
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Road Trip!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Road Trip!

Fact: I don't get to travel as much as I would like to, therefore, road trip books are some of my favorites. Besides taking me to places I have been or would like to visit, they are usually filled with fun hijinks and mishaps. Below are some road trip books I have read and really enjoyed.

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour
Morgan Matson
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

This remains one of my favorite Morgan Matson books, as well as one of my all-time favorite road trip books. The combination of a grieving daughter with a fun cross country trek and a little romance was perfect for me.

An Abundance of Katherines
John Green
Series: n/a
Publisher: Dutton Books

Katherine is still my favorite John Green book. There was just something about Colin and all her Katherines, Hassan and his awesome personality, footnotes, and math were all a win for me.

David Arnold
Series: n/a
Publisher: Viking Books

I love David Arnold books so much!!! I was quite a trip with took with Mim as she searched for her mother. On her journey, she made a bunch of delightful friends and also found herself.

Royally Lost
Angie Stanton
Series: n/a
Publisher: Harper Collins

This prince just wanted to live the commoner life. Becca had had enough of the family vacation. I love that fate brought these two together, because it was fun roaming around Europe with them. An adorable romance, which left me warm and fuzzy.

Just One Day
Gayle Forman
Series: Just One Day, #1
Publisher: Dutton Books

Another still-my-favorite here. This one is my favorite Gayle Forman book. There was just something about this one epic day they spent together, and the year they spend trying to get back to one another. I love a whirlwind romance, and I loved touring Europe.

The Lightening Thief
Rick Riordan
Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1
Publisher: Disney Hyperion

Look! It's not a contemporary book. I was pleased to remember that Percy and his friends went on a pretty epic road trip as they set out on a quest to the underworld to clear Percy's name. This whole series is fantastic. Nuff said.

Songs & Other Lies
Jessica Pennington
Series: n/a
Publisher: Tor Teen

One of my more recent reads, we get to go on a summer reality show battle of the bands tour. Living like a rockstar is always fun, but then we had the delicious drama of exes trying to work through how their relationship failed, and how it may not actually be over.

Love & Luck
Jenna Evans Welch
Series: Love & Gelato, #2
Publisher: Simon Pulse

Such a delightful trip through Ireland with a final destination of a music festival. Lots of fun, many mishaps, and also exercises to help heal one's broken heart. Great family/friendship focus made this a wonderful experience for me.

13 Little Blue Envelopes
Maureen Johnson
Series: Little Blue Envelopes, #1
Publisher: Harper Collins

Ginny's aunt posthumously left her 13 little blue envelopes filled with tasks and travel instructions. I loved that Ginny's aunt wanted her to have an adventure, and it was a fantastic trip through Europe as Ginny grieved and grew.

Someone Else's Summer
Rachel Bateman
Series: n/a
Publisher: Running Press Kids

Yet another grief book (you know I love them). Anna and her sister's best friend embark on a road trip to complete her sister's bucket list. It was a beautiful tribute to her sister, but also quite eye opening. I shed quite a few tears over this one.

Have you ever been on an epic road trip?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I didn't post this week because I don't really like to travel??? I don't know, I'm weird. Like, I want to go to a few places (like Paris and some tropical locations and Harry Potter World), but it's not something I dream of.

    Katherines is the only John Green book I haven't read yet-- oh wait, and Turtles. I like hearing that it's your fave because it's the one I hear about the least. Oh, and I did love the adventures that Percy went on. I just read the first and second books in that series last year!!

    1. I am black sheep lover of Katherines, but hey, to each their own. I don't necessarily love the traveling part of travel, but I love being in a new destination. The only traveling I 100% love is cruising. It's the best.

    2. I like Katherines too - JG almost always has a road trip in his books!
      Jen Ryland Reviews

    3. Jen - I only to showcase different authors, but agreed, JG always brings his characters on some sort of road trip.

  2. Ha road trips are the best! And so are books about road trips, and traveling in general. :) Amy & Roger's sounds great, and so does Someone Else's Summer. I've got Love & Luck to read and can't wait!

    1. Amy & Roger was all sorts of wonderful. I think it was my first Matson book too. I hope you enjoy Love & Luck. That book was extra fun for me, because it practically mirrored the tour of Ireland I did many moons ago.

  3. We don’t travel much, so reading a book where they do is something I would definitely enjoy. And these are some really good one. I want to read Just One Day especially.

    1. I really liked the Just One Day series. The two books + the novella = perfection. I love the idea of a whirlwind romance, and then the search to find each other again. *heart eyes*

  4. Eeep so happy to see two favorites of mine here--The Lightning Thief and Amy & Roger's Epic Detour! ♥ Both have super fun road trips and amazing plots overall. :)

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  5. Love rad trip books! Amy & Roger is a great one. I need to get to Mosquitoland soon. Great list!

    1. I love David Arnold books, and Mim was yet another utterly fascinating character he created. It was great accompanying her on her journey.

  6. I love LOVE the idea behind 13 Little Blue Envelopes -- how exciting and scary it would be to open them!

    1. It was a beautiful way for her aunt to say goodbye from the great beyond, while encouraging her niece to continue growing and help her heal.

  7. Ooh, The Lightning Thief was a great choice. I didn't think of that one.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. It's the only fantasy book on my list, but now that my list is done, I can think of some others I could have included.

  8. I've never really been on a super fun road trip, but I like reading about them. I do really love An Abundance of Katherine's, Amy & Roger, and Someone Else's Summer.


    1. I am all for a road trip where I am not driving, but I always seem to end up driving. Yeah! Another Katherine lover. I totally felt like I was alone with that book.

  9. I love road trips in real life, but reading about them just makes me envious. I’m sad that fictional characters are having more fun than me. I also liked Katherines. That seems to be an unpopular opinion. Most people I’ve talked to didn’t like it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Katherines such a bad rap. Three cheers for Katherines! I have really only seen negative reviews for it as well, but I loved it.

  10. Ack! This is one of the few times I haven’t read a single book on your list! I do like the Ireland setting for Love & Luck. Ireland has been n my bucket list for quite a while. And traipsing across Europe in Royally Lost... yes please! :)

    1. I am shocked! The Love & Gelato books are both fabulous. Ireland is so beautiful. I hope you get to go there someday.

  11. I love roadtrip books--so how have i not read ANY of the books on your list!? Adding to my tbr asap!

    1. I thought I actually had a few popular ones up there too. I hope you get to read a few of them, because they were super fun.

  12. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour is one of my favorites.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  13. 13 Little Blue envelopes is awesome! It was the first book by Maureen Johnson that I ever read, and I've not been disappointed by and of the books I've read from her since.

    1. LBE was my first Maureen Johnson book too. We got it at the CoHF book release many moons ago, and of course, I didn't read it forever, but I am a fan. Her new series is excellent as well.

  14. Traveling is fun but also very stressful for me. No specific contemporary books come to mind when I think of places I've like to visit one day. Life Is A Highway By Rascal Flatts has a special place in my heart :)

    1. I love that song too! And I love traveling through books.

  15. Mosquitoland has been on my tbr forever! I need to track it down and read it already!

    1. All Arnold's books are excellent. I hope you get to it.

  16. Percy is the only book of these I've read, I guess I prefer a roadtrip where you can nearly be killed by varying mythical monsters!
    My TTT:

    1. Sounds stressful, but at least he had his friends by his side.

  17. Someone Else's Summer Sounds great! I have a road trip book you might like on my list too.

    1. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. It had fun parts, but was sad too. Probably the most emotional book up there.

  18. Lots of new to me books to explore. I enjoyed reading your blog post!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  19. Ooh nice picks! All totally new to me ones! It's been fun seeing all the different kinds of books that make us want to travel!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  20. That's right, Percy and co do have an epic road trip. I need to pick up more of the books you've listed.

    1. I thought I should throw in a fantasy book to spice up my list. I could have included a few others now that I am really thinking about it.

  21. I really liked the movie version of The Lightning Thief - I really should read the series!

    1. I read the book, saw the movie, and saw the musical. The movie strayed a little, but I thought it was entertaining.

  22. I haven't read any of these! I need to add some road trip books to the tbr this summer!

  23. I definitely want to read Amy and Roger's Epic Detour as well as 13 Little Blue envelopes!! Great list!!

    Readers Live A Thousand Lives turned 6! Celebrate and enter to win a mystery package of swag!

    1. Amy and Roger's is super fun, but also has a lot of emotional depth. I hope you get to read it.

  24. I still need to read almost all of these. I have a feeling some of these are going to make it onto my summer TBR because that seems like the perfect time to read about road trips :)

    1. Most of them definitely fit the "beach read" bill, and would make great summer reads.

  25. I love Just One Day!! It's such a great series.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. The first book was good, the second book was better, and the novella was the best. I agree, this is a great series.

  26. I'm so glad you mention Percy Jackson! :)

    1. I was going through my read shelf, and remembered what a fantastic trip they took in this book

  27. I love me a good YA road trip. I feel like a few years ago, there were just a TON of them. And I was in so love. But now I feel like I can't remember any, lol. I definitely am glad to check out a few of these!! Also, I love how you chose Percy. I never would have thought about him for it, but it's perfect! Wonderfu picks! :)

    1. I don't think there have been too many road trip books for this summer, but I have Mariam Sharma Hits the Road to read, which sounds wonderful, and Jessica Brody has a road trip book coming out later this week. I found a ton of backlist, when I was researching, and will be trying to read/procure.

  28. I've never road tripped before but I do go to England from the Netherlands by car sometimes. I would love to road trip the States. Also, I have read 13 Little Blue Envelopes which I thought was okay and I really want to read Mosquitoland. I love Percy Jackson!!

    1. I like road trips, if I am not the driver. How long does it take to get from England to the Netherlands? I am terrible gauging distances in Europe. What I loved about the Blue Envelope books was the traveling. Johnson did a good job showing us the sites, while also getting the MC to work through her issues.
