
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Vanishing Stair

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I can't wait for The Vanishing Stair!

The Vanishing Stair
Maureen Johnson
Series: Truly Devious, #2
Age/Genre: Young Adult, Mystery
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Release Date: January 22, 2019
All Stevie Bell wanted was to find the key to the Ellingham mystery, but instead she found her classmate dead. And while she solved that murder, the crimes of the past are still waiting in the dark. Just as Stevie feels she’s on the cusp of putting it together, her parents pull her out of Ellingham academy.

For her own safety they say. She must move past this obsession with crime. Now that Stevie’s away from the school of topiaries and secret tunnels, and her strange and endearing friends, she begins to feel disconnected from the rest of the world. At least she won’t have to see David anymore. David, who she kissed. David, who lied to her about his identity—son of despised politician Edward King. Then King himself arrives at her house to offer a deal: He will bring Stevie back to Ellingham immediately. In return, she must play nice with David. King is in the midst of a campaign and can’t afford his son stirring up trouble. If Stevie’s at school, David will stay put.

The tantalizing riddles behind the Ellingham murders are still waiting to be unraveled, and Stevie knows she’s so close. But the path to the truth has more twists and turns than she can imagine—and moving forward involves hurting someone she cares for. In New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson’s second novel of the Truly Devious series, nothing is free, and someone will pay for the truth with their life.
I was a BIG fan of Truly Devious. I loved Stevie. I loved the boarding school setting. I loved the twofer mystery we got, and I am looking forward to getting back to Ellingham. I want to see things with David move forward as Stevie continues to gather clues, bringing her closer and closer to solving the original Ellingham murders.

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Well now I have to begin with Truly Devious right? LOL Sophie @bewareofthereader

  2. Oh my, this sounds good! I have to remind myself of the first one in this series though!

    1. It has a great combination of humor and mystery. It was a good whodunit for me.

  3. I haven't read Truly Devious yet, but I do love the boarding school setting!

    1. The boarding school was used well in the story too, which I appreciated.

  4. I really loved the first book in the series and I am excited for this one as well. Not too much longer to wait. I hope that we both enjoy it! :)

  5. I'm glad you really liked the first book!! I hope this is just as enjoyable. I really need to read more Maureen Johnson.


    1. I have Blue Envelopes and Truly Devious. I really liked all of them.

  6. I haven't heard of this series! I'm definitely going to have to check this out! I hope you love book two :D

  7. Seeing the cover and title gave me a total flashback to a book I read as a kid called The House of Stairs. Now I want to track it down. :) Hope this one is a great follow-up to the first!

  8. I don’t remember the first book, now I have to go look it up. Sounds like a fun read.

    1. It was fun. Johnson has a great sense of humor and the characters were really interesting too.

  9. Yes!!! I really liked Truly Devious, and can't WAIT for this one. Awesome awesome pick.

    1. Right! I want to know more about the way Johnson ended that. It was quite surprising.

  10. I didn't know that Truly Devious was going to have a sequel! I did like her book 13 Little Blue Envelopes and I need to read these ones now as well.

    1. The original mystery is not solved. We only learned what happened in the present day murder. I think that will be the mystery that spans the series.
