
Friday, August 24, 2018

Discussion: Influencer or Enthusiast?

This Week’s Topic: Are you an influencer or an enthusiast?

Not too long ago, Amber from Du Livre, asked Twitter this question. I was watching a lot of replies, and many felt they were enthusiasts when it comes to books. I am firmly an enthusiast, and this is why.
  • To be an influencer, you need to have a wide reach. Let's face it, I don't have a legion of followers. I love all the followers I have, but I have yet to crack that magic 1000 mark on any platform, which still is small potatoes when you look around the blogosphere. 
  • I am NOT conquering all social media platforms. Facebook - what's that? I tried Instagram for a while, but I really am not good at taking pictures. It would take me a long time to get something mediocre, and since I didn't attend BookExpo this year, I don't really have nay new physical books. I dabble on Twitter, but I just don't have the time to dedicate to building the following. I see people tweeting all day, whereas I am more of a check in a few times of day person. 
  • Getting ARCs ain't easy. I cross my fingers and hold my breath when I request an eGalley, and I won't even attempt asking for physical ARCs. Those are reserved for the influencers. 
  • An influencer wields a power to get people to do things. I just don't have that kind of personality. I struggled getting my child to clean her room, how am I supposed to get strangers to listen to me?
But I am a FANTASTIC enthusiast!
  • I love books!
  • I enjoy reading, and I read tons.
  • I adore chatting with people about books.
  • I shower love on my favorite books when possible. 
  • I try, with all my might, to get people I know to read. 
  • I have  a small library in my bottom drawer at work, just in case others want to read. 
  • I pontificate on what a glorious place the public library is, and have even been able to get some of my co-workers to get library cards.

Now it's your turn!

What are you: Influencer or Enthusiast? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. This isn't something I've even thought about, tbh, but I guess I would consider myself an enthusiast too. My blog is also not all that big, and probably only like ten people actually care what I say, haha. But I love books, and I love talking about them, and I do at least on occasion get people to read something I've recommended lol, and that makes me happy at least!

    1. You sell yourself short, because I saw your name on lots of blogger love lists. Even if you're not, I don't know, Mundie Moms, at least you have quite a few steadfast followers, who appreciate your dedication to indie books and books featuring protagonists with disabilities.

  2. Yeah I'm an enthusiast! My blog is small and I'm not out there trying to gain thousands of followers and changing the world! I'm happy if I can get a few people reading my blog to try a few books I've liked, especially the Indie books I love!

    1. I don't really work too hard either. I just do the things I enjoy. I like blog hopping, and I only comment when I have something to say, not because I want someone to comment back.

  3. Total enthusiast here! I mean I am small time on the blog and I stink at twitter and barely do IG. But I love books, love reading posts about them, looking at the pictures, and talking to others. And I think I am totally ok with that!

    1. I totally admire those people, who tweet 1000 times a day. I just don't have that many witty thoughts. I would still love to hit 1000 somewhere, because maybe I could get an approval for the one pub who ALWAYS declines me. 🤣

  4. I would count myself as enthuiast too. Being an influencer is hard work, and I don't want to feel like reading is work. Or blogging. I like Twitter because I can let my inner rage out on some things, and get the news lol

    1. It really is a full time job. I have no idea how some of the bigger bloggers do it all. I use Twitter, because it's the easiest for me, but I also feel like there are more exchanges there than other platforms

  5. Quote: "I struggled getting my child to clean her room, how am I supposed to get strangers to listen to me?"

    To be honest...personally, I don't think I've ever come across an influencer in the book blogging universe. But I do believe we're all enthusiasts. Even when we get 3 comments and are able to recommend a book a year. Also, the sad thing be an influencer, you have to be willing to read books that come with hype already attached, and thanks but no thanks. I don't believe for a minute that, even if me or Kristen or Chuckle above were given a platform with thousands of followers, we would be able to recommend an indie book no one has heard of before. Sad truth.

    1. I can think of a few huge bloggers, who are now more Instagram stars. When I was more involved with romance reader groups, I was reading a ton of self pub, indie, small press, but not so much with YA

  6. I’ve never thought about this. I’m an enthusiast. It’s hard to create trends when I don’t read ARCs. I don’t think there are many influencers in the book blogging community. Influencers might be more of a YouTube thing? I know that fashion vloggers can get millions of followers and influence the sales of whatever they’re wearing. I don’t know if there’s a single book blogger with that kind of power.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I think once upon a time there were the big bloggers, but now it seems it's more about Instagram and YouTube. I agree, it is more of a lifestyle/fashion thing

  7. I'm definitely an enthusiast! As of a few years ago I've learned, the hard way, that ARC's make my anxiety reach new heights and it's not worth it (there are a few exception here and there though). For the most part, I read what I feel like reading (because I'm a mood reader) and it's rare for me to join in on the hype train for a specific book. I'm still at a loss as to how I garnered the number of followers I have on Twitter and I don't have enough physical books and fillers/trinkets to justify making a bookish IG :)

    1. The ARCs are the perks for me. I could never afford my reading habit, as my library's electronic resources are limited, and it's difficult for me to read physical book. I would have to buy over 200 books a year! Eek! Like you, I am in awe with all the blogging connections I have made.

  8. If the definitions are that cookie cutter I’m an enthusiast. But I I think there’s more to it. If someone raves about a book I’m always influenced into at least looking it up on Goodreads, reading the synopsis, checking out friend’s and member’s reviews, and often adding it to my tbr. Since I don’t follow any huge bloggers (I find the interaction a little too one sided) I’d say we’re all influencers. It makes sense in my head. Not sure if it translated.

    1. I was thinking in terms of the actual title "influencer", which has become a job for some or those who set out with the intent to become that. I never intended to become an influencer, but I agree there are individuals out there, who have influenced me.

  9. Nope, not an influencer. Too lazy to work that hard and to devote that much time online. I tried early on when I started blogging and had big dreams but I found I was spending hours and hours on the blog and it got to be way too much. I am happy to be an enthusiast.

    1. That is exactly how I feel. I won't even sacrifice any of my reading time to spend more time on social media exploits. I am happy with the people who do come by, and will always welcome more to the party, but like you, I will happily be an enthusiast

  10. Oh Sam! How I love how you say that you are a fantastic enthusiast! because it's so true! And that's one thing I love about your posts. You are genuine and passionate. I am not an influencer either even if I have more than 1000 followers on IG and close to 2000 on FB because I am not on social media all the time! I just try to be passionate and share my love of books with other readers so I'd say I am an enthusiastic too ;-)

    1. Aw, shucks. You're making me blush. I am glad I come across as passionate and not batty. My goal is 1000 on Twitter (which may never happen), so I think you have quite an awesome following. I know I am more drawn to the bloggers who are, like you said, passionate, and also, who engage with people on any of their platforms. I am going to put a stellar example out there of a BIG blogger, who is so good at being well known and engaging - Cait. She is pretty big. Lots of followers EVERYWHERE, and she still blog hops and responds to all comments on her blog, Goodreads, Twitter, and Instagram. I am exhausted just thinking about it (and yeah, she writes books too). That level of engagement is not the norm with the bigger bloggers, so I am amazed by her.

  11. Great discussion! I definitely feel like I'm in the enthusiast camp. I still struggle to get ARCs from publishers and I don't have tons of active followers. I don't think there's anything wrong with being an enthusiast though! Less pressure that way! ;)

    1. I feel so much better reading this. I thought it was just me, who had to deal with ARC disappointments. You just hit on a magic thing right there - active followers. I have been to blogs that have 2K followers, but their posts have not interactions. I would rather sit here with my under 500 followers, and enjoy engaging with them. I wonder if it's something that suffers because they are out on all the social media platforms, and just don't have the time to engage with their following. And yes, WAY less pressure.

  12. I loved reading others comments and this is a great topic. I believe I am an enthusiast, but I do hope I influence an occasional reader or two to grab a book I have read. I just want to have fun, as Cindy Lauper says. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Now I am singing that song!!! =)
      So true, I think it become more of a job, when trying to build those legions of followers. I know I don't have it in me to dedicate all my free time to curating my image and all that. But yeah, I am more of less happy in my space, and like you, super pleased if I convince someone to read a book here and there.

  13. I'm definitely an enthusiast. I'm hit and miss when it comes to being able to get ARCs and my follower counts are nowhere near high enough for me to be considered an influencer. I love my role as an enthusiast though for all of the reasons that you mentioned and if I happen to influence someone to read a book they might not have otherwise chosen, that's always a bonus. :)

    1. I am always happy if a person reads (and likes) a book because of me. At least I am in good company. You know what else I notice? Enthusiasts interact more than influencers, and that is really why I am here.

  14. Definitely an enthusiast! My reach is way too small. But I love bringing books to even a small audience, and I got my sister back into reading a couple years ago. She encourages me to talk about books all the time, because you never know who you might inspire!

    1. I am not the type of person, who likes too much attention. Therefore, I am pleased with the group I have, and like you, I celebrate any time I can get a book in someone's hands or a non-reader to read.

  15. Definitely an enthusiast! I love getting others of any age to read. Whether a child or an occasional reader, books can widen your world and your understanding. It’s a way to connect and make a stranger an instant friend! ❤️❤️

    1. Yes, to everything you said. When I was in high school, I complained about the books they made us read, but as an adult, I found there are so many other people, who were also forced to read those book, and we can connect via that. Obviously, I like talking about the books I pick myself and really enjoy, which is why I love having a bookish place in this world. It's more about the quality of the connections for me, rather than the amount.

  16. I'm definitely an Enthusiast. I don't have the time and energy required to be an influencer (never mind the followers) and I don't think I'd want to be even if I did.
    I like marching to the beat of my own drum and hate being told what to do. Being an influencer - to me - is essentially convincing others to do what you've been told (and paid) to do.
    It doesn't sound all that fun, original or inspiring but someone who is actually enthusiastic about something? That's convincing and inspiring.

    1. Truth! I have no idea how those people do it all. Even the mid-level bloggers/bookstgrammers seem to be everywhere, all the time. I think there is that dark side to being an influencer, just like with any kind of sponsorship. It is really easy to spot genuine enthusiasm as well.

  17. I loved that you expanded in this! In my early blogging days I thought myself an influencer because publishers were a lot more open to working with bloggers with a smaller following. But that's such a rat race.

    This year, I officially realize that I'm an enthusiast. I care about ARCs still (because jealousy and all) but I allow myself to read what I want and promote what I want. I feel happier that way and I'm able to focus on what I want (especially in regards to social media, Instagram is a pain).

    Yay for us enthusiasts!

    1. I feel like the platform focus has shifted. Instagram seems like the pub darling right now, but I don't think there is a ton of engagement there. So, it's awesome pictures, tons of followers, but I don't find it as fulfilling as interacting with bloggers on their sites or even Twitter. I find I am happiest when I balance ARCs and non-ARCs. I have learned a lot over the year, and my core group of followers seem to like the combination as well. And like you said, being an enthusiast comes with more freedom.

  18. Such an interesting discussion, Sam! I never really thought about the differences, but I totally see what you mean. I see bloggers that have their feet in all of the social media and I'm like, yup, total influencer. Also those that REALLY excel at it. Totally not sure what I fall into. But I have to say that you've lately become such an influencer for me with contemporary books, Sam! ;) Wonderful post! :)

    1. You are too kind, but I am happy to have you around to read some contemporaries with me, as I feel alone in a sea of fantasy readers. Those people, who are able to be everywhere and in a million groups, while still producing content on their blogs awe me. That will never be me, but I am impressed by their skills.

  19. I would be an enthusiast as well. I do know that people have bought books based on my recommendations but my reach is somewhat limited. My blog isn't big but I don't know that I could handle it if it were any bigger. I kind of suck at social media right now.

    1. Same. I could never keep up if my blog was much bigger. I would love to hit 1000 somewhere (it's the bare minimum for a lot of pubs), but I am not holding my breath. I envy the kids, who always had social media. I don't think they appreciate how it's not natural for people like me.

  20. Well, personally, I think the only difference between an enthusiast and an influencer is a matter of degrees.

    We all influence someone, whether in small or large ways. For example, years ago, when my niece told me she loved Divergent, I bought her the Legend trilogy for a Christmas present, thinking that she would love that as well.

    I'm willing to bet at least 90% of the people commenting and saying that they were enthusiasts are influencing people through their blog. I've read blog posts on Top Ten Tuesday and thought to myself "I have to read that book" and then I go out and get the book from the library or buy it. That's influence.

    And it's okay if you don't have the time or want to be a big-time influencer. But if you have a blog and are recommending books, you're probably an influencer of some sort. Even if your influence is small.

    1. I was thinking of "influencer" in current terms, but concede, that we are all have influenced someone at some point. Same with TTT - I have read many books from these lists, and my TBR grows exponentially every Tuesday. I don't really recommend books. I am more of a put my thoughts out there, and see how you feel about it. I know it takes more than one blogger to convince me to read something. Before I embark on a book, I read many reviews, but every one of those people had some degree of influence over my choice, I guess.

  21. I also think of myself more as an enthusiast, but at the same time, I think anyone who posts book reviews publicly has the potential to influence others' thoughts on books! This is a fascinating discussion; I'll have to ponder this some more!

    1. I think when I saw the question originally, I was thinking of those people, who create those artificial online lives to hawk goods, which seems to belong to celebs and lifestyle bloggers these days. After a quite a few comments, I can see it on a smaller scale, but still think that my intention, when I write a review, is to just lay out what I liked or didn't like. I have seen some reviews, which will say, "I recommend this book for....". Yeah, I never do that. I let the reader decide if they like or dislike the same things as me, which I feel puts me firmly in enthusiast territory.

  22. I'm a definite enthusiast. I fail at utilising social media and I am most definitely not directing folks to reading certain books I'm just flailing about books and hoping people want to flail with me. Being an influencer sounds exhausting and honestly it would take the fun out of reading surely. I mean, you'd put so much work into it there would be no time for reading.

    1. Right there, you pointed out where I even fail on a small scale - I rarely point people in the direction of a certain book. I have to know a lot about a person in order to do that successfully, and if you read my reviews, I never give recommendations, but I like to tell people how it made me feel, what I enjoyed, and maybe even, what I didn't enjoy. And I am with you! I will not sacrifice my reading time for promotion. I am first and foremost a reader.

  23. I think I might be an influencer in how many of the social media branches I cover, but more so an enthusiast with my reach... but I do some product placement things and advertisements so I am not entirely sure where that puts me? I would say an enthusiast for now, personally and would love to be an influencer someday because blogging as part of my job/income would be fun.

    1. This is the impression I am getting from a lot if the comments. I think I had the idea of the professional influence in mind, but have decided after reading all the comments that everyone is an influencer of sorts to some degree
