
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Funny story, I thought my daughter was coming in at 11am on Saturday. I drove to the airport and texted, asking where she was, and she told me....Chicago. Apparently, she was coming in at 11pm. So, Uber it was!

Glad to have her home for a few days, though. We are going to see White Christmas today. I have never seen the play, so I'm excited. I am also excited about only working every other day this week. I was able to get Thursday off when someone backed out their day. Yeah for me!

The first day of winter was weird here in NJ. It was 61 degrees Fahrenheit. I didn't even wear a jacket on Friday. It was nice, but odd for the end of December.

I always tell you have a great co-workers. Well, two of them gave me some really thoughtful gifts, and their choices show how well they know me.

In case you are looking for some 2019 YA releases to add to your TBR....

It's official!! And the announcement was super cute.

I actually cackled, when I watched this one
On the Blog:
  • Monday: One Old, One New - Match Me If You Can, Romeo and What's Her Name
  • Tuesday: TTT - My Winter TBR
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
  • Thursday: Nutshells - Even If I Fall, When the Truth Unravels
  • Friday: Discussion - Do You Look Ahead?


What I Read Last Week

I pretty much loved every book I read this week. Like, really, really loved them all. A few were series enders, so I was a little emotional, but I was happy with the sendoff each author gave to their characters.

Now, my audiobooks were a whole different story. Two were meh for me, and I DNFed like 4. I think I was overambitious, and the format didn't work for the story I was trying to listen to, but a few were not worth continuing for me.



What I Am Currently Reading

I am hoping I love PiP, because it is billed as a combination of two of my favorite books. Fingers crossed.

I am listening to an audiobook of an ARC that is past due, but I am not sure if I will continue. I have enjoyed Elkeles's books in the past, but I don't know what it is about this one. It could be the crime side story that is not working for me, because both main characters are ok. I may have to side with the populous on this one, but I will listen a little more before I make any decisions.
What I Plan to Read

Since I will be doing my Top Tens for the a week, I thought I would get a jump on my tour books.
How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It really has been one of those weeks where I wish I hadn't got out of my bed! I'm hoping for a stress free holiday season! Really like the hedgehog gifts!

    1. I hope your wish comes through, and I was so delighted by my hedgehog gifts. I thought I was going to cry.

  2. Oh, no - too bad about the mix-up. But at least your girl is home. :) Hope the play is wonderful. White Christmas is one of my mom's favorite movies. The hedgehog gifts are adorable. It's so great to be surrounded by good people at work. I'm swooning over all those pretty pink covers (2019 YA releases). Wonder if pink is going to be *the* color of the year? That cat video was too funny. LOL I hope your current read picks up for you. I've not read anything by Elkeles even though I own several by her. Hope you have a simply wonderful Christmas, Sam!

    1. I heard her come in about 12:30 am last night. She is still asleep, so we haven't spoken yet, but she is here. Well, the Pantone color of the year is coral, which is kind of pink, so, maybe? I started another audiobook, so it's not looking good for Crossing the Line, but PiP is pretty fun. Merry Christmas to you too, Tanya!

  3. I really loved that cat video too, perfectly captioned :D wishing you happy holidays!

    1. It's videos like that, that make me love cats even more. Happy holidays to you, too!

  4. Aww! Your coworkers really do know you well! Those are cute gifts!

    Nice new reads too! New to me ones for the most part but I hope you will enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Enjoy your Christmastime with your daughter!
    That cat video had me in stitches... Sums them up pretty well although my two have been quite well behaved this year!
    Can't wait for the To All The Boys sequel.

    1. I only remember one of my cats, Leo, and he never did that, but he liked to taunt my dog.

  6. Enjoy the time with your daughter, and that's great that you get some time off from work, too!

    1. Looking forward to working every other day. I could get used to that.

  7. Hopefully you didn't have to drive far to the airport!

    1. It's a 20 min drive, so I was there and back in about 45 mins, but still, I wasted 45 mins.

  8. It snowed here yesterday morning, but it melted in the afternoon. It’s been strangely warm here, too. Enjoy your days off and your time with your family! Those are cute gifts from your coworkers. Have a great Christmas!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I have heard the weather is tricky where you live. I guess we have alway shad some outlier days, but Friday was just really bizarre. Though, I welcomed the warm day with open arms.

  9. Your upcoming holiday sounds's always good to have family come home for a visit.

    Your books look many possibilities. Enjoy! Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Not sure when my daughter we be able to visit again. I know she will definitely be back in October. So, I will have to get as much of her as I can this week.

  10. Well Sam I am happy to learn that Belgium is not the only one with a weird weather! usually it's freezing and sometimes snowing here but since weeks it's well above freezing temperatures with rain and wind! Merry Christmas and enjoy your days off. Sophie @bewareofthereader PS Thanks for the link to the 2019 YA books to come!

    1. There's a reason we compare unpredictable things to the weather. That warm outlier was welcomed, but the November snowstorm, not so much. Hope you find a few books you like on the 2019 list.

  11. Its been raining and dreary here, but not that cold. 50's all week. Glad to see you enjoyed Now or Never-its coming up on my TBR! Merry Christmas!

    1. We have had a ton of rain here. In fact, it's raining again. I ma such a fan of the Braddock family. It was a departure from the previous books with no Thunder player/affiliate involved in the romance, and the location was in Maine, but I liked the story and the idea of redemption and second chances. There were a lot of great family moments too, and the heart of this series is the Braddock family for me.

  12. Pesky AM and PM! It's been unseasonal warm over here too, like high 40s or high 50s which is so weird.

    I'm happy to see that you loved Illegally Yours!

    Merry Christmas Sam!

    1. It was hard to resist Lucas' charm and quirks in Illegally Yours. Merry Christmas to you too!

  13. Oh no- oops! And we have no snow here, so even though it's chilly it doesn't feel quite like Christmas. :) 61 though- wow that is balmy for December!

    Oh my gosh that cat video is the BEST!

    Have a merry Christmas!!

    1. I am good with no snow, and I sort of loved the one warm day. It was just weird. I laughed so much watching that cat, and the the captions are hilarious.

  14. Wow, 61 degrees! I think it was 40-55 degrees here in Missouri, so nothing to heavy unless I worked all day.

    I ecstatic about the To All the Boys sequel happening! Can't wait to see it released on Netflix.

    Happy Holidays!

    1. I am curious about the teaser as to who will play John. My daughter reminded me that we saw his face at the end of the last film, but maybe they are going with someone else (?)

  15. Oh no! I hope you didn't drive too far to the airport! That sounds like something I'd do. XD I hope you enjoy all your new reads. Only a Breath Apart looks really cute!

    1. I guess I am lucky I only live 20 mins out from Newark, but I am shocked she didn't say anything to me, when I went on about how we would have the whole day together. There I was, waiting on the shoulder outside of the NJ Turnpike, asking her to let me know where she was waiting, and she tells me she's in Chicago. *facepalm*

  16. I hope you enjoy your time with your daughter and that you both enjoyed White Christmas. Our first day of winter was weird like that as well. I think it was 66 degrees that day.

    And I'm totally flailing that you got approved for The Princess and the Fangirl. That is one review I can't wait to read!

    Merry Christmas!

    1. White Christmas was wonderful! My mother claims it was in the 70s on Friday, but I am not sure. I just know it was 61 when I left for work. I had a really good approval week. A lot of those requests had been out there for a while, and Geekerella is a favorite of mine, so obviously, I was over the moon about Princess.

  17. I actually wanted to write a longer comment yesterday but I got sidetracked...and now I'm running out of time LOL. So, basically...Happy Holidays! (and that cat was hilarious. You have a knack for finding the funniest videos LOL).

    1. Happy holidays to you too! My cats never did such things, but I enjoy watching them wreck havoc on other people.

  18. I've done that too. Went to the airport and had the wrong arrival time. Glad she's home now though and you get to spend the holiday together. Isn't it great when all of the books you read are awesome. I love those times. And that cat video is too fun. Makes you wonder what they are thinking. Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. I guess I am lucky the airport is nearby, but I actually had plans for us on Saturday. Ho, hum. That cat video is almost as great as the panda rolling down the hill. It was great. I hope you have a lovely Christmas too!

  19. The misunderstanding regarding your daughter's arrival time is funny. I hate it when those kind of things happen though. I love that cat! We have 3 dogs and 0 Christmas decorations - it just works better that way :) Lots of great new books this week! Enjoy and have a merry Christmas!

    1. Decorations can be tricky with pets. We always had a real tree growing up, and keeping my dog out of it was not easy. You have a great Christmas too!

  20. I was so happy to see the announcement for the To All The Boys sequel! The first movie was so cute! I hope the second one lives up the everyone's expectations at this point. I hope you and your daughter have a fantastic holiday :)

    1. They really did do a nice job with the adaptation, and I feel confident that the second one will be great too. I hope you have a fabulous holiday!

  21. Yay for some days off this week. Those gifts from your co-workers are really sweet. Too fun! Oh wow, 150 YA books for 2019? I need to check that out; not that I need more books on my TBR. hah


    1. My TBR is busting at the seems, but you know, these are books I hope to read. I like to add them all.

  22. oh you read Making Faces! Yay! Can't wait to see the review! Hope you love it as much as I did. I won Tin Heart too. Hope it's good!

    1. My review for Making Faces is on GR. I liked it, but it was draining. The ending was fabulous!

  23. I love the thoughtful gifts from your co-workers how cute. I hope you enjoy the books this week and GREAT that you get sometime with your daughter. Happy belated Christmas!


    1. I am so in love with all the hedgehog gifts!!! It was really sweet of them to do that for me. I hope you had a great holiday and happy early new year!

  24. Well it's good to hear you really loved your books. I hope you are having a great holiday week with your daughter home and managing a bit more time off work. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. It was nice to have my daughter home, but sad to say goodbye. I am glad she is coming for a visit in two months though.

  25. Ok, not gonna lie, I was gonna skip ahead and try and catch up on your thousands of posts you've put up in the past couple of weeks and was just gonna skim through this without commenting but then I saw you read This Adventure Ends and was too excited not to comment. Loved that book and I am so happy to see you rated it highly too. I really need to buy more Emma Mills because even though that's the only one I've read so far from that book I know she'll be a YA author I will return to often.

    Now back to the rest of the post, I can't believe you got the time wrong. That sounds like something I'd do. Hope you had a good time with your daughter back for a little while, though.

    1. How awesome are Emma Mills books?!!!!!! I am getting all happy feels just thinking about it. Yeah, AM/PM bites me in the butt once again.

  26. The Princess and The Fangirl is a book I want to read! I am so glad you could get it and I hope you love it. Sometimes those time mistakes happen. I hope you have a great time having your daughter. It's definitely not a white christmas here either even though it usually is. Funny how warm it has been lately.

    1. I loved Geekerella so much and cannot wait to return to that world. I am OK with no snow. I hate the white stuff.
