
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

You know you're old, when all you have to talk about is the weather, but you know, we had a few really great days here in dirty Jersey. I got a text from one of my co-workers today, and I was pretty excited. I had recommended a book to her, and she finally went to the library and checked it out. Yeah for reading! I am sort of living vicariously through social media, as once again, there is an awesome event happening - SDCC. It's a bucket list thing for me to go to that convention, someday.

Summer TBR Wipeout Update hosted by The Candid Cover

I am still on track to read all these books. I knocked another 6 off this list, but I just could not bring myself to finish one of them. I listened to 42% of the audiobook, and I just could not continue.

Interesting to Me:

Let's start with something cute
I have nothing but love for funny books. Do you see any you like on this list?
Fitting books into age groups can be confusing, and I am not sure if I am totally straight, but at least this article gives some sort of guidance.
On the Blog:
What I Read Last Week

I was really sad to have a DNF this week. Sad, because I enjoyed the author's previous book, but it just wasn't working for me. However, I read a bunch of other great books and had two 5-star reads.

Top Reads - The Other Side of Lost, a really beautiful and emotional story, where the character found her way back to herself as she worked through her grief, and Let Me List the Ways, a wonderful, warm and fuzzy friends-to-more romance, which had me in happy tears.

Top Audiobook - If I Fix You, a messy and emotional story, which had quite a few surprises.

What I Am Currently Reading

So far, I have nothing on either of these, because I am just starting them.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. You're really knocking out the books on your TBR Wipeout! Congrats! I'm about to start Letting Go of Gravity and The Impossibility of Us, so I hope you enjoyed both. As for the weather... we're under a heat advisory, so we try not to leave the house after 10 or 11. It's just too hot for the kiddos (and me). Even swimming the other day... the water was 85 degrees. Yuck!

    I'm happy to see you liked Let Me List the Ways! It's on my list. <3

    𑁋 Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I am not a fan of summer, so book for heat advisories. I enjoyed both those books, especially Letting Go of Gravity. I hope you enjoy them too.

  2. Oh my gosh that is cute! Poor little guy ha ha. And yes isn't it amazing how we always talk weather on these posts? Good grief I do it ALL the time! I hear you on SDCC- SOME people are having all the fun, and I'm not one of them lol. It would be so amazing to make it there someday.

    I'll have to check out that Swoon Reads post on age groups- such a hot topic. I think there's a lot of ambiguity there sometimes.

    I'm so glad to hear The Other Side of Lost was good.

    Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!

    1. When he was stuck and just moving his legs. I couldn't even! I heard it is really hard to get SDCC tickets. You have to plan like years in advance. Someday, I will be there. Kirby's new book was a hit for me. I was moved and inspired and I just loved the message.

  3. Sam amazing efforts for your summer reads, 18 books! Wow!

    Don't dwell on the dnf, there's way too many books to read in so little time to continue on one that your not enjoying.

    Have a great week!

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. I hate DNFing, especially when it's an author I have enjoyed in the past. --sigh-- I am with you, like is too short to read books I am not enjoying.

  4. Yay for your coworker checking out the book! you're doing amazing on the reading challenge too! Happy Sunday, enjoy those new books. ☺

    1. I know, right? I am making readers of my peers, one book at a time.

  5. Those look like lots of great reads...if you judge a book by its cover, which I certainly do. Enjoy!

    1. I am famous for judging books by their covers.

  6. I love that video clip of the puppy! I've seen it on twitter many times! He's soooo cute and fluffy!

    Nice new reads too! All totally new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. You're doing so great on the Summer TBR Wipeout! We did have some nice weather this week, but unfortunately it looks like a lot of rain is coming!

    1. TBR wipeout has been good for me, because it made me commit. I ALMOST strayed, but because of my competitive nature, I stuck to the books on my challenge list. I am ok with rain, as long as it rains between 8 am and 4 pm (that's when I am in the office). I hate when it rains in the morning. Nobody likes being wet at work all day.

  8. Haha, look at that cute ball of fluff. I love him. Wow, you’re doing well on your challenge. I hope your coworker loves the book you recommended.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I love him so much, I almost want one. I had recommended The Last Lecture to her, which I think has wide appeal. So far, they have all been happy with my recs, which is sort of really flattering, because I am terrified every time I recommend a book.

  9. Well well well! What a really interesting and busy week sam! And yes you are right he (or she) is cute and fluffy ;-)))) Happy Sunday! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. I am so happy we have things like that dog on Twitter. It restores my faith in social media.

  10. Oh that puppy!! How cute is that!? Enjoy your books!

  11. It’s hard not to talk about the weather. It’s so miserably hot here it’s monopolizing all my attention.

    1. There are these people, who actually like this weather. I just don't understand them.

  12. Oh gosh, going to comic con in San Diego would be amazing. Sorry to hear about the DNF - but it happens!!
    I keep meaning to tell you that Out of Print Clothing has SLOTH DESIGNS!!


    1. I am kind of sad that my daughter has to dress professionally now, because she used to wear all super fun prints. I am going to check Out of Print though.

  13. You're doing great on the Wipeout challenge. And I spy some pretty new books to go explore. That puppy is too cute! Got himself stuck:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. When he was wiggling his legs. My co-worker and I could not stop laughing.

  14. You've been doing well, 6 books is a lot. I also feel like somehow I failed when I end up with a DNF but really some books just aren't a fit. Enjoy your new books; they look good. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I am all about DNFing, if I am not feeling it, but it was a book I had high hopes for.

  15. I always feel a little sad when I have a dnf but it happens. You added some great books this week. I can't wait to see what you think of When It's Right since I am so tempted by that one. Have a great week!

    1. I was pretty stoked about When It's Right, because the publicist sent that to me. That doesn't happen often, so I will bask in feeling relevant for a little bit.

  16. I'd love to go to SDCC one day too! And GREAT job with your TBR! Awesome new books too! I hope you love them all!

    1. I am always drooling over all the SDCC updates every year. Kiersten and I have vowed to attend someday.

  17. You are doing fantastic with your summer TBR! All these books look so summery too. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Your typical summer read fits my everyday vibe - fun, light, with some heart. They are my faves, and this season always has tons of good me-books to offer.

  18. How awesome that your coworker is reading a book you rec'd! And yay for two 5-star reads! It also looks like you're doing great with your summer tbr :-)

    1. I am trying to make them all readers, because I never know what they are talking about when they do their TV/movie talks.

  19. Wow, you are doing amazing on your challenge! Very impressive! And a huge yay for recommending books to people and actually have them read them. I love it when that happens :)

    1. I always read a lot, but the challenges are good for keeping me on track. It's awesome, but stressful when someone picks up a book I suggested. That's why I lobby for using the library, because then if they don't like it, at least they didn't buy the book.

  20. Good job with the challenge! Your TBR is going to be miniscule! OMG I've always wanted to go to SDCC. 😍 Happy reading, Sam!

    Have a wonderful day. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  21. Six books knocked out?? You're killing the challenge! I'm trash at DNFing because I always sorry that I'm going to miss the part when the book gets good even though that never comes.

    It looks like you've got some great books!

    1. I don't DNF willy-nilly, but I will let a book go. If I feel like I have given it a fair chance, and it isn't working for me, then it's time to shut that book down.

  22. It's also been a bucket list item of mine to one day go to SDCC! Everything I see on social media looks so much fun and cosplaying sounds awesome. The about decoding YA, MG, NA & Adult was very informative!

    1. SDCC is just the ultimate con, and I need to go at least once.

  23. Is it getting old to always talk about the weather? I thought it was just being British. Me and my colleagues will talk about the weather at least once a day, we can't help ourselves at this point. I've missed these weekly updates so I didn't even know you were doing a summer reading challenge! I am so crazy impressed at all the books you've read.

    I can't believe you have the latest Roni Loren book when I'm only just picking up the second. I will be getting my preorder in for that third book though because I can already tell I'm gonna be loving this whole series it seems. I wouldn't feel bad about DNF-ing a book, it happens to the best of it and it's better to stop than struggle on. It was one book from an author you've said you've enjoyed before, it happens. I don't know how you've gotten through so many books! Now I feel like I've been slacking.

    1. I am garbage, because I still need to read the second book, but the 3rd was available on Edelweiss for download, so I jumped on it.

  24. Comic Con! I'm with you, it's on the bucket list of things to do, although I doubt I'll EVER get tickets. :(
    I'm also so over summer now. I can't stand the heat. The UK is having a 'heatwave' summer with record temps and blah blah blah and it's just so hot. I can't sleep properly, it's making me grumpy and stabby, lol. Autumn can't come soon enough!

    Have a great week Sam!

    1. I doubt I would be able to get tickets either, but I am still keeping the dream alive. O am with you. Bring on fall!

  25. Fight or Flight! I have been looking EVERYWHERE for that! I can't wait to get my hands on that one!

    Nikki @ Take Me Away...

    1. I have had some good luck with Samantha Young, and when Penny Reid said it was hilarious, I knew I had to read it.

  26. Only two more left for your Summer wipeout challenge! You are doing so well there. I also have to say I haven't been seeing any positive reviews for Mariam Sharma hits the road so I am going to have to skip that one for sure >.>

    1. I finished them both last week. I even impressed myself. I think there are good intentions with Mariam, but I just wasn't a fan of all the angst
