
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Stuffed Animal Saturday: Ringer - Lauren Oliver

Stuffed Animal Saturday is a meme that we post here at We Live and Breathe Books to showcase the book we're currently reading with one of our favorite stuffed animals and discuss our stuffed animal's opinion (well, it's really our opinion, but that's besides the point). We hope you enjoy our quirky feature as much as we enjoy writing it!

This Saturday, me and fat Yeti are reading Ringer by Lauren Oliver!

So Far: I started with Gemma's story, and it begins shortly after their return from Haven. Gemma and Pete are still together, but she is constantly pre-occupied with what happened at Haven and what she is. When Gemma and Pete overhear her father's plans to have Caelum and Lyra killed, they rush to Tennessee in an attempt to warn them. However, once there, Pete and Gemma are taken hostage, most likely because they are mistaken for Caelum and Lyra. We are learning a lot more about Gemma's dad. He seems cold and calculated, but then he has this sort of soft spot for Gemma. Not sure what to make of him yet, but I do think he leans toward the evil side of things. 

Sneak peek

"Your daughter," he said, and Gemma's blood turned cold and heavy. "She was made at Haven. One of the first."

"She was born there, yes," Geoff said, and Gemma heard the importance of the correction - born, not made. But did it matter? Made, spliced, implanted - she might as well have been a fast-growing variety of bean sprout.
Fortune coughed. "You ever wonder what makes the difference?" When Geoff said nothing, he went on, "You want to put the replicas to good use, and I'm with you. But what makes them any different from your girl?"

"What do you think makes them different?" Geoff's voice had turned cold. "Someone wanted her."

Someone. Gemma noticed that he did not say I.
Thanks to HarperCollins for the ARC I received via Edelweiss and at BookExpo!

Are you and your stuffed animal reading anything interesting? 
Let us know in your own Stuffed Animal Saturday!


  1. Can't wait to see what you think of this one. I didn't love the first but am still interested in the story.

    1. So far, lots of action. Very happy with some character outcomes by the end of Gemma's book, but not sure if a second book was really necessary.

  2. I am eagerly awaiting your review for this one. I liked it.
    Happy reading!

    1. I was happy with Gemma's story. Good end results thete.

  3. This might be my next read. I've been looking forward to this one. Hope you (and yeti) are enjoying it!

    1. It's an interesting read and filled with lots of action. Did we need another 500+ pages? Probably not, but I did appreciate what Oliver gave to both Lyra and Gemma, and I enjoyed the journey.

  4. YETI! I love Yeti! I am very curious about this one, of course, but I also have NO idea what happened in the last book (which I just found out reading your post and being like "wait who the hell is Pete and what is Haven, oh crap I remember nothing") Hope you love it!!

    1. My daughter has a collection of Yetis and this is one of my favorites. My CRS always kicks in when I revisit a series, but most of the authors do a good job working the re-cap into the story, as Oliver did. I am sure when you read it, the memories will be activated.

  5. The Yeti is so cute! I hope you enjoy Ringer!
