
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Boyfriends

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

Book Boyfriends!

I am a hopeless romance lover! Because of that, I have a veritable army of book boyfriends. However, this will focus on YA books boyfriends, who are too young for me now, but I would have jumped at in a second if I were younger.

Ash from The Iron King
Julie Kagawa
Series: The Iron Fey, Call of the Forgotten
Publisher: Harlequin Teen 

What can I say? He was dark and mysterious and was willing to die for his lady love. He went through hell and high water just so he could spend his forever with her. You could say he set the bar pretty high for mere mortals, and totally made me swoon too. Check out Ash's letter to Meghan.

Linus from Finding Audrey
Sophie Kinsella
Series: n/a
Publisher: Delecorte Books for Young Readers

It takes a special boy to have the gentle touch and patience that Linus had when dealing with Audrey. She was suffering from severe social anxiety, but Linus took the time to get to know her, and he was so supportive. He encouraged her to take those baby steps, and I just loved every moment they spent together on page.

Otis from Phantom Limbs
Paula Garner
Series: n/a
Publisher: Candlewick

Otis, my sweet, sweet Otis. I loved this dear cupcake swimmer and poet. He was not a natural swimmer, but he went back day after day, and let Dara abuse him. Part of me thinks he did it more for Dara than himself. He was sensitive and spoke from his heart, and I just loved him to shreds.

Matt from A Short History of the Girl Next Door
Jared Reck
Series: n/a
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers

Matt is one of the younger men on my list, but that was part of his charm. He looked at things in a really pure way, that I hadn't seen in a while, and it was a nice change of pace. He also appreciated his family (especially singing the praises of his mom), he played endless games of Candy Land with his little brother, and loved so fiercely. *crying again*

Rishi from When Dimple Met Rishi
Sandhya Menon
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

From my review: "Rishi was just perfection. He was honest and wore his heart on his sleeve. He was a good son and brother, and took his responsibilities very seriously. He was all in from the start, and I wish I had kept track of how many times I swooned, said 'awww', or cried happy tears due to him."

Julian from The Dark Artifices
Cassandra Clare
Series: The Dark Artifices
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

He's a Shadowhunter, who is committed to protecting humans from demons, but he is also a champion for his family. Julian goes above and beyond when it comes to his siblings, and will go to great lengths to protect them. He is also pretty swoony if you ask me.

Zenn from Zenn Diagram
Wendy Brant
Series: n/a
Publisher: Kids Can Press

From my review: "Zenn, Zenn, Zenn. He was so charming and sweet. He also had to sacrifice his wants and desires, because of his life situation. He was willing to earn his own way, and he did not want pity." Definitely book boyfriend material.

Laurent from Internet Famous
Danika Stone
Series: n/a
Publisher: Swoon Reads

Another sweet and charming young man, and this one had a french accent to boot. He had such an exuberance that was contagious, and made even the smallest things seem so exciting. And that virtual date was one of the best dates ever.

Day from the Legend series
Marie Lu
Series: Legend
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile

Day had this passion for justice, but also for his family. I loved and admired his dedication to both. He was fierce and stood by his friends and his cause. Anyone would be lucky to have him on their side.

Riden from Daughter of the Pirate King
Tricia Levenseller
Series: Daughter of the Pirate King
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

My list needed a bad boy, and Riden was definitely one of my favorites. I had heart-eyes every time he was on-page. I was totally enamored with this anti-pirate who showed a great deal of compassion for others and also cared so much for his brother, his crew, and Alosa. He was described as quite dashing as well, and his wit and humor were a winning combination.

Do you call dibs on any of my book boyfriends?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love The Iron Fey series! I could never choose between Ash and Puck... :)

    1. Puck never seemed serious enough for me. I could see being good friends, but he didn't seem like the settling down type

    2. I thought he seemed more serious whenever he was around Meghan. I think the jokes were to hide his hurt feelings. He protected Meghan long before she even knew what she was, and then she happened to stumble into Ash (who tried to kill her).

      They both made my list, lol.

    3. What more can you ask for in a meet-cute. ;)

  2. I need to read Daughter of the Pirate King...

    1. Pirate King is one of my top 2017 books. Enjoyable from first to last page. I highly recommend it.

  3. Linus, Rishi and Zenn are all great!! I still need to get to Phantom Limbs. Great list!!

    1. I really lived Phantom Limbs, and think more people should read it.

  4. Yes to Rishi! That's the only book I've read on your list. haha I don't really have a ton of book boyfriends, or at least I forget which ones I loved after awhile. It's a problem.


    1. I swear! Every time Dimple rejected him, I was like, "I'll take him." 😄

  5. I've seen Riden on quite a few lists so that character must have made quite an impact. I don't do book boyfriends but I could see adding Captain Hook to my list if I did - Christina Henry's Lost Boy version.

    1. Riden is a wonderfully delicious character. Glad to hear he is getting a lot of appreciation today. I have not read that book, but I am curious to see how she wrote Hook.

  6. I completely agree with Laurent from Internet Famous I loved that he stayed with Madison even during her situation. Great picks!!!

    1. He was such a sweetheart, and agreed, he stood by her, and loyalty is an important quality

  7. Hooray for the Iron Fey series! I loved these books so much. :D

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I totally miss that world so much. I put off the last Call of the Forgotten book because I could not say goodbye

  8. Great list! I seriously need to read When Dimple Met Rishi!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. If you like fun and adorable contemporary romances, you will enjoy Dimple and Rishi

  9. I'm really looking forward to reading When Dimple Met Rishi now! Great list. :-)

    1. That book made my heart soar it! It was so adorable and I loved every second of it.

  10. Sad to say I have never read any of the books you mentioned here. I saw this prompt and couldn't really think of my favorite book boyfriends. All fo yours sounds really good. Thanks for sharing!

    1. These are YA books, so most of them are WAAAAY to young for me, but I just thought about heroes with amazing qualities, and they were easy to find.

  11. Love Ash from The Iron Fey Series! But I've always like the dark, mysterious ones anyway. :)

    1. My love for him grew and grew with each book, and he changed so much too.

  12. Oh this is a great topic Sam, I'm gutted to have missed out on this, as my list would have be super long! I love it that Rishi made it to your list, he was totally adorable! There's so many characters that I haven't met yet, like Day! I will need to rectify that immediately!

    1. Legend is one of my top series. I get chills just thinking about it. I totally recommend it if you like dystopian even a little

  13. OOoh nice picks! Lots of new to me ones! Except for Ash of course! I remember in that series I was seriously torn between both guys. I liked them both for different reasons, though ultimately I was Team Ash! LOL! Also loved Day...even though I binge read that series ages ago so I can't remember why! Whelp!! Still need to read Daughter of the Pirate King, but great picks again!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Pirate King was so good. So fun and witty and filled with awesome characters.

  14. Great list! I haven't had the chance to read any of these books yet. I do hope to read When Dimple Met Rishi at some point.

    1. I think my heart speeds up every time I think of Dimple and Rishi. I enjoyed it so much.

  15. I loved Julian!! My heart was breaking for him in the last book! I need to read The Iron Fey series from the beginning (I started it at the Call of Forgotten by accident lol). Great list!

    1. My heart keeps breaking over and over for Julian. You can start with Call of the Forgotten, since it's the companion, but the cool thing is knowing the background and seeing the parallels.

  16. Phantom Limbs! Loved that book so much, and Otis was awesome. Riden is a great choice too, I liked him a lot. I can't wait to read the sequel. Great picks!!

    1. Shannon, more people need to read Phantom Limbs to see what a beautiful story it is. I am standing by this. I almost cry every time I see a bookstagram picture of Siren Queen. Why can't I have 5000 followers, so I could have a copy of it right now too. *sob*

  17. I'm not familiar with most of these, but a huge yes to both Rishi and Zenn. Love them both!

    1. Rishi was such a loyal son, good brother, and just all around good guy. While Zenn was strong, independent, but ran so deep. I loved them both.

  18. Ooh, I agree with Day as well! I also love Rowan from Throne of Glass, Rhysand from ACOTAR, Raffe from Angelfall, Connor from Unwind, Kaz from SOC, Percy from Percy Jackson, Leo from Heroes of Olympus...There are so many! 😂

    1. Day is swoony, no doubt about it. SJM always writes awesome male characters, Kaz is awesome too. I only read Lightening Thief, so Percy was a little too young for me to form an opinion. 😄

  19. Julian is such a popular choice this week. I've seen him pop up on so many lists!

    Check out my Top 10 Book Boyfriends HERE

    1. He is definitely one of my favorite Shadowhunters. I saw Will and Jem more, which was not shocking, but I am happy to hear Julian is popping up all over too.

  20. I had the Iron Fey books sitting on my shelf for ages and finally lost interest and gave them away to a friend. Now I'm thinking I missed out on Ash. Rishi is such a sweetheart! Loved him. I think I remember Julian from City of Heavenly Fire (he was in that, right?) but that was the last one I read by CC. I decided not to continue on with the Dark Artifices series but of course everyone raves about the books so I second-guess that decision.

    1. Iron Fey is one of my favorite series. Meeting Julie Kagawa was a total highlight for me, because I was so in love with that world. Rishi totally owned me when I read that book. Julian was in CoHF towards the end with Emma. TDA is very good. I am a fan, but I think it's because I love the Blackthorns so much.

  21. I was so close to adding Julian to my list! :)

    1. I understand. We could only pick 10. I was just doing YA books, and I had a preliminary list with like 45 people on it. I went with a mix of genres and some old, some new books.

  22. When Dimple Met Rishi is on my November TBR. I must meet this boy that ended up on so many lists this week. Great list!

    1. Rishi is just the sweetest, and so honest. He made me laugh and swoon. I hope you like the book.

  23. Ooh, I adored Rishi! He was so so SO lovely and precious. I actually had some problems with him at first, but it was great to see a character listen and grow like he did. I didn't necessarily like the first Dark Artifices book (haven't read & not sure if I ever will the second), but Julian is a wonderful character, I loved him.

    Great list!

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Exactly! He didn't start perfect, but he got close towards the end of the book, because, you know, behind every great man is a great woman. I just love the Blackthorns and Julian is a stand up kind of guy.
