
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

This was a rough week! I have a sinus infection, which I cannot seem to shake, and only had one sick day left. So, I had to drag myself to work and fight through the fever and laryngitis. I was miserable. And, then there was the larger than expected snowstorm that came through and crippled all of NJ. The smoothest part of my commute was, ironically, the train, which I alway complain about. One of my super-awesome co-workers drove me to the station, and the normally 12 minute ride took about an hour.

BUT, there were some good things that happened this week too. Thursday, we had our Thanksgiving potluck, let's call it a Thanksgiving practice run. My supervisor makes a turkey and we all bring side dishes. I made plates, bowls, and napkins, because I don't cook or travel on mass transit with food. I was a little disappointed, because my throat was so raw, I couldn't enjoy some of the awesome things people brought, but I did have a little mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and butternut squash - soft, low acid foods only.

I also had a windfall of approvals (as well as a massive Penguin rejection - again. I am obviously persona non-grata with them), and getting some of those approvals really helped keep my spirits high.

The best, though, was my daughter's homecoming. It's nice to have her home, if only for a short time. I wish I felt better, but still look forward to spending some time with her.

Things that caught my interest

I loved both of Winfrey's YA books, and am excited to see what she does in the adult world.

We love to hate them, but if nothing else, they made us bond over which side we chose.

How about something cute?

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - Your Own Worst Enemy by Gordon Jack
  • Tuesday: TTT - Stories Within Stories 
  • Wednesday: CWW - 29 Dates by Melissa de la Cruz
  • Thursday: One Old, One New - The Mia Garcia Edition
  • Friday: Discussion - Why I Comment




What I Read Last Week

I had a rather good AND productive reading week. I got to some backlist and some older ARCs. Maybe you notice that I read one of my books from my TTT backlist post too. <-- Feeling accomplished.

I think my favorite read of the week was How to Love by Katie Cotugno. It earned my highest rating, and probably elicited the greatest emotional response from me. I know not everyone is a fan of Katie C's, but I love her books.

What I Am Currently Reading

Look at this! Not a contemporary in sight. I am doing a little witchy reading for One Old, One New, and FINALLY finishing The Hundredth Floor series.

What I Plan to Read

This is an interesting TBR for me, because all of these books have been released. I am trying to work in those ARCs I missed, since I have a little time, as well as some releases I have been interested in reading.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Tiny Infinities looks interesting. And glad you had a good reading week! The weather seems to be playing havoc all over the place these days. Hope you're feeling better and the sinus infection passes soon!

    And have a great Thanksgiving this week!

    I need to read some more Katie Cotugno, I liked the book by her that I read (Top Ten).

    1. Tiny Infinites was one of my NG books, which for some reason, disappeared (it happened with a bunch I downloaded on the same day - IDK), but I was lucky enough to find it at Hoopla. I am a solid Cotugno fan. I like her brand of messy, and always enjoy her books. I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving as well.

  2. I hope you'll feel better, Sam! It must have sucked having to go to work not feeling well at all!

    YAY for your daughter's homecoming. Hopefully, you'll be in great shape to spend some quality time with her.

    Your new books look great - and there are many to choose from.

    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. Thanks. I am lucky that my job is really low stress, and I like the people I am with all day. It makes it easier to be there when I am feeling miserable.

  3. I never love to hate a love triangle-I just hate them! I'll avoid a book that even hints at one in it! But that's just me!

    Ugh, I hate these infections that seem to last forever and make us feel miserable. I hope this winter I can avoid the stupid things after a dose of Aussie Flu earlier this year. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Love triangles don't bother me, but I sometimes struggle with the people they put in the triangles. I hate when two sides are related or best friends or something like that. I had the flu once ever. It was the worst experience of my life.

  4. That snow storm ugh. It took my husband 7 hours to get home. Yay for your daughter being home. Oh man lots of approvals for sure. The new Emma Mills!!! Lucky duck :) Hope you feel better and can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner!

    1. You would have read about my meltdown on the news, if I had traveled for 7 hours to get home. Your poor hubs.

  5. I'm so sorry about your week - the storm and being so sick. I hope you're feeling better now. But at least your daughter was home with you. :)

    I finished Paper Girl this week and I also gave it 3.5 stars. I quite enjoyed how the author talked about social anxiety.

    Don't feel bad about Penguin. You got so many awesome approvals to make that up.

    Wishes of a better week. :)
    Tรขnia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I did think the social anxiety was handled well in Paper Girl and I liked that it didn't grow out of some major trauma, that it just sort of developed from a series of little things. Thanks, being sick is the worst. I am trying not to be a miserable sad sack, but it's hard.

  6. Oh man, being sick is the worst! I hope you feel better soon!

    Nice new reads too! Pretty much all new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks! I think the infection is gone, so now just congestion. Maybe I will feel better by the new year?

  7. Sorry you are sick! That sucks. And to have to miss out on a pot luck because you can't eat is a major bummer too. Hopefully you are better before Thanksgiving!
    Enjoy your amazing book haul!

    1. We are trying to convince my co-worker to make her buffalo chicken dip at some later date, because that is the one thing I could not eat, which is totally my favorite sort of thing in the world. I heard it was good too.

  8. Yay for your daughter being home! I'm sorry you're sick though - hope you feel better soon!

    Yeah, a lot of trains were cancelled, but it was probably better than being on the roads with all that snow!

    1. Thanks. I was shocked at how well the trains ran during the storm, because they have not bee to dependable lately. I wish I hadn't had my car that day, but my bus driver hadn't showed up in the morning. I would have much rather sat in the station traffic while someone else drove.

  9. I hope you feel better soon! That snowstorm sounds intense. We’ve gotten a lot of snow, too, but not all at once. Enjoy Thanksgiving and your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The storm wasn't even that bad. It was more that it wasn't what was expected and the state agencies weren't prepared. I say a map showing all the gridlock in NJ. The whole state was just about marked impassable, and I think there was close to 2000 accidents. Seriously, it snows in NJ. I have no idea why this was so devastating.

  10. That sucks about your throat! I'd be so sad not to be able to enjoy the potluck goodies. At least you got to try a few things. Also, there is no point requesting ARCs from Penguin from NG or EW - they've said before that they only work with librarians or booksellers on both sites. They have a form where you can request books if you're a blogger.
    I hope you have a good week and enjoy your new books!

    1. The good thing is that I may lose a few pounds, because I am not really eating. I have to find the silver lining. I didn't know that about Penguin. I had gotten eGalley's in the past, which I prefer. I have to find out about that list. Thanks for the information.

  11. Wow, that's rough that you had to work while feeling so bad. I hope you're getting better soon! On the other hand, your workplace is the top of amazingness. I SO could use something like that in my life.

    1. See, it's better to get sick at the beginning of the year, when you have all your sick days. Aside from my commute, I am lucky. I have great co-workers and a fantastic management team, who treat us well.

  12. That sucks having a sinusitis!! I have them often with the office A/C and do get migraines. I hope next week will be way much better for you Sam! I got In Another Life too and read it in one sitting!!! I hope you'll love it as well. And now I will read your Friday post because I missed it and I am curious ;-) Happy Sunday Sam! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. Sinuses are the worst! And irritants that irritate them are bad too. I haven't had a sinus infection since I stopped teaching. That building was killing me, but I should have started taking something when I felt the first scratch in my throat.

  13. Your books look tempting...I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your Thanksgiving Day foods.

    Have a great week...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Thanks! Not sure I will be able to eat everything on Thursday, but I like a day off in the middle of the week. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  14. Oh no I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick, I hope you're doing a bit better today, sending you tons of positive vibes xx
    On the positive side, yay for all the approvals! I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Famous in a Small Town, that one sounds really great :D
    I hope you'll have a better week, sending you tons of love! xx

    1. I think the infection has cleared up, but I am very congested and still coughing. I have switched to homeopathic meds though, because I have been taking too much stuff for too long. Thanks for the vibes! Yes, Famous in a Small Town sounds too amazing. I was so giddy when I received that approval email.

  15. What a rough week Sam! I love that you guys had a work Thanksgiving. So many meals for lunches!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    1. My team is almost all women. We are always having potlucks and cook-offs. The last cook-off was cupcake wars, and let me tell you, some of my co-workers are amazing bakers.

  16. Very nice haul of books. I'm glad you are feeling better. And it sounds like this week turned better for you. Enjoy time with your daughter!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks! It was nice spending time with my daughter this weekend, even if I could hardly speak.

  17. Aw, I'm glad your daughter is home now. I'm sorry you are having to enjoy it with a sinus infection, though!

    1. Sinuses are not my friend right now, but at least I have a day off and my kid home for a little bit.

  18. Oh sinus infection and sore throat is the worst! I hope you feel better soon! What a nightmare commute! I feel your pain. :(

    I absolutely loved Saving Francesca! Melina Marchetta is an amazing writer. A lot of humor but unexpectedly deep. Hope you love it! :)

    1. Now I am just super stuffy, and I cannot take decongestants, because they make my heart race. I bought a terrible vapor rub. Need to get something stronger. I have heard a lot of great things about Marchetta, and am really excited to read my first books by her.

  19. Yikes! I hate having sinus problems! I hope you'll feel better soon! And lots of great books you got here!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

    1. Thanks. I am better than the other day, but still not better. Hopefully soon.

  20. Hope you are feeling better and have a good week. The Hedgehog is sooo cute.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

    1. That hedgehog is the best. I love seeing what is posted on that account every day.

  21. Ooh Ivy Aberdeen is wonderful. I really hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, and having to work when sick is never fun either! I hope you feel better for actual Thanksgiving and can eat more.


    1. I have heard SO many good things about Ivy Aberdeen, and my new feature is giving me the kick in the pants I need to read some books that have already been released. I would much rather stay home and rest, but at least my job is pretty stress-free, and my coworkers are great.

  22. Sorry to hear about your sinus infection! :( Hope you are feeling better by now I bet having your daughter home already makes you feel better
    Love to see The Truth About Twinkie Pie here! Hope you enjoy it!
    And.. YAY to Bruja Born! I really liked it hope you do too!

    1. I think the infection is gone, but now I have laryngitis. Someday I will be well again. Bruja Born is really good so far (I am about 78% through). What a hot mess they created this time.

  23. I really hope that you feel better soon. It always sucks being sick but it especially sucks around the holidays. Looks like you've got some great reads coming up. I look forward to reading your thoughts on Bruja Born. I hope you enjoy your time with your daughter and that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

    1. The infection seems to be gone, but I have laryngitis, so at least I have an excuse to avoid being social. Bruja Born was really good, and I am pretty excited to get Rose's book, because they discovered some interesting stuff about her power.

  24. Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear about your cold, and I hope you get off the final hump of it!! And wow, that looks like such a big haul with some great looking books. Can't wait to see what you think of them. Great post, Sam! :)

    1. Colds are the worst! We should ban them from this earth. It seems it's fast or famine for me when it comes to approvals, but the books have far off publishing dates AND I am being more careful about watching the publication months, so I don't have a million in one month.

  25. Great haul! I also got approved for Comics Will Break Your Heart. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Macmillan never grants my "wishes", but I have been lucky when they finally open the books for request. Comics looks cute.

  26. Oh no! I hate to hear that you have been sick plus you had to deal with snow. No fun at all! We only get 2 sick days per year so I guess my boss just expects everyone to work sick and share their germs with each other. I am sorry you couldn't take the day off when you needed it. Enjoy all of your new books and your time with your daughter!

    1. There wasn't even enough snow for it to have been the nightmare that it was. It was as if the tristate area never had a snowfall. We get 8 sick days, but I have to use they for all my doctors appointments, since I work 40 miles from home, and you know, end of the year. I just couldn't bear to have no days for December. I take off if there is significant snow, because I have been stuck down there before.

  27. Oh my goodness people do Thanksgiving practice dinner runs? I am so impressed with how much people celebrate different holidays and simply different things in America! Something always seems to be happening. Oh no, that sounds awful about the infection and needing to struggle through work. I hope you recover quickly xxx

    1. This is the official start of the eating season! Of course we need practice runs. Food is always a good way to bond.
