
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Why Are You Still Here?

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Why Are You Still Here!

One of my favorite pastimes is adding books to my TBR, and this week's TTT made me take a hard look at my shelf. I had to find some of the oldest books on my TBR and determine why they are still unread. NOTE: I have officially added the following books to the spreadsheet, which means they will (maybe) get read this year.

Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List
David Levithan and Rachel Cohn
Series: n/a
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers

I love Levithan-Cohn co-writes, and immediately added them all to my TBR. However, I have not read this book, because I didn't have access to the book. I book this book a few months ago, and intend to read it at some point this year. (I swear!)

Sarah Rees Brennan
Series: The Lynburn Legacy, #3
Publisher: Random House

I started reading this series after the first two books were out, but then while I was waiting for the third book, I sort of forgot about it. Then, I kept hoping the book would go on sale or my library would get it, but that didn't happen either. So, here I am, with another unfinished series. --sigh--

It's A Mall World After All
Janette Rallison
Series: n/a
Publisher: Rally Point Press

This is a book I added to my TBR, because Kiersten kept suggesting it to me. I trust her, I really do. She understands my reading taste, but this one slipped through the cracks because, you know, new books kept coming out, and I kept bumping this one for the new ones.

Camp Boyfriend
J.K. Rock
Series: Camp Boyfriend, #1
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press

I like the Rocks, and I have a copy of this book. I really don't know why I haven't read it. It sounds like my kind of book, but chalk it up to slipping through the tracks. If it's any consolation, I have considered reading it recently.

Let's Get Lost
Adi Alsaid
Series: n/a
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Here's another book, that a few of the WLABBers read, and I wanted to read, but we only had a physical copy of the book, and you know, me and physical books are not a match made in heaven. However, I now have access to this on Overdrive AND I have read another Alsaid book and really enjoyed it.

Name of the Star
Maureen Johnson
Series: Shades of London, #1
Publisher: Harper Collins

I added this to my TBR after seeing Maureen Johnson at a signing, but then I forgot about it. However, after reading Truly Devious, I have renewed interest in this series, and I purchased the book at some point too.

Gennifer Albin
Series: Crewel World, #3
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

This is like a hall of shame book. I read the first two books, one after the other, and then went to the book tour for this book. I am currently staring at a signed copy of this book, but still, unread. (I am the worst)

The Fiercest Joy
Shana Abe
Series: The Sweetest Dark, #3
Publisher: Five Rabbits

So, this one is not entirely my fault. I am ruled by inertia, and when I lose my momentum, it's hard for me to get going again. I was all into this series, and then the third book was delayed for years. When it was finally published, I bought it, but I just haven't worked it into the schedule. This is actually one of my series enders challenge books. Let's hope I get it done this year.

Ask Again Later
Liz Czukas
Series: n/a
Publisher: Harper Teen

I had heard a lot of great things about this author, and I was all excited about the premise, BUT I did not have the book. Recently, Hoopla got a lot of older Harper books, and this was one of them! I hope to get this one read in 2018, because I really think it will work for me.

Open Road Summer
Emery Lord
Series: n/a
Publisher: Bloomsbury

I had previously talked about how I owned several Emery Lord books (it was 3, I owned 3), yet my first Lord read was the one I took out of the library. I have problems, but I have been slowly working my way through Lord's other books, because I was so delighted with The Names They Gave Us.

What books are collecting dust on your TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh LEt's Get Lost! I remember when that came out, and thinking it looked good. Oops that one slipped me by!

    1. I read one of Alsaid's books and it was great. I absolutely hope to read Let's Get Lost this year.

  2. Oooh! All these books sound awesome, especially Open Road Summer! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT !

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Lord's books are so good. I hope to have them all read before her new one is released.

  3. Apart from Will Grayson, Will Grayson, I have ALL of David Levithan's co-writes still sitting on my TBR. I've heard so many great things both about the No Kiss List and Dash and Lily's Book of Dares - I need to get moving on them soon!

    Here's my TBR!

    1. I just love DL so much. He won my heart when I saw him on various panels, and I love his sense of humor. Dash and Lily is a fave of mine, and DL always tends to feature NYC, which delights me to no end.

  4. Let's Get Lost and Open Road Summer are both on my TBR and my Kindle. I need to get to them!!!

    1. We should do a buddy read (double review?). Let me know.

  5. I know my sister really loved Name of the Star and I always meant to read it - need to make that happen!!! I have SO many physical books on my shelves that I need to read still, so that's a big goal for me this year.


    1. My physical books are so neglected. I used to try to read one each weekend, but my eyes have been so bad lately. I just cannot bring myself to struggle with the small print.

  6. Camp Boyfriend is definitely on my TBR too and has been there for quite awhile. Name of the Star as well. But omg you have to read Open Road Summer! That book started my love for the author!

    1. Camp Boyfriend has been on my kindle for an eternity. I'm gonna read it, I swear. I plan to read all of Lord's other books this year. She is wonderful!

  7. Great list! I love putting books on my TBR list too. I haven't read any of these I hope you get to some of them!

    1. When people joke about Mount TBR, I don't laugh because it's my reality. I just want to read them all!

  8. I want to read Truly Devious soon and have In the Name of the Star somewhere as well. I read a novella by her once and liked it so I'm hoping both of these are hits.

    1. Truly Devious was fabulous, and I heard it is very much in the style of In the Name of the Star.

  9. I have a very vague memory of starting Open Road Summer By Emery Lord and not liking it. The cover to Unraveled By Gennifer Albin is gorgeous! Hope you get through these in the near future :)

    1. The Altered series is a cool dystopian series. The concept is awesome. I just take forever to read physical books.

  10. Name of the Star looks so good!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. I heard it's similar stylistically to Truly Devious, so I think I will like it.

  11. I haven't read these books, but I hope you like them when you read them! The book I read was the sequel to Open Road Summer, I LOVED IT it was amazing ❤️ I am thinking of reading more books from my shelf too! Loved your post😊

    1. Which book is a sequel to Open Road Summer? I have read The Names They Gave Us and When We Collided.

  12. I have tons of unfinished series on my shelves, it's really quite embarrassing. I try to cull my goodreads TBR every now and then but I'm not quite as ruthless with my physical books. Truly Devious was so good and surprising for me, I'm definitely interested in Johnson's backlist now; maybe I'll pick up In the Name of the Star soon.

    1. Every year, I claim I will finish my series. I am the worst about that. I go through my TBR like once a month, but I am hesitant to get rid of books I own. I have read Truly Devious and the Little Blue Envelope books. I like Johnson.

  13. I hope you get a chance to read these soon! I should probably attempt to read the older books on my TBR. I feel bad for them. They’ve been stuck on my list for so long.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes! I feel bad that they are neglected. I do read older books via the library, but seldom my own (I have issues). I am going to try though.

  14. Name of the Star is the only one of these I've heard of and it reminds me that I have yet to read any of the Maureen Johnson books I have on my TBR. So many neglected books, lol.

    1. I am definitely reading that one this year. I heard it has a similar quality to Truly Devious, and I loved that book.

  15. I have seen the movie adaptation for "Naomi and Ely`s No Kiss List" and I found it cute, but I never picked up the book. I do want to read some David Levithan books though, I`ve heard great things about them.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. The Naomi and Ely movie is on Netflix, and is on my list of movies to watch, but I watch very little TV these days. I love DL. One of my faves is Every Day (which has an adaptation coming out soon). The whole concept was pretty brilliant.

  16. I totally thought I commented on your blog yesterday, but I seemed to have missed it. I love the whole Lynburn Legacy series. Unmade is a fantastic series ender. If you ever decide to revisit it, I hope you enjoy!

    1. It just slipped through the cracks, because I really enjoyed the first two books, and am trying to make this a priority read for this year.

  17. Ha, yes, adding books to our tbrs is one of most book blogger's fave pasttime. Taking books off, not so much lol. I get what you're saying for some of these cuz I also sometimes end up w/ books on my tbr forever cuz I keep waiting to see if they'll go on sale or my library will get them, but it never happens. But then I also have books I've bought and still not read so... lol. Good luck finally getting to these!

    1. OMG! Taking books off is PAINFUL! I try not to buy a ton of books, because I have so many, therefore, I try to leverage the library, but the digital offerings from my library are not the best. --sigh-- I tried to pick books for this list that I mostly had as a motivator to really read them.

  18. Let's Get Lost has also been on my TBR for a while. The Crewel World series sounds good.I also have series that I started and loved the books, but haven't read the final book. I get sidetracked lol.

    1. Crewel was really great. Albin is writing romance these days, but I absolutely loved the world she created in the Crewel books.

  19. I haven't read any book on your list and I have been eyeing the Crewel series for a while!

    1. My co-blogger turned me on to that series, and I really liked it. I just have such a hard time with physical books because of print size, white space, and my wrist/hand problems. I just need to make it a weekend thing. I'm gonna do it, I swear!

  20. I *JUST* commented about Naomi & Ely’s No Kiss List on your Wednesday post and now I come here and see that it’s been on your TBR forever. LOL Open Road Summer... it’s been sitting on my shelf for a couple years now. Still unread. It’s YA contemporary, it has good reviews... and yet there it sits. Maybe one day...

    1. That's two now... Archer's Voice and this one. I'm so on-board but heads-up that you read soooo much faster than me.

    2. We just have to read around the same time, and we can do a fun double review.

  21. Let's Get Lost was really good. I hope you'll like it!

    1. I really enjoyed the Alsaid book I read, and my co-blogger enjoyed his other books. I am thinking it will be a winner for me.
