
Friday, November 30, 2018

Discussion: Avoiding Responsibility

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where we discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

This Week’s Topic: Avoiding Responsibility

I'm a book blogger, and one of my main responsibilities is to write book reviews, but sometimes I procrastinate.

I read between 5 and 8 books a week, and if I don't keep on top of my reviews, they pile up, and then I get overwhelmed, and I don't even know where to start.

So, if I know the reviews will pile up, and I know I will get overwhelmed by it, why do I let it happen?

  1. I finish a book, and I simply have no time to write the review. This happens a lot during the week, because of work and commuting and train delays. It's just out of my control. 

  2. There are times, when I love the book so much, I have no idea how to express my love for it. I just can't find the words. 

  3. The same can be said for a book I am on the fence about. It wasn't bad, but it didn't knock my socks off. I often feel tongue tied when it comes to these books, so I just put off the reviews. 

  4. There have been times, where I opted to read instead of writing my review. I know. I shouldn't start another book before completing all my obligations to the previous book, but I seem to fall into this trap often. 

  5. I forget. I read a lot during my commute, and I may finish a book, when I am away from home. I have every intention of writing that review, when I am back at my house, but you know, I get distracted, and then I don't remember until I consult my spreadsheet. 

I do find, that my best reviews are written right after I finish a book, because I am able to really capture my feelings better when they are fresh, but you know, life gets in the way. 

Now it's your turn!
Do you procrastinate writing reviews? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. All. The. Time. I just sat down yesterday to write up some reviews for the backlog. Grr. And it makes me angry at myself but *shrugs*. Your #4 is what happens to me most often. But I'm a procrastinator and I don't see that changing anytime soon. LOL Great post, Sam!

    1. I am NOT usually a procrastinator UNLESS I have to do something that I am struggling with. I am not a gifted writer. When I was in school, I would have to do yoga or something to get myself inspired enough to write my papers. It was really difficult for me, and why stare at an empty screen, when you could be doing something you enjoy, right?

  2. This is relatable. Sometimes it takes me a few weeks to find time to write a review. By then, I’ve forgotten everything about the book. I’ve started writing a 1-paragraph word-vomit review on Goodreads as soon as I finish a book. I expand that into a full review when I have time.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I think I would have a panic attack if I let my reviews linger for weeks. I usually write them by the end of the week I read the book, but the longer I wait, the harder it is. I always write a little blurb on GR to have something holding my review place, but what you do is pretty genius, because it's like notes for yourself and a review in case you never go back to it. I like that.

  3. With me, it's more about lacking the time to write the reviews! In a good month I can read 20 books so right away I'm behind schedule when I only get maybe 2 on average written each week!

    1. That is why I like to read a mix of review and non-review books. My non-review books get a few lines on GR and a rating. My review books get a real review, and those always take me longer. I am working to limit my review books to half of my books per month, but sometimes I over request, that's when I tend to fall behind.

  4. I have to have some sort of emotional reaction to a book to write a review. SO I'll jot down the key points so I don't forget but it can take me weeks to process and come up with my full review.

    And if I'm in the mood to read and not write reviews (which is happening more and more lately) then I just pick up the next book. I read a lot like you do.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I agree. Meh books are so hard to write reviews for, because they're not great, but they're not bad. If I rate lower than 3.5, that book is only review on GR. Even some of my 3.5s get relegated to GR, because I strive for 4 stars and up on the blog, and those are the books I write the full-on reviews for.

  5. OMG, I totally procrastinate writing reviews! And what’s crazy is that I used to be practically obsessive about writing reviews *immediately* after finishing a book. I wouldn’t even allow myself to pick/start a new book until that review was done. Boy are those days long gone! Now I’m so far behind on reviews it’s ridiculous. Sometimes I have little to say, sometimes I’m just lazy and most often I just want to read and not write. I have plenty of excuses! LOL

    1. My Nutshell Reviews were born when I was struggling with capturing my thoughts, and the structure helped me a lot. I feel like switching up my format helps me push through the reviews, when I am not feeling it.

  6. Hahaha when I used to read that many books I had this problem. I'm more in the 1-2 books a week camp now, so it's less of an issue. My booknesia (forgetting plots and characters) is better too. My trick when I used to read that much is that I forced myself to write a stream of consciousness blob of thoughts on Goodreads when I marked the book "read." Even when I wanted to just type: "Loved this- RTC." Then my memory would be jogged when it came time to write the review...

    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. AJ mentioned a similar approach and I think it's a fantastic idea. My problem really arises when I finish my books while I am traveling. I have a higher success rate of the review being written in a timely manner, when I finished the book, while at home. I do write a short GR blurb with RTF, but writing more could be beneficial for me.

  7. I sooooo completely agree with every one of your reasons! I also work and so it's hard to make time. Also, like you I sometimes I just don't know what to write! The words won't come or I feel like they're stupid or I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over again! And those 3 stars books are really hard to review. Those middling feelings just don't inspire me to write, and sometimes I can't really even put my finger on why the story didn't WOW me. Much easier to write when I either love or hate a book.

    1. 3-star books are so hard to review. They're not bad, but they're not great and expounding the merits of a middle of the road book is hard. I usually only review books like that on GR, and then I write a rather informal review. If I didn't have to be at my job 5 days a week, it would be much easier to get all my reviews done. >_<

  8. I feel this so much! There are definitely times when I MEAN to write my review but I just... don't. Whoops! Once or twice I've even have to find a summary to jog my memory. I don't lack time, I just put it off, especially when I can't think of much to say!

    1. I always have to read the summary. Like you, it will job my memory, but I also read it, because my feeling is anything in the synopsis is NOT a spoiler and I can talk about it.

  9. I really try not to procrastinate in writing reviews. I forget stuff SO fast. I think two days is my limit in waiting to write. I don't formally review every book I read, though. I'm so impressed by bloggers who do, but it's overwhelming to me.

    1. The older I get, the more more my mind becomes a sieve. But seriously, my best reviews are written right away, because that is when I can best capture my emotions. My daughter can write a review months later, and it will be good. That always impresses me. I don't write formal reviews for every book either, but I do write something on GR.

  10. I learned this lesson the hard way. If I finish a book and start one right away it's a forgone conclusion that the review for the book I just finished will be subpar and that I'll have a hard time writing it. I learned to start typing up my thoughts on the book for the review in the notes app on my phone so I have an easier time writing the review when I have time :)

    1. I wish I had such nimble fingers, but it takes me forever to type on my phone. I just cannot do that thumb thing, but I do like the idea of capturing my thoughts immediately (paper would be faster for me)

  11. I have the solution for you Sam as fellow commuter: when I finish a book on the train I write the draft of my review on my phone in the "note app" and I "share" it sending the text to my mailbox! Later I only (well that's relative as it can take time this "only") to fine tune and post! If I don't write it immediately ...I forget! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. I am elderly. It takes me forever to even send a text. 😂 I would use the voice to text, but I sit on the quiet car. My co-bloggers can write a whole post from their phone and I struggle with replying to a comment. Though I do think it's a good idea.

  12. Ha all of these happen to me as well! Although I don't read 5-8 books a week?!? That is seriously amazing! I tend to write mine right away though when I can because I feel like it's hanging over my head and that drives me nuts. :)

    1. I suffer a great deal of guilt when I put off reviews, and all it does is stress me out, so why do I do it?

  13. This post is so relatable right now for all of the reasons you mentioned. And yes, the guilt of being so behind is wearing on me. I said I was going to catch up on reviews today and still haven't written the first one. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow, lol.

    1. Yes, tomorrow is another day <-- that's what I always tell myself too.

  14. I rarely write reviews immediately after finishing a book. I write most reviews the night before I post them on my blog because I am such a procrastinator. There are times that writing a review is a real challenge because I don't remember the book as well as I would like. I have even waited so long to write reviews that I need to read the book again to review it properly. You would think I would learn but no.

    1. No, you're a boss. I could never leave my reviews for that long, because once I sit down, it takes me so long to organize my thoughts.

  15. I have so many reviews piled up that I'm dedicating most of today to write them. I'm not going to read anything until I've written two. Hopefully I will. I usually take notes while I'm reading so that even if I write the review weeks later I still have something to go on other than my sieve of a memory.

    1. Notes and highlighting definitely help me. I like that you have a goal of two today. That's doable. Good luck!

  16. I have such a problem with this myself. OMG, I should did the review right after I read a book but I don't. I just go to the next book. I have to learn to me more diligent with writing reviews. This is pointing out my failure to do so...Maybe a wake up call to do my reviews sooner rather than later!


    1. I am guilty of the same exact thing, especially when I am struggling with what to write about the book. But I have found, that keeping on top of the reviews is better for me and the quality of my reviews.

  17. I often finish books when I'm out so I just start something new if I can, especially if I'm on my Kindle and then I get behind because I still don't review the other right away. LOL I'm trying to do better!


    1. Same. I am sure the book I am reading right now will be finished either on the train to work or the ride back. I just have to commit to writing the review when I get home. Otherwise, I let it go, and then I feel overwhelmed, and that makes it even harder for me to being. It's a vicious cycle.

  18. Omigoshhhhhh, yessssssssss, Sam. Such such a good point. Reviews are the foundations of the book blogging world, but sometimes they are just the bane of our existence, lol, ESPECIALLY when you have 7 stacked up. I've learned that I can't go too long, though, because I start to forget things and then panic and chaos, lol. But it is so easy to skip on a few right after finishing them for all these reasons. I mean, I'm currently writing this comment instead of writing one, so, ya know. Great post, Sam! :)

    1. Right! I get so stressed, and I wonder why I do that to myself. That's why I always like to mix in some non-review books. They are my "breather" books.

  19. I've been horrendous this year with just not getting around to writing a review for a book. I review ARCs and review copies for that's the deal for those, it's a commitment, but with non-review books? I've been awful. *hangs head in shame*

    I do find it easier to review books that evoke a strong reaction (love or loathe) rather than a book that's just meh or good.

    I also find it easier to review immediately after reading but, as you said, life happens...e

    1. I ended up with too many ARCs a few months, and had to let some of them slide, but I hope to get to them eventually. If you read and review all those, you're a star in my book.

  20. Those are all good reasons for procrastinating. I read a lot and I just don't have time to write a review for everything I read? I have review notes for everything I read though, so if I want to make a review at some point I can. But even then I feel like that is a ridiculous excuse because you read so much more for me and manage to write so many reviews!!

    1. I have notes too, but I cannot capture the feelings as well as I can when I do it right away. I do read more than you, but I don't do as much stuff as you. Just work. I would be skipping reviews to do all the amazing things you do too.

  21. I'm horrible about keeping up with my reviews. The only time I review right when I finish a book is when I am signed up for a tour and I finish the book at the last minute!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I always read my review book waaaay in advance. I am paranoid that I will cut it too close and not have time to do a good review, but my reviews really suffer, when I try to write too many at once. I am NOT a natural writer. I has always been difficult for me, unless I am writing something technical. Therefore, writing them right away helps me a lot.
