
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Show Us Your PRIDE

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Show Us Your

As Pride Month winds down, I thought I would share some of my favorite LGBTQIAP+ books.

Christina Lauren
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon & Schuster BYR

Autoboyography won a place on my favorites shelf, because it was just a beautiful love story, which left me feeling all the feels. M/M romance featuring an out bisexual and a closeted, religious homosexual.

Whatever: or how junior year became totally f$@cked
S.J. Goslee
Series: n/a
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press

I always yell about this hidden gem. Mike was a protagonist I didn't expect to love so much, but I did. This book really surprised me with its charm, candor, humor, and honesty. Features a coming out bisexual.

Wild Beauty
Anna-Marie McLemore
Series: n/a
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Wild Beauty is an exquisitely written book. Lush and beautiful storytelling that kept me enchanted and enthralled from page 1. Features Latinx bisexual and homosexual characters, as well as a genderqueer character. 

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Becky Albertalli
Series: Creekwood, #1
Publisher: Balzer + Bray

I had to include this book on my list, because I loved Simon so much! Simon was a fabulous and fantastic MC, who I cared for so much. He had this wonderful, supportive family, and I was so shipping the Blue-Simon ship. Features a M/M romance between two homosexual males. 

I'll Give You the Sun
Jandy Nelson
Series: n/a
Publisher: Dial Books

Another book from my favorites shelf! I loved everything about this book. The beautiful prose, the sibling relationship, the exploration of their pain, the dual timeline. I just loved every second of it. Features a male character, who identifies as homosexual.

Labyrinth Lost
Zoraida Córdova
Series: Brooklyn Brujas, #1
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

This book took me on such an adventure. I really liked the magical aspects, but I LOVED the family relationships. The family bond between the sisters, and the way each generation contributed to the shaping of the next was such a beautiful thing. Features a Latinx bisexual character.

Last Seen Leaving
Caleb Roehrig
Series: n/a
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

This was a great whodunit, and this was also a great coming of age/coming out story. I was really impressed with the way Roehrig seamlessly blended January's disappearance and Flynn's coming to terms with his sexuality. Features a homosexual character and M/M romance. 

Every Day
David Levithan
Series: Every Day, #1
Publisher: Knopf

I thought the whole concept of this book was brilliant, and it's main message was - love is love. I am pretty sure this was the first book I read, which addressed the gender fluidity.

Drag Teen
Jeffery Self
Series: n/a
Publisher: Push

This was a fun road trip to personal discovery. JT learned so much about himself with the help of his two super supportive friends and his "fairy godmother". I laughed so much, but I also shed a few tears. For some really beautiful thoughts on this book, read this review. Features a homosexual male character.

Dress Codes for Small Towns
Courtney C. Stevens
Series: n/a
Publisher: HarperTeen

This was a wonderful and heartfelt tale of finding one's identity. It's a story of friendship and love, devotion and dedication. I laughed, I cried, I even swooned a few times. I fell in love with Billie and the Hexagon, and couldn't get enough of this incredible group of friends. Features a bisexual female character, exploration of gender identity. 

What are some of your favorite LGBTQIAP+ books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oooh, Sam, awesome list! Some titles are new to me, and some I've seen around but I'm off to dig into them more!

    1. Some great books up there. I hope you get to read a few.

  2. Great picks!! Loved Autoboyography, Simon, I'll Give You the Sun and Last Seen Leaving. I do have a lot of the others on my TBR.

    1. IGYTS has stuck with me for years! I am glad to give love to Autoboyography

  3. These all sound like great reads,and especially Autoboyography and Wild Beauty sound good to me.

    1. Autoboyography was just so well done, and Wild Beauty is really magical.

  4. Great list! I loved Simon Vs and I’ll Give You the Sun.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. These are both older books on my list, but I still love them so much.

  5. Excellent list! And my daughter LOVED Every Day and I need to read it. :)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. When I read it, I thought Every Day was just so different. I need to check out the film.

  6. I loved the Love, Simon movie, but I haven't read the book it was based off yet. I've heard a lot of good things about Taylor Brooke's books for being inclusive. I believe she's released a sci-fi fantasy trilogy (which is amazing) and a few contemporaries :)

    1. The book was so much better than the movie. I am not familiar with Taylor Brooke. I will have to look her up.

  7. Fun topic. I'm a big fan of LGBT+ fiction and I love so many of these such as Simon Vs., Laybrinth Lost, Last Seen Leaving, and I'll Give You the Sun. I own Autoboyography and hope to read that soon!!


    1. You should read Autoboyography. You won't regret it.

  8. Hooray for Labyrinth Lost! I adored it, especially the family relationships like you said, Sam. Believe it or not, I haven't actually read Simon Vs. 🙈It's the next audiobook up in my queue though! I'm also dying to read something by Anna-Marie McLemore, who everyone and their mama says is incredible.

    1. I loved LL. I am trying to work the sequel into my weekly TBR, because I really enjoyed the first book so much. I have heard good things about the Simon audiobook. I hope you enjoy it. Wild Beauty was my first McLemore and no regrets.

  9. Great list! Labyrinth Lost and Simon are two of my favorites.

    1. Glad to see LL getting the love. I thought it was pretty fantastic when I read it, and well, Simon had to be on the list.

  10. I've read six of these and enjoyed them all. Some others that come to mind are: If I Was Your Girl (transgender girl), Ramona Blue (bisexual girl), Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue (bisexual boy), The Wicker King (M/M romance), That Inevitable Victorian Thing (f/f romance), Release (gay boy); Lily and Dunkin (transexual girl), The Other Boy (transexual boy), and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (m/m romance).

    1. I have If I Were Your Girl, Release, and Lily and Dunkin (I think because of your review) on my TBR. I hope to get to them this year. Ramona made my short list, but it put me over 10. I have some good ones coming up too - Summer of Salt, Mariam Sharma, and Social Intercourse to name a few.

  11. I just finished Autoboyography and loved it so I can definitely see why you did too! Also loved I'll GIve You the Sun! And so many of the rest of these are on my list, too. Great choices!

    1. Autoboyography really was a wonderful book, and Jandy Nelson needs to write a new book soon.

  12. Yay, so glad to see Wild Beauty on your list. Excellent picks!

    1. I shocked even myself with a few fantasy books on my list. I had quite a few I could have included.

  13. I absolutely loved the concept and cover of Labyrinth Lost ever since I saw it, but I keep holding off until Halloween time for it...and I missed it last year. I'm just so excited to read it, and I'm even more geeked for it after seeing your little summary of it! Great list, Sam! :)

    1. I guess it could be a good Halloween read. I liked it a lot, but really, it's the family focus that hooked me.

  14. I liked the movie Love, Simon but I haven't read the book. I must admit I haven't read any of these books. I should change that.

    1. The book was better, a lot better, than the movie

  15. Great list. Love, Simon is great and so is I'll Give you the Sun. Another awesome pride book is Ask the Passengers by A.S. King.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I am working my way through King's backlist. Her books are incredible.

  16. I have read Dress Codes to Small Towns! I had some mixed feelings on it for reasons I want to explain in a review. But I also really liked the exploration of identity and self-discovery. I think it was the small town mentality I had a problem with. But I'm still figuring it out because I'm not even sure myself xD I have Simon vs the Homo Sapiens on my TBR.

    1. That small town mentality was such a big part of the story, and I liked the way some of the characters surprised us regarding that mentality. You haven't read Simon!!! It's very adorable and sweet and made me feel lots of good things.

  17. I'm pretty sure Every Day was my first book to cover gender fluidity as well. I'd like to see how the movie adaptation compares.

    1. I have been wanting to check out the film. Maybe it will come to Netflix soon.
