
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Let's Eat!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Let's Eat!

On Thursday, many of us in the US will start the official eating season. Thanksgiving is not my favorite eating holiday, that title belongs to Christmas, but I do appreciate gathering with my family and sharing a well cooked meal. Let's be clear, I am not a fan of cooking, but I am a fan of eating, and these are some foodie books, which left me hungry this year.
  • The Virginia Shreves books by Carolyn Mackler - Virginia had me eating all over NYC, and my mouth especially watered when she indulged in scallion pancakes, which are a favorite of mine. 
  • The Art of French Kissing by Brianna R. Shrum - This book took place at summer cooking competition, and there were some really mouthwatering dishes described in vivid detail. 
  • Love A La Mode by Stephanie Kate Strohm - This book takes place at a high school culinary program in France. They prepare many delicious things, but one scene that stands out for me, was when they were baking in a small cafe. I long to actually taste that dish. 
  • Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu - Besides being a simply adorable graphic novel, our hero loved to bake pies, and I was lusting for pies by the end of this book. 
  • Stay Sweet by Siobhan Vivian - This book is all about ice cream! And it's not just any old ice cream, it's this handmade, exquisite ice cream, which people line up for. I loved watching them try to figure out the secret to the ice cream. 
  • Pride by Ibi Zoboi - Zuri's family celebrates with these huge feasts in this book, and my desire for some awesome island cooking. 
  • My So-Called Bollywood Life by Nisha Sharma - I adored this book, and loved all the local NJ touches I found in the book, but it also left me wanting some Indian cuisine. 
  • Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch - As if the mention of gelato in the title was not enough, there was a lot of fine Italian food consumed over the course of this story. 
  • The Summer of Jordi Perez by Amy Spalding - One of my favorite parts of this book was the search for the perfect hamburger. There were MANY burgers consumed, and they sounded quite delicious. 
  • My New Crush Gave to Me by Shani Petroff - This book left me smiling for days, because it was the perfect kind of light and fluffy. One of the fun things in this book was a little baking business the girls had. Some of those combinations sounded amazing. 

Which do you like better: Eating or Cooking?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm not one for either option really! I eat as we have to to survive but I never eat out or do fine dining. I'm also not much of a cook so I don't greatly enjoy preparing food either!

    1. I love when someone else cooks for me, and my favorite thing to do when I travel is sample cuisine.

  2. I've heard great things about Love & Gelato. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I really enjoyed both "Love &" books. I hope there will be more.

  3. Bookmarking this post because FOOOOD! I need to read Stay Sweet especially. I love that cover!

    1. Stay Sweet really impressed me. It gave me all sorts of empowered type feels, and I really didn't expect it.

  4. I’m the same! I hate cooking, but I love eating. Check Please looks really cute. I’ve seen a few good reviews of that book.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Check, Please! was so adorable. It's a super quick read, but I swear, I wore a smile for almost all of it.

  5. Yesssss! I love foodie books. Jordi Perez, Check Please, Love a la Mode, and Stay Sweet all made me hungry, too.

    1. There should be warnings - do not read on an empty stomach.

  6. I haven't read any of these but I do love books with food at the heart of the story. I like eating and I like cooking but only sometimes. I cook every day and it becomes a bit much but it can be nice to throw some things together and have it come out tasty.

    1. Once my daughter went away to school, I had no real reason to cook. It's tiresome doing all that work for just myself, but I will always willingly eat someone else's cooking.

  7. I love your take! I haven't read any of these, but Pride is on my TBR!

    1. Pride was excellent. I grew up in Brooklyn, so I really connected with some of the things Zoboi included in the story, and the friends and family angle was wonderful.

  8. How have I not read a single one of these!!! I do own My New Crush, Love & Gelato and Stay Sweet though. Love food in books!

    1. Woman, get on those books! Seriously, they were all really sweet and fun. Love & Gelato has a little bit of grief, but the others are all light fare.

  9. I LOVE books with food as a predominant theme (I'm also a total Food Network junkie lol). I really want to read Love a la Mode- I read Prince in Disguise last year and adored it!

    1. Love a la Mode was adorable. It was little different in style from Prince and my previous Strohm books, but still super fun and really heartwarming.

  10. I love books with food as a theme. They make me happy. I have Love a La Mode coming up on my schedule soon, looking forward to it.

    1. I hope you enjoy Love a la Mode. I thought it was fun, cute, adorable, and very sweet.

  11. Definitely eating. I don't mind cooking one or two things but more than that and I get flustered. but what I hate even more is cleaning! lol

    I adore books with cooking & food. Add in a romance and I'm in heaven.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It always amazes me, how people spend hours cooking these meals, which we eat in like 10 mins. And the cleaning!!! You really have to have a passion for cooking to want to do all that.

  12. OOh nice! It's rare that I read a book that has so much food in it! I know there's been a handful, but naturally I am drawing a blank on the spot! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I don't know if you read The Girl at Midnight series, but that seems in your wheelhouse and I heard there is a lot of food.

  13. And now I am hungry!!!! LOL Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. Right? There should be warning labels on all those books.

  14. I'm BANNED from the kitchen, haha. I'll stick with eating for sure - less work for me and more reading time instead of cooking. 😂😂😂

    1. I CAN cook, I just don't enjoy it. Everything tastes better when someone else makes it. <-- true story

  15. I'm like you, I'd much rather eat than cook. These books sound like they'd make me hungry!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I definitely wanted to try so many of the foods they were talking about in these books.

  16. Eating, for sure! Cooking is not my thing. I always get hungry when I read the Inspector Gamache books. The sandwiches and soups and desserts that come out of this little cafe in the middle of nowhere in Canada - I want to go there!

    1. None of us cook! We will all go hungry <-- just kidding.
      They should open an Inspector Gamache cafe somewhere for readers to enjoy

  17. I like your take on this week's topic! I invented a new fantasy dish (I think) in my book, but I probably should pay more attention to food in books. (And my new fantasy dish is Top Secret until I publish the book)

  18. This is such a perfect take on the TTT for the holidays!

    1. I just keep talking about food as lead up to the big eating event on Thursday

  19. Great spin on this week's topic! I love it when books feature food, so your list excites me. So far I've only read Love & Gelato but almost all of the other titles are on my TBR. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving together!

    1. Sometimes I get jealous of the wonderful food they are eating in books. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well.

  20. I like eating more than I cook. Cooking isn't really my thing. Though I will, from time to time, get it in my head that I need to make a recipe of something I haven't had in years that I happen to come across online. I've discovered that following directions is something I excel at when the kitchen is concerned! :)

    1. Eating really is the best part of it. You see, when I come across a recipe that looks great, I send it to my daughter and she makes it.

  21. I love food in my books! Oh man, that gif threw me back. I practically grew up on That's So Raven! Anyway, to the books. I love your choices but I have to admit I haven't read any of them DD: There are some brilliant feasts that make me hungry in The Wrath and the Dawn and the Narnia Chronicles.

    1. I used to watch Raven with my daughter all the time. Loved that show! TWatD did have some good eating, and I was inspired to try Turkish Delight when I read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

  22. Somehow I managed to visit two posts today about books that made you hungry lol. Check, Please looks super cute!

    1. Yeah, seems like I had an eating theme for the holiday week.

  23. I'm personally not a big eating book fan, but Love a La Mode and Stay Sweet were such great ones. I didn't know there was a baking business in My New Crush so I'm excited for it now. Great picks, Sam! :)

    1. Crush was so adorable. I loved that book so much! Perfect, fluffy seasonal read.
