
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I like three-day weekends, but the following work week always seems so long. Tuesday was super busy, but at least they catered a nice lunch of salad, penne vodka, and chicken piccata for us, but Wednesday brought some weather, and you know, any snow causes a commuting mess.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that we have no weather disasters this coming week, because my daughter is coming to visit! A visit from the kid and jeans week - what more can I ask for?

This amused me. I hope it makes you giggle too.

Let's Discuss!
On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Watch Us Rise & Immoral Code
  • Tuesday: TTT - My Little Known Gems
  • Wednesday: CWW - Focused & Night Music
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - The Beauty of the Moment by Tanaz Bhathena
  • Friday: Discussion - I Love Easter Eggs!


What I Read Last Week

I had TWO 5-star reads this week, and that made me very, very happy. I am such a fan of Zentner's work, and he did not disappoint with Rayne & Delilah. I was nervous going into Two Can Keep a Secret, but it was a solid read for me.

What I Am Currently Reading

I am working my way through the Hope series via audio, and they have all been quite fun, what I expect from Burton.

I am just starting Opposite of Always, so I don't have much to say, but I have heard great things, and am trying to prepare myself for the emotional punch.

What I Plan to Read

It's an all YA week for me, and many that I am very excited about.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Short weeks are the worst! They seem to last forever lol.

    I love otters. Not only are they amazing to watch in the water, they just seem to enjoy life! That was a cute video. :)

    Meet Me In Outer Space looks interesting. And yay you gave 5 stars to Two Can Keep A secret! Yes!! I was hoping that was good lol!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the otter. He was fabulous! I really liked Two Can Keep a Secret, but I also loved One of Us Is Lying. McManus works for me.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter!
    *crosses fingers that commuting goes smoothly*

    1. It's going to be really short, but I am happy to have her home in any capacity.

  3. I miss having President's Day off and this was only the first time I didn't have it off in I don't even know how long! Lol! It wasn't super busy at my work because of that, so that was nice!

    Nice new reads too! All totally new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. We close with the stock market, as that has huge impact on our business. I still like working in the private sector better and getting to go on vacation whenever I please, versus being ruled by the school calendar.

  4. Aww, look at the otter. So cute! Enjoy your kid and jeans. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I agree about the short work weeks. Weird how they feel longer. LOL That otter is so adorable. They're fascinating creatures:) Have fun visiting with your daughter and enjoy jeans week!

    My Sunday Post

    1. I was always about the otters, because of the hand holding thing, but this takes the cake.

  6. Thanks for the otter post--they are one of my favorite animals to observe.

    1. I have never seen them juggle before, and it was such a delight!

  7. I love seeing those 5 stars on Rayne & Delilah. I'm writing my review for it right now and just loved the book so much. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Opposite of Always too. I haven't seen many reviews for that one yet, but I really liked what I read in the synopsis.

    I hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter!

    1. Another 5-star Sunday for me. Opposite of Always was fantastic! I was laughing and crying and I just loved it.

  8. Yay for five star reads. I really want to read both of those too. I hope you have a great visit with your daughter and that the weather cooperates!


    1. Those authors just work for me. They know how to elicit a myriad of emotions from me, but always leave me in a good place at the end.

  9. I totally agree that short weeks always feel really long! Hope you have a great visit with your daughter!

    1. I remember it being Wednesday, and my team was like "is it Friday?"

  10. Hope your daughter's visit isn't affected by the weather. I love that otter video---so very adorable!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. The weather looks ok for the week, though they are predicting rain for our day in the city. Boo! I am hoping that forecast changes as we get closer to Saturday.

  11. The otter is so cute! Hope the weather holds up for your daughter's visit.

    I'm looking forward to Two Can Keep a Secret! :)

    1. I never knew otters were so talented. I'm impressed. Two Can Keep a Secret was great. I hope you enjoy it, when you get to it.

  12. I really wish that I had had a short week. Monday was so quiet because a lot of places were closed and the day lasted about twice as long as it usually does. I have my fingers crossed that mother nature cooperated with your daughter's visit next week. I hope you enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!

    1. Slow days are the WORST! I am lucky I am in a room with only my team, because I can read at my desk, when there is no work to do.

  13. I am glad you enjoyed your week and I hope the weather is good when your daughter visits. The last book I read by Karen McManus didn't impress me but I am tempted to get the new one.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I really liked both her books. I like her style, and her books are not about the mystery for me either, which is why I can just sit back and enjoy the journey with the characters.

  14. Glad you enjoyed Rayne & Delilah and Two Can Keep a Secret so much! I started reading If You're Out There, but just wasn't able to connect with the story or characters at all for some reason. You rated it 4 stars, though, so I guess you enjoyed it! That's good! :)

    1. I liked the characters a lot, and it had all the friendship and family stuff that I love. It worked for me.

  15. Two 5-star reads Sam??? I haven't had one yet, haha! I'm so happy you had a great reading week. I had a four day weekend which just made my work week extra stressful, but it's to be expected.

    I'm still listed as Pending for The Right Swipe. Blah.

    1. I am always rooting for you to find the right books at the right time. Both of these authors have been successful for me in the past, and I was glad they didn't disappoint me. How do you not get approved for these books? It dumfounds me. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you, so we can all talk about the book together.

  16. Crossing my fingers that the weather will be good for you Sam and...I am green with jealousy because you read Jeff's story ahead!!!! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. The Serpent King was 5+ stars for me, and Goodbye Days was excellent (4.5 stars), and Zentner just made me so happy with Rayne & Delilah. It was a late approval, but I am so glad I got to read it.

  17. Three day weekends are awesome but you're right - the rest of the week can be a killer. I compounded it by taking off last Tuesday as well so I had three days that I thought were going to do me in. Ha. I love how your office provides lunches for you so often! And hooray for the upcoming visit! Two 5 star reads in one week - that is so awesome! I'm definitely curious about the new Zentner release.

    1. They wine and dine us during tax season, because we are so busy, but I never say no to free food. Rayne & Delilah was wonderful! I have nothing but love for that book. Cramming 5 days of work into 3 days is quite an undertaking, but at least you had four days off in a row and were well rested.

  18. We all had to work, but yes those short weeks sometimes feel longer. Awesome haul, I love Meader. Hope this week is easier!

    1. I am really enjoying the series too. The last book was so good

  19. Zenter's new book was awesome! I'm glad you loved it too!

    1. So, so good. I need him to write something else, quick!

  20. I am going to be curious to know what you'll think of The Right Swipe! That one intrigues me so much. And yay for having a bit of a longer weekend, even though the week still felt just as long :P

    1. I like when authors take on modern dating, and apparently, The Right Swipe will be the first in a series of books tackling the subject. It looks fun, and fun books are my favorites.

  21. My daughter LOVED Two Can Keep a Secret - in fact she said to me that I have to read that one next of my fun reading! =) Sorry it has taken so long to get here. I didn't think I was that far behind. =)


    1. It was so good, and I am EXCITED that it is being adapted!!! Can't wait to watch it.
