
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Another week down, another week closer to my vacation. That's all I've got. It's July, it's hot, yada, yada. I did get a ton of reading done though.

Summer TBR Wipeout Update hosted by The Candid Cover

Lots of great books this week, and I did a good job sticking to my TBR. I knocked out another 7 books, and two of them were my favorite reads of the week.

On the Internet:

When I saw this, all these captions kept running through my head. How would you caption this picture?

So many awesome books on this list of upcoming #OwnVoices releases

GoodReads thinks these are the 9 BEST adaptations. What do you think?

And speaking of adaptations, the trailer for The Miseducation of Cameron Post dropped. What do you think?

On the Blog:
  • Monday: In a Nutshell Reviews - Notes From My Captivity, Things Jolie Needs to Do Before She Bites It, The Supervillain and Me
  • Tuesday: TTT - Favorite 2018 Releases (so far)
  • Wednesday: Can't-Wait Wednesday - Home and Away by Candice Montgomery
  • Thursday: Reviews - I'm Not Missing & Letting Go of Gravity
  • Friday: Discussion - I'd Read That!

What I Read Last Week

I got through a ton of books last week. My favorite book of the week was Surviving Adam Meade. I love a good hate-to-love romance, and Adam Meade delivered. My favorite audiobook was Stay Sweet. I loved the whole idea of the creamery and the main character's growth was inspiring.

What I Am Currently Reading

  • Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry - I am Catholic, went to Catholic school, and am finding this quite hilarious. I am not too far in, but I am enjoying the MCs voice a lot. 
  • If I Fix You by Abigail Johnson (audiobook) - Another messy one from Johnson, and I am loving it. 
What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh my gosh that hedgehog pic!!! :)

    I'm curious about The Girl You Thought I Was, and also The Other Side of Lost. I hope both turn out to be good!

    1. The Girl You Thought I Was was really good. It was close to 4.5 stars for me. I thought Phillips did a good job capturing the addiction side of shoplifting, and the residual pain, guilt, and self loathing that accompanied it.

  2. Lol the hedgehog was so cute I had to show boyfriend! And he captioned it even before I asked xD "It is the Hedgehog King and he will pass judgement on you now." Because he's got such a judgemental face :D super cute.
    I hope you have a wonderful week! And I am sorry I haven't been able to visit for the past few weeks. Life was hectic! It's good to finally catch up :)

    1. Yes, hedgie has quite the judgey face in that pic. I think that's why I find it so hilarious.

  3. Such a cute hedgehog. You have read an insane number of books last week, I am not sure how you do it.
    Engrossed in a good book

    1. I wish I had the time to dedicate to a pet, because I would totally have a hedgehog.

  4. Ahhh that hedgehog is way too adorable, I love him hahaha <3
    It seems like you had a busy reading week, that's amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed Summer of Salt, I really want to read that one at some point, it sounds great :D Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Jessi Kirby's book as well, that one's on my TBR :D
    Happy reading! x

    1. Summer of Salt was really good. Great characters and setting plus magic, but what really moved me was the commentary regarding sexual assault. I had tears during parts of it.

  5. Lol! The hedgehog! So adorable...he's clearly looking down on us puny humans!

  6. I want a hedgehog so badly, he is jus adorable! My dogs probably wouldn't be too thrilled for one in the house though. lol.. Amazing group of new books this week. Have a fabulous week.

    1. Me too, but I don't have the time to dedicate to a pet. I will appreciate the splendor of the hedgehog via the Daily Hedgehog though.

  7. Yes, the hedgehog is so cute! Great selection of books to read--I love seeing all the beautiful covers.

    1. Covers are the best. I wish I had the time and ambition to do those wonderful cover-love posts, but I am too lazy.

  8. Ah, don't get me started on the heat. I'm suffering. All of my body is suffering 😓😭.

    Hedgehog caption: "Who died and made me king?" 😁.

    Heretic Anonymous is on my list! I'm not a religious person, but it sounds like a fun read, while staying respectful and objective. Have you ever heard of This Side of Salvation by Jeri Smith Ready (who's also Avery Cockburn, author of LGBT romance)? I loved that one. It both questions certain aspects of faith and has a sympathetic eye towards it. Highly recommended!

    1. Ha! Maybe hedgie did say that. ;)
      I am about 3/4 through Heretics. It has an interesting point of view. It's not about any one particular religion, but rather examines many with their pluses and minuses highlighted, as well as taking the stance that they need to evolve as we do. I struggle a little with books that include religion, because the authors tend to have only negative things to say, and I subscribe to religion. I only requested this one, because it sounded like it would be funny, and it is.

  9. OOh nice new reads! Totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Ohh I have Surviving Adam Meade and I adore hate to love romances. I have to up that one on my list to read. =) Lovely books this week. Enjoy them! I like your line up for the week.


    1. I really enjoyed it, and I am even going to check out the sequel on Wattpad.

  11. Awesome job on the wipeout challenge!! Love that hedgehog picture. You read and like so many books I want to get to this week. I need to get to them now! Have a great week!

    1. One book was from last Saturday. I finished it after I scheduled my post, but I guess I did read one extra book. They were so good, I just kept finding myself getting a chapter in here and there.

  12. Congrats on getting through your TBR list! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  13. Great job on your challenge. I wish I could read 7 books a week. I struggle to read that many in a month. That hedgehog pic is adorable! Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I read contemporaries. They are like 300 pages. You, you read tomes.

  14. How great that you knocked so many books off the TBR. I need to work on that, too. I've been reading review books...and newer ones. Although I did dip into my older books this week, too.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I have so many review books. I am only really getting to my backlist via audiobooks

  15. Wow, you're doing great on the Summer TBR Wipeout! I just read Stay Sweet yesterday and thought it was cute.

    1. Vivian is hit or miss for me, so I was surprised by how much I liked Stay Sweet.

  16. Ooh, look at all of those fun summer reads! You should be all set for a week or so. LOL
    Caption for the hedge hog: I am your supreme ruler. All bow before me. Ooh, is that ice cream?!

    My Sunday Post

    1. He totally looks super haughty enough to be saying that.

  17. Oooh, you have a vacation coming up? I would be counting down, too. :)

    1. It's quite a countdown - we are going in October, but I have not been on a proper vacation in years, so I am really excited.

  18. Gah why do I not have my own hedgehog!?!?! Too cute!!!

  19. WOW Sam you are a reading machine!!! When do you sleep? And eat? And work? And ....LOL Now I hope you'll love Almost Impossible. It's the perfect summer read. Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. Long commute. Lots of time to read. I am lucky to have the type of desk job where I can listen to audiobooks too. It's done wonders for my backlist.

  20. Regarding the best adaptations I agree with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, those are amazing films. The hedgehog made me smile :)

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  21. Wow what a lot of interesting books you have read and received. Good for you reading so many - it's too hot to go outside so much these middle summer weeks. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I only go outside to get to my transportation these days. It's hot and humid and I will be glad when we it's over.

  22. Ah, a book for every day of the week. I am still in awe of your reading prowess. Your holiday is creeping closer!

    1. The books were so good this week. I just kept stealing chapters here and there.

  23. Wow! You are flying through your summer reading challenge. Looks like you read and listened to some great books this week. Have a great week!

    1. Last week was really fantastic. I cannot complain.

  24. Lol, right? Sometimes the only thing I have to talk about is the weather. But at least you got a lot of reading done! And awww what a cute/funny hedgehog :-P

    1. Hedgehogs are the, after sloths, of course.

  25. Omggg that hedgehog! I love him! A Danger to Herself and Others looks really interesting. I hoep you love all your new reads!

    1. I have liked Sheinmel's past books, so I was interested in seeing what it was about.

  26. Yep, hot. All the hot. Wish it wasn't hot... 🙂
    Well done on your reading challenge! You're smashing it!

    1. Yeah, I'm good at reading. If only it could get me a job.

  27. Wow, you are really kicking butt on that challenge. That's so great!

    LOL at the Hedgehog of the Day. Adorable!

    1. Hedgehog of the Day is one of the best parts of each morning.

  28. Hedgehogs are the cutest. 😍 I am so glad you loved Surviving Adam Meade! That book was awesome. Happy reading, Sam!

    Have a lovely week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Adam Meade had a lot more depth than I expected. I need the sequel now.

  29. I'm not Catholic (although my dad went to Catholic school after he acted up at the public school and he has QUITE the stories, LOL), but I like books like this, so I'm definitely going to check this one out.

    1. It's not really religious, in fact, I would consider it more a coming of age/family type story. They just happen to hunt demons.
