
Friday, December 29, 2017

Top 10 of 2017: Top 10 Books I am Looking Forward to in 2018

This week I will be participating in the Top 10 of 2017 hosted by Nancy & Christy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader,  Rachel from Fiktshun, Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales, Jaime from Two Chicks On Books Fallon from Seeing Double in Neverland,  Take Me Away To A Great Read, and  Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales!

Today's Top 10: Books I am Looking Forward to in 2018

I have 397 books on my 2018 Goodreads shelf. Needless to say, there are a ton of books I hope to read. I had previously featured my most anticipated debuts of 2018, and now I will be sharing some of the non-debuts I am excited about.

Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman
Series: The Illuminae Files, #3
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers

BookCon and BEA were just incomplete without a new Illuminae Files book dropping. I am way past my dose of this amazing series, and am therefore chomping at the bit for this book. These books are packed with action, humor, and even some swoons. They are also visual feasts for the eyes.

9 Days and 9 Nights
Katie Cotugno
Series: 99 Days, #2
Publisher: Blazer + Bray

I was a fan of 99 Days, but always felt that the story was incomplete. When I first heard we were getting more Molly and Gabe I was overjoyed. Being an HEA girl, I am pulling for these two to get together, but this is Katie Cotugno, so I am not sure that will happen. Either way, I am curious to see how things turned out.

Julie Murphy
Series: Dumplin', #2
Publisher: Blazer + Bray

I adored Willow Dean and am excited to learn more about some of the auxiliary characters that inhabited her world. Obviously, I am hoping for an update on WD, but I feel confident that we will get a charming story with lots of heart.

Starry Eyes
Jenn Bennett
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

I fell head over heels for Alex, Approximately and must have the newest Jenn Bennett books as soon as possible. In addition to being written by the awesome Bennett, I am onboard with this story. Best friends turned enemies trapped in the wilderness with nothing but each other. Yes, please.

From Twinkle, with Love
Sandhya Menon
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

When Dimple Met Rishi made my heart explode, and I have a feeling Menon will deliver again with this book. The story sounds adorable and I am such a fan of epistolary books. Sounds like a winner to me.

Airports, Exes, and Other Things I'm Over
Shani Petroff
Series: n/a
Publisher: Swoon Reads

Petroff's last book, My New Crush Gave to Me, filled me with so much joy. It was sweet and so much fun. Airports sounds like it will also be delivering the funny in that way which Petroff does so well.

Suitors and Sabotage
Cindy Anstey
Series: n/a
Publisher: Swoon Reads

I read and absolutely adored Duels and Deception. It was charming, delightful, and filled with characters I could not resist. If Suitors is even a fraction as cute as Duels, I know I will love it.

Wild Blue Wonder
Carlie Sorosiak
Series: n/a
Publisher: HarperTeen

If Birds Fly Back was one of my favorite debuts this year. Sorosiak wrote a story that captured my heart, and I think she will be able to do it again. From the synopsis, I am sensing this is a grief book, and it's a well known fact in these parts, that I LOVE grief books. It is also set at a summer camp, stars girls in stem, and features a strong female friendship. Count. Me. In.

The Way You Make Me Feel
Maurene Goo
Series: n/a
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

I Believe in a Thing Called Love was so much fun! It made me laugh, but also touched my heart. Goo won a fan in me via Desi, and her new book sounds very promising. A summer prison sentence to be served aboard a food truck has many possibilities. I am excited to see how Clara's summer pans out.

Final Draft
Riley Redgate
Series: n/a
Publisher: Amulet Books

I read both Redgate's books this year, and I feel confident calling myself a fan. Ergo, I am excited to read her newest book featuring a girl who writes and has her confidence shaken when a hyper-critical teacher comes into her life. I think I will be feeling some feels here.

Now it's your turn!

What are some 2018 books you are excited about? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love Jenn Bennett and CANNOT WAIT to read Starry Eyes!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Seriously, her last book was perfection for me, and I just want to read everything she writes, even her shopping list.

  2. OMG, I love that you already have almost 400 books on your 2018 GR shelf. LOL I'm excited for 9 Days & 9 Nights, too... and actually just learned of its existence a week ago! I was thrilled to see that because I really enjoyed 99 Days. My list would have to include Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli, Say You'll Remember Me by Katie McGarry, and A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas.

    1. I am a greedy-book-ho! There are just too many fantastic sounding books coming out. *High Five* to another 99 Days fan. Leah is a given, McGarry is always on my list, as is SJM. I had featured Say You'll Remember Me as a CWW, because Katie McG is one of my go-tos, always.

  3. So much YES to your list!! I forgot so many on my own list that comes out soon. Obsidio, 9 Days& 9 Nights, Puddin', Starry Eyes and Final Draft are all ones I am excited for!

    1. It was impossible to keep it to just 10, which is why I didn't overlap with debuts or anything that had been in a CWW. This year has so many amazing offerings. If only I had an unlimited budget.

  4. Wow, I guess I am missing out on a lot of 2018 releases, I haven't heard of any of these! But two of my favorite authors, Lauren Weisberger and Emily Giffin, are both coming out with new books next year, so I'm excited for that!

    1. These are my YA picks. I have a separate adult list (with the new Jojo Moyes at the top). I have been meaning to give Griffin another try. I think I started with the wrong book for me. She is quite beloved, and that many people can't be wrong.

  5. Obsidio! Yes! I’m looking forward to that too. I hope you get a chance to read all these.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. Obsidio- can't wait! And 9 Days might be on my TBR too, since I just recently read my first Cotugno and really enjoyed it.

    Love that cover of Starry Eyes a lot.

    1. More Aiden - NOW! Did you read 99 Days? You have to read that first, because this is about those characters, and I am dying to know how things went after they went to/back to college and if there is still "something" there.

    2. I have not read 99 Days, but that is good to know. Thank you! The one I read was Top Ten and I thought she captured those characters really well.

  7. From Twinkle, with Love - Yes, please! I can't wait for this book. Several of the other titles are new to me, so will definitely be checking those out and looking forward to your reviews. Happy New Year!

    1. I am hoping Menon delivers another utterly adorable read.

  8. Starry Night sounds amazing. I cannot wait to get my hands on that one. I haven't read Dumplin' yet, but Puddin' looks adorable. Great list!

    1. I liked Dumplin' a lot. I would say that I am a fan of Murphy's and am happy to revisit that world. I absolutely NEED Bennett's new book. I love her books!

  9. Replies
    1. Right! It's been forever since I read Gemina!!! I need my fix!

  10. Obsidio is on my list! I can't wait for that book to come out!

  11. Obsidio definitely makes my list!! I really want to read Dimple and I Believe so I can get excited for those sequels. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. WDMR was so adorbs. I loved it! And I Believe in the Thing Called Love was hilarious. I absolutely adored the MC. She had this Lucy-esq thing about her, and I was utterly charmed by her relationship with her dad.

  12. Obsidio made my list as well! I especially love the cover but can't wait to see how things end. I almost started reading Suitors & Sabotage the other day, but opted for Bound to You instead - which was really good. :D I hope you enjoy all of these if/when you read them!

    Happy New Year, Sam. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. You're so lucky to have Suitors already. I wish I did. Can't wait to hear what you think.

  13. Starry Eyes! Yes, I need that book! I still need to read Gemina before the next book come out. I loved Illuminae but just never got around the the sequel.

    1. Gemina is a must read, and I really, really want Starry Eyes now.

  14. Obsidio and 9 Days are two that I am absolutely dying to get! But I think all of these are on my TBR in general, at least! Hope you get to read them soon, and that you love them :)

    1. You will probably get both those books before me, so make sure to let me know how they were (I am assuming they will be ah-mazing).

  15. This is a great list and so many I need to catch up on. I have to start the Illuminae series and I have to check out Maurene Goo's books.

    1. Read the Illuminae Files. You won't regret it. I put off the first book for a year. I got it at BookCon and it sat and sat and sat on the shelf, because I thought it was so large. Then when I read it, I flew through it, because it has a lot of graphical content and the way it switches between formats kept me flipping the page. Well, that, and the humor, action, and fabulous characters. Goo's last book was so fun, cute, and adorable. Loved every second of it

  16. Oh this is such an amazing list, I want to read SO many books on here. I think I'm the most excited for Jenn Bennett's next book, I haven't read Alex, Approximately just yet, but LOVED The Anatomical Shape of a Heart so much. I also want to read Wild Blue Wonder and First Draft so much :)
    Hope you'll be able to read all of these in 2018 and will love them :)

    1. I think I am going to use the rest of my B&N gift card to get ASoaH. I adored Alex so much and just want more Bennett!

  17. I am really looking forward to Obsidio as well. Great list Sam! 2018 is looking like a fantastic year for books!

    1. I don't know how I will be able to read all the books I want, but I, for sure, will be reading Obsidio.

  18. I hope you enjoy all of these, Sam. I really need to get caught up with the Illuminae Files. I loved the first one but have had the chance to read the second yet.

    1. The Illuminae Files is the the best!!! I have heard good things about the audiobook, but I just couldn't imagine losing the formatting. Fact: I will only read this series in physical book form (which is a big deal, since I really only read ebooks).

  19. Looking forward to all of these. A few of them require me to read the first in the series though.

    1. There are a few sequels up there, though, I think Puddin' is more of a companion.

  20. I can't wait to dive into the Illuminae Series! I just bought the first book - it was only $2 and brand new at my Library's Semi-Annual Book Sale and I have no clue how no one else picked it up before me. It sounds beyond unique and here's hoping I love those first two books as much as you! :)

    1. What an incredible find at the library sale! I hope you love Illuminae. It's one of my favorite series. It's a while experience with the way the book is formatted and the writing is amazing.
