
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Hope to See Under the Tree

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

Books I Hope to See Under the Tree!

The obvious answer is ALL THE BOOKS!!! But, I do have a list of books that I would read immediately if I had them in my hot little hands.

The Only Thing Worse Than Me is You
Lily Anderson
Series: n/a
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

I recently read the companion novel for this book, Not Now, Not Ever, and I thought it was fabulous! It was nerdy fun at its best, and I would love to read the story starring characters, who were featured in NNNE. In fact, I want to read all Anderson's books, because she is hilarious.

Little Monsters
Kara Thomas
Series: n/a
Publisher: Delacorte Press

I loved Thomas' debut, and tried so hard to win this book. I swear! I entered like a zillion giveaways, but the universe didn't want me to have this book. Besides the fact that I like the author, I also could use a little mystery in my life, and this one sounds fantastic.

Julie Kagawa
Series: Talon, #4
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Kagawa is a favorite of mine, and I am really enjoying this series. This is a high ranking book for me as there is another book coming out next year, and I would hate to fall behind.

I'll Meet You There
Heather Demetrios
Series: n/a
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co

Time and time again, I hear amazing things about this book. So many people have cited this book as one to read, and I almost did. I actually won a copy of this through a giveaway, but alas, I never received my prize. My bitterness may have kept me from getting a copy, but I really do want to read it.

The Wrong Side of Right
Jenn Marie Thorne
Series: n/a
Publisher: Dial 

When I first saw this book, I knew it was a "me" book. Mom dying sets up a nice grief story for me, but then we get a reunion with long, lost dad, who happens to be running for president. Sounds fabulous to me, and apparently other people think so too, because it has great ratings and reviews.

Saving Francesca
Melina Marchetta
Series: n/a
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers

This book has spent an eternity on my wish list. It's quite embarrassing that I have not been able to procure a copy yet. Francesca is heavily lauded book, and I have also been wanting to read something from Marchetta, as she has been widely praised.

The Anatomical Shape of a Heart
Jenn Bennett
Series: n/a
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Have had my eye on this book since I first heard about it, but it has become a higher priority since I read and adored Alex, Approximately. People tell me that this is actually better than Alex, which I find hard to believe, but if it is, it must be beyond amazing.

The Taming of the Drew
Stephanie Kate Strohm
Series: n/a
Publisher: Sky Pony Press

It's not secret that Strohm is my go-to when I want the funny. Her books always make me laugh and leave me buoyant. I have had this one on my wish list for a while, and an author I love combined with a fun summer setting sounds like a winner to me.

Glory O'Brien's History of the Future
A.S. King
Series: n/a
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

King has become one of my favorite authors to read when I am in the mood for magical realism. Obviously, I want to read all her books, but this is one I really want to get my hands on, as it has been recommended to me on more than one occasion.

This Adventure Ends
Emma Mills
Series: n/a
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co

I recently started my love affair with Mills and want to read ALL her books. I have First & Then, so I only need this book to complete the Emma Mills Trifecta. I also have heard so many good things and after reading her latest book, I KNOW they are not lying.

What books do you hope to get for the holidays?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. YES! Don't we all wish for all the books!!😍😍😍😍Great list of books, Sam! I hope you have a great week.

    -Helena 💋xoxo

    1. I know right? I only needed one entry -- ALL THE BOOKS! 😂

  2. Looks like a nice mix! THis adventure Ends looks fun, and The Anatomical Shape does too (I also wanted to read Alex approximately so if this one was supposed to be even better, that's good to know).

    1. Those two books are always raved about, and now that I tasted what those authors have to offer, I need to read them!

  3. I'll Meet You There! I'll Meet You There!!! I swear, if I had your address I would gift this one to you myself. (Actually, if you want to email me your address I really will gift this one to you!) It's a Must Read, Sam. That book made such a huge impact on me and became an instant favorite. I think the military aspect played a large part in that (my husband served for 20 years) but the emotion Demetrios was able to elicit and the atmosphere of bleakness, and hopelessness was palpable. It is sooo rare that I give a book 5 stars, but this one rated that plus more.

    1. I know! I have to read it! Physical books are so hard for me if the print isn't big enough. My eyes are complete garbage, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get an Amazon gift card from Santa. I have left ample hints.

  4. Little Monsters is one I've been wanting to read for a while. Same with This Adventure Ends. I hope you get all of the books on your list :)

    1. I need access to the US Mint to fund my reading habit.

  5. I so loved I'll Meet You There, This Adventure Ends, and The Anatomical Shape of a Heart. Hope you get those and enjoy!!

    1. I have no doubt that I have awesome books on this list. I just need to get them.

  6. I hadn't heard of any of these books, but The Taming of the Drew is a great title. I hope it's good.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. I think most of them are a little older, but they are ones that I have been wanting to read for quite a while.

  7. I really want to try Little Monsters too!

    1. Thomas is definitely an author I like for mystery-thrillers.

  8. Yay, This Adventure Ends was so good! And I can't get over how gorgeous the cover is.

    1. I know. I think all three of Mills' covers are beautiful. They are not specific to the stories, but they are nice to look at.

  9. Okay, 1st if you loved The Darkest Corner by Kara Thomas, you are going to super love Little Monsters bc I thought that one was even better. I can't wait for her 2018 book already!! And OMG 10000% YES to This Adventure Ends!!! It was SO adorably special. I loved it just as much as Foolish Hearts (which was A LOT).

    Glory O'Brien was an interesting book for sure-- you should definitely be in the mood for something completely different (and really for all of A.S. King books), but I really liked the idea of it. And it is totally GIRL POWER.

    Happy Holidays Sam!!

    1. I like King. Her books are fantastic and I have been told Glory is fabulous. I am crossing my fingers and my toes that I get approved for the new Thomas book. Hopefully the book gods will smile upon me. Happy holidays to you too!

  10. Little Monsters was a really good thriller. Ill Meet You There, Jenn Bennett and Emma Mills are some of my favorites too.

    1. My list is mostly books I have heard so many good things about and books from new-to-me authors I have fallen in love with. I feel like the library might have some of them, but I have to see how big the font is. My eyes are terrible!

  11. What an amazing list - and YES YES YES you have to read I'll Meet You There, it is one of my favorite books, it was so good. Great character development and filled with emotions <3 I loved The Anatomical Shape of a Heart as well! :)

    1. I brought up I'll Meet You There and Kiersten is still salty about how we won that book and never got it. Fingers crossed I get an Amazon gift card (or two) from Santa.

  12. I hope that Santa gets your letter and delivers! I'll Meet You There is a beautiful book and I have a good feeling that you will enjoy it when you do get the chance to read it. Have a wonderful holiday! :)

    1. I know!!!! That book is always raved about and I have seen it on so many TTT lists time and time again. One of these days I will get it.

  13. I see SO MANY beautiful things on this list! I would honestly die to get any of these for Christmas! OMG, Little Monsters sounds SO GOOD. Many people I trust loved it because of its suspense and the great mystery. I've heard this is finally the great YA Thriller we were waiting for!! LOL.

    My TTT:

    1. I thought Thomas' debut was fabulous. She had plot twists up until the last page. So fabulous, and I heard Little Monsters is even better.

  14. I'd love to find "The Anatomical Shape of a Heart" underneath my tree as well :)

    1. I hope one of us gets it, because Bennett is so fabulous.

  15. I hope you get The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You. I also will read anything by Lily Anderson. I cannot wait to finally get to Not Now, Not Ever. Happy holidays!

    1. Not Now, Not Ever was so great, that is why I want to go back and read Anderson's first book. Her new book looks incredible too!

  16. OOoh nice ones! Quite a few new to me ones here but I LOVED Little Monsters and Legion! I pretty much adore everything Julie writes!! Hope Santa brings you 1 or 10 of these next week!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I have access to the audiobook for Legion, but I like to read a book like that, because I feel like I miss details when I listen. I love Kagawa too, and I am a fan of the Talon series.

  17. What a great list of books Sam. I hope Santa treats you well!

    1. You would think with the amount of reading I do that someone would get me books or Amazon cards, but nope, it never happens.

  18. I hope you get a big pile of books under your tree. I haven't read any of these but I do think I have a copy of I'll Meet You There somewhere on my bookshelves.

    1. I would settle for a big Amazon gift card to get all the ebooks, but I know that is wishful thinking. You need to find I'll Meet You There, because people are RAVING about it.

  19. Awesome list. Haven’t read of these. I love discovering new books. Little Monsters and The Taming of The Drew look great. Thanks for sharing. 😁❤️

    1. I love both Thomas and Strohm, so I think they will be winners.

  20. Ooooh this is a fabulous list! I will definitely agree with the people who say you need to read I'll Meet You There- I know you'd love it. It's one of my favorites, and the kind of book that I think would be your type! Also agree with Glory O'Brien! It's weird, certainly, but I adored it. I really need to read Little Monsters and Anatomical Shape, too! Hope you get some of these! :D

    1. I think you are right. From everything I have heard, I'll Meet You There sounds like a home run for me. I really liked my two King experiences, so I am pretty sure Glory will be great as well.

  21. I should really read a lot of these too! I highly recommend Little Monsters though. I liked her first book better, but I still really enjoyed this one. :)


    1. Good to know. I loved Thomas' first book, so that and all the good buzz has me really wanting to get a copy of Little Monsters ASAP.

  22. I also want to read I'll meet you there and the wrong side of right. Oh and that Julie Kagawa series is one I want to try. So many goodies. Hope you get all these and more <3

    1. I am this close to one-clicking Wrong Side of Right. The ebook is on sale for $4.99 right now. My finger keeps hovering over the button, but I have so many books, that I am sort of on a book ban (unless it's super cheap). However, I cannot stop someone from buying me these books.

  23. I really enjoyed Legion but I somehow forgot to review it. :/ I hope you get all of these!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. I need to catch up, because the next book will be out in no time. I was sort of surprised when I heard the series was going beyond three books, but it was a happy surprise.

  24. I hope you got some nice books under your tree! And I hope one of them was the book by Jenn Bennett! I've read that one and I really loved it when I read it ^.^

    1. I didn't get any books or Amazon gift cards, but I did get an Oasis. I think I will have to cave and buy ASoaH, because I have been wanting to read it for a really long time.
