
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I know it's not Sunday, but I am hosting a blog tour tomorrow (stop by for a chance to win!), so I am doing this weekly wrap up a day early. I had another four day week at work, because I finally had my eye procedure. It was very weird and the result are not immediate, but I will keep doing the hot compresses, acid lid cleaning, and blinking exercises (every 20 mins, 20 times a day) in hopes that it will work. Seriously, try them, so you don't end up like me.

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Review - Love, Hate, & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed
  • Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Books That Made Me Warm and Fuzzy
  • Wednesday: Can't-Wait Wednesday - I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman
  • Thursday: Discussion - Why I Don't Rate DNFs
  • Friday: In a Nutshell Reviews - The Last to Let Go by Amber Smith, Winner Take All by Laurie Devore, The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis

I love when the book gods answer my call, because the day after I posted my Can't-Wait Wednesday, right there, waiting for me on Edelweiss was I Have Lost My Way. Thank you, Universe! I got so many fabulous books this week, and I am excited to read them all.



What I Read Last Week

My top reads this week were both #2017Throwback books. I had heard so many great things about Far From the Tree and You Bring the Distant Near, and I am happy that I can now join the chorus, because they were both fabulous.
  • The Player and the Pixie by Penny Reid and L.H. Cosway: As always, I laughed and swooned, and I just cannot get enough of this writing team. Another fun, sexy, and fantastic Rugby book. ★★★★
  • Girls in the Moon by Janet McNally (audiobook): I enjoyed this book, but feel like I would have enjoyed it more had I read it. Regardless, it was a heartfelt look at relationships between mothers and daughters and sisters. I really liked the way McNally used mother's flashbacks and had them unfold in reverse. ★★★ 1/2
  • When My Heart Joins the Thousand by A.J. Steiger: This book provided such an interesting look at independence and finding one's self. This was quite an emotional journey, during which I shed many tears. But I can assure you, I was shedding happy tears by the end of this book. ★★★★ 1/2
  • Far From the Tree by Robin Benway: This book really was as wonderful as everyone says it is. I thought this would be so depressing and sad, but it really never was. I have happy tears in my eyes right now just thinking of all the beautiful things in this story. Loved it! ★★★★★
  • Winterfolk by Janel Kolby: This is a beautifully written story. The prose had a magical quality, that really intensified how naive and disconnected form the outside world the main character was. I struggled with a bunch of loose ends, and the ending left me quite unsatisfied. Nonetheless, it was a thoughtful look at the struggles homeless teens face. ★★★
  • You Bring the Distant Near by Mitali Perkins: This book made me crazy happy. I always want to know what happened "after", so reading a book like this, which follows three generations of women allowed me to get a lot of closure. Absolutely made me happy! ★★★★★
  • The Dating Debate by Chris Cannon: This was an adorable little romance, between two people, who were dealing with some family issues. These two were so cute together, and I found myself smiling a whole lot. And there was an epilogue!!! I always love me an epilogue. ★★★ 1/2

What I Am Currently Reading

I have not started Pretty Boy Must Die, but it is next on deck. It sounds like it will be action packed and a real change of pace for me. The Foxe & the Hound is hilarious. I am fan of Grey and these books. I love that one of my favorite couples from this world pop up in this book, but the standout in this story is Madeline. She is too fabulous.

What I Plan to Read

My loan for Allegedly came through, and I have been wanting to read this for a really long time, so I am excited. I have heard amazing things about I Stop Some Where, and I am hoping By the Book is a lighter read to offset all the heavier books I am reading, otherwise, I will be sneaking a nice romance in there.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Hope your eye procedure works and all is well! Lots of great books. Hope you enjoy them all and have a great week!

    1. Me too! Fingers crossed! You have a wonderful week as well.

  2. Sending you all the positive vibes in regards to your eye procedure! Allegedly was one of my favorite books last year. I was really impressed that it was a debut. Tiffany D. Jackson is a masterful storyteller. I hope you enjoy. Happy weekend, Sam!

    1. Thanks! I think it's working. I had wanted to read Allegedly, but you know, can't read a book I don't have. I have heard incredible things about it and will probably be starting it tomorrow (right after Prettyboy).

  3. Hope your eye procedure worked for you. You did have me questioning if I got my days confused when I saw this go up, thankfully I haven't lost track of my days (phew). So many good books! I can't believe how much reading you've done, well done Hope you enjoy your books next week.

    1. I am very regimented. It was hard for me to publish my Sunday post on Saturday, but I am surviving. I fly through contemporaries. It takes me longer to read other types of books, especially SFF.

  4. Good luck with your eye recovery! I'll have to look at Hidden pieces by Paula Stokes, I'm not familiar with that one. I've been wanting to read more of her books...

    1. It comes out in August and it a thriller. Stokes is such genre jumper, but she does it so well, I will always follow her.

  5. I hope that you get the results you want from your eye procedure. Lots of new books this week. When I saw the Gayle Forman book pop up on NetGalley, I knew it was going to be a popular one. Enjoy!

    1. I was happy dancing when the Forman book was "green" for me on EW. I didn't think I would get any of those pre-approved books from Penguin after they rejected 13 of my requests at once. I was pretty happy.

  6. Hope the procedure works out for you as well Sam. Those eye exercises look like fun--not. LOL. Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

    1. The idea is that you build muscle memory and then your eyes will just blink on their own. I'll try anything, and hey, I paid $1000 for this. Gotta protect the investment.

  7. Hope the eye procedure works how you hoped and your recovery is quick tok. Hoping it a lot of really amazing books this week! Happy reading!!!

    1. Thanks. I am doing everything the doctor says, because it was really costly for me, as it was not covered by insurance.

  8. I should really try those eye exercises. I get allergy-dry eyes all the time, so it should help. Can you read now, because of the procedure? Maybe audiobooks?
    Hope you have a great week!

    1. The incidence of dry eye is higher these day, because of all the screen time. The blinking helps activate the oil glands (mine were not working), and the oil provides lubrication and keeps your tears from evaporating. I drove myself home after the procedure. It was only 12 minutes long, $1000 for 12 mins -- I need this sort of pay rate, but if it works, it will be worth every penny.

  9. I hope the procedure works. I have dry eyes too and it's no fun.

    Yay for scoring I Have Lost My Way. Can't wait to see what you think of it.

    Have a great week!

    1. My tears are good from the Restasis. This is supposed to help with the oil. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I pretty giddy when I Have Lost My Way was waiting for me. I absolutely adore Forman.

  10. The Dating Debate sounds like such an adorable read. I've read and enjoyed her dragon shifter series. I will have to give her contemporary stuff a try.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. The Dating Debate was cute. It's very character driven, which is my kind of book.

  11. Idk what the eye procedure was for, but I hope it worked and that your eyes are feeling better soon!

    1. I have chronic dry eye. My eyes hurt all the time. I am afraid to drive, because they get watery and I blink excessively. Fingers crossed this helps, and thanks for the well wishes.

  12. I want to read I Have Lost My Way. I hope it's a good one.

    Hope your eye procedure and exercises work!!!

    Have a fabulous week!

    1. I have faith that Forman will deliver another winner.

  13. Hope your eyes get better!! I'm not sure what an acid lid cleaning is but it doesn't sound pleasant!
    Enjoy your new books!

    1. It's a weak acid solution that is supposed to keep the glands from getting clogged up. My least favorite thing is the eye compress. I hate sitting there for 10 minutes doing nothing.

  14. Phew, you got a ton of books! I downloaded some of the latest Harper uploads. I'm curious about Paula Stokes' latest but I'm not sure it's for me. A lot of her previous books were hits for me though. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a lovely week, Sam. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I loved Stokes and the mystery sounds intriguing. Harper seems to be one of my favorite publishers. They dominate my TBR, which is a good thing, because they always show me a lot of DRC love.

  15. I hope everything goes well with your eyes (and your blinking exercises). I have eye issues, too, but I just have to wear really thick granny glasses all the time. Have a great week, and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Part of my problem is because I did Lasik 20 years ago, but the other part is that I am old and dry eye happens. --sigh-- At least I have new books, right?

  16. I hope they eye procedure was a success. I love ARC surprises. I recently requested a couple and was excited to see the emails a couple days later. I met Penny Reid and she is so fun in person. But I have to read her books this year. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I am starting to think I wasted my money, but I guess I will give it more time. All the articles I read were encouraging (87% success rate). I hope I am not in the 13%. OMG! I would love to meet Penny Reid. A friend of mine invited me to a romance writers event last year, but it was the same weekend that I already booked to visit the child in NC. Another missed opportunity due to bad timing. Her books are tons of fun. She super intelligent and it shows in her characters.

  17. I hope your eye procedure went well. Lots of great books you've read! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. So many great new books. I will have to control myself and keep reading by publication date.

  18. I hope you eye procedure went well! Pretty Boy Must Die looks cute I can't wait to see your review! Have a great week!

    1. #Prettyboy was a fun change for me. Super action packed, but with a great amount of humor too.

  19. My goodness, $1000 for a 12 minute procedure? Ouch. And I’m surprised insurance wouldn’t pay up since dry eye is certainly a legit concern. I sure hope you’re in the 87%, my friend! I sometimes have dry eyes but only at the end of a long day (due to contact lens wear). I switch off with my glasses back and forth so it’s never really been an issue.

    I’m so excited to read your thoughts on Far from the Tree! That book just made such an impact on me. And I lost count of how many times I was moved to tears. (Usually for Joaquin.)

    I’ve yet to read anything by R.S. Grey even though I see so many raves.

    1. It's considered an elective procedure, but my eyes hurt so bad, and it's limiting my driving, because I am afraid to get on the road when I am blinking like a fiend. I was reading more articles, and they say it may take up to 4 weeks to see the benefits of the procedure. So now, I sit and wait. I think I am posting my Far From the Tree review next week. Joaquin definitely had it the hardest, but in the end, he was a big winner. (I am crying now!)

  20. I'll be getting around to Pretty Boy Must Die soon too - it sounds like a lot of fun. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. I liked it. It was different for me without being so far out of my realm. There was even a little bit of romance (yes!).

  21. You're so organized Sam! Blinking exercises, hmmm... Are they working? I cannot wait to get my hands on Gayle Forman's new book :)

    1. Jury is out on if anything is working. It can take up to a month, but I have my work neighbor blinking with me three times an hour too. Talk about support! I was overjoyed when I got Forman's book. I love her!

  22. Eager to see what you think of Pretty Boy Must Die. I just finished it myself last week, and it had some fun moments. :D Wonderful post, Sam! :)

    1. I have seen a bunch of negative things, but I have to say, I read that book at about the breakneck pace of the story. I enjoyed it a lot. wouldn't mind a sequel.
