
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

About a month ago, I accidentally did this topic for my Top Ten Tuesday post, but that's OK. After combing my Read-shelf, I found that there were a bunch of other books I have read, which were set outside the US. Once again, I tried to pick books which actually featured the setting or the local culture.


by Orlagh Collins


by Cath Crowley


by Sara Barnard


by Emily X.R. Pan


by Hilary Reyl

by Gayle Forman

Nice Try, Jane Sinner         
by Lianne Oelke

by Adi Alsaid

by Brittany Cavallaro

by Tom Crosshill

What are some of your favorite books set outside the US?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I almost used Words in Deep Blue for Australia but felt weird about it since I didn't like the book. LOL I went with Stolen instead. And I kept thinking I had one for Germany but after combing my GR shelves for ages, I never could come up with one.

    1. You're breaking my heart! I love Words so much!!! I had Germany on my last list via The Girl with the Red Balloon. I only include YA books on my lists, but I know I read some adult books set in Germany. I was actually there once. I visited relatives. It's a beautiful country.

    2. I know, I know. I'm totally the odd man out with Words in Deep Blue. Everyone seems to love it... except me. Unpopular opinion alert! LOL It's been 6 or 7 years since I was in Germany but I loved it. I got to enjoy both the city (Munich) and the spectacular views in Bavaria (specifically Garmisch-Partenkirchen). I'd love to go back one day!

    3. I just did a new post called Black Sheep Reviews, because I read two books, which I liked, but have terrible GR reviews - like 3.5 and 2.5 average ratings. I went to Germany when I was 17. My Oma wanted to go back, so she took me with her. I didn't see a ton, because I stayed with my relatives in Gartenstadt, but what I did see was beautiful.

  2. Oh cool, several of these are on my TBR but I had no idea where they were actually set. Knowing where makes me all the more excited to read them. :)

    1. I have started keeping track of settings to facilitate my 50 states challenge, so I am so aware of where the book is set these days.

  3. You definitely have a nice a mix here. I have Last of August to get to. I am interested in a Cuba setting so might have to check that one out!

    1. If I wasn't doing this for the second time, I would have had an even better list. Cat King was fun, and the author talks in the afterword about his love for the country. It is clearly shown through the writing.

  4. Oh, the Places You'll Go is one of my favourite books and I also has one of my all time favourite quotes in it: Today is your day, you're off to great places, you're off and away! I need to keep reading that series by Brittany C. I read the first one and loved it but haven't continued yet.

    1. I think the last book is out or coming out. I hope Charlotte gets out of her funk and stops sending all those mixed messages to Jamie. She is making me nuts.

  5. I haven't read any of these, but thanks for sharing. I like this topic because I DO really like books that aren't set in the U.S.


    1. I read a ton of contemporaries, and I find the contemporary authors tend to set books in their home countries. I prefer reading a book by an foreign author set in their own country. They really know what life is like there and can share it with us.

  6. Canada's an interesting one - I definitely don't see many books set there!

    1. I have read a handful of YA books set in Canada (written by Canadian authors), and this contemporary romance author I love, Karina Halle, tends to set her books there as well (she lives in BC).

  7. Ooh that's a nice blend of countries! I need to check out The Astonishing Colors!

    1. Pan does a great job introducing us to Taiwan, especially the food! She made me miss eating with my daughter's other side of the family.

  8. I like how you formatted this post. It’s very pretty. I didn’t know that The Astonishing Color of After was set in Taiwan. That makes me want to read it more.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Aww, thanks! A part of Astonishing Colors is Leigh working through her identity issues. She is biracial, but knew nothing of her mother's heritage. She went to Taiwan to connect with her mother's family and a side of her mother she never knew, and Pan really showed us a lot of the food, culture, and sights there.

  9. The cover of The Astonishing Color of After is so pretty. *.* I haven't read any of the books you mentioned, but I enjoyed the plot of No Filter - anything set in Ireland catches my attention.

    Happy readings! ;)

    1. I just read No Filter the other day. I loved it! I read a lot more contemporaries than you, but I think you may enjoy The Astonishing Color of After. It has magical realism in it.

  10. Great list! I enjoyed Just One Year I need to read more Gayle Forman ASAP!

    1. I only have one more Forman book left to read - Sisters in Sanity. I hope to get to it this year.

  11. I'm surprised I haven't read ANY of these. I honestly had no idea what The Astonishing Color of After was about, but I'm intrigued after knowing it's set in Taiwan.

    1. The Astonishing Color of After was a grief story. Leigh is trying to learn more about her mother following her suicide. She goes to Taiwan to connect with her mother's family, who she had never met before, and in the process, she finds healing and herself. It was a very lovely, but sometimes painful story.

  12. I love that Dr. Seuss book!

    Also, I'm currently reading The Astonishing Color of After, and can't wait for her to travel to Taiwan! I've never read a book set in Taiwan, so I'm excited, lol.

    I also need to read Brittany Cavallaro's series!

    My TTT:

    1. Oh and hurray for Canada making your list! LOL

    2. Pan does an awesome job brining us to Taiwan. Beware! She talks about food A LOT, and it made me hungry. I have read quite a few books set in Canada, because Canada has great authors too.

  13. I love escaping to other places via books. I've been reading a lot of translated Swedish works lately, so I'm itching to travel there again. I was lucky to spend some time there last spring!

    1. Oh, I want to go to Sweden. One of my very good friends has family there, and I loved looking at all the pictures. I don't see me getting outside of the US very soon, but I can dream.

  14. Oh nice! These are all new to me ones in a sense! Lol! Great location variety too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks. Between the two lists, I have been to some great places.

  15. Ooh I didn't realise the second Charlotte Holmes book took place in Germany!
    My TTT:

  16. I had no idea The Astonishing Color of After was set in Taiwan. That makes me even more excited to read it. This also reminds me that I still need to read Just One Year. I LOVED Just One Day so really I don't know what I'm waiting for...

    1. The bulk of the "present" time period is spent in Taiwan, and Pan actually takes us out and about in Taiwan, so we get to see and experience things. You have to read Just One Year and the novella, Just One Night. The novella gives us all the closure, but I loved spending the year with Willem in Just One Year.

  17. This is so fun! I agree, I definitely had enough books for multiple posts haha. I love they way you did yours- I couldn't think of a decent way to display mine, but you figured out a perfect one! I want to read quite a few of these- definitely Jane Sinner, The Astonishing Color of After, and A Quiet Kind of Thunder. These are awesome choices!

    1. I tried flags and whatnot, but that failed, so I just went with a table. It worked. I liked Jane Sinner. She was a great character. Very Daria-esque, which is a good thing in my opinion. AQKoT was such a lovely, gooey first love romance. So many feels. Astonishing Color was sad, but beautiful and ultimately, hopeful. It had a cool magical element too.

  18. Ireland and France are two countries I love to read about, although to be honest most European locations work for me. Australia too.

    1. Ireland has been popping up all over for me lately. The last book I read was written by an Irish author, and the slang was crazy! But I loved learning it. I would love to read more books set in Asia, because I will probably never have enough money to travel there, but I have been to Europe before, and part of the fun when I read these books is re-visiting places I had been.

  19. Wow! Lots of great books from other countries you got here! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I was going for variety. I think I could do a whole TTT of just books set in England or France or Australia or Ireland. Those seem to be popular locals for me.

  20. I haven't read any of these. I am sure I could come up with 10 books that were not set in the US but it would take me some time and I would probably have to go back quite a bit. I probably need to look for books set in other countries more often.

    1. I was really surprised with how many I had read, because lately, I feel like every book I read is set in California.

  21. I've got a copy of Nice Try, Jane Sinner sitting on my shelf - I can't wait to pick it up! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. I loved Jane. She was such fabulous character. I hope you get to read it, and enjoy it.

  22. I haven't read any books on your list but I do want to read more books written in different countries! Most of the books I read are mostly set in the US, or UK. Definitely need to read more set in Asia!

    1. I have to say, from the lists I saw this week, fantasy is winning for most diverse settings. I remember trying to find a book in a non-western setting for a reading challenge, and I eventually found a fantasy book that fit. Contemporary authors tend to set books in their own world, and I feel like I read a ton of US authors with some English, Irish, and Australian authors sprinkled in there. I am seeing some variety as of late though, and I am excited about that.
