
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Another week down! I had to use my vacation days, and had Wednesday off. Unfortunately, it was a national day of mourning, which hampered my errands, but at least I got some reading done.

Friday was one of my co-workers 70th birthday, and we had so much fun celebrating. We decorated her cubical, and jumped out wearing party hats when she arrived. She was so precious, and even shed some tears. We then toasted her with fauxmosas , and continued to eat all day long. A good time was had by all.
Fauxmosas - because you can't drink at work

I have been trying to do #Blogmas2018 posts on Twitter everyday, but man! It's stressful. Contemporary and YA almost put me over the edge, but it's been fun looking back at all the books I read.

I was really honored to be asked, and I wrote this guest post about winter, if you want to go check it out. If not, got check out The Regal Critiques anyhow, because I love them! (Do you think I can count this post for my discussion challenge?)

Nick will forever be my romance guru, and my TBR grew a lot from this thread. If you like romance, check it out.
The kid sent me this video, and it was nothing but miles of smiles. Too cute!

Loved all these cute book tweets!
On the Blog:
  • Monday: In a Nutshell - 29 Dates, Invisible Ghosts
  • Tuesday: TTT - Let's Throwback
  • Wednesday: CWW - Death Prefers Blondes by Caleb Roehrig
  • Thursday: Isn't It Romantic - The Beauitful Hearts Duet by Emma Scott 
  • Friday: Discussion - Characters Behaving Badly


What I Read Last Week

Yeah, so, I had another black sheep read this week, because I really, really enjoyed The Me I Meant to Be. That book and Starfish both earned 4.5-stars from me, but are too different to pick one over the other as my favorite read this week.

What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

Tell me something good that happened this past week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Fauxmosas! How fun. :)

    Oh that video is so cute! Yes the head tilts... oh my gosh I laughed. He really seems to be enjoying that, just like a dog or cat lol. Awesome.

    I really want to read Summer Constellations at some juncture.

    1. That chinchilla was living the life. I guess everybody enjoys a nice rub (even us humans.)

  2. Fauxmosas sounds good! And sometimes, it's too bad we can't drink at work :D I'm glad your coworker enjoyed her work party!
    Your new books look awesome - each and every one of them.
    I need to check out those bookish tweets, it looks like fun.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. When my mom used to travel, some of the foreign branches brought in drink trollies near the end of the day. So, I guess some people get to drink at work.

  3. I watch a British soap/serial drama and every day at lunchtime they are in the pub drinking alcohol then going back to work in garages, on industrial sewing machines, in cafes, shops etc. If I had went drinking at lunchtime when I was at work I'd have been fired! Looks like you had fun anyway!

    1. I think we would get in trouble for liquid lunches inside or outside the office. Pretty standard here in the US. Though, it may have helped me cope when I was a teacher. 😂

  4. That was such a sweet party. Fauxmosas sound a great alternative to mimosas. Enjoy your new books, Sam.

    Wishes of a happy week. ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. It really was a fun and festive day. We got to enjoy it too, because it was really slow as well.

  5. Oh Fauxmosas!!! I love a good birthday celebration at work! Glad your coworker enjoyed it. Have a great week1!

    1. Lots of fun, but the read joy was seeing her reaction.

  6. Aww! That was sweet to do for your coworker. I rarely have anyone in our office since everyone is out for the days, so it's impossible to do little celebrations like that. Part of the reason why I want a new job. I want that social environment that comes with a job! Lol.

    Yay for new reads! Totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Her daughter put it all together, but it was really sweet the way everyone pitched in. I was out for my birthday, but there were four of us with birthdays in a row, and they froze a piece of cake for me. I work with a pretty nice bunch of humans.

  7. That was an awesome surprise for your coworker! That video is so adorable. The head tilt really got me. Now I want a chinchilla.

    1. Chinchillas for the win! Seriously, if you could guarantee my pet would do that, I would buy one.

  8. Haha, fauxmosas. Work would probably be more fun if you could drink. Happy birthday to your co-worker! Aww, I love that chinchilla. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It seems to be the general consensus that work would be better with drinks. Maybe I should have mentioned that at my skip level meeting this week. HA!

  9. I am thanking you for the chinchilla tweet from the bottom of my heart :D love it!

    1. I totally cheered me up when I saw it. I am saving it for those meh days too.

  10. What a fun party, despite the mimosas being fake! LOL

    Back in the day (70s, 80s), we were allowed a wee sip or two during the holiday season. I guess we're never going back to those days, though.

    Enjoy your week and all those books, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Hmm, maybe at a holiday party, outside of the office, but never inside. It was all good. We ate all day and were merry.

  11. That video is the absolutely cutest thing, lol. That birthday party for your coworker sounds so sweet too. I'm glad she enjoyed it so much.

    Yay for loving Starfish! I really hope that author is hard at work on her next book because I really loved this one and Summer Bird Blue so much.

    1. I really enjoyed both Bowman's books. I am eager to read more from her too. Chinchillas for the win. That little guy is awesome.

  12. Good for your co-worker still on the job at 70! She must enjoy her work to skip retirement.

    Oooh, a new Catherine Bybee! I want. Glad to see you enjoyed Roni Loren, and Grim Shadows! Loved that series.

    1. I'll be just like her - working until the day of my funeral. Sometime you have to work, because you need money. I am a sucker for Bybee's book, and I have been waiting for this particular story. She was a very complicated character in this series.

  13. I just added Honeybees and Frenemies to my TBR! I've been curious about Starfish and The Me I Meant to Be, so I'll check out the former in a second! I guess I missed that review. I adore the cover for Match Me if You Can! It seem like you've had a lovely reading week. I hope your next reads are just as awesome!

    I don't really like mimosas, so the fauxmosas would be just fine! <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Doesn't Honeybees sound great? I saw so many negative reviews for The Me I Meant to Be, but I really liked it. I was surprised by how much I liked it, because I did peek at the rating.

  14. What a sweet party. And the Chinchilla is too adorable. I did laugh! Looks like you have some great snuggle up with books too.

    My Sunday Post

    1. It really was one of the nicest events we've had at work. And that chinchilla made me so happy. I am very grateful my daughter sent that to me.

  15. I saw that chinchilla video, and I loved it too. Thank goodness for animal videos on Twitter. They always brighten my day!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That video is definitely in my cute hall of fame. I agree. Animal videos are one of the best things on the internet.

  16. Ooooh looks like a good reading week ahead, Sam! I remembered liking Romeo and What's His Name when I read, and I definitely think you will enjoy. I'm intrigued about When the Truth Unravels as well! Great post, Sam, and have a great reading week! :)

    1. I have read and enjoyed several other books by Petroff, and I bought Romeo a while back. It pairs nicely for One Old, One New with Match Me If You Can. I think it will be fun.

  17. It sounds like a really fun party for your co-worker :) I really want to read the Roni Loren series! I am glad you are enjoying it! Have a great week!

    1. The Loren series is so good. I don't know when the last book is coming out, but I have really enjoyed this series. Really well done, and she tackles some tough situations too.

  18. Yay for having last Wednesday off!!! Aw, that's too cute that you celebrated your co-workers birthday. Love that!


    1. We don't usually do something so elaborate for birthdays, but it was her 70th, she deserved a big deal.

  19. Glad your coworker enjoyed a work birthday party. That's so sweet.

    I think the highlight of my week was reading Queen of Air and Darkness.

    1. I just downloaded the audiobook of QoAaD. I am preparing myself for the ending.

  20. Coincidentally I was off on Wednesday, too. Mine was more of a metal health day... I think this year has well and truly caught up with me. So many big, life-changing events and through it all I just keep working, taking no time off to rest/recharge. It's taking a toll. I went back in on Thursday and arranged to take off the week of Christmas. Much needed! I love the term 'fauxmosas.'! Hee hee! (And now I'm craving the real thing. Ha.) I'm intrigued by The Me I Meant to Be. I need to take a closer look at that one. And I've been meaning to try something by Melanie Harlow for years!

    1. You really have had a lot of MAJOR things happen this year. I love a good mid-week break. All I wanted was one day off during the week of Christmas, since the kid will be visiting, but two people put in for the days off after Thanksgiving 2017. They have since changed the vacation day request policy to be more fair, but that doesn't go into effect until 2019. I have no idea why The Me I Meant to Be had such low ratings. I really liked it. I love complicated female relationships and romance. It was a good read for me.

  21. I love work parties! And man, I must have really ignored how everything came to a halt on the Day of Mourning, I didn't even know the postal service stopped that day!

    Nick is my go-to for romance as well!

    1. I heard other post offices closed early, but my township just shut down for the whole day. Nick reads very widely within the romance genre, and she exposes me to so many books I would otherwise miss. Love her!

  22. Who cares is you are a black sheep again. I find that happens to me and I don’t care. That’s why I try to go into reads without preconceived notions, it helps. Loved the chinchilla video. So cute.

    1. Chinchillas really are magnificent creatures, who delight me. I also try to keep an open mind, because you know, one person's trash is another person's treasure.

  23. Sounds like a good week. Other than the Blogmas, which I can't commit to that kind of thing. I have too many other things right now. If I plan well, it might not be stressful but I do the challenges which are easier for me New Release, Library and Audiobook because I will always be reading those things whether I do the challenge or not.

    I have the Grim Shadows audiobook so I'm glad to see you enjoyed it. I have to get to it. I won it in an author giveaway. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I am doing the Blogmas via Twitter. It's a fun way to participate without the commitment of a full post. Grim Shadows was a steamy little historical paranormal romance featuring all the things I love about Jenn Bennett's books.

  24. Glad to see you gave Starfish a high rating. I need to get my butt in gear and pick it up already. Hope you have a good week!

    1. I really enjoyed Starfish. It was not as painful as I thought it would be. I think I found myself more angry, because the parents were terrible. The mom was the worst and the dad was clueless and I was mad he left his three kids with that woman, but there were a lot of heartwarming and wonderful things that happened to Kiko during that story too.

  25. Sounds like a nice day at work! Glad your co-worker got to enjoy her birthday despite having to work on it. 🙂
    All the blogmas challenges are something to behold. I love this time of year!

    1. I always take off on my birthday, but a lot of people don't. The least we can do is celebrate, right?

  26. What great books this week and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you co-worker!! I didn't realize you were doing blogmas on twitter. I will have to try to find some of those posts to re-post them and read them of course!


    1. It's a fun thing to tweet about each day. Spreading some love always make me happy.

  27. Yay for celebrating your co-workers birthday and it's always fun to have a little party to celebrate. I have Starfish on my kindle and I really need to read that one. I am glad you were able to love it. Blogmas on Twitter sounds intense and I hope you can keep up with it ^.^

    1. Starfish was well worth my time. I am having fun with Blogmas. I wish I had done a chain, but by the time I thought about it, I had way too many posts out there. There's always next year.
