
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Did you all see this?

I am trying to remember what happened last week, but it's such a blur. Anyhow, I went to see My Very Own British Invasion last week. It's a jukebox style show featuring hits from the early 1960s. The music was great and it was pretty fun being in the audience, as it skewed a little older. There was lots of clapping and singing along. Monday, we were treated to a Panera lunch at work, which is always enjoyable. We have been super busy at work, so I am welcoming a weekend with NO plans.

A post shared by Sam Kozbial (@kozbisa) on

I meant to share this last week. We had a little send off for one of teammates, who was taking a position on the other side of the country. I had chipped in for the cake, and when my friend brought it in, she told me how her 7-year-old found the error. Here's our #CakeFail, and you can see we actually highlighted the error by adding the "One Job" meme to the cake. We laughed and all tried to read the cake aloud to each other.

A funny thing happened this week. I received TWO books in the mail. One, Fierce Fragile Hearts, I was expecting, as I had won it on via a Twitter giveaway. The other, was sent to me by mistake. I opened it, and I had never heard of the book before, but it came with a letter congratulating me on my Goodreads win. I checked, and I never entered to win Highland Crown. I haven't read the book, but it's just not the type of book I pick up. I also got an eGalley of Red, White & Royal Blue, and am offering my print ARC to a good home. So, US readers, if anyone is interested in either of the books pictured, message me and I'll send it to you. Free to a good home, if you promise to read and review.

Let's Discuss!
  • Orange County Readers talked about Ratings: Would You Change it ATF?
  • Sakhile shared ideas for Finding Inspiration for Consistent Blogging
  • This is Why Malka is Okay With Not Reading Popular Books
On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading MG - Good Enough and Emily Out of Focus
  • Tuesday: TTT - To Read or Not to Read
  • Wednesday: Blog Tour - The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons
  • Thursday: In a Nutshell Reviews - Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss, Nick and June Were Here, Comics Will Break Your Heart
  • Friday: I confessed that authors should maybe Find Another Book

I now have all the Bridesmaids Behaving Badly books, and can begin reading the series backwards. This never bothers me with companion series though. I was so excited to get the new Rebekah Crane book. All her books have been hits for me, and the forthcoming release sounds fabulous.


What I Read Last Week

This was an interesting reading week for me. I read a heist book, a story involving addiction, a story with a male escort, and two women's fiction books. I was most worried about the women's fiction, as they are hit or miss with me, but I enjoyed both. Kinsella did not disappoint, and had the ending been less rushed, it might have earned 5-stars from me, but my best of the bunch was The Art of Losing. I just thought it was so well done and the parts involving living with addiction and rehab were especially insightful. It turns out it's an #OwnVoices book, as the author completed rehab in her teens.

What I Am Currently Reading

I haven't read any reviews for Block Shot yet, but I know there will be readers put off by the cheating in the storyline. Kennedy always does those really messy stories, but I also think she tried to temper the situation with the way it was set up. Either way, I love Banner and her portrayal as a woman in a male dominated field as well as a plus sized woman.

Fierce Fragile Hearts is really good so far. I liked that Barnard brought us back to Brighton, but this time we are seeing it through Suzanne's eyes. She experienced so much in AND since the first book.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The show sounds like a lot of fun, and free Panera is always awesome. Too funny about the cake. LOL Hooray for book mail... even if one wasn't really meant for you. Ha. Awesome on the book win! And I think I saw on Twitter that you're already reading it. :) I just wrote my review for On Thin Ice and I'll post it in the next week or so, a little closer to the pub date. I hope you'll enjoy it!

    1. Just finished the Barnard book, and it was wonderful! I do love her books. I do love accidental mail. Once I got a pair of Lucky brand jeans and they were my size. When I called, they talked about my daughter's jeans I returned, but had no record of them. I was never charged, and I still have them (from like 12 years ago).

  2. I've entered hundreds of Goodreads and blog giveaways and I think I won 4 in about 6 or 7 years! I am not naturally lucky I guess!

    1. I seem to get really lucky. I have won over 20 books. That's why I always add books to my TBR on GR, so I get the emails to enter the giveaways.

  3. Haha, I love that cake. Even misspelled cakes are delicious. I’m glad the show was fun. Enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It was very tasty - a marble cake and the icing was just the right amount of sweet.

  4. Wow. That's something with the cake. I used to work in a bakery department when I was in school and generally you write in cursive on cakes to make it look more presentable and always, always double check the spelling on what they want written. So wow. I know most schools don't even teach cursive anymore and I just find that so sad, case in point.

    Nice new reads though! Funny that Goodreads sent you one by accident, I just hope it was an extra and whatever winners were notified still receive one. So bizarre. Never ever had that happen to me or anyone I know.

    Hope you enjoy all your lovely new reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. In all fairness, the associate DID ask how to spell Amanda. I would be more excited about the accidental book, if it was a contemporary romance. Hopefully, I can find someone to read it.

  5. Yay for getting a copy of Fierce Fragile Hearts! I can't wait to read your review for that one.

    OMG at that cake fail, lol.

    1. I loved getting Suze's story. There were minor things I wanted to go a little differently, but as a reader of Fragile Like Us, I appreciate finding out how all three women made out.

  6. Quote: "I opened it, and I had never heard of the book before, but it came with a letter congratulating me on my Goodreads win. I checked, and I never entered to win Highland Crown."
    That's quite funny, isn't it? To think that there are people who spend YEARS participating in giveaways and winning nothing, while you got a book without even trying. Too bad it's not your kind of read! I was trying to come up with a possible scenario...I suppose the person who was meant to receive that book never got it in the first place - it's not likely that they sent you a spare book - and you got their copy, but why you? Unless it's a new marketing strategy LOL.

    The cake was fun too...and appalling at the same time haha.

    1. I had one a different giveaway from the same publisher, and I feel like it was an accident. I just hope to get the book into the hands of someone, who fancies historical romances a la Outlander (from my understanding of the synopsis). Most pubs are good about GR giveaways. When I have checked the "did not receive" and reached out, I always got my copy. Sorry to the stranger whose book I have.

  7. You had quite the week! The show sounds absolutely delightful! I really enjoy anything to do with music.

    1. It was really fun, and the performers were amazing

  8. Panera, yummy!!

    Aww, that cake, LOL!

    It's always fun to get books in the mail!

    1. Yeah, there were leftovers , so it was Panera for 3 days for me ☺

  9. Ahhh, I'm so happy you got Red, White and Royal Blue, I hope you'll love it. I've been so curious about this book and only heard great things about it so far :)
    Congrats on winning that Sara Barnard book, I can't WAIT to read it!
    I hope you'll have a fantastic week! <3

    1. Barnard's book was wonderful. I was so glad I won it.

  10. so many beautiful books up there I am kind of jealous! Lol the cake fail. I love cake fails :D happy weekend. Hope this week is just as enjoyable

    1. We were actually checking out all the cake fails after that happened. There are some great ones out there.

  11. I have also won books from Goodreads and once when I didn't receive my copy, I just checked the box "haven't received my copy" and Goodreads contacted me to say another was going to be mailed to me. Very kind of them.

    1. So, I hope the person this book belongs to does the same and eventually gets their copy.

  12. I have had this happen to me before - getting a random book that I didn't enter for. Maybe they are just getting more publicity for the book. I am jealous you have the time to read all these amazing books. It's all I want to do but have no time for. IN fact I should be working on my humanities class right now and I am not. ;) Have a wonderful week Sam!!


    1. Don't worry Mary. Soon you will have your degree and an empty nest, then you will have lots of time.

  13. If nobody else has claimed it, I'd love to read Red, White, and Royal Blue! That's crazy about "winning" a Goodreads giveaway you never entered. LOL I hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend.


    1. Message me with your address and I will send it to you.

  14. I am so stoked for the adaptation of The Sun Is Also a Star. Seeing the trailer made me want to throw all my books aside and reread it. I hope you have a really good week of reading.

    1. I am so in love with the casting, but sad that it takes place in one day, because the costuming was so good for Yoon's last movie. I liked the book, and the way it looked at chance and fate.

  15. Last week was a blur for me, too. I still need to read The Sun Is Also a Star!

    1. I love Yoon's writing, and really liked TSiAaS. The casting is amazing and I cannot wait to see this film.

  16. It's funny how our brain leaps forward and doesn't catch spelling erros.LOL The cake looks yummy though. And you've got some great looking books. You always share some new ones I might have missed otherwise.

    My Sunday Post

    1. The cake was delish and I thought it was rather pretty too. I commute 40 miles, so I appreciate my buddy picking it up for us. Though, if I noticed the error, I probably would not have said anything to the associate, because I hate any sort of drama or confrontation.

  17. Panera! Yum. Oops on the cake. I would definitely do something like that if I was a cake decorator. Ha!
    Wow, fun about the surprise book mail. That happened to me years ago. I was supposed to get a book in a GR's giveaway and ended up getting sent a different book from the author and then a few days later, the one I actually won. I double-checked to see if I accidentally got someone else's book, but the first one was never part of the GR giveaway and they told me to keep it without worry.

    I still need to read The Sun is Also a Star and that Julia Cross caught my eye just last week.

    Have a great week and some good reading, Sam!

    1. It would be cool, if it had a been a book I was interested it, but it's really not my thing. I hope I can put it in the hands of a reader. I am a fan of the Juniper Falls books. I love YA. I love hockey romances. This is the perfect intersection for me.

  18. Oh wow, the cake, lol! And the mistake is caught by a 7yr old? Love that.

    Nice to see you enjoyed The Matchmakers List as I have a copy but haven't seen the most positive reviews. Maybe I'll like it? I'm supposed to post something on it this week and I haven't even cracked it open. Oh boy... :)

    1. There is a plot point that is rubbing readers the wrong way. Did I agree with it? No, but it didn't ruin everything else that happened in the book for me.

  19. I'm glad you enjoyed I Owe You One... it's coming up in my stack to be read soon! And I've been eyeing The Matchmakers List, so I might just have to add that one to the TBR now.
    And that cake... wow!

    1. I love Kinsella. Her books always leave me in a good mood. I will never NOT choose to read a Kinsella book.

  20. Panera isn't a restaurant I'm familiar with but I'll add it to my list of places to visit when I'm stateside. I'm always seeing places in books, tv, movies, blogs etc that I add to the list and slowly work my way through them to see what they're all about. On my last US trip I ticked off: IHop, Ponderosa, Olive Garden, Appleby's and Chilli's to name a few. :)

    That cake error made me cackle. Thankfully, spelling errors wont change the taste and you could all laugh about it.

    1. Panera is sort of like a Pret. They have soup, salad, sandwiches, bakery items, but they went clean recently. IHOP is one of my favorite places. Yum!

  21. I can’t wait to watch The Sun is Also A Star movie. I am so excited for it 😃 Seems like you had some funny moment with that cake 😜
    Omg you got Red, White & Royal Blue 😭 I was declined for the arc on NetGalley but I so want to read it. I have heard amazing things about it.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

    1. I am feeling really good about the adaptation. I love who they cast too. Sorry you didn't get Red, White, & Royal Blue.

  22. Replies
    1. It was a surprise, but unfortunately, not the kind of book I would read

  23. Panera sounds amazing! We don't have one by us, so I get to eat it maybe once every few years, if I'm visiting somewhere that has one. Their soups are to die for! And yay for winning a giveaway! I'm so happy for you! Ohhh and I hope you like the book by Julie Cross. I've been meaning to read her and hope to pickup that series later on this year. :)
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I love the Juniper Falls series. It's hockey, YA, and romance -- all things I adore. I am a Panera soup fan, though all we had were box lunches - sandwich, cookie, chips, which is also great.

  24. Oh I didn't know Block Shot had cheating. I LOATHE that in books. Sorry about the cake fail, but at least yall got a good laugh. Seriously, is their no quality control? Does no one check the spelling?! Hahaha!

    1. Kennedy handles the cheating part of the story in such way, that you can forgive Banner. There is a lot of pre-explaining, and it's a sticky situation, which I thought the author handled really well. Not sure about QC at the supermarket. It was just a kid with some icing.

  25. I didn't even know The Sun Is Also A Star was being made into a movie so you can imagine my surprise when I saw there was a trailer. It does look pretty good. Laughed at the cake fail as well. Congrats on winning a Goodreads contest you never entered it's nice you're offering those books out when you know you won't be reading them/already of it. And finally someone who rates The Matchmaker's List similarly to me! It was good, if totally not what I expected from the cover.

    1. I actually devoured The Matchmaker's List. I thought the flashbacks were used so well, and I enjoyed seeing Raina grow, and gosh darn it! Nani was all sorts of fabulous. The LIE was not a deal breaker for me, but I know that was something a lot of reviews mentioned as being unforgivable. This was not the romance I thought I was getting, but it was a good piece of women's fiction.

  26. So many books sam! I am dizzy just looking at them LOL And I have read The Quiet you Carry and really enjoyed that one! Now about Blco Shot...I hate cheating but ... Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. I should be reading The Quiet You Carry tomorrow. I am getting ready for some serious feels. I know cheating is a dealbreaker for many readers, but it's set up and handled in such a way that I think would soften the blow in Block Shot.

  27. Congrats on the Cake fail and it was hilarious. But it does look good, so that counts, I guess. Also can I be jealous of all the books you got?

    And it is awesome of you to offer to send books to other booklovers <3 I would ask for it but for the international shipping charges. I hope it finds a lovable home soon.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I have no idea how I would fund my reading habit, if it wasn't for blogging. My library is good and all, but the wait for newer books is crazy. I have been doing a bunch of Book Depository giveaways, because I love my international blogging friends, but the international giveaway we did of a book from a con, the winner was in Romania, and the shipping was an arm and a leg. The book I received from Sara Barnard in England? The shipping was more than the cost of the book.

  28. Hello new arrivals.. how awesome. The play sounds fantastic too! Hope this week was a blast!

    1. I love that my mother bought the season tickets for me and my sister, because they shows at the playhouse are always fantastic.

  29. Oh my goodness that cake mistake made me laugh :P But I love that you played it up instead of trying to hide it. And yay for that 1960s themed kind of jukebox show. That sounds so cool :) Sounds like a good week to me!

    1. Yeah, most of my co-workers have a great sense of humor, and we all laughed. Amanda actually wanted to keep the little meme flag we put in it too.
