
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Discussion: 2018 Reading Challenges

This Week’s Topic: Reading Challenges 2018

It's that time again! The time when we set our goals for the new year, and I am really excited to pick my reading challenges for this year. I have not finalized my list or picked my books for the challenges, but I do know I will be doing the following challenges. 

The #2017Throwback is hosted by Jamie at Books and Ladders, and challenges you to "throwback" to 2017 by reading a different book every month that was published in 2017. This is a great challenge for me, because there are quite a few 2017 releases I own, but never got to. 

The 2018 New Release Challenge is hosted by Lexxie at (un)Conventional Bookviews, and all you have to do is read and review 2018 releases. This is a no brainers for me, because I love new releases. 

Ginger Mom and The Kindle Quest are hosting an AtoZ reading challenge, and I love these, because all I have to do is read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet. 

I am doing the Monthly Motif Challenge hosted by GirlXOXO again this year. It has monthly themes, that challenged me, but weren't impossible. 

I am a fan of debuts, and will be participating in the Debut Author Challenge hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 


This is not a reading challenge, but Nori at Read Write Love 28 is hosting a challenge for you to visit a new blog everyday. I have a great bunch of blogs I follow religiously, but I always love to visit new ones. 

I am the WORST when it comes to discussion posts, but I am trying. What better motivation for me than to participate in the 2018 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight. I hope this gives me the motivation I need to do my weekly discussion post. 


I was very inspired, and developed a 50 states based challenge, that I am calling Read Across the USA - 50 Books for 50 States. I came up with a bunch of options for this challenge, because not everyone reads 50 books. 

• Overall Challenge: Read a book set in each of the 50 states
• Time Zone Challenge: Read a book set in each state in a given time zone.
• Regional Challenge: Read a book set in each state in a  given geographical

• Climate Challenge: Read a book set in each state within a given climate region.

• Colonial Challenge: Read a book set in each of the 13 colonies. Bonus for historicals.

• Wish List Challenge: Make a wish list of states you'd like to visit, and read a book set in each of those states.
• BINGO: I couldn't resist a bingo based mini-challenge. I love them!

I am also hoping to find a Diverse Reading Challenge. I really liked the one I did last year, but I do not see a 2018 update by that host. If you know of one, let me know. 

If you're still looking for challenges, Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction put together this list of challenges. 

Now it's your turn!

What reading challenges are you doing? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of challenges. :) Hopefully you'll have a lot of cross-over books that will count for multiple challenges. I think I signed up for three this year and I kept less track of them as the year progressed. I need to find the time to sit down and see where I stand. I'm not sure which, if any, I will do in 2018. More and more I just want to read what I want to read, which typically means fewer arcs, fewer new releases (except from very favorite authors), and more from my shelves, which means backlists. One thing I would like to do is discussion posts but here's a secret: they intimidate me! After almost 3 years of blogging, I am still intimidated by discussion posts. Maybe that should be by one challenge in 2018 - instead of reading challenges, force myself to do some discussion posts. Ack!

    1. I keep track on a spreadsheet, but I forget to update my challenges webpage, hence more evidence for why I don't "officially" do most challenges (link ups, etc), but rather just keep track for myself. I read so many books, it's good for me to have some direction. And I am with you on shelf-love. Beat the Backlist is a must, because I have to read some of the books I own. Discussion posts are so hard for me, but I think they are an important part of blogging. I have visited blogs that are all discussions, and that is too much for me, but I think I can try to push myself one day a week. You should do the challenge, we can encourage each other to do our posts. =)

  2. Oh these are a good set of challenges!! I have a post next week with mine. I am so bad with keeping track butI like to try and have some goals to reach for whether I keep up with it or not. Good luck!

    1. I can't wait to see which ones you are doing! These are my year long challenges. I do short term ones too. I just love them!

  3. I haven't done any reading challenges since 2013. I'm not sure why because it was fun but perhaps I should look into it this year and check out some of the ones you mentioned!

    1. Honestly, my reading challenges have been good for getting me out my box a little. There are so many out there. You should really check out Nicole's list.

  4. Good luck with all your challenges! I want to do some next year, too, but I only have one picked out right now. I'll have to look into some of these!

    1. I am obsessive with my challenges, and have trouble passing on them. Good luck with your challenge too.

  5. Great challenge picks! The Read Across America sounds interesting. I need to look into this one.

    1. I realized I was reading books mostly set in the US and they were set all over the country. Why not try to hit up all the states?

  6. I saw the #2017Throwback one last week, and I'm planning to do it. There's so many 2017 releases I just know I won't get to by the end of the year so I'll have plenty to choose from. I also want to do the 2018 debut author challenge, because I love debuts and the ones this year seem like they're going to be incredible. The commenting 365 challenge also sounds interesting - I'll have to look into it! Good luck with your challenges :)

    1. I need all the throwback, shelf-love, backlist, mount TBR challenges. I must read the books I won. I added almost every book from the EE website to my TBR. This is going to be a great year for debuts.

  7. Some of these challenges sound like a lot of fun! I never really commit to reading challenges because then I feel like I failed at them if I get into a reading slump or something, but maybe next year I'll check one out. I love visiting new blogs, too, so it could be a lot of fun to find some new ones to follow! Good luck with all the challenges you pick!

    1. The blog one looks interesting to me. It's a good way for me to mingle more in the community. I never officially do any reading challenges, since I don't do the link ups and what not, but I like keeping track of my progress and having some sort of direction for my reading.

  8. This is impressive! I am glad you're joining the Discussion Challenge, of course :) I love the Read Across the USA one too, that is so fun! I am doing... none. I have started to let decide my Goodreads Challenge, so that doesn't even really count. I get too stressed out with challenges, even though they SHOULD be fun, so I don't really allow myself to do them anymore. I do join a few that don't have any set requirements though, just for funsies!

    1. I am going to try and do the Discussion Challenge. I am good at actually doing the stuff for the challenges, but not the reporting part, but since I only plan to do the link ups for the non-reading challenges, I might actually be able to keep up with them.

  9. I am always a bit tempted by all of these wonderful challenges. I know that there are quite a few that I would do really well with just by doing what I do anyway. I don't join in because I know I don't need something else to keep track of in my life :) Good luck with all of these.

    1. I don't actually do anything, but follow along and track my progress in the same spreadsheet, where I track my books. I added shelves to my Goodreads too, so it's just a click to track the books there.

  10. Oh my gosh, you're so ambitious. I'm applauding you right now. The only one I've signed up for is the debut author challenge. Not sure if I'll be joining any more, but I'm eyeing many of the ones you've listed. Good luck with all your challenges!

    1. The hardest challenges are the ones where I have to complete a specific theme for the month, but I read so many books, it makes it more fun for me to have the challenges to guide me a little.

  11. I wish I had your ambition for challenges in general. I almost die of anxiety with the Goodreads Challenge, imagine doing all of these? Though I've always wanted to get the AtoZ challenge done, but it's been four years I have yet to read a book starting with every letter of the alphabet. Good luck! :)

    1. Also have you looked at this Diversity Challenge:

    2. I saw that one, but I am worried about the Native American challenge. I don't think I have read any books with Native American MCs.

  12. This...this is amazing omg!!! So many challenges! I decided to only participate in the Beat the Backlist challenge hosted by Austine @ Novel Knight in 2018 considering how awfully I performed on the challenges this year. Some of these sound so good though- I'm totally rooting for you!!! <3

    1. I like challenges like that, but I love the ones with prompts. They make me work harder, but they can't be impossible, which is why I am skipping Pop Sugar this year.

  13. I'm interested in the Monthly Motif challenge, I hadn't seen that one and I think I might actually be able to manage that one too. I try and not stretch myself with too many challenges so I think doing a couple is probably best for me. You've got a whole heap you're trying to do and I know that could overwhelm me, I love the sound of your own Read Across The USA, it's a good challenge and seems like there is a good mix of options for all readers.

    1. I really enjoyed Month Motif. The prompts for next year are reasonable, but still push me a little. All of a sudden, I became interested in where the book takes place, so why not make it a challenge?

  14. That is some serious commitment. I admire you! And I love your challenge. 50 states, 50 awesome books. I want to do something similar with Australian states as I’m always on the look out for more Aussie titles. Very inspiring.

    1. I love reading challenges, and since I read so many books, why not get a little guidance. I would like to read more Aussie titles. I will see bloggers talking about awesome books and get so frustrated when there is no US release. *sad face*

  15. So far I've only signed up for the 2018 Beat the Backlist Challenge, but several of the ones you've listed are very appealing to me, especially the one about debut authors. I may sign up for a few more after reading your post :)

    1. Backlist is one I always say I will do, and then I don't. My biggest problem is that there are a lot of books on my TBR that I don't own, and my library may have the physical book, but it's easier for me to read an ebook (my library's ebook selection is dismal). I will probably stick to a shelf-love kind of thing in an effort to read books I own (which I usually fail at).

  16. You've joined so many challenges. =O Some of these seem very interesting and I may take a look at them. I really need some help to tackle down my TBR pile - that was the main reason why I signed up for the 2018 Beat the Backlist Challenge.

    Happy readings" ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Since I read a ton, it's easy to do a bunch of challenges. I don't really do anything "officially" (except for the non-bookish ones), but I do keep track. Good luck beating your backlist!

  17. I'm amazed by how many challenges are out there. For everyone something to get interested in. I realized the only challenge I will finish is the GR challenge. So that's the one I'll keep on doing. But I love reading everyone's posts - so keep on going.

    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Just looking at Nicole's list was overwhelming! I always start with a few challenges, but add more. I love them!

  18. In 2018 I'll be doing the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge and #BeatTheBacklist! :)

    1. You are brave. I have seen the Read Harder Challenge. It's pretty tough. Good luck!

  19. WOW!!! I picked two this year and already overwhelmed lol! I'm also doing the 365 commenting challenge where you try to comment on a different blog everyday. Good luck with everything!! You got this girlie!

    1. Yeah for 365! I want to get out there and mingle more, so what a great way to do it. I love the challenges. I read so many books, why not have a little focus?
