
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

NJ Transit keeps trying to ruin my Fridays. The morning commute was beyond aggravating. EVERY train was delayed, but it was one of those situations where the delay time just kept growing and growing, until my train showed up 30 mins late. To add insult to injury, my train was stopped not once, not twice, but THREE times for some Amtrack mechanical issue. I was so done. But, at least I have a three-day weekend (Happy Birthday, Dr. King!), and I won two Amazon gift cards in giveaways (Thanks, Mary and Greg!)

I think my love for cute animals is well known, and there are a few famous ones I have followed for years. One of my favorites passed away, and the owner's post really broke my heart. Boo's brother, Buddy, had passed on, and Boo developed heart problems shortly thereafter. I totally believe he died from a broken heart, because the same thing happened to my cat. When I was a teen, we lost my childhood dog, Beauty, and soon after, my cat, Leo, was passed away. They claim from a shadow on his heart. Whatever the case, I will miss seeing new and cute pictures of Boo, but hope he is reunited with his brother.

That was so sad, so here's some cute without the sad
Let's Discuss!

I read a bunch of great discussions this week, and below are a few I really wanted to share.
  • Shannon discusses Open Endings, which tend to fill me with rage and disappointment
  • Jennilyn discusses sidebar gadgets, and I may actually get my Feedly button working
  • A.J. discusses her 2019 Resolutions, but as always, makes it really fun
On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - Our Year of Maybe by Rachel Lynn Solomon
  • Tuesday: TTT - Nice to Meet You!
  • Wednesday: CWW - Fear of Missing Out by Kate McGovern
  • Thursday: One Old, One New - Fragile Like Us, Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard
  • Friday: Discussion - Plot, What Plot?

What I Read Last Week

I chose wisely this week, because I did not abandon any books or audiobooks. Yeah! The two standouts for me were Good Enough, which was extremely realistic, and That's Not What I Heard, which was signature Strohm OTT hilarity.


What I Am Currently Reading

I am just starting The Deceivers, but I have been hearing good things. Accidentally Perfect was a random Hoopla pick, and I am really enjoying it. I am always a sucker for the bad boy with the heart of gold and his hidden depths.

What I Plan to Read

Kinsella and KWest in one week. How good is life?

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. When it comes to trains, I'm an unlucky person - so unlucky that one of my friends uses "pulling a Tânia" every time someone has train problems. They are always stopping because of mechanical issues and always late!

    As always, enjoy your new books, Sam.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. It used to be the bus that caused all my ire, now it's the train. --sigh-- I am pretty excited about the books I got this week, and am really looking forward to reading them all.

  2. Sam I normally have to catch a bus to work and it's been giving us so many issues too, now that its got to the point where I have to catch the super early bus to work, but at least that gives me the extra time to read my books! I heard about Boo this week, so sad, as he was such an adorable dog! And once again you're killing it with the books, I'm just about getting through 2-3 this week and they haven't been all that great. I was contemplating reading Kinsella's new book, but the last couple of books I read by here, were a miss for me, but I hope you end up enjoying it! Also Bennett's new book that I got this week, I got from the UK publisher, I tend to have a bit more success with them than the US publishers, who I never here back from! Hope you have a great week!

    1. Boo's owner's post broke my heart. I may start crying again. S&S rejected me on EW, and Jenn Bennett reached out to me to try and ask her publicist to send me a copy (which was so nice), but it was before Christmas and the publicist was leaving for a new job. It's the thought that counts. I am hoping I can get on a tour or wait for it to get to the library. The train before mine is a full hour earlier (5:52 am), and there are no buses running at that time.--sigh-- I did finish my book during my extra long commute on Friday though.

  3. That’s really aggravating about the train and really sad about the little dog! My dogs never seemed too bothered when one of them died. They look for the missing dog for a few days and then go back to their normal routines. I hope this week is less sad and aggravating for you!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Amtrak is the bane of my existence. They own the NE Corridor tracks, and therefore, we must cede to them, always. I would have thought your dogs would be pretty close. I want to cry just thinking about them looking for the missing dog. *sob*

  4. Bummer about the transportation being a pain on Friday again. But yay for the gift card wins!

    It was sad to hear about Boo. I didn't realize he had a brother who has passed. It actually makes me think the same will happen with our dogs. They're about 3 or 4 years apart I think, and the one has hips issues and now has cancer as well. We're keeping him happy and comfortable for now and he's his usual demanding self, so he's doing good. But we know when that day comes his brother will not be okay as he has a fit when the older one gets groomed in a mobile groomer! I think he will likely go with a broken heart as well and it saddens me too.

    In happier news, yay for new books! Those are all new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I apparently messed up my link this morning. Whoops!

      Here's my STS

      Have a GREAT day!

      Old Follower :)

    2. My daughter had been a Boo fan for ages. She has Boo and Buddy dolls. I had to send her virtual hugs since she is so far away. I never got a new pet after my last dog got sick. I appreciate the love they gave me, but I am terrible when it comes to saying goodbye.

  5. Sorry about the train delays. What a way to start the day. And about the dogs. Mine is now 13 years old and he's showing his age. I've had a dog since I was a teen and Quigley will be my last. Your hedgehog pics always make me smile. Enjoy those new reads and congrats on winning the gift cards!

    My Sunday Post

    1. My father never wanted a new dog after Beauty passed, and I had one, who I raised from a little, tiny puppy and then had to put down due to cancer. That was my never again moment. I hope Quigley has a bunch of good years left. There are three things I look forward to every morning: My cup of coffee, a hot shower, and seeing the Hedgehog of the Day picture

  6. Oh I remember taking the trains in NY, are the buses worse with commute? #sundaypost

    1. Buses don't go to where I am going, but they would probably be terrible, because of the massive traffic, which is why I don't drive.

  7. I saw that about Boo. He was adorable! :(
    The trains are awful here too. I'd have major anxiety (or more anxiety than I usually do!) if I had to rely on them to get to work...

    I'll be looking out for your review of I Owe You One (it sounds so good!). I used to love Sophie Kinsella but her books have been completely hit or miss for me for a while now. Happy reading!

    1. I am lucky that my management team is very kind, and if I am only a half hour late, I can work through lunch. The disruptions are just becoming more and more common is the problem. I take the 6:53am, and the one before that is the 5:52am. I would have to drive to the station to catch that and pay another $6 a day to park on top of the $267 I pay for the train. I just can't bring myself to do that.

      I like Kinsella. They are not all 5 stars, but they have not been under 4. They make me laugh and usually have some real heartwarming part too.

  8. Public transport sucks! Sorry you had more train journey problems but I am jealous of your long weekend. That sounds like the best kind of weekend to me. You've read so many books this week, at least you've had a good reading week. There has to be a silver lining to weeks where things go wrong, right?

    1. I am really happy about the long weather, because so really cold weather is blowing in. It supposed to go down to 5 F. Just going to sit around and listen to this wind howl.

  9. Oooh I see some chick lit on your shelf next week Sam! Well this is one of my favorite genres too LOL Now don't start me on commute! This week we've had some frost and the train stopped working on my line! Can you believe it??? I don't speak of 10 inches snow but just frost! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. I panic whenever there is weather, because it's just an excuse for NJT to provide poor service. Sorry to hear it's a problem everywhere with mass transit. --sigh-- Chick lit is a fun change of pace every once in a while, and Kinsella is always good, if not great, for me.

  10. I have Death Prefers Blondes on preorder and it sounds fun. I saw your name on Greg's site as the winner! Congrats and I know you'll put it to great use. Hope your week is a great one!

    1. Blondes was really, really good and fun. I was so excited when I won that gift card. It really cheered me up.

  11. Aw, I had heard Boo had passed away. :(

    1. Crushed! Though, I am glad to hear he went in his sleep.

  12. I am so excited about Love From A to Z. It sounds absolutely adorable. Hope you enjoy!

    1. Me too. I saw some updates on GR, and people are loving it.

  13. Wow can I have your giveaway luck?

    Im reading The Deceivers too, I hope to finish it today!

    1. I was shocked, very happy, but shocked. Now I just need to wait for all the books I want to go on sale. I never pay full price.

  14. Aww I'm sorry to hear about Boo! What sad news. Thanks for sharing the cute hedghog though! And that train situation sounds incredibly frustrating!

    I hope your new books turn out well, Death PRefer Blondes looks fun. :)

    1. I bawled when I heard about Boo. Heartbroken. Blondes was super fun, and there's a ton of action sequences in there too for those who like that sort of thing.

  15. I was devastated when I saw the post about Boo on IG yesterday. I'd followed him for several years and loved that sweet little face. My husband even bought me my own Boo (stuffed) a couple years ago and he lives on my bed. :) I will miss those sweet posts that always made me smile. Hope you enjoy your reads this week. Kinsella and Kasie both sounds like a recipe for all kinds of goodness.

    1. Kiersten has Boo and Buddy dolls. We were huge fans. I cried. like streaming tears cried, and I cried again, when I told my mom about it. He really did brighten my day. What a gift!

  16. That's so sad news about Boo! I'm reading your post at a coffee shop with some friends while they're studying and one looked over and saw that headline and was so sad! I can't wait to read The Deceivers and Fame, Fate, & First Kiss! Happy reading!

    1. I keep crying every time I think about it. Sorry to spread my sadness, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to honor him. I am about 75% through The Deceivers and am really enjoying it. It's starting to get very complicated right now, but that makes sense, since we are getting towards the end.

  17. Ugh, sorry about your train troubles. So annoying. I am pretty stoked to have tomorrow off though too! And yay for some amazon wins. Aw, poor Boo!! Thanks for the really cute hedgehog though. ;)


    1. Days off are one of my favorite things, especially when it's really cold and my last work day was sort of miserable. It's like my reward. Hedgehog of the Day definitely makes my days a little better.

  18. There are a lot of things that I don't like about my job but the lack of a commute is a very good thing. Hopefully, the train cooperates with you for a while. I did see that Boo passed away. Very sad news. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. The train is like everything in my life - it is sometimes good, sometimes bad. I just wasn't in the mood for all that drama before 7am.

  19. NJ Transit is the WORST. I do not miss having to use it at all. Oh man so many great books read and hauled. I enjoyed the new Kinseella and hope you do too. Have a great week!

    1. You know most of my NJT issues are because of Amtrack. I wish I could avoid the NE Corridor, but I cannot. I have never had a bad Kinsella experience, so I am hopeful about the new book.

  20. NJT has their issues, but often a lot of them are caused by Amtrak! Enjoy the long weekend!

    1. I curse Amtrak every day, and because they own our tracks, we are always stopping to let their mismanaged trains ahead.

  21. Sorry about the crappy commute times. OMG, I hated working in NYC for that reason and quit my job working for a major recording label. I just couldn't stand it. My brother also would commute from NJ to NYC daily and was on the subway on 9/11 after that he quit wasn't doing that anymore. I don't blame him. Glad winning had made your day. Have a wonderful week?


    1. The commute to the city is actually a little better, because more trains are scheduled, but they are not without their issues either. I head west in the morning, and there is only 1 or 2 trains per hour I can catch. Not a lot of options, and we are always dealing with Amtrak trains heading south.

  22. Sorry for your painful commutes. Do you at least get to listen to audiobooks while you wait?

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I read while I wait, and I did finish my book on Friday before I got to work.

  23. I had delays on my commute and flights because weather and mechanical issues! My flight was late on Thursday and last night both delayed about 2 hours. I didn't get home until 10pm last night! Thankfully we're a little slow at work this morning so I get to go in late. Hopefully your commute is better this week, and yay for a day off!

    I loved Finding Cinderella by CoHo!

    1. I can buy into weather delays, because those are sort of out of our hands, but equipment failure or being backed up because other trains were late makes me wonder about how some people are doing their jobs. CoHo is always a good read for me, and she threw some doozy twists in there.

  24. Replies
    1. I don't want to speculate about what happened or wonder what happened. I want to KNOW what happened, and I condemn open endings as lazy or in some cases, cowardly.

  25. Oooooh I didn't know SK Ali had a new book coming out! I am so excited to hear and now I must rush over and go check it out. And SO excited to see that Strohm was a top read this week (i mean, did we ever doubt??). Hope you have a great reading week! :)

    1. The Ali book sounds awesome and so far, all I am seeing are great things. The Strohm book was hilarious. It was that OTT ridiculousness that won me over in It's Not Me, It's You

  26. Oh wow, those trains would have driven me crazy. Thank goodness you have a three day weekend to recover from that, plus one less day this week to deal with the commute. I'm excited to see what you think of The Deceivers. I thought the synopsis for that one sounded great, plus I get a Charlie's Angels vibe from the cover, which is just fun.

    1. The trains are really the lesser of two evils for me, but sometimes, like this past Friday, they get to me. I am glad there is not work today. It is SO COLD. I think it's going to be pretty much the same tomorrow, so I am crossing my fingers that my bus driver shows up on time. The Deceivers is really interesting. They run cons and collect secrets to battle corruption. I was fully engrossed in the story and am excited to continue the series.

  27. I love Boo so much! There was another dog that came before him who was ADORABLE and I wish I could remember his name! I hope you enjoy your new reads. Beauty of the Moment looks interesting!

    1. I will have to ask my daughter, because she is all about the internet pet sensations. Though, he thing seems to be cats (Lil Bub, Grumpy Cat, etc)

  28. Congrats on winning the gift cards!! Super cool!! Can I just say you are crushing your reading game?! I'm truly amazed!!! If you have any good audio book narrator recs please let me know :) Great post!!!

    1. I am on a streak. I should play the power ball. I get all my audiobooks from the eLibrary or Hoopla, and most of the narrators are great. One stands out though - Sebastian York. My goodness. That's man can read me the phone book. I find contemporary romances the easiest to listen to played not more than 1.25X for me, and non-US books are a little bit of a struggle for me, because of accents. I cannot listen to most SFF books, because too many details, but I really am enjoying audiobooks as a way to work through my TBR and pass the time at work and while doing chores.

  29. Wow, that train situation sounds awful! But yay, at least you got some gift cards! Aww, poor dogs :-/

    1. I have to take the good with the bad, and the train still beats driving to work any day.

  30. Transport issues were my worst nightmare when I was heading out to work on cold winter days. Train stations are freezing cold to wait at!

    1. You really can't win in these parts either, because driving is even worse. We have heat lamps on the platform in the little glass box, so the wait there is not so bad, but my walk to my bus is a little rough.

  31. I am sorry that the transport has been so fickle lately. I can see how that is so frustrating. :( It must have been so sad to see the dog you follow pass away. I don't really follow any pets on instagram but I do see how popular some of those accounts are!

    1. Mass transit will still rate higher than driving for me. The traffic from my job is miserable. I am obsessed with cute animals. Their pics totally brighten my day.
