
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I think we had three different seasons this week, as the temperature rose and rose, hitting 65 on Friday! I slept with my window open in January. In NJ. This is not normal. I am pretty excited about the three day weekend. Seriously, last week was the first 5-day week I worked since October. It was tough.

Other than the mundane, I read a lot, and I finally watched Everything, Everything. I really enjoyed the film. The casting was excellent, and I must commend whoever scored the film. The musical choices were superb and perfectly set the mood for each scene.

Speaking of adaptations, I kept seeing the trailer for Forever My Girl on Goodreads, so I decided to listen to the audiobook. It's looks very Nicholas Sparks, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

I was also really excited to see the trailer for Every Day. I LOVED that book!

I saw a bunch of tweets that intrigued me.

I have already read three from the list above, and I want to read a bunch more.

On the Blog:

The publisher love continues. I got a massive amount of approvals, but these were hanging in limbo forEVER, and I honestly did not believe I was getting them. Some of my most anticipated reads are in this haul, so I was doing a happy dance when I got my approval email.

I also got sent a physical ARC of Honor Code, which I already have an eARC of. I haven't read it, but I will probably give the physical copy away, so someone else could review it. If you are in the US and interested, DM/email me.


What I Read Last Week

I had some pleasant surprises last week. Truly Devious was the standout of the week. I knew I would like it, but I absolutely loved it. The most surprising thing was how satisfying the ending of almost every book I read was. You know how I need closure, and I think most of the books gave me that. So, I was very satisfied.
  • Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer: This was nice change of pace, because i haven't read a paranormal in a while. I enjoyed the mystery (boy did she make us wait!), and I really loved the sibling bond in this one. ★★★ 1/2
  • Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson: This reminded me how much I love Johnson. We got not one by TWO mysteries and lots of intriguing characters, who were witty and amusing. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book. ★★★★ 1/2
  • The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory: This was a fun fauxmance to romance. I loved the both the hero and the heroine, but what really got me was the ending. Fantastic! ★★★★
  • Last Year's Mistake by Gina Ciocca (audiobook): This friends-to-more story had me wanting to smack these two a few times, but I was fully engrossed and throughly entertained. ★★★ 1/2
  • Winner Take All by Laurie Devore: I expected this to be a on the darker side, however, it wasn't quite what I expected. Lots of really thought provoking ideas about the messages society sends to women and the caveats of being female in this world. ★★★ 1/2
  • The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis: This was a tough read. It pained me to stand by as Evan was mentally and physically abused. I let a few tears go, but reading the author's note at the end was when the real tears started, because that is when I found out this was based on his own life. ★★★ 1/2
  • The Fortunate Ones by R.S. Grey (audiobook): I was so in love with the heroine. Her voice and commentary were amusing and whip smart. There were SO many times I wanted to shake these two, but it culminated to a great conclusion. ★★★★

What I Am Currently Reading

I just started both of these today, so I am not very far in, but The Last to Let Go was one of my Can't-Wait Wednesday books, so I am really excited to read it.

What I Plan to Read

I need to read my library loan before it returns, so I Liked My Life is on my weekly TBR. The other three are ARCs. I have liked YA books by Highley, so I jumped at the chance to read her adult novel. Shoot the Moon is a sequel to Seeking Mansfield, which I really enjoyed last year, so I am interested in catching up with the characters.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Yes the weather has certainly been whacky here. So glad the snow is all gone though. Wow lots of books! You got Starry Eyes yay!! I have some of those out for approval still (I'm looking at you Save the Date) that I hope I get. Happy reading and have a great week!

    1. I thought I was going to cry when I saw my EW approvals on Friday. Just when I thought all was lost, S&S gave me a ton of books.

  2. I hear you on all the seasons in 24 hours! Same here. Lots of lovely arcs, enjoy :)

  3. How have I not heard of Forever My Girl or Every Day? I now have two more books on my TBR and both those films look so so good, the perfect films to watch on a lazy Sunday, you know? And I love book lists so I'm looking at both of those posts to further expand my TBR list (there's not such thing as too many books. Look at all the ARCs you got! I am crazy impressed and only slightly jealous, but i like having less pressure to read ARCs on myself this month I'm quite enjoying concentrating on my shelves instead. I hope you have a good week and enjoy the books you've got!

    1. I thought Every Day was brilliant, and I just love Leviathan. So far, I am enjoying Forever My Girl. I love contemporary romances, and right now it's quite heartbreaking. Yes, my TBR is like the universe, always expanding.

  4. I haven't heard of Forever My Girl, but after watching the film trailer, I'm adding it to my wishlist. It's not the genre that I usually read, but once a while I need some cute love story in my life.

    You received so many awesome ARCs this week. <3 I'm so excited for From Twinkle With Love and My Plain Jane - even though I still have to read Jane Eyre. I can't wait to read your review on them.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Forever My Girl only came on my radar, because I kept seeing the trailer on Goodreads. My library had it so, why not. So far I am enjoying it. I have never read Jane Eye. You don't need to in order to enjoy the Janie books. I adored the first one and cannot wait to read My Plain Jane.

  5. OOoh nice new reads! Curious about In Her Skin! Hope you enjoy all your new additions!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I really like Savage's writing, so I was really excited when Fierce sent me the widget for her new book.

  6. Forever My Girl sounds like an adorable movie! I've seen the reviews making its rounds on Twitter and FB. I'll probably end up watching it when it releases :)

    1. I am a sap for stories like Forever My Girl. I am really enjoying the audiobook so far.

  7. Whoa, yay for all those pretty new ARCs! I also got Starry Eyes this week, and AHHH I can't wait to read it. And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on From Twinkle, With Love and Save the Date. I'm so glad you enjoyed Truly Devious! I agree; it reminded me how much I love Maureen Johnson's writing. I've heard great things about The Wedding Date. And I had no idea there was a sequel to Seeking Mansfield coming out?!?! *runs to Goodreads* I hope you have a great week, Sam!

    1. I thought my dream of an ARC for Starry Eyes was dead in the water, when I got denied on NG, but then S&S showed me all sorts of love on EW. I was over the moon! The Wedding Date was a solid debut. The author is very intelligent and she even explored some issues regarding interracial dating, but most of all, it was a great romance.

  8. I haven't seen Everything, Everything yet, but I love the characters they picked for that movie. Yay for all the pub love thats been coming your way! Have a great week!

    1. I am a Yoon fan and when I saw it was on cable last week, I made time to watch the film. I kept shedding preemptive tears. Like, I would start getting misty because I knew an emotional part was coming up.

  9. I think the weather is crazy just about everywhere. Spring, where are you? Yay for all the new books this week. There are so many really good ones too! Happy reading.

    1. The approval gods smiled on me this week. It's helping me get over the great Penguin rejection of last month.

  10. The weather's been crazy in PA too! I was driving with my windows down Wednesday to Friday, it was so warm. I've been curious about the Everything, Everything film so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I loved the book, but I'm always so weary of film adaptations. All your new books look fantastic. Have a great three day weekend, Sam! :)

    1. I don't think you live too far from me, so not surprised we are both having wacky weather. The casting was so good in Everything, Everything. I thought the two leads had fantastic chemistry, and they totally made me feel those things I loved feeling when I read the book.

  11. So many pretty books!!! The weather has been nuts in here Ohio too. 60 degrees on Thursday, then snow on Friday. CRAZY!
    Hope you have a good week!

    1. We had the 60s too, but thank goodness, no snow. Oh, and winter is just getting started. I guess we should buckle up and prepare for a wild ride.

  12. The weather has been wacky here too, we didn't warm up quite that much but it did hit upper 50's, only to plunge again the next day. And snow returned. Can we have spring now?

    I read my first Jessi Kirby recently, so The Other Side of Lost has me curious. And Truly Devious does look good.

    1. I am a Truly Devious fan. Another great Maureen Johnson book there. If you are collecting votes about spring, I vote yes!

  13. I still need to read Everything Everything before I check out the movie!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. I loved that book. I hope you have a chance to read it.

  14. For you it's been getting warmer, for me it's been getting colder again! Ugh, crazy weather. Yay, I'm happy for you that you got approved for a bunch of books you really wanted! I always assume I'm not getting the book when it takes forever too lol. Or that they forgot about me and will just ignore my request entirely, which did happen once recently -_- Have a great week!

    1. Right? When my approval is out there for 3 months, I always assume the worst. The good thing is I read a lot. They are also all in my preferred genre too. I also have those requests that hand there pending until the book is archived. It's happened more than once. I am grateful for the approvals I get anyhow.

  15. The weather has been all over the place. It's cold again and I am not happy about it. Wow! Tons of approvals this week. I hope you enjoy them all. Enjoy your day off tomorrow! I have to work and am not happy about that either. Have a great week!

    1. I love a holiday with no family or church responsibility. I went to the gym around 6 am and am thinking about taking a shower now at 1:35pm. Ahhhh, lazy days. Hope your week is great too!

  16. So have so many arcs of some of my highly anticipated reads. I hope you end up enjoying all of these. Ooh, American Panda is one I'll be waiting a review of from me. Hope you enjoy you week!

    1. I got really lucky. I never expect to get everything I request (and I don't), but I didn't think I was getting any from S&S. So, that was a lovely surprise.

  17. Oh wow, congrats on all the books you were accepted for! I'm so curious about From Twinkle, With Love. I really enjoyed When Dimple Met Rishi.

    The weather where I live is seriously insane too. It felt really nice on Thursday and then snowed/iced a ton on Friday and it's been cold ever since. More snow tomorrow I think...


    1. I am hoping Menon's second book becomes as beloved to me as her first. It's back to cold weather for us. Cold, not arctic, but the good thing is I found a great down coat this weekend to keep me warm the rest of this winter.

  18. Ha! I also saw Everything Everything this weekend! I thought it was cute. Two things I want to say is a) I want all her outfits SOOOO MUCH and b) their house is soooo cool I want all their things!!!

    You read a lot last week! WOW! I wish I can read that fast!

    1. OMG, yes! I thought she was so well dressed, and that house was epic! I don't know if I read fast, but I read a lot due to my commute and like listening to audiobooks in-between.

  19. I have listened to Everything Everything and loved it. I need to sit down and watch the movie! I love the trailer for Forever My Girl I can't wait to see it! Have a great week! Yay on all the approvals!

    1. The audio for Everything, Everything was great (I listened, although I have the book, so I got to see the illustrations). I think if you liked the book, you will like the movie. I just finished Forever My Girl, and I am curious about some of the changes they made. Why age the kid down? Why change the child from a boy to a girl? I am even more interested in seeing the film, because I want to see what they kept and what they tossed from the book.

  20. It seems like there are SO many bookish adaptations this year. I hadn't heard of either of the ones you show here. I'll have to check them out!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. They are both older books. I am such a David Levithan fan, and Every Day is one of my faves by him.

  21. I wish you can bring that warm weather to California. I'm so tired of the gloomy days but I know we need the rain. I've also seen those movie trailers and need to read the books. You got a great book haul and a lot of books I'd love to get my hands on. I hope you enjoyed your 3-day weekend and have a great week!

    1. The warm weather was short lived. We had some snow today. --sigh-- Every Day is a favorite of mine. The whole concept and the way Leviathan did it was brilliant.

  22. Isn't it hard getting back into the regular work routine? It's like, seriously? You expect me to work 5 full day? In a row? LOL I loved the casting in Everything Everything. I thought it was perfect. (And the fact that Nick Robinson is playing Simon in Love, Simon is making me all kinds of happy.) I've had Forever My Girl on my Kindle for ages but have yet to read it. And probably won't get a chance to in the next few days (assuming I actually see the movie in theater - a totally rare occurrence). But it looks so good. Whoa, that's a whole lot of arcs. Guess all the publishers too it easy over the holidays and are now back in full force.

    1. That 5-day week killed me! And we had to wear business clothes after a month in jeans too. The horror! There was this scene, at the end of Everything, Everything where the two characters are running in NYC, and they were just so strikingly beautiful. Great picks. They really felt like the same characters from the book.
