
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Discussion: You Let Me Down in the End

This Week’s Topic: Endings that Let Me Down

If you have ever read any of my reviews (I know at least one of you must have), you may have noticed that I am super critical on endings. It's just that I invest my time and my emotions into a book, and then the ending lets disappoints me. 

There have been many times, when I've finished a book, and I just wanted to do this:

Maybe I expect too much, but I can think of a few reasons why an ending made me feel this way. 
  1. When the book was so powerful and action-packed, and then it ended with a whimper. For example, there was this one series, we are talking over 1400 pages read, just to find out that what was built up to be this major thing really meant nothing. Needless to say, my disappointment was amplified as I had read multiple books to get to this point. 
  2. As a YA blogger, I read a lot of YA, and I would say the main characters tend to experience a lot of growth over the course of the book. This makes me happy, I love when people grow and change for the better, but there are a few books that stand out in my mind, where I was so excited about the life changes the character had made, and then at the end of the book, they revert back to their old ways. That is just a letdown. 
  3. I am one of those people who need closure. It is so painful for me, when a book ends, and I am left with all these questions. I like my endings tied up, nice and neat, with a bow on top. I can't be left wondering FOREVER about what happened to that character, who I cared about and became emotionally invested in. It's just wrong. 
  4. Sometimes, it simply wasn't the ending I wanted. There were times, when I had an idea in my mind of how I wanted the story to end, and when it went in another direction, I got a little ache in my heart. I am going to be honest, I normally want an HEA, or the guy/girl to get the guy/girl. When this doesn't happen, there are usually tears for the future I thought they could have. 

Now it's your turn! 

Have you ever been let down in the end? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I hate when I'm disappointed with the ending of a book - like you said, you invest so much time, you want it to be good. I don't like when it seems the author just ran out of ideas. I actually don't mind open-ended books, provided they're done well - when things are just tied up too neatly, or totally glosses over any conflict in the book, I'm disappointed.

    1. I know I am the black sheep with needing the tidy ending, because so many contemporaries are open ended. I am usually ok if the ending is hopeful or eludes to something.

  2. YAS! The ending can kill a book for meh. Hell, it can kill my ever wanting to read another of that author's books as well. I think writing an ending that is good is another sort of of art that some authors just do not have. Give me closure, but don't tie everything up to a super happy ending that is unbelievable.
    Great topic!

    1. I agree, there is an art to writing a good ending. It has to be interesting, but not abrupt. I love an HEA and it's ok if the ending is not exactly realistic, because I crave ending on a high note so much.

  3. I've definitely been OBSESSED with a book and then hated the ending and it killed the whole book for me. And that is seriously the worst. I don't have to have a HEA or everything wrapped up (actually I kinda like when things are left open), but my #1 hate is a non-ending. Did you ever read a book where it's like the author got bored and was like "THE END". You spend all this time reading and getting invested in the character and the story and then NADA. That is when I want to do the Bradley Cooper thing.

    1. I wish I could remember the name of the book, but there was one, where I thought there were pages missing, because there was NO way what I read could have been the ending.

  4. Endings are important to me. I may not be *quite* the stickler you are (LOL) but I really need certain things from an ending. I don't demand an HEA but it definitely helps. What I don't like is an open ending. At all. I'm totally with you on the closure thing. I feel like the author has broken some unwritten agreement with an open ending. I agree to read your book; you agree to give me a complete story. Me being left to wonder or fill in my own ending? Nope. That is not a complete story. Take it back and finish it. LOL

    1. I am big on the HEA, but I am ok if the ending is hopeful. I have even been ok with books where one of the MCs dies at the end, and they left the other MC going in the right direction. But I don't do well with bleak endings. The ending is my final taste of the book, I cannot have it be bad. I like that idea, that the author has almost an obligation to give us a complete story -- which includes an ending! It's been tough rewriting all the endings in my head =)

  5. I HATE when endings let me down, it's the worst. The. Worst. It negates any positive feelings I had for the book, basically. And you are so right, the worst is when you have like, a million pages under your belt and then BAM, crappy ending, or worse, NO ending. I need closure too, so I feel you!

    1. Finally! Another closure person. I thought I was alone in this world. The NO ending thing has not happened a ton, but I have experienced it, and it makes me wonder how that happened. Was it me? Did I just not get it?

  6. Great post. I hate it when endings let me down too. I'm okay with an open-ended cliffhanger if it's a series, but if it's a standalone book, I really prefer to have closure when I reach that last page. I'm writing my review for The Names They Gave Us right now and even though I loved the book overall, I do have a criticism about the way it ended.

    1. Lord is one if the authors on my list of wide open endings. There were SO many answers I needed at the end of that book. I so enjoyed that book, and then I was like, there must be more pages, because this story can't be over.

  7. I SO FEEL THIS POST! Actually, I've just finished an adult psychological thriller, and I'm conflicted as hell, because on one hand, the unclosed ending fit the book really well, BUT I ALSO NEED ANSWERS OMG. Something that really ruins a book for me is character death WHEN IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR A CHARACTER TO DIE. I've read books where I was heartbroken after a character dying, but still satisfied with the ending, BUT when it is obvious the author threw in a death for the shock factor I get so angry. Wonderful post!

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Gratuitous deaths are the worst! It's just to make us suffer and doesn't advance the story in any way. But I agree with you, if it moves the plot further, than the death had a purpose. For example, I read this very lovely book, and the dog died (I was very attached to this dog). It was terribly sad, but the author used it to push the characters in a particular direction, so his death had a purpose, so I was sort of ok.

  8. I totally agree with everything you said! Also opened ended endings for the sake of a possible continuation for a series in the possible/far off future makes me want to rage!

    1. That kind of open-ended ending I could actually live with because there is hope of getting more answers, but I am a stand alone or the final book in a series, they owe me closure.

  9. I hate when endings just aren't perfect for a book or series. I've had a few series get progressively worse with each book. I've also had series build me up and they end and I'm a bit like, is that it? Most notably I've had a series which ended and I'm like 'that can't be the ending, there are still unanswered questions!'. Like, endings letting you down is the worst because that can really change how you think of a book and that's annoying.

    1. The "that's it thing" gets me the most. All this build up for nothing. So frustrating! People can be all like, "the author is letting you decide", but I really want the author to come out and tell me, ok.

  10. I feel the exact same way. I want an ending that is all summed up in a neat bow. I can have a little ambiguity, but not much. I feel like if the ending is bad all I want to do is just throw the book I agree!! I 100% need closure! Great topic!

    1. So, we seem to be the black sheep with the need for closure, but I am happy to be in such good company. =)

  11. I love that gif - I've felt that way at times!

    1. That is my go-to gif for books with endings that just disappointed me. I happen to love that scene in the movie too.

  12. Having a disappointing ending always kills me! I feel like I wasted my time.... :(

    1. To go on the journey with no payout is really disappointing.
