
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

What can I say, I am mad boring. I feel like all I did was commute with all all my delays and missed connections. I am really thrilled that I get a little midweek break next week. Let's hear it for federal holidays! It appears summer is in full attack mode, so I plan to just relax and read in the air conditioning.

Things I found Interesting

I honestly would love to see almost all Oliver's books adapted to the screen. I hope they do her stories justice this time. (Still trying to forget that Delirium pilot).

I have only read one of these books, so I better giddy up and prepare for these releases

I always get excited about cover reveals!!!
On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - Your Destination is on the Left by Lauren Spieller
  • Tuesday: TTT - Show Us Your Pride
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Accidentals by Sarina Bowen
  • Thursday: In a Nutshell - Fat Girl on a Plane, Learning to Breathe, Meant to Be Broken
  • Friday: Discussion - Dear Diary

There were some great sales on Amazon this week, and I FINALLY got I'll Meet You There!


What I Read Last Week

My favorite book this week was Smothered. It's absolutely hilarious, and I enjoyed every second of it. My favorite audiobook was Exit, Pursued by a Bear.  This book left me with tears in my eyes many, many times, but it was also a really powerful story of survival, and what a big impact a great support system has for the victim of a crime.

What I Am Currently Reading

I am almost finished with both books. I am loving Jolie, and am really enjoying seeing her find that there is a lot more to herself, than just her underbite. It's wonderful seeing her shine.

Give Me Some Truth is an interesting look into the lives of Native American teens in the 80s. It's #OwnVoices, and the experiences Gainsworth share with us are eye-opening and sometimes, kind of sad.
What I Plan to Read

I kind of just gave up on my past due reviews, and am going hard on my July books. I may get ahead, and then I will work in the May and June releases I missed.
How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I liked Panic so I'm kind of excited to see that news!

    1. I think my most favorite Oliver book was Vanishing Girls, but I think Panic would translate well.

  2. Oh I think Panic would make a great show!!! Enjoy your new books and have a great week!!

    1. I think the combination of story and action will do well in TV format.

  3. Wow!! Very nice haul!! I also added The Emerald Sea to my pile this week! Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. The covers that Epic Reads revealed were just amazing! My husband is off for July 4th so we'll be going to our town celebrations that evenings. :) Nice book haul, hope they are some great reads for you.

    1. I love covers so much. I wish I had the patience of Shannon at It Starts at Midnight, because she always does cool stuff with covers.

      Have an awesome time enjoying the 4th!

  5. I haven't read anything from Lauren Oliver yet so it sounds like I need to add her to my list and perhaps start with Panic.

    I'm really excited for the movie adaptation of The Hate U Give. I haven't read the others yet but they all sound fantastic.

    Great book haul this week too! Pride is one that I'm really curious about.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I have read 9 books by Oliver. I think that includes all her YA full-lengths. I am a fan. I read the description for Pride and just had to have it.

  6. I’m boring, too. I do the exact same thing every day and never know what to say in Sunday Posts. I’ve read I’ll Meet You There. It was okay. I hope you like it. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. But your Sunday posts are awesome, because you are very funny.

  7. I love that so many book based movies are coming out. Better get reading some of them. LOL Enjoy your midweek break and happy reading:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. I am a fan of adaptations, because even if I don't like them, I like seeing how the writer/director translated the book to screen.

  8. I'm so interested in a TV show based on a Lauren Oliver book! I hope it's amazing - they can be so hit or miss! Pride is tentatively on my TBR, so I'm interested to see what you think of it. Have a great week :D

    1. I am hoping this adaptation is better than Delirium, because Panic is a great fit for the small screen if you ask me.

  9. SO looking forward to a day off, even if it's in the middle of the week! It is just too hot around here, I don't foresee me leaving the house today!

    1. I hate my commute so much, I am always looking forward to a day off. I burn my vacation days taking random Wednesdays off all the time.

  10. I think the trailer for The Darkest Minds looks fun but I’m trying to read the book right now and struggling so bad! I don’t know if it’s me or the book but eeesh! Maybe I’ll just watch the movie and forget the book.

    1. I have not read anything from Bracken, but she has quite the following. I never struggle through a book. I alway quit if I'm not feeling it.

  11. Woah, you read a lot last week. I really want to check out The Darkest Minds.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I usually read 5 books a week and listen to a bunch of audiobooks. I have not read any books by Bracken, but the trailer for The Darkest Minds looks great.

  12. OH I am so excited about Lauren Oliver's Panic as well - I was a bit disappointed by the Delirium pilot, too, and I am very curious to see what they will do with Panic.Hopefully it will be good haha :)
    YAY I am so happy you got I'll Meet You There, it is one of my favorite books <3 <3
    I hope you'll have a wonderful week! xx

    1. I totally understood why Delirium was not picked up, but I am hoping they do Panic justice, because the story seems well suited to TV. I won a copy of I'll Meet You There in a giveaway, years ago, and never received it. So, I was a little salty about it, but everyone raves. I had to jump on the sale.

  13. I prefer for books to be turned into TV shows because they tend to cut less out. However, I am always leery that they will be good or stick to the book. But, hopefully they won't screw this up!
    Have a great week!

    1. That's a good point. They have more time, and don't have to remove so much. Even when they don't stick to the book or I don't particularly enjoy the adaptation, I enjoy seeing what they kept or discarded and how they translated the book to screen.

  14. I am so excited for Pride. I actually preordered it. I always meant to pick up Exit, Pursued by Bear. Glad to hear the audio was so powerful. Happy July!

    1. I read that synopsis, and knew I had to read Pride. It sounds fantastic. I loved the angle Johnston took with Exit. There are some really painful parts, but also some really empowering parts.

  15. I still need to finish the Glittering Court series by Richelle Mead! I really enjoyed the first book (dude was a major jerk--the one that wanted to marry her, ugh).

    I'm really excited about The Supervillain and Me! I cannot wait to see your thoughts. <3

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I really enjoyed Supervillain. It was swoony with lots of action and a great theme. I hope we get more books with this duo.

  16. Wow, Lauren Oliver is getting another show? I can NEVER forget Delirium. I never read Panic so I have no emotions about it.

    1. I tried to forget the TV version of Delirium. It was not good. I liked Panic a lot and think it will work well in TV format.

  17. I still need to read Lauren Oliver’s books (they are just sitting in my Nook lol). I love the covers of the upcoming releases and they are now on my tbr. I hope you enjoy your short week!

    1. I am pretty sure I have read all Oliver's YA books and I have an ARC of her fall release. I'm a fan.

  18. I'm really excited about having a break this week, too. I had hoped to get more done this weekend so I could just relax on the 4th, but I was as productive as I needed to be. :)

    1. I wish I had Wednesday off every week. It breaks it up nicely.

  19. You had an amazing reading week. And you did all that wonderful reading despite working all week and long commutes.

    Enjoy the holiday this week. You deserve it.

    1. I actually get all that reading done BECAUSE of my commute. I take mass transit, so I read on the bus, the train, and the shuttle. It's very good for my TBR.

  20. Don't worry! I had a slow week myself! I haven't read Panic yet, but I would love to soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. I am a solid Oliver fan, so I am really excited. Now, I hope they get this adaptation right.

  21. We are both boring. It's all good lol. Yay for a midweek break! I have to admit, I checked the link of upcoming movie adaptations and breathed a sigh of relief that none are books I've read because I hate movie adaptations lol. But I'm definitely going to check out the covers link next!

    1. Boring usually means drama free, and that's a good thing if you ask me. I am always interested in seeing how the book is interpreted. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't .

  22. Ooh thanks for all the links! For the movie adaptations, I'm most excited about Beautiful Boy. I haven't either of the memoirs though I've heard of them but I LOVE Timothee Chalamet and the trailer looks great.


    1. I love seeing books I read translated to the screen, and comparing them to what I envisioned when I read the book

  23. I love all the teen books that are being made into movies or tv shows. Love Lauren Oliver, so I'll be interested in that one! I got an ARC of Pride at ALA this past week, can't wait to read it!
    Check out my Wrap-Up Post

    1. Pride sounds really fantastic. If it's as good as the description, I am going to love it

  24. Yay for mid-week breaks! I'm excited that Panic got picked up for a series. It will make for a good one, I think. Supervillain and Me looks really fun. Happy reading!

    1. Supervillain was great! And I think Panic will make a great series. I liked that book a lot, and feel like it will translate well to screen

  25. It seems like summer is in full heat mode for a lot of people. I have been inside with the ac as much as possible. You have the new Victoria Denault book! I am going to have to get that book pretty soon. It looks like you had a great reading week. I hope this week is great and you enjoy all of your new goodies!

    1. In the words of Banarama - it's a cruel, cruel summer. The publicist sent me a widget for the new Denault book. I was so excited!!

  26. I think these smaller Netflix/Amazon adaptations might be the better way to go with YA. You can take your time with the storytelling or cast less popular but better fitting actors and not go for the blockbuster crowds. I'm hoping so anyway.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I agree. I think the books/authors are popular, but not enough for a big budget theatrical release

  27. I feel you on the summer heat. It’s in the 90’s here every day and with the humidity factored in... well, it’s not good. Lol So glad you finally got I’ll Meet You There! It became an instant favorite when I read it and I’ve never forgotten it. It just made such a huge impact on me. I need to reread it at some point - if my heart can take it.

    1. I have been wanting to read that book forever. It was a really good deal on Amazon too

  28. I'll Meet You There! I'm so glad you got a copy. I adore that book so much!

    1. Everyone raves about it, so I snatched it up when I saw it on sale.

  29. How did I not heat about Down a Dark Hall?

  30. Reading in air conditioning sounds blissful! It's so hot here at the moment that everyone is suffering from heat but we don't have air conditioning in houses as a typical thing. Hiding out in the grocery store is as close as I get to a break from it! lol

    1. It's been brutal here. Summer just started and I am done. I know there are parts of Europe that don't get too hot. My relatives in Germany didn't have a/c either, but we wouldn't make it here without a/c

  31. Great post, Sam! I've only read one of the books mentioned in the YA movie adaptions, so I need to do some studying as well!

    1. I don't know if you're like me, but I won't read a book AFTER I have seen the adaptation. So, if I plan to see any of these, I need to get some of those books on my TBR.

  32. Honestly tell me your secret to reading so much in a single week! You're absolutely amazing and unstoppable. That's more than one a day! I remember when I'll Meet You There was all the rage upon release. I still need to read that one too.
