
Sunday, December 30, 2018

#Top10of2018: Best of the Best - My Favorites


I have no idea how people do this! I read over 400 books this year, and have so many favorites. So, I thought I would have to get a little more specific in order to be able to pick just ten. 

What were some of your best of the best books this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I found it impossible to pick out ten as I read so many great books this year. My shortlist ended up with 12 and I couldn't pick a winner!

    1. I am well over 400 books for the year, so every category was a struggle for me, but I went with the ones that kept popping into my head. I am strict about the "10" rule, otherwise, I would go on forever.

  2. 400 books! Wow! I can't even wrap my head around that. :) Color me majorly impressed. I love that we share several favorites. Love and Other Words, One Day in December, The Kiss Quotient. I can't believe I never got to 9 Days & 9 Nights this year!

    1. Yep. Between my books and audiobooks, I am at 427 right now, and I am almost down with Fragile Like Us. If only I could market my reading prowess. 9 Days & 9 Nights are for people, who liked 99 Days. A lot of people hated that book, but I appreciated the story, and always thought Molly and Gabe's story was unfinished. Cotugno gave them a sometimes painful, but ultimately beautiful new chapter with 9 Days.

  3. You read over 400 books? Wow, that’s awesome. I read 100, and I struggled to pick 10 favorites. I’m glad you found so many excellent books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Long commute, lots of time to read. I also read books that are much shorter than your's for the most part (under 500 pages) and fluff goes quicker too.

  4. We don't share any but the ones I did read were really highly rated - Love and Other Words, Starry Eyes, TKQ, The Geography of Lost Things and Rainy Day Friends. And wow to 400 books!!!

    1. Yeah, my super power is reading a lot. I wish it was more useful.

  5. I haven't read any of these yet! I am seeing The Kiss Quotient on so many lists and I have had an arc of that one forever so I have no excuses for not reading it. I will soon!

    1. Read it! Funny story. I had gotten approved for TKQ, but ended up listening to the audiobook, because it was released around the same time as a billion other books. I am more than glad I got to it.

  6. I have a copy of Starry Eyes that I STILL haven't read, I need to change that!

    1. I you are looking for something fun, READ IT! I adore Bennett's books.

  7. How do you manage to narrow 400+ reads to just 10 favourites? I read a bit over 100 and didn't manage that! I'm now feeling bad I've not read the majority of these years and kind of think I need to sort myself out. I wanted to read Starry Eyes and Love and Other Words a whole heap. I am gonna go hang my head in shame and add all of these books to my TBR (apart from The Kiss Quotient, that book I could read on repeat and love it every time).

    1. It's really hard, but this whole week of posts was about favorites. I got to show love to other books in different ways. TKQ really is quite special. I hope the adaptation happens and that it lives up to the promise of the book. I think you would really enjoy Starry Eyes and Love and Other Words. Those books made me feel a ton of things, and left me with a huge smile on my face.

  8. The Kiss Quotient and Starry Eyes are both ones that are on my wishlist and I cannot wait to read them both. So happy you loved all of these books this year and that they are wonderful new favourites ^.^

    1. I hope you get an opportunity to read one or both of those books, because mention of them never fails to bring a smile to my face.

  9. It looks like you have a great list here darling. I did enjoy The Kiss Quotient and I am planning on reading Rainy Day Friends by Shalvis this year so I am pretty excited for that one. Hope 2019 is a year of great reads for you.

    1. I love Shalvis and she pretty much always gets 4 stars from me, but Rainy Day Friends was just a little bit better than all the others for me. I think it was the family in the story, because I would love for her to write more books featuring them.

  10. It is soooo hard to pick just one. I had a lot of books that I really liked this year and Sadie was at the top of that list but I also LOVED Lady Midnight and Tara Leigh's books. I like your line up of BOTB tho. There are quite a few I want to read.


    1. You have convinced me to check out Tara Leigh. I am always looking for new romance authors, and I don't read enough rockstar books.

  11. I need to go back and finish The Kiss Quotient. I got stuck part way through, but was told by a friend to go back and pick it back up because the spot I stopped is right before where she said it got really good. Wow, 400 books. I barely got over 200 this year. But then I know I was writing, and definitely wasting time on game apps on my phone. :-( I couldn't narrow down to just 10 even with my 217 books read, don't know how you did with that many! I think you might have already commented on mine, but in case you didn't get the chance, HERE is the link again.

    1. I was so into TKQ from the very beginning. It's an odd set up, but once Michael bought into it, and I got to know more about him, I was sort of all in.
