
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: 2017 Reading Regrets

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

2017 Reading Regrets!

I always want to read ALL the books, but that is sort of impossible. There were many books I didn't read last year. One major reason was that I did not have the book or have access to the book, but there was quite a few books I really, really wanted to read AND I had the book, but still it did not get read. I have decided to make these part of my #2017Throwback reading challenge and will really, really try to read them this year.

Jennifer Mathieu
Series: n/a
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press

I am a fan of Mathieu's and was so excited about this book! All I kept hearing were raves about this book and I even had a copy of the book. So what happened? My co-blogger got a copy of this book and she took it to NC with her. When I finally got the book back in October, I had so many other books to read, and I am not as likely to pick up a physical book as I would an ebook. I am still excited about this one, and it has top priority for my reading challenge.

This Beats Perfect
Rebecca Denton
Series: This Beats Perfect, #1
Publisher: Atom Books

I love reading debuts, and this was a 2017 debut that made my anticipated reads list. I had even won a copy of this book, however, my prize never came. Then I saw the book on Hoopla, and I think I didn't read it, because I was still bitter about not getting my prize. Anyhow, I have renewed interest, and now that it has grown into a series, I want to catch up.

The Fiercest Joy
Shana Abe
Series: The Sweetest Dark, #3
Publisher: Five Rabbits Inc

I absolutely adored the first two books in this series, and could not wait to finish this series. Then the final book was delayed, for like years. I did buy a copy of this book, but it's still unread. Why? I am terrible when it comes to finishing series. I get attached to a world, and I don't want to leave. Sometimes I am worried that I will be disappointed. Not sure what the problem is here, but I will read this book in 2018.

Royal Bastards
Andrew Shvarts
Series: Royal Bastards, #1
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

This was another book that landed on my anticipated releases list last year. I did have access to this book via Hoopla, so I really don't know why I didn't read it. I heard good things, and it sounds like a really fun read. I got nothing. No excuses.

Julie Kagawa
Series: Talon, #4
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

I love Kagawa. I love this series. Unfortunately, I did not have this book. It was available in audio via Hoopla, but I find I miss too many details when I listen to fantasy books. BUT it has recently been added to Overdrive, and I put a hold on it. So, hopefully it will soon be mine.

Echo After Echo
Amy Rose Capetta
Series: n/a
Publisher: Candlewick

This was another BEA book my co-blogger absconded with. Can't read it if it's out of state, right? Now it's back and I hope to read it in the first quarter of this year. Many of the bloggers I follow posted positive reviews for this book, which made me even more eager to read it.

The Big F
Maggie Ann Martin
Series: n/a
Publisher: Swoon Reads

This was another debut I was excited about. I am a Swoon Reads fan, and I did get a copy of this book, but you know, me and physical books are not perfect together. I think I may be able deal with the font, because I do still want to read this. Feeling: determined.

A List of Cages
Robin Roe
Series: n/a
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

I had this on my TBR since 2016, because it sounded ah-mazing! Then all the reviews started rolling out, and they told me how ah-mazing this book was. It was also popping up on TTT lists over and over again. It is available at Hoopla, so magic 8 ball says: signs point to yes.

Locked Tight
Susan Kaye Quinn
Series: Mindjack, #4
Publisher: Susan Kaye Quinn

I am a SKQ fan, and a fan of the Mindjack series. Just when I thought the series was over, SKQ announced more Mindjack books! I bought this book shortly after it's release, but it just slipped through the cracks. Seems like a perfect #2017Throwback book.

Words on Bathroom Walls
Julia Walton
Series: n/a
Publisher: Random House

I remember seeing this one on NetGalley and thinking I  would love it, but I never requested it. Back then, I feared rejection, now I request a bunch, and lick my rejected wounds. Anyhow, I kept seeing more and more great reviews for this one, and was really excited when I recently saw it available on Overdrive, and I am going to read this one gosh darn it!

What were some of you 2017 reading regrets?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I vote for moving A List of Cages to the top of your list. That one did a number on my heart but it was utterly unforgettable. I just wanted to snatch Julian up and hug him and let him know he was loved. Okay, off to cry now...

    My TTT Post

    1. Yeah! I hope to read it next month. I just want to get ahead on my review books, then it slows down.

  2. I have heard so many wonderful things about Moxie. One thing that worries me though is that some people criticized its lack of diversity. I do plan on reading it in 2018 though, and hopefully, I`ll love it just as much as everyone else.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. I am all about the girl power, so Moxie is a must read for me.

  3. MOXIE!!! I hope you love it as much as I did. It’s so empowering.

  4. Moxie and A List of Cages were ones I would have loved to read but didn't have so never got to them. Some of the others up there are new to me. I have to check them out!

  5. Great list! I loved A List of Cages the author did an amazing job with the story and it kept me wanting more. I agree with you I want to read all of the books, but never enough time!

    1. I am so jealous of people who get to read books for a living. #goals
      I love books that keep me wanting!

  6. Moxie is one that has been on my list of books that I want to read as well. It is so hard when your reading is so full of new releases that if you miss one it is hard to fit it in later. Book blogger problems, right?!

    1. One of my goals is to have better balance this year. I usually fill my new releases with my romance books (I just love them!), but I would like to hit up my backlist more often this year.

  7. Moxie was on my list this week too and I'm including it on a reading challenge for this year as well, so I will definitely read it.
    My TTT:

    1. I am thinking these will be books for my #2017Throwback challenge. I hope we both get it done.

  8. Royal Bastards *nods* I just saw that on another list and remembered I never read it! Argh.

    1. Let's make it happen before the sequel is released.

  9. I haven't read any of these. I hope you're able to get to them soon. My to read list is always expanding no matter how much I read. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I have a billion books on my TBR. For me, it's all about access and timing. That's why I picked books that I have access to for this list. It gives me less excuses.

  10. A list of cages is one I really want to read as well. I have heard great things about Moxie. One I really want to read is The Name they gave us by Emery Lord.

    1. The Names They Gave Us was my first Emery Lord book (though I owned 2 of her books). I went on to read When We Collided, and I have to say, I am now a Lord fan.

  11. Royal Bastards by Andrew Shvarts was on my long list of regrets that I didn't get to last year. It sounds soooooooo good, but now I'm thinking I'm going to wait until the sequel comes out later this year. Hopefully we both love it when we pick it up! OH and yes to the Talon Series! I'm binging that in April and can't wait. Her books are always so amazing but her cliffhangers are gasping breath worthy lol. Hope you enjoy the rest of that series too! :)

    1. Kagawa always does an incredible job of toying with my emotions, but I trust her.

  12. I have a whole slew of books that I didnt’ get to either, but I am working on it. I just keep trucking and try not to request new stuff. I hope to catch up one day...

    1. I have no self control with requesting books. In all fairness, I do read a lot, so it is not that hard for me to get to those books, but I also get distracted with library books. I am working towards more of a new/old balance this year. So, let's see how both of us do.

  13. A List of Cages was a highlight of my year, but I haven't read any of the others on your list. It's nice to always have good books to look forward to!

    1. I am glad it gets so much praise from you. It seem that if I only read one book from this list, the masses are voting for A List of Cages.

  14. Wow!! Lots of new to me reads here! Except for Legion! Which dare I're wise to wait?! Lol! It ends with some dicey cliffhangers, so waiting to binge it with the final book might be best! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Sometimes I feel like it's good when I am late to the party, because I just devour the series.

  15. I was also hoping to read Moxie last year, but life got in the way and I had too many books to read - as it's said, too many books, so little time. But, hopefully, I'll read it this year. It's impossible to resist this book much longer after all the blurb.

    Happy readings Sam!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Moxie is definitely a FOMO book for me. I need to see what all the chatter is about.

  16. I really enjoyed Royal Bastards. I'm excited for the sequel too so I hope you get a chance to read it this year, as well as the rest on your list. :)

    1. I am challenging myself to read these books this year, so it is likely to happen. I am super competitive.

  17. I am feeling some guilt about not getting to Moxie yet. I did love A List of Cages - such a good book!

    1. I have yet to hear anyone say anything bad about A List of Cages. Really need to read it.

  18. Royal Bastards and Moxie are two of my faves of last year so I definitely recommend them! Plus I feel like, 99% certain that Moxie is a "Sam" book, so at the very least, do that one ASAP ;)

    I keep forgetting that I want to read A List of Cages too! I think it's cause I got it *so* far before the release that I kind of forgot, oops! But I have heard so many amazing things! Hope you get to read- and enjoy- these!

    1. Yeah, that's what happened with me and Moxie. I had it far before the release, and kept thinking I would read it closer to publication. I am confident that it's a "sam-book" too.

  19. I hope you get the chance to read Legion soon. SO good!

    1. I feel like I am a black sheep shipper with this series, but I still want to know where it's going.

  20. I haven’t heard of any of these books! I think my to read list is going to get unrealistically Long if I keep reading these posts. Happy reading!

    1. These are just the YA books I hope to get to. I have a separate list for the adult books I missed out on last year.

  21. I forgot to add Moxie to my list. I really need to read that book this year. I love Julie Kagawa but I need to re-read the first Talon book (I can't remember what happened lol). I hope you get a chance to read all of these books.

    1. I feel like Kagawa does a good "catch up" in her books, and am able to get back into the story quickly. I especially late on book 4, because I didn't have it, but now they have it on Overdrive, so I am all in.

  22. A List of Cages got a lot of fantastic reviews. I can't believe I never picked that one up either. I hope you get lots of opportunity to pick up these books this year.

    1. A List of Cages is raves about left and right. I have to get to it sooner than later this year.

  23. It's been such a long times since I've heard about Julie Kagawa's series Talon. I thought it had ended by now. I remember thinking it sounded fun. I'll have to look into it again :)

    1. It's a series that keeps growing. When I read Soldier, I thought it was going to be the last one, but now it looks like 5 (?) books.

  24. I read Moxie last year and it was so good! It had the perfect amount of feminism and awesome characters to make it such a great read!

    1. I love girl power books. I have no idea why I sat on this one for so long. Glad you loved it!

  25. I meant to read both Royal Bastards and Moxie but somehow completely forgot about them.

    1. I know. Too many books, too little time. Gonna make it happen this year.

  26. Royal Bastards was awesome! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

    1. I need to get it read before the sequel comes out.

  27. Sam, I want to read Royal Bastards, too! Also, Legion. But I have only read the first book in that series and shifter dragons aren't my thing anymore... LOL

    1. Royal Bastards was high on my list last year, so I am going to try to get to it. I love Kagawa, so I had to read that series.

  28. I only read one of these books on here and that was Moxie, it was the only one I had to read from your list as well so I'm pretty pleased I got to reading it. I hope you manage to get all of these, my list of books I missed reading in 2017 is much longer.

  29. I read only 'A List Of Cages' from this list and liked it, though had some problems with a few of the plot elements. I really want to read Moxie too!

    Awesome choices, feel free to check out my TTT list :)

    1. I heard A List of Cages is super emotional, and since I tend to be more character than plot driven, I think it will work for me.

  30. It's so easy for books you're hyped for to slip through the cracks when so many books are always being released! I know I really want to read Moxie and Royal Bastards myself too. Hope you can gte to all of these this year.

    1. These are books I either have or have access to, so it is just a matter of making time for them. I have been doing fairly well with my #2017Throwback challenge. I was really impressed with the number of titles I read from 2017 this month, and I had 2 5-star reads as well. So, I have been missing out on quality books too.
