
Friday, June 22, 2018

Discussion: It's a Cliffy!

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where we discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

I know, I know. It's not Tuesday, but I was really interested in the topic, and this is where I could fit it. So, let's just call it Tell Me Something Friday, ok?

Love 'em or hate 'em, cliffhangers are one of those plot devices, which seem to pop up over and over again in most serials, be it a book, TV show, or movie series.

This Week’s Topic: Cliffhangers, do they compel you to read more or steer you away?

I will say it right now, I am NOT a fan of cliffhangers. It's no secret, that I need closure like oxygen, and it's extremely painful for me to read a book, and have to wait a year (or longer) to get some answers. It's some special sort of torture for me. 

Being left hanging in midair at the end of a book, makes it feel unfinished, which I guess is the objective. But it's that time between books, where I concoct my all these plots, solutions, and theories in my head. I think it's to the books determent sometimes too, because it has to live up to all the story I have created. 

You know what I do like? I like when a series has one story that is resolved by the end of the book and an overarching storyline, which will concluded at the end of the series. That's something I can live with. I don't get complete closure, but I get enough to keep me happy until the next book is released.

But, I must admit, as much as I abhor cliffhangers, they definitely keep me coming back. I can't help myself! Maybe it's my natural curiosity or my FOMO, but I will begrudgingly tag back in for the next book, because I HAVE to know what happens next. 

Now it's your turn!
What are you feelings on cliffhangers? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I feel like I often have a different opinion on all your bookish discussions lol, but this is finally something we agree on! I don't like cliffhangers either. And the type of series you described is exactly how I like my series too. I can deal with cliffhangers if the book completes that book's story but kind of teases you with something that'll be in the next book, but I absolutely can't stand it when the book ends on a cliffhanger before the individual book's story arc has even been completed. That's not a full story!

    1. I like when people don't agree with me, because maybe I can see things in a different way, but obviously, it's awesome when you agree with me. 😝 I really love when a book in a series sets us up for more, while still giving us some closure too. That will be just as effective in getting me to come back to the series as leaving me hanging by my fingertips worrying about the future of my characters.

  2. I agree that, ideally, every book in a series should have a resolved storyline, while it makes sense that the series arc would be spanning ALL the books - or there would be no reason for it to be a series to begin with. It's interesting what you say about concocting different scenarios in your head while waiting for the next least cliffhangers make your creative juices flow LOL.

    I don't care for cliffhangers one way or the other (though I seem to be good at picking series that don't have any? maybe because I don't read many of the popular ones...), but I do believe they're poor storytelling. That been said, if I really want to read a series, a cliffy won't prevent me to do so - but, shouldn't I like Book 1 enough, no amount of cliffhanger would even convince me otherwise...

    Great gifs LOL.

    1. I guess there is a silver lining to all my pain with my creating endings. 😆 I seem to have a habit of picking a lot of the cliffy series too. It's probably why I read a LOT less series than I used to as well.

  3. It depends. Is the cliffhanger one of the dreadful kind where essentially the book was chopped in half in the most exciting place?

    Sometimes I feel like we're getting one book in two or three these days, and they decide to divide them basically in the middle of an exciting scene. Not cool.

    However, if the main story arc is over and there's quite a few loose ends for the next book, then I don't mind.

    Also, it depends, is it an author that will publish the next book within this century?!

    1. A legit cliffhanger is one that is gasp worthy and leaves you wondering about the fate of the characters in that world. There are a few series I have read, which had very abrupt endings, and make me believe it was split to make two shorter books. That is just cruel and wrong, but it happens. I think authors have gotten better with the publishing. Most seem to put out a new book every year, but that is still a long time to wait. I must admit, my series enjoyment has been the greatest, when I wait and do a binge read of the series.

  4. I think it depends on the author. Some authors can pull them off better than others. I’m more tolerant of cliffhangers in a series because I know they will eventually be resolved. In some books, they just seem lazy.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Good point. I guess knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel keeps me sane, and I think I have even written things like that in my reviews, but I am adopting many of these aspects of this newer generation, and I am all about the immediate gratification.

  5. I have to have some closure too. Not everything has to be answered but something does or I just get mad.

    1. Which is what I think authors who do book and series arcs accomplish. I can deal with that, but when they have something really HUGE or dangerous happen with 3 pages to go, it leaves me so unfulfilled and wanting.

  6. I am more like you. I like closure. Even in a series I want at least some stuff wrapped up each book and an overarching storyline that may be open. I wouldn't say cliffhangers steer me away though - I just don't prefer them.

    1. Closure should just be my middle name, because I cry about it a lot. I have not avoided a series because of a cliffy, but I do think I read less series these days, and my abhorrence for cliffhangers may be one of the reasons why I avoid them.

  7. I think I lean toward your opinion as well---I want the book I'm reading to feel somewhat complete, but I'm fine with an overarching storyline that might involve cliffhangers. I don't like it when I'm reading and the cliffhanger leaves me feeling like I only read half a book.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Those are the worst. Olivia (up there) was talking about how sometimes it seems like the author just wrote a long book and split it up. I have definitely read books like that, and that is plain obnoxious. Nobody deserves that.

  8. I don't mind a good cliffhanger, as long as there are some elements of closure. I've read books where literally nothing is resolved and then it's a huge cliffhanger and it makes me so mad because it comes off as more of a ploy to just get readers to buy another book. Those I despise.

    1. I think I could deal with a few loose ends, but it's those ones where you gasp and then the book ends that make me nuts. I agree, it seems more about marketing than storytelling.

  9. Death to cliffhangers! There, that's my view. :) Ha seriously though- not a fan. Doesn't mean they don't ever work or even feel right, but just generally I prefer closure as well, even a little closure if it's a series or something. Like you said, even if one part of the story, or one plotline or whatever, is resolved, it goes a long way.

    They do work though, I guess, since like you said I will come back for the (hopefully) resolution!

    1. There's something that is exciting about a cliffhanger. So, maybe it's not the actual cliffy I hate, but rather, the wait for resolution. Which brings me back to why series are so much more enjoyable to read, when I wait for all the books to be released, and do a binge read.

  10. I don't really mind cliffhangers, but I feel like I'm in the middle of so many series and I just want more books I can read and be done with.

    1. As I moved away from reading my daughter's books, which were mostly SFF, I am reading less and less series. There are not a ton of contemporary series, but rather companions, which don't have cliffies. I like that feeling of completion when I finish a stand-alone, though we all know I am wondering how the characters are doing in the future.

  11. That's a tough one! I love a good cliffhanger if I know that I am not going to wait too long to find out what happens next. By the end of a series, I do need things to be all wrapped up in a tidy bow. I don't like to wonder what might have happened next, you know? :)

    1. Time between releases just amplifies my anxiety. I need to wait out series, and just read them once all the books are released. I think a series owes you a no loose ends ending, just based on the time commitment alone

  12. Cliffhangers will make me resent a book faster than it will bring be back to the series after a year has passed. Like you, after a cliffhanger my brain goes into plotting mode and most times the story it concocts doesn't hold a candle to the actual story that releases a year later. I've lost count of the times a book ended in a cliffhanger and I hated the sequel. Though that hate doesn't usually apply to open ended endings in series. I can understand and be somewhat satisfied with those kinds of endings. It's even better when it's an indie book and I can expect the next book in a few months rather than a year :)

    1. We just write such superior stories. 😝 The wait is painful for sequels, and even more difficult, when there is so much left up in the air with the story. It's usually the final book in a series that sticks out the most for me in terms of if I loved it or hated it. I think it's because that series ARC has to be so satisfying, because I had invested so much time.

  13. I have a love/hate relationship with cliffhangers. I love them in the sense that they definitely motivate me to read the next book, but I hate them in the sense that I then have to wait for the next book and I hate waiting, lol.

    1. I think the wait is what makes me dislike them so much too. I mean, a short wait gives me that excitement, like with a weekly TV show, but with a year between books, it's just frustrating.

  14. I don't mind a good cliffhanger in a series! But totally NOT at the end of a standalone or a series. I have had that before, but I am a completely closed ending kind of girl. Do. Not. Do. That. To. Me. My reader heart can't take it xD

    1. That would be a crime in a stand alone. I would hunt down the author, and I don't know, throw marshmallows at them or something. I am great with a closed ending, as long as it's a good one. Read: HEA

  15. Doesn't every reader have a love hate relationship with cliffhangers? When done well they can help me remember all the important stuff from the last book because it's such a good cliffhanger it kept me thinking on a book. If done wrong it can anger me and then I don't want to read the next book in a series (but usually do anyway).

    What I do like is when a book has mini cliffhangers at the end of each chapter so you're forced to read the next chapter. It's a great way to drag me on to keep reading because, when possible, I like to stop reading at the end of a chapter.

    1. I do think they amp up my anticipation for the next book, but my anxiety about it too. XD
      So, you would write a book for the reluctant reader with multiple cliffies. Fantastic!
