
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Off Topic: Sephora is My Happy Place

Off Topic is WLABBs place for discussing non-bookish things. This week, I am talking about

I remember the first time I stepped foot into Sephora just like it was yesterday. I believe I looked a little like this:

Everything was so pretty and shiny, and there was the promise of so many things. The promise of beautiful hair and radiant skin. There were sales people fawning over me, and helping me navigate the aisles and aisles of beauty products. From the beautiful packaging to the epic displays, I was sucked into a cosmetic vortex. I loved looking at all the different brands of makeup and was awestruck by the number of colors and shades available. I have a lot of enthusiasm for Sephora, but my co-blogger, Kiersten, revels in the place, and she is dead serious about her beauty products. I shop in a very calm fashion, and leave with a few items, but Kiersten is more like this:

So, I always leave a Sephora with my wallet a little lighter, a glimmer of excitement in my heart, and a very colorful arm. 

Now it's your turn!

Do you have a favorite store? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I haven't work makeup in years (with the exception of lipstick), so this seems a little foreign to me, lol. Your arm colors do look really pretty, though! Do you know if this company has organic/vegan options? I always had trouble finding makeup that was good and that also fit my lifestyle. Finally, after having kids, I just stopped trying to find anything. I don't mind not wearing makeup, I love how I look without it, but it would be nice to know if there was something out there that would work for me.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I don't wear a ton of makeup myself, but it is difficult not to be dazzled by all the pretty things. Every time I visit, I regret that I did not get my degree in packaging engineering. I know they carry cruelty-free/vegan brands there and organic brands as well.

    2. I'll look into it! Currently, my favorite stores are thrift stores. I love searching for old comics with my husband.

    3. I am always jealous of people who know how to work a thrift store and find amazing things, because I always fail when I try.

  2. Oh my gosh, those first two gifs are perfection. LOL I really love going into Sephora - I just rarely do it because it's not exactly convenient. There's a small one (inside a JCP) close by but that's not exactly fun. The big store is across town and and with traffic and parking... yeah, not something I do often. But when I do... it's best I go alone because I'm in there for a looong time. My favorite store (non-bookish, that is) is probably TJ Maxx. Oh, the time (and money LOL) I spend in there! So much to see, so many little finds. Purses (my weakness), shoes, clothes, home decor (my other weakness)... I am *always* up for a TJ Maxx trip.

    1. I am lucky enough to live between a JCP Sephora and a free-standing, but honestly, I am Rouge, so I just order online. I gained a lot of weight, so I HATE clothes shopping, but Sephora always makes me feel good about myself.

  3. I don't wear make-up, basically ever, but I still love going into beauty stores. I usually go to Ulta. I do love nail polish, though, and I love looking at all the colors.

    1. I don't wear much makeup. Because of my dry eye, I can no longer wear any eye makeup (which makes me very sad), but I love all the creams and hair stuff, and everything is just so pretty there.

  4. I love Sephora too! There's not one close to me and it makes me sad. I can never leave a Sephora without buying anything!

    1. I am close to a Sephora, but I mostly shop online, unless I am with Kiersten. She is a great asset in Sephora, because she is so knowledgable about makeup.

  5. Sephora kind of stresses me out! I think my favorite stores are school supply stores (though Staples just rearranged my store and I HATE what they did) and this store called Flying Tiger that I am completely obsessed with - it's like a Danish dollar store and has the coolest stuff ever. I could spend hours in there.
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. When I was teaching, I LOVED office supply stores. I get decent supplies at work, so I don't spend much time there, but I still buy my own pens. I am so picky! I did visit the Flying Tiger website, and the stuff is adorable!

  6. I completely agree with Sephora it is like magic when you walk it. I do find my wallet to be lighter when I leave though.

  7. I haven't worn makeup in years. I actually tossed most of what I had not too long ago because it was so old. I did go through a period that I loved all of this stuff so I am not sure what

    1. I don't wear much makeup, but I always were moisturizer and foundation to protect my face, and they carry such a great array of products at Sephora.

  8. I am not really a makeup person, because it confuses me and also I'm pretty lazy haha. But I also never notice a difference when I put it on? I feel like I look exactly the same and just wasted time, but that's probably because of the aforementioned confusion. I do like smelling perfume at Sephora thougH! I mostly love the bookstore, tbh, as cliche as that is. Also, Target. And Lush- I think I could move into a Lush and be happy. Because a really fantastic bubble bath is definitely my idea of pampering!

    1. Perfume is a weakness for me. I am really sensitive to smells, and love to surround myself with beautiful smells. I layer my smells too - perfume, lotion, my hair products. I love it! I think Target is everyone's weakness. You go in for one thing, and come out with over $100 of stuff. I don't know Lush, but I just visited their website and I am interested in learning more.

  9. Sephora is my happy place, second only to Nordstrom when it comes to cosmetic shopping. I've been spending WAY too much time and money there this holiday season to be honest (the holiday sets are so enticing!)

    -Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

    1. A lot of the department stores are upping their cosmetic game. Macy's has a nice setup now, and their brand selection has grown, but my daughter is determined to keep our Rouge status, so that means getting it all from Sephora. Ha!

  10. I have actually never been into a Sephora before. I think mainly because I know I would spend every dime I have if I did, haha. Aside from our local bookstores, I think my favorite stores are probably Ikea, Target, and Pier One. I'm a sucker for home decor stores.

    1. That is a good reason to stay out of the store. I think I spend more when I go in than when I shop online. Ikea is a wonderland. I haven't been in a while, but I love going to the cafe and checking out all the "rooms" they have set up. I used to love going into Le Gourmet Chef too, although I don't really cook.
