
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I don't know how many of you are participating in The Discussion Challenge, but it has been very, very good to me. First, I was July's featured blogger, and THEN I won the June giveaway.

I also am very happy that I finally have my Feedly all set up. I had read this post by Kristen months ago, and I kept meaning to set up my Feedly feed, but you know, life. Well, I am not kicking myself for not doing it sooner, because it makes my blog hopping so much easier. I had bloglovin' and Wordpress to check, for those blogs I couldn't find the email follow, but not, ALL IN ONE PLACE!! Yes, I am screaming about it. There are maybe 1 or 2 blogs I follow, which I could not add (maybe not RSS enabled?), but other than that, no more missed posts.

Those are the most positive things I have for this week, since apparently NJ has adopted tropical rainforest type weather. The humidity is so high, that breathing outside feels like I am having an asthma attack. Not fun. The flooding from yesterday's daily deluge left my entire township snarled up too. Hopefully clearer skies are heading our way.

Summer TBR Wipeout Update hosted by The Candid Cover

I did it! I kept to my Summer TBR Wipeout list, and read them all! And you know what? I have only one review left to write too. Feeling like a boss right now. This long term commitment was sometimes difficult for me. There were quite a few times I was ready to read something NOT on the list, but in the end, I chose the challenge.

  • Total number of books: 20
  • Audiobooks: 4
  • eBooks: 16
  • ARCs: 19
  • DNFs: 1
  • 3-stars: 1
  • 3.5-stars: 3
  • 4-stars: 9
  • 4.5-stars: 4 
  • 5-stars: 2

Interesting to Me:

In my former life, I taught science, and one subject I taught was astronomy. I saw this picture of the eclipse and thought it was pretty awesome. Did anyone see it themselves? Weather, as I have mentioned, was super foul here.

A couple of YA authors have announced their first adult novels, among them, Veronica Roth.

I was really excited, when I heard about the new Kaufman/Kristoff series during their book tour, and even more excited when I saw the official announcement.
On the Blog:
  • Monday: Nutshells - The Impossibility of Us, Summer of Salt, The Girl You Thought I Was
  • Tuesday: TTT - What Comes Next? Sequels I am eager to read
  • Wednesday: CWW - Odd One Out by Nic Stone
  • Thursday: Review - Surviving Adam Meade by 
  • Friday: Discussion - They're All Dead

I couldn't resist buying Roomies. I liked older Christina Lauren books, but I have been loving their newer releases. When I saw Roomies on sale, I had to one-click. I am also always looking for more hockey romances, and have been wanting to read something by Blakely, and well, free is worth a try, right? I am starting to load my "2019" shelf too with lots of fabulous releases.


What I Read Last Week


What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh nice new reads! Those are all new to me ones! I hope you will enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Oh yes, Feedly is so awesome! And its interface is so nice too.
    That's so cool about the discussion challenge :) I actually haven't been logging my discussion posts for the last month or so. Just been busy, I guess.
    Wow... you kicked

    1. *you kicked butt at the TBR wipeout. My phone just decided to post the comment while I was typing. Go figure.
      And no, I didn't see the moon! I don't even know why, our windows are either in a bad place or it was just too cloudy.
      Have a great week!

    2. Thanks! I was excited to win something, and it's fun to do short term challenges, because the results are more immediate. I like to pop over to the challenge to see what other people are talking about. There are some interesting discussions out there, and sometimes, they inspire me.

  3. Oh I need to try Feedly. I set it up a long time ago and then still used Bloglovin. Maybe I will try again. Great job on the WIpeout. Congrats on the wins and enjoy all your new books. Have a great week!

    1. With so many blogs only on Wordpress, it just is easier to have it all in one place, and like Evelina said, the interface is so much better.

  4. Great job on the Summer TBR Wipeout Challenge!!! I still haven't gotten feedly figured out, UGH... Hope you have some better weather, maybe some sunshine. :)

    1. Your blog is one I cannot add. I don't see an RSS option on your site either, but I get emails.

  5. Wow, great job finishing the Summer TBR Wipeout! I still have a couple books to go. I agree, the weather here has been awful, I think we have more rain coming!

  6. I wanted to see the eclipse, but it was raining. I love the discussion challenge. It’s my favorite blogging challenge. Congrats on the giveaway win and on finishing your reading challenge! I hope the humidity goes away. Humidity makes me grateful that I live at high altitude. We don’t get humidity up here because we barely have any air at all. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I didn't really buy into that whole "dry heat" thing, but after visiting California and comparing our weather, I am now a believer

  7. Ha-ha...I just read your reply, Sam; I live in Dry Heat Country(California) where triple digits are the Thing. LOL

    Enjoy your week. Your books look tempting...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I was shocked that 85 in NJ felt hotter than the high 90s in California. Yes, it's hot, and was always full sun, but in the shade, it felt a lot less oppressive than this wet, humid mess I am in right now.

  8. Way to go on the TBR Wipeout! I have my own challenge for them and making a bit of headway. Most of my other challenges are doing well too. I still need to find a book which has a title starting with Q. That's what got me on one challenge last year. Enjoy all of those lovely books:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. The only reading challenges I repeatedly fail are the shelf-love challenges. I am a very neglectful book owner. I need Q, X, and Z. I have my eye on some books, but I am trying to get through review books right now, none of which start with Q, X, or Z. I was thinking of reading one of those Sue Grafton mysteries. She almost got to Z. *tears*

  9. YAY congratulations on the TBR Wipeout, you're doing amazing, that's so great :D
    I'm so happy you got Opposite of Always, I am soooo eager to read that book, 2019 can't come soon enough for that one. It sounds incredible, I can't wait to hear what you think of it :) I'm also happy to see you enjoyed Wild Blue Wonder, I'm impatient to read that one :)
    I hope you will have a wonderful week! <3

    1. I think I shed some tears just reading the synopsis for Opposite of Always, so I say, bring on the pain. There were a ton of tears during Wild Blue Wonder too, but it was very lovely book.

  10. Congrats on wiping out the TBR, Sam! :) And another great post as usual! :)

    1. This is not even a dent ๐Ÿคฃ, but thank you!

  11. Congrats on the reading challenge. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

    1. Thanks. I am a reader, who needs some guidelines

  12. Congrats on an awesome July! I loved my time teaching science. So much awesomeness to share with students!

    1. Chem and physics were hard, so I wouldn't say a majority of the students shared my enthusiasm, but I do miss talking about science with my peers.

  13. Your weather sounds like Florida! XD I hope you enjoy your new books! I've had my eye on Roomies for awhile, but haven't gotten around to reading it.

    1. I had lived in FL for 6 years, and it really did remind me of that, however, it's not unusual for this part of the country. We get a mix of weather. I couldn't resist the $1.99 ebook sale, because Christina Lauren has been wowing me lately.

  14. "tropical rainforest type weather" lol yeah I love summer, but the heat... not so much. Although here in michigan it's been pretty moderate for July. Hope you get some relief soon.

    Congrats on the giveaway, and on being July's featured blogger. How fun!

    I haven't read the synopsis yet, but Aurora rising looks fabulous- so happy to see more Kaufman/ Kristoff on the way! And I love astronomy- that blood moon pic is so cool!

    1. I would be ok if we canceled summer. It seems like there have been some odd extremes all over this summer. My daughter is in Chicago, and there were a few times the temps were worse there, than here. I have had a run of luck. I hope it doesn't end, because I like winning stuff. I have been really excited about the Aurora Rising books since the authors mentioned them at the signing in March. I am hoping I love them as much as their previous series.

  15. You're doing great with your TBR! OMG the blood moon was so cool to look at (in photodls of course - I didn't see a thing lol). That particular photo is AWESOME. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful day, Sam. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I miss every interesting astronomical event, usually because of weather ๐Ÿ˜‘

  16. Ooh I hope you love Roomies! I haven't read Christina Lauren's older books, but I've been loving their new stuff. Have you read Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating? It's available on NetGalley! At least it was a couple weeks ago, haha. :) I also really liked The Anatomical Shape Of A Heart! Also, congrats on your summer challenge!

    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

    1. CL's new stuff has been stupendous! I have Josh & Hazel, but am reading by release date, so, trying to show some self control there. ๐Ÿ˜† I think I did get it from NG

  17. Congrats on winning the giveaway! It’s always fun to win something... especially something book-related. :) I feel you on the humidity. We’ve had plenty of rain which means the humidity is even worst than usual. Ugh. You totally rocked the Summer TBR Wipeout! Go you!!! I really need to continue with the Off Campus series... I loved the first book so much. And I’ve had Adorkable sitting on my Kindle for 2 years and *still* haven’t read it. One day!

    1. Humidity belongs in FL, not in NJ. People say The Goal was not their favorite, but really loved the coupling, and Kennedy let us know the near future of all the boys. I was happy with it. I listened to Adorakable, though I have the ebook ๐Ÿ™„ It was really cute.

  18. Ahhhh congrats! I suck at discussions so I haven't participated (I just discuss things when I feel like it, haha). Also sounds like you had a very accomplished week as well with finishing a reading challenge.

    1. I used to be terrified of discussion posts, so the challenge has been good for me. I am more motivated to come up with something because I have a place to share it.

  19. Oof the weather sounds harsh Sam. Congrats on completing your challenge!!! And I'm kind of bummed I missed the blood red moon.

    1. The weather was garbage, but it's looking up right now. Not as tropical at least. I miss every astronomical event. The weather is forever thwarting my efforts

  20. Wow, you did an amazing job both on the challenge and on sticking to your original TBR. Well done!

    I can't wait to see what you think of Roomies. I've been wanting to try one of Christina Lauren's books and the synopsis and setting for Roomies really appeals to me.

    1. The last two Christina Lauren books I read were incredible - Autoboyography and Love and Other Words. I feel like it's all about the story you are looking for, but both left me really happy.

  21. Great job on finishing the TBR Summer Wipeout! That's fantastic. I really need to schedule ahead - I feel like I'm so behind. haha


    1. Weekly TBRs have been really good for me in terms of keeping me sort of on track. This challenge was harder for me, because it was just about a whole month's worth of books, but it pushed me to get to some ARCs I had been putting off.

  22. Yay for getting all of the Feedly stuff set up! I don't think it is something that would work for me but so many people have raved about how handy it is so I am glad you have it for yourself. And congratulations on smashing through your summer tbr challenge as well. GO YOU :D An inspiration to us all. Also, I LOVE The Anatomical Shape of A Heart so if you haven't read it yet, I hope you love it <3

    1. It is so much easier to get through my blog hopping with feedly. I have been lucky to get DRCs if the last two Bennett books, but I was late to the party for TASoaH. She is no weed an auto-read for me, so I must get this book read before her next release

  23. The heat really is a problem this summer all over! I can't wait for Autumn... That said, I saw conkers falling from horse chestnut trees already! Little bit worrying. :/

    Feedly sounds JUST what I need. I'm constantly flapping trying to keep up with visits and posts.

    1. I totally love Feedly. It takes a while to add all the blogs, but once it is done, they are all in one place with a nice interface to deal with them

  24. Summer TBR Wipeout is over! How did you even so it? I'm amazed. And you've gotten such good books in this week too! I cannot wait to see all your reviews. I didn't see the eclipse when it happened the UK was having lots of rain (which yay because the heat finally broke) but yeah, missed it totally round by me which sucks. That picture is very cool.

    1. Rain has ruined so many astronomical events for me. ๐Ÿ˜‘

  25. oh I love all those covers marked with a big X. It feels so productive! :) I'm glad you were able to keep to your Summer TBR and wow you are on top of your reviews too! Ok I'm officially jealous Sam! I'm so behind with my blogging it is not funny anymore. BUT, I AM HAPPY FOR YOU! :)

    1. It is so hard for me to write reviews, and if I let them pile up, it's painful.

  26. I really need to get a better system in place for blog hopping. Of course, all I can seem to do lately is return comments so there is that. What a cool pic of the moon! Congrats on completing your challenge, Sam! I see you gave the new Denault book 4.5 stars...I think I need that one in my life :)

    1. I liked the Hometown Heroes books, but I have LOVED this new series. There is something about the closeness of the siblings and the whole family bond that just takes it next level for me.

  27. Congrats on completing the challenge! I wish I could have seen that eclipse... and I totally need more Kaufman and Kristoff in my life. :)

    Check out my TTT and please vote in my Make Me Read It Readathon poll

    1. The Kaufman-Kristoff series sounds ah-mazing! Can't wait!
