
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

The winter of 2018 just won't give up. Another week, another nor'easter. This time, we got about a foot of snow AND for the first time in 3 years, my company closed the campus. Yeah for snow days! The free food game was pretty good too - Chick-fil-A, cupcakes, and breakfast were supplied last week, and you know how free food always tastes better.

Yesterday, I went to see Love, Simon. My sister and I thought it was a pretty good adaptation. There were a few interesting choices made, that I wasn't completely sure about, but it was fun, and I did shed a few tears. It's been years since I have seen a movie in the theatre, and I was pretty impressed with the theater my sister took us to. When you buy your tickets, you pick your seats -- that was a new thing for me. And look at the seats:

So comfy! 
On the Web:

Lara Jean is come to Netflix!

The Fault in Our Stars is getting the Bollywood treatment.

And because lady pirates are awesome:

And we am bidding a fond farewell to a blogger we at WLABB have followed for years. All our best to Nereyda. You will be missed!

On the Blog:

I got SO many amazing books this week! I was really excited to get approved for the new Shani Petroff book (she cracks me up!), and Simon & Schuster showed me an overabundance of love, and I am very grateful to all the publishers for these wonderful DRCs.


What I Read Last Week

Lots of good reading this week, but I would declare I Have Lost My Way my top read of the week. Oh, Gayle Forman, how I've missed you, and let me tell you, she came back really strong.
  • Wild Card by Karina Halle (audiobook): Second chance romances always get me. This one had great drama, lots of history, a couple with white hot chemistry, and a fabulous family. I cannot wait to read the other brothers' books. ★★★★
  • I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman: I fell for this book pretty early on, and I never tired of it. I loved the idea of connection Forman established, and just found this book to be so painfully beautiful, and ultimately, hopeful. ★★★★ 1/2
  • Frat Girl by Kiley Roache: Lots of cute and fun to be found with this one, and though not without flaws, I did appreciate that the author offered multiple perspectives on the issue explored in this book. ★★★ 1/2
  • Daughter of the Siren Queen by Tricia Levenseller: It was great to be back in Alosa's world, and though I am sad to leave this world, I found this to be a solid sequel. One of my favorite characters in this book, was a wee pirate named Roselyn, who I hope may someday get her own book. ★★★★
  • As She Fades by Abbi Glines: This one had a lot less drama than expected in a Glines' book, but I really enjoyed the journey of growth and change both main characters traveled, the sweet romance, and that surprising twist in the story. ★★★ 1/2
  • Love the One You're With by Lauren Layne (audiobook): This book had so many awesome elements: great banter, fantastic chemistry, a fun story, and even a grand gesture. I laughed, I smiled, I swooned. Layne has solidified her place on my go-to list. ★★★★
  • My Lady's Choosing by Kitty Curran: A grown-up choose your own adventure. What more could I ask for? This was so much fun. The author fully embraced the traditional regency romance tropes, and I found myself laughing quite often. I read through twice, but I know there are other stories yet to be told, and my enjoyment was enhanced with the awesome illustrations. ★★★★
  • Relative Strangers by Paula Garner: I was really excited to read this book, because I have such an over-abundance of love for Phantom Limbs. I adored the first half of the book, but I felt like it lost its focus a little bit in the middle. However, there were things that happened near the end that brought a smile back to face, and that cameo!!! was the stuff dreams are made of. ★★★★
  • Free Fall Summer by Tracy Barrett: I really enjoyed this story of a girl trying to find her voice and come into her own. I knew very little about sky diving, and found all that stuff very fascinating. I learned so much! What won me over was the ending. There is nothing I love more than a jump ahead ending, and though it was a very short chapter, Barrett gave me tons to be happy about there. ★★★ 1/2

What I Am Currently Reading

I am just starting No Filter, so I don't have much to say, but China Rich Girlfriend is jus as hilarious as its predecessor.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Yeah you guys in the Northeast are getting hammered with these storms, aren't you? Wow can't believe the weather. I agree- the groundhog needs to be arrested lol.

    Wow those seats looks comfy! Our theater has gone to the picking seats thing too, but we don't have seats THAT comfy ha ha! I'd probably fall asleep. :)

    Ooh you got Love and Luck! I'm looking forward to that one...

    1. When I saw that groundhog thing the other day, I couldn't stop laughing. Hilarious! I could not get over the whole seat picking thing and the theaters are pretty small too.

  2. Eep heck yes to free food! Everything tastes better when it's from somebody else. ;) <3 I'm a bit sad that you didn't completely love Love, Simon, but I'm so jealous that you already got to watch it, and on those comfy seats, no less! It doesn't come out until May in our country. :(

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. My sister and I both thought Simon was a good adaptation. I can't quite put my finger on what was missing, but it was definitely enjoyable.

  3. Wow what a week!! Alot of people went to see Simon this week-I have the book on my list!!That theater looks really nice!! You got lots of great books, I am happy for you!! I had a great week also!

    1. The book is so wonderful! I have nothing but lovely fangirl things to say about it. If you need a feel-good moment, read Simon.

  4. The groundhog wanted poster is hilarious, but so sad because I hate this cold weather--at least I am blessed not to be getting dumped on by mother nature.

    1. I do believe there is a light at the end of this winter-tunnel, and I will greet the real start of spring with open arms.

  5. Oh my this weather! I am so over it and so are the kids. We are all a little tired of being stuck inside! The free food sounds good - love Chick Fil A. I so want to see Love Simon. Maybe I can sneak out today to go see it. Wow lots of great books!! I am reading I Have Lost My Way now and really like it so far. Have a great week!!

    1. I hope you get to see Simon. You deserve a break. I was really happy with I Have Lost My Way. It was really touching.

  6. Sorry about the snow, but snow days are awesome. I’m glad you liked Love, Simon. I still need to see that. I’m envious of your theater! Mine has regular seats and a sticky floor. I hope you love your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The theatre we went to wasn't our local one. It was about 20 mins south of here, but my sister and her family are serious movie watchers and will drive all over for a good theatre.

  7. Oh my gosh I laughed at the groundhog thing so much :D we still have snow as well. But hopefully warmer weather will be here soon.

    And wow, you're sharing quite a lot of exciting things :) have a great week, Sam!

    1. Winter has to end eventually , right? I like it warm, but not hot. Cool but not cold. I am just a moderate kind of person. I need to find that place that caters to my distaste of extremes.

  8. I am in Monroe County PA. So...that's weird but cool. It was flurrying here this morning. I am sick of snow and need warm weather soon! I hope you have a good week!
    Mary my #SundayRoundup

    1. PA got hammered this winter too, probably worse than NJ. My condolences.

  9. I am super excited about Lara Jean coming to Netflix, it was one of my all time favourite series, I'm really just hoping that they do a good job of the adaptation! And that cinema looks pretty epic, we normally have to get there super early, just so that we can get decent seats, especially when the film has just recently opened. But my sister in law was telling me there's also a director's lounge option where there's extra comfy seats and they bring the food to you! I didn't get the chance to read much of I Have Lost My Way, I'm hoping to get to more of it tonight, but my friend I was meant to be buddy reading it with, has already finished it and loved it! And I do hope you enjoy Love and Other Words, I really liked it! I hope you have a great week Sam!

    1. I hope the adaptation is good. I would be broken hearted if they ruin that story for me. With that theater, you can go online and buy your tickets ahead of time, like days ahead, and pick out your seats. The buzz has been really good for Love and Other Words, but I must admit, Christina Lauren has not disappointed me yet.

  10. We go to the movies quite a bit, so the fact that most theaters have upgraded to the nice seats is something we love! I liked having a snow day this week, but I'm done with winter and the cold! I can't wait to read Daughter of the Siren Queen, glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    1. I knew the one near me was doing the dinner theatre thing, but this seat reservation thing astounded me. The snow didn't start sticking until about 4pm of the snow day. The next day, when I had to go to work, the snow was everyWHERE!

  11. Love the Wanted poster! Love and Other Words is really good and I hope you enjoy it and Other People’s Houses too. I want to go and Love, So,in so badly. Have a great week. Stay safe and warm with all the awful weather.

    1. It cracked me up when I heard about it. I am looking forward to both books. I had wanted to read Waxman's last book, but never had access to a copy (some day).

  12. Ya, what the hell Phil? I am over this weather and can't wait for warmer temps. Also, the closer to summer we get, the closer to my store I get. I haven't been to a movie theater in years. That one looks so cool though. Glad to hear you liked the movie. I will wait for it to come out on HBO or Netflix.
    Have a great week!

    1. Summer has some really exciting things in store for you! I like warm, but not hot. So, not a huge fan of summer. I do not usually go out to the movies, but I cannot remember the last time my sister invited me to do something, so how could I refuse.

  13. Ok, I am glad to hear that As She Fades has less drama than you expected. I was hesitant to review it because I am just not into the overly angsty stuff (and most Glines books I have read fall in that category!).
    I love that theaters are moving to recliner like seats! So nice! For what you pay to watch a movie, you should get a nice seat!

    1. You know Glines is usually a little OTT. So, when I say low drama, I am comparing it to Glines' other books. It was a little change of pace for her, but I enjoyed it.

  14. I'm glad you enjoyed Love, Simon. I kind of hate having to pick your seats because at least where I am, that means you have to order online and it makes going with someone really difficult. LOL I DO love the nice chairs more theaters are getting though. Very comfy!

    And I'm SO ready for actual Spring weather. I think it's supposed to mostly rain where I live this week, so maybe some sunshine after that??


    1. We could have ordered online, but since it wasn't crowded, we bought our tickets at the theatre, and you pick them out right there before you pay.

  15. There's a lot of love for Love, Simon going around. I haven't read the book but I'm tempted by all the good things.
    That is a large book haul this week! Holy beejeebers... That'll keep you busy, lol.
    Have a good one! Lets hope that that's the last of the snow until winter comes back around...

    1. The book is so wonderful! If you ever get a chance, it is a cute, adorable, and makes-me-happy type read. That's how it goes on EW. Your requests will hang out there forever, and publishers will post a lot of books at once. So, then you get a whole lot approved at one time, but many of those are fall releases.

  16. So many lovely books. I have to go check some out! Poor Phil. On the most wanted list. LOL

    My Sunday Post

    1. Phil deserves the punishment in these parts. March was a brutal month.

  17. OMG, yes. I'm so over winter right now. My son has his first soccer practice tonight and the kids are going to be so bundled up because of the cold that I doubt they'll be able to effectively learn or practice anything, lol.

    Looks like you got some great new books this week. I can't wait to see what you think of Other People's Houses. I'm excited to read that one.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I am lucky. My daughter's affair with outdoor sports was short lived. I admire you sports moms.

  18. That Wanted poster is too funny. Well, its funny from down here in Florida, anyway. (Ahem) Glad you enjoyed Love, Simon. I’m still not sure why they made the change with who Leah had feelings for - it didn’t seem to add anything, really, but it didn’t lessen my enjoyment. Were you at an Epic theater, by chance? The Epic theater near me is my fave. You pick your seats, recliners, etc. Looks like the same set-up. :) A Bollywood version of TFiOS? Well that sounds pretty awesome! So glad I saw Royally Raised among your books! I kept meaning to download it and then promptly forgot - so thanks for the reminder!

    1. I saw an article about the wanted poster and searched for it. The police have a pretty good sense of humor in those parts. None of the changes from book to film ruined it for me, because the really important things were kept in the movie. I was just interested as to why certain changes were made. The theatre was a Cinemark. You are burning through the Royally series, and I have yet to start.

  19. That poster is awesome! It was crazy with another storm. I think everyone was nervous so our company closed at 12. Have a great week!

    1. My supervisor lives in PA and she had a ton of snow by noon and I had very little until about 4pm. It's looking like we will end March without a nor'easter. So, yeah!

  20. What is this free food game you speak of?!!! And I am soo excited that Lara Jean is coming to Netflix, I wasn't aware it was coming soo quickly too! Also what is this Royally Raised? I thought there were only three books.

    1. My company gives us a lot of free food, but we get it on the regular during tax season. So alas, it will all be over soon. We usually have withdrawal for a little bit after. I am very excited about To All the Boys I've Loved Before. It was all over Twitter last week, and there I was thinking it was dead in the water. So yeah! Royally Raised is a novella, but I am game, because romance novellas usually work for me.

  21. The mall near me has a movie theater like that - I've only been there a couple of times (it's more expensive than the regular theater closer to me) - but it sure is comfy! :)

    1. It's amazing how far movie theaters have come, and we went to the margin $6 movie too!

  22. I love the fancy theaters that do that now. It's nice to not have to worry about being there crazy early to get a decent seat and can just purchase online ahead of time and know it will be there. My sister goes to one that also serves food and alcohol... lol I still need to see Love, Simon but I can't wait to!

    1. We were still there so early, and there was only one other group seated when we got there. It is nice if you are not the arrive early type, and power seats. Nothing beats that. The theatre at the mall near me does the dine in. It's so overpriced. I am too cheap for that.

  23. Free food does taste good, that is sooo true. LOL.

    Those are the comfiest looking theater seats that I've ever seen! Glad you had fun.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes. I will be sad when we stop getting the weekly lunches and snacks.

  24. Ugh! The weather sucks! And even if we don't have snow, California had rain last week! Ugh!

    Also, I love going to the theater! We go regularly for blockbuster movies and the theater close to my house has the recliner seats! THE BEST EVAAAR!!! We go in the morning so it's cheaper! LOL

    Hope you have an awesome week, Sam! I am sad about Nereyda, too!

    1. I don't know what part of CA you are in, but I would think rain would be a good thing in parts of that state. I don't mind rain. I lived in FL for 6.5 years, where we had a rainy season. It doesn't quite shut things down the way snow does.

  25. Yay for free food! Lol about the wanted P Phil poster :-P Wow, that is one fancy theater! I've never been to a theater quite like that! And definitely never to one where you pick your seats when you buy the ticket. That's interesting. Then again, I haven't been to a theater in like eight years lol.

    1. Yeah, me and Phil are no longer friends. I am OK with him being wanted. This was the first time since 2015 that I have been to the movies. I only ever really went with my daughter, and she has mostly been away at school since 2013. I usually fall asleep, but I stayed up the whole movie. Gold star for me.

  26. Woah, those seats look super comfy! And seriously free food is the best food. I've been craving Chick-fil-A lately so I'm kind of jealous. Every time I'm in an area that has one it's a Sunday so they're closed :( I LOVED Your Destination is On the Left so I hope you love it as well! I'll be curious to hear your thoughts on it...not too many people have read/reviewed it yet. Shani's new one also looks great. I love the title. Have a wonderful week!

    1. The catering left bowls of those mints from Chick-Fil-A, and nobody took them, so they let me take a whole bowl. I am going to be sad when they are all gone. I know! I saw your review and kept hoping I would get approved for Destination. Petroff always makes me laugh, so I am excited about Exes too.

  27. I have to say that I am slightly jealous of all the free food you seem to get at work. I work in a super small office so we might get pizza a couple of times per year and that is it. You hit the ARC jackpot this week. I don't think I have ever had that many Edelweiss approvals come through in the same week. Have a great week!

    1. I am going to miss all the free food when tax season ends. We will still have our monthly team lunch, but it's nothing like the lunches and breakfasts we are getting right now. Other than Penguin, the publishers have shown me a lot of love on EW, but I always seem to get them all at once, which leads to me having too many review books for one month (like March!).

  28. I feel you with this never ending winter. Why won't it stop? I'd heard it was meant to snow here over Easter but it sounds like now we'll just get rain. I just want a bit of warmer weather to be honest. I want to pack my winter coats away! I'm excited To All The Boys I've Loved Before is coming to Netflix because I'll definitely be able to watch, a lot of YA adaptations I have to wait to come on DVD because my friends just aren't interested in watching and movie tickets are too expensive for me justify going alone. I'm a little jealous of all your new books but this way you can read them all and I can scope out which are worth buying so yay for my bank balance.

    Hope you have a good week.

    1. Today, we had rain, which is better than snow. So, amen! I still need to see Before I Fall, which was a YA adaptation I was really excited about. I don't tend to go to the movies, since my daughter left home. I am so lucky I blog, because I could never afford my reading habit.
