instagram is more about the picture than the content, it didn't seem right.

  13. I lost a long time ago too Sam and I feel all the better for it though. I find most social media tiring, basically posting the same thing on five different sites when that time could be spend just building a great audience on one platform of choice. Twitter is mine as well. I rarely see any negativity on my feed either. Having somewhere to connect to other bloggers and readers is wonderful but I'd recommend to others not to spread yourself too thin. My Instagram game is shocking, I have absolutely no idea.

    1. I tried, and it was stressing me out trying to keep up. I am with you. I found one I like, where I can actually engage, and I am trying to build a following there.

  14. I am terrible with social media. I am up early in the morning, work all day, and have mom and wife duties. I spend most of my free time writing reviews, commenting, or reading. I do try to get more involved with Goodreads and Twitter but am not always successful.

    1. I am on Goodreads more on the weekend, when I have time, but I check my feed, here and there, everyday on Twitter. It was easier for me once I acknowledged I couldn't do it all.

  15. I am definitely up there on all platforms but do I do something worthwhile? NO! I try hard to keep up a schedule to juggle them hard but I am sure I lost the battle already.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I commend you for keeping it up in all those forums. I sure couldn't. *high five*

  16. I'm losing at my social media game. My Instagram account has been dead for the past five months. I pretty much only use Twitter these days - especially because it's easy to make it toxic free.

    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. If I post a picture a week, that's great. I just don't have the skills to grow that account and it's so much work. Noor was/is so good at Instagram, but she only posts to WLABB's sporadically. I need a team to keep up with all that.

  17. Goodreads and Twitter are my favorites, although we just started Instagram a year ago (we're super late to the scene lol) and I really, really, really enjoy that too! Thankfully there's three other ladies on my blog, so we share posting on social media. Then it doesn't feel overwhelming. For example, on Instagram we split up the days for the next month and it makes it so much less stressful.
    ♥Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. WLABB was four, then three, then four again, but now it's only really me with Noor and Kiersten tagging in every now and again. Noor is so good at Instagramming, but you know, life, and Kiersten works a zillion hours. Divide and conquer really is a great way to be everywhere though.

  18. Social media is too much! I can barely do a blog and Twitter lol. I love Goodreads but rarely have time, Instagram I like too but if I post once a week I'm doing good! I joined a bookish Discord just recently and was like... huh?? Who has time for all this? Haha!

    I think I'm with you, if I'm going to really do one right now it's Twitter. And Facebook- I've lost all interest in that site over the years. Ugh. Nothing against those who like it, but I don't miss it at all.

    1. My head was spinning in Discord. I am not surprised to hear it's widely used by gammers, because I think they are better equipped to keep up in that environment, than I am .

  19. I am not winning in any way at social media. My instagram has become a place for my pets so really is less blog related and more personal, but I don't even care. And then goodreads is simply for my books, I forget there is even a social element. I think twitter is the main social media platform I use and I'm cool with that. I always miss stuff and have to play catch up on finding out what's going on but it's because you know something is always kicking off somewhere, but it's easy to use.

    1. But, pet pictures are awesome, so, worth it! All the social media platforms require constant checking to really keep up, and I just have other obligations during the day. I try to check in during my break or a lull, but I cannot dedicate as much time to my feeds as I really need.

  20. I feel you! I left the FB, IG, and Twitter. I could not stand the drama. Not to mention, it never added anything to my life. Still on Pinterest and Goodreads.

    1. The drama is definitely something that puts me off on social media, and I will say I have seen NONE on Pinterest, and GR is not too bad. Those two are easy for me to spend time on without getting aggravated.

  21. I'm definitely not great with social media! I haven't posted on my Instagram account since June, I think? I really enjoyed being part of the whole bookstagram thing, but I found that when you're out in the day at work it's hard finding time to take photos when there's decent light! And I'm too awkward for Twitter, as I'm always shy of actually interacting with anyone. I've been making an effort recently to try and reach out to people on there and chat, but it doesn't come naturally to me.
    I do love Pinterest though, although it's definitely a black hole for me too! And I like Goodreads too, although I don't really use it for the social aspect, just the keeping track of what I've read.
    Great post! :)

    1. So true about being available the right time of day to take the photos. I know there are people, who set up for a bunch of pictures at once, but I just was never that organized or good.

  22. Social media can be rather exhausting. I've tried to limit my book social media to Twitter and my blog. I also have realized that I don't have to keep up with everyone else. I can go at my own pace.

    1. Truth! I would love to be everywhere, but it's impossible. I can only do what I can do.

  23. I could have literally written this post (except for Discord, what even is that!?) because SAME SAME SAME. I also think FB is 100% toxic and quit around the time of the 2016 election because I kept having to delete racist trashfires. And it was the BEST decision ever. I was so much happier! And then, JUST like you I had to finally have a talk with myself about Instagram. Not only do I suck, but I HATE it. Like okay if I sucked and was having fun, you know? I loathed it and dreaded every time I "had" to post. So now, if I have a picture sitting around and want to, cool. If not, nope. I post like once every 4 months ha. Twitter is definitely the only one I bother with. I use Goodreads for like, my personal organization, and luckily for me, WP posts to it so I don't have to! So yeah, only Twitter, and I try to not stress about that either tbh!

    1. Trying to take those pictures was so punishing and then with the algorithm, if you weren't posting 30 times a day, nobody was seeing it. Instagram was mentally and physically exhausting for me.

  24. Haha, Sophia from Bookwyrming Thoughts tried to lure me into Discord, but nope. I wouldn't even have time for that! I'm contented with Twitter and Goodreads (which I rarely use as a social media though - I pretty much only interact with one person there, also because she is on Tumblr and doesn't have a Twitter account). I'm not interested in photography, and I tried Facebook once years ago (with an Italian account), but hated it. Twitter is much easier AND user-friendly, AND less dispersive. As you said, it's all a matter of having a curated feed.

    1. Curating the feed is a MUST. If I didn't mute/unfollow a whole lotta people, I would be insane.

  25. I'm pretty much just like you with this. I like Twitter--usually, though sometimes I disappear even from there. I only post to Instagram when I get a new physical book (especially if it's an ARC), and I've made things as simple as possible by creating my rainbow bookcases as a backdrop. I'm no good at arranging lots of props or setting things up all artfully. All other social media sites, I pretty much ignore. It's just too much. And I know I've told you this before, but I'm in awe of how much you manage to do on the blog (and how much you read) with a full-time job. It's truly amazing!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It really can be too much. I think social media has always been a big part of younger people's lives, whereas, it's something I became involved in during my 30s. There are parts I like and parts I don't. I think your pictures are great. The Boy Who Steals Houses was especially nice.

  26. From a blogger point of view, I'm losing, but I'm not sure I care. My instagram tends to be a mix of personal and bookish and I honestly enjoy looking at other people's photos. I get lost on Twitter. I do love Goodreads, but don't really interact much there.

    1. I kind of scroll along through twitter, but have not been brave enough to try a Twitter chat. The whole concept has my head spinning.

  27. It is hard to always be on top of the social media game. What helps me more than anything else is to always be on top of the prescheduling game. I preschedule my tweets and facebook posts (for the blog), and I only share on Pinterest when I have extra extra time. Although I do really like it. I share on Instagram regularly, more so than my blog. I think Twitter and Instagram are really the places I thrive. I only really go on Goodreads to cross post my reviews...

    It's weird because I usual social media for my blog WAY MORE than I do my personal ones. I'm not that active on my personal facebook at all :P

    1. The scheduling is a good thing, but I would love to have more time to interact.

    I feel like you wrote this post for me...
    I am losing the game with all these sites. FB is toxic and I personally don't like it. I hate being on it and don't do much with it. I do use dlvr it and have them post my posts on multiple sites so I don't have to but the one I really like is Twitter and Instagram. The others...ahhh.


    1. Before I started blogging, I spent a ton of time on Instagram, but with less time and less physical books, I wasn't feeling it as much. I still scroll through every now and then, but I check Twitter more. I only check in on FB, when I go there to message my daughter (it's easier for me to communicate using a full-sized keyboard)
