
Friday, December 28, 2018

#Top10of2018: Cover Love


You all know I am a cover-ho, and let me tell you, there were so, so many amazing covers out there this year. It was hard to select just ten, but here's what I came up with based on the books I read this past year. Some of these covers are just beautiful, while others wowed me, because they connect to the story so well. Regardless, I loved all these covers, and I really loved the books too. 

What covers stood out for you this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love how every time I visit and you have one of these little collages, they're always full of covers that are so bright and colorful and pretty in such a happy way. And these are great ones! My faves here are The Poet X and Chaotic Good. I love the paper doll look!

    1. It's because I am a cover-ho. I find it hard to add a book without a cover to my TBR. The covers for both those books fit so well. I know Whitney Gardner is an artist, but I am not sure if she designed the cover for Chaotic Good.

  2. It was a great year of book covers, no question. I like your selections, but I have to say especially that I always seem to like Cotugno's covers, with the little mini- pictures thing going on- that design always catches my eye. I like the idea of little vignettes of the story on the cover.

    1. You know I love the matchy-matchy covers, and Cotugno's are really fun.

  3. Haha, look at that squirrel. Cute. I love the cover of The Poet X. It’s very attention-grabbing. I promise that the cover is not the only reason that I want to read that book.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I totally read Unclamped Baggage because the cover was so adorable (thank goodness the book didn't stink). Acevedo's cover really matches the feelings that the poetry. The book is really great. I heard the audiobook is fantastic, as Acevedo narrates it.

  4. I think 2018 was the year of original covers. Of course there were trends but but there also seemed to be a lot of original artwork/photography.

    It makes me happy because otherwise I get confused as to what I've already read or pass up books that may be interesting but look like every other book.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I had a whole post about deja vu covers, and unfortunately, as a romance reader, I see them a lot. I like the covers that are illustrated more than those that are photos, normally, though there are quite a few exceptions.

  5. I love love love the Unclaimed Baggage cover. Also Ivy Aberdeen one is so pretty!

    1. Baggage is too cute, and I liked that it was connected to the story, which is the same for Ivy Aberdeen. The cover is drawn in the style that Ivy draws, which I thought was pretty awesome.

  6. Oooh first time that I see that cover for I have Lost my Way sam! So far I had two other covers...that one is so different! But that book was fantastic ;-) Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. That cover is not on GR. I saw it on my eLibrary site, and I like it so much more than the original cover, because it's like a snapshot straight from the story, and coveys the idea of connection, which was what I loved the most about that book.

  7. This is such a great selection, I love it so much <3 My favorite one here has to be Summer of Salt, what a pretty cover and I can't wait to read this book :)
    Thannk you so much for sharing :)

    1. The illustrated covers were totally winning this year. The book was really good. I hope you get a chance to read it.

  8. These are all so, so good! I think we might be in some sort of golden age of cover design.

    1. I love covers, and can always find ones that dazzle me. I like that some pubs are investing more in covers these days, and coming out with some really beautiful and original stuff.

  9. Such a great selection of cover. My favorites from your collage are The Poet X and Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World. The one with the squirrel on it is super cute too, lol.

    1. I think illustrated covers best photos most of the time, and those are both so colorful and lovely.

  10. Unclaimed Baggage is adorable!! And I really love Ivy Aberdeen too.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Ivy is cool, because the character describes a drawing like that reflected on the cover.

  11. Replies
    1. You had to know I would be drawn to a cover that cute.

  12. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the cover for Unclaimed Baggage! I don't even know what it is, but I want to read it! XD

    1. So cute right? The book was good. The first half of the book definitely matched the whimsy of that cover.

  13. I almost picked Now a Major Motion Picture too! Great covers.
    Check out my favorite covers of 2018

    1. I really liked the feel of that one. It was a good pairing for that story.

  14. Looovvvee these covers. I need to read The Poet X!

    1. Yes! Read it! Or listen to the audio book, which the author narrates, and her spoken word is pretty fantastic.

  15. Now a Major Motion Picture is SUCH a fave. That cover is gorgeous, and I will read the book one of these days too haha. Love What Goes Up and Summer of Salt, too! Great choices!

    1. I feel like I would have filled the list with illustrated cover, but I know my cover love is heavily influenced by how much I liked a book too, and also, how well the cover conveyed something I took away from the book.

  16. I'm such a pushover for for delightful and fun covers like these! Nice selection:)

    1. I am a cover-ho! I love them. I need to see them to determine if I will read the synopsis. A good cover will clue me into something about the book.

  17. LOVE the Ivy Aberdeen cover.


    1. It really is beautiful. I wonder if the new cover was drawn by the same artist, because it has a similar feel.

  18. Definitely agree with some of your Cover Love picks. Chaotic Good had a fantastic cover which convinced me to buy when I wasn't sure. I haven't seen that cover of Gayle Forman's I Have Lost My Way either, it is very cool. I think I would have gotten around to buying if I'd seen that cover.

    1. For some reason, I think that maybe the author illustrated the cover for Chaotic Good. I know she is an artist. That Forman cover isn't on GR, but my eLibrary shows that one. I love it so much. It's like a straight out of the story.

  19. I love the cover to Unclaimed Baggage and it's actually one of the things that have captivated me completely. I am so curious about it. The Poet X was a great book. One of my favourite covers this year was Children of Blood and Bone.

    1. The adorable and cute will always get my attention. I agree. The cover for Children of Blood and Bone is great, very striking.
