
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I can share my wrap up of the past week, as well as plans for the current week.

My Week in Review

Last week, I was kind of whining about having a meeting during the eclipse. Well, the boss really is a great guy, and he rescheduled the meeting to Wednesday, but I still missed it. One of my co-workers said she would text me if you could see anything (I was really busy at the peak hour), but then she just came back and told me to go check it out. By the time I got there, it was over. I did think it was pretty cool to see so many people flooding the campus plaza with their UPS box/cereal box viewers.

The best thing that happened this week was the weather. I smell autumn in the air, and this delights me. I love the leaves changing color, the crisp, cooler weather, and.....

I was so excited, I forgot to talk about this last week:

I know the first book was problematic for some people, but I loved Me Before You, and am really excited for more Lou in Still Me

On the Blog:
  • Monday: I participated in a book blitz for Angie Stanton's new adult book - If Ever.
  • Tuesday: For back to school, I compiled a Top Ten Tuesday list of some of my favorite boarding school books. I loved that some were new to many of my commenters too. 
  • Wednesday: My Can't-Wait Wednesday was a graphic novel and Pied Piper retelling from Jay Asher - Piper
  • Thursday: I shared my review for a new favorite, Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney C. Stevens.
  • Friday: I talked about incongruous covers in my Cover Lies discussion. 
New eARCs:
  • My New Crush Gave to Me by Shani Petroff - this was a recent Can't Wait Wednesday pick, so I was pretty much over the moon when I got approved. 
  • Now a Major Motion Picture by Cori McCarthy - this is such an early ARC there is not even a cover on GR. I was really excited to see if ready for download on EW, so you know, had to download it.  
  • A Taxonomy of Love by Rachel Allen - I had added this to my TBR a while back, seriously, look at that cover, and couldn't resist requesting it when I saw it hit NG. 

What I Read Last Week

Wonder reduced me to a puddle of tears, and Palacio did it again with The Julian Chapter. I guess she wanted to soften the blow of the villain label he earned, which didn't really work for me, but his Grandmère had me weeping, when she shared a very personal story about a boy, who she had not treated well because he was different. It was a very meaningful and lovely way to share that with school aged children. I will say, overall, I had a really good reading week. I spoiled myself with lots of romances, which always make me happy.

What I Am Currently Reading

I am almost finished with Starcrossed, which is meeting a requirement on three different reading challenges and is also a shelf-love book. I used to read a ton of paranormal, so this is bringing me back into some old territory, and I enjoying it. I am listening to White-Hot Hack, and it didn't take long for me to remember how much I love Ian.

What I Plan to Read

Three of my TBR books this week are for The Reading Quest, which I am determined to complete. So much pressure, since it is only a month long, and I have such focus and commitment issues with my reading.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I am excited for fall and pumpkin spice too. I am pumped for Still Me. I loved the other books. My New Crush Gave to Me is one I hope I get. It sounds cute. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I still have some of my pumpkin spice K-cups that I rationed, so I have enjoyed pumpkin spice in the off-season. I am need to finish the books for my Reading Quest, but I think I am reading Crush next week. Did you know that is an actual hand made sweater on the cover? Petroff posted something on Instagram about it. Blew my mind. I thought it was computer generated.

  2. I had a very busy eclipse day, too. I had to rush out and peek between meetings. I'm sorry you missed it!

    1. At least NJ had a crummy view, so I don't feel as deprived as people in the 90 - 100% band.

  3. Oh your new books look super cute!!
    I haven't read White Hot Hack but I have heard good things! Maybe I will check it out! Have a great week!

    1. I just listened to the end of Hack about 10 seconds ago, and it was a lovely epilogue we were gifted.

  4. I have added Still Me to my list...but still haven't read After You, which is lingering on Pippa, my Kindle. Must Read Soon!

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I liked After You. I think it was important to see what happened to Lou after Will's death.

  5. Ok, I love pumpkin spice and fall leaves. I loved Me Before You, but haven't worked up the courage to read the next book. Hope your week is a good one.

    1. The second book was good. It was Me Before You, but it was good to see the "after", and like I said, I love Lou (almost as much as pumpkin spice)

  6. You missed the eclipse? That sucks, luckily the US is meant to have another one in a few years time so fingers crossed for that. I really enjoyed seeing all the eclipse related tweets which came out at the beginning of the week, it was quite fun.

    How did I not know there was another Me Before You book coming out? I don't know if I want it but I'll still probably read it. The past two have left me a crying mess so it will be a home read just in case.

    1. This book popped up on my feed on the 17th, and I was seeing tons of people adding it to their TBRs. This is a tear-worthy series, and I am looking forward to catching up with Lou.

  7. Your boss was nice to do that. Sorry you still couldn't see it though. I didn't either.

    Those books look great, especially Murder, Magic, and What We Wore. Totally putting that on my TBR. :)

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

    1. I am reading Murder, Magic, and What We Wore right now. So far, a fun historical fantasy. I want to know more about these glamours and am interested to see how it works into the story.

  8. I feel you Sam, it was like 70 degrees yesterday and I was wearing LAYERS. IT WAS GLORIOUS.

    1. If the temperature was between 70 - 80 every day, I would be ok with that.

  9. I agree about fall, and the smell in the air. I'm looking forward to it even though I'll miss summer. Pumpkin spice lol- love those little GIF's. Nice that your boss rescheduled the meeting.

    Starcrossed looks amazing- love that cover! - and hope you like One Dark Throne. I enjoyed that one. :)

    1. I finished Starcrossed this morning, and I really enjoyed it. I studied Latin in high school and college, and always loved when we read the myths. I liked the way it was incorporated into this story, and although the they-can't-they-can was making me a little nutty, the author did something that left me really wanting to get the rest of the story.

  10. I am SO EXCITED for pumpkin spice season! I live in Florida so we don't really get the autumn season, but I will definitely be stocking up on pumpkin everything! My New Crush Gave to Me looks super cute! I hope you love it!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. I am always excited for pumpkin spice in the fall (and eggnog in the winter). I was over the moon when I got approved for My New Crush Gave to Me. I love super cute books, and I think this one will fit the bill.

  11. I loved Me Before You but I still need to read After You - that's awesome there will be a third book with Lou! She's a great character. I didn't have glasses so all I saw for the eclipse were the cool crescent shaped shadows the leaves made, but that was still pretty cool!


    1. Glad you caught the eclipse! I don't recall ever seeing one in person, but someday, someday. I adore Lou, and she was in a pretty good place after the 2nd book. I am curious and delighted to read more about her.

  12. I can't wait for fall too. It still gets warm here but not in the 100's like summer. We also take our annual trip to Apple Hill and I always look forward to the treats. I also missed the eclipse because of a meeting but I wasn't prepared with glasses. Maybe I'll catch the next one in 7 years lol. I hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Apple Hill, is that an orchard? The fall brings lots of pumpkin and apple picking in these parts. There is this one farm, not too far away, that has an amazing store filled with so many delectable treats. April 8, 2024. We should make sure we have our glasses by then.

  13. What?! Is that a Christmas theme book? I am not ready to accept that Christmas is upon us. Cooler weather sounds wonderful. Unfortunately where I am, we are experiencing a heat wave. Not looking forward to it at all. Hope you enjoy the upcoming week!

    1. Still Me is the follow up to the follow up of Me Before You. I don't know if there is any holiday business in it, but I am with you. I like to wait until after Thanksgiving (end of November) to begin all that Christmas business. I will buy gifts as suitable ones pop up, but that is as far as my holiday prep will go until almost December. Stay cool!

  14. I'm so ready for fall and especially for pumpkin spice. I saw some of the PS Coffeemate creamer at the store yesterday and hoarded 4 bottles, lol. And yay for JoJo Moyes' Still Me. I can't wait to read that one either.

    Have a great week!

    1. We will have to wait until next year for more Liu, but at least we can have a little pumpkin spice now. 🙃

  15. Autumn (what little we get in FL) is still quite a ways off. Summer extends into October and even November. LOL But I'll wear boots and burn pumpkin spice candles and pretend. :) I'm excited for Still Me, too. I think Lou still has a ways to go and I'm looking forward to more of her story. Love that cover on A Taxonomy of Love. I can't believe I haven't read Heart-Shaped Hack yet. On the Island remains one of my favorite books to this day. I met Tracey her at a local signing and we still connect now and then on Facebook. But I *still* haven't read Heart-Shaped Hack. I need to pull it off the shelf and keep it in my line of sight so I don't forget about it.
    Hope you have a great week, Sam!

    1. When I lived in FL, I always thought we only have 3 seasons, and the summer was the LONGEST! I love that you will embrace fall with me, even if your surroundings are not cooperating. I agree. Lou is not at the end of her story, and I was happy to see in that she was still with Ambulance Sam (from the synopsis). I don't read a ton of romantic-suspense books, but I loved Ian so much, and these two had fantastic chemistry.

  16. Too bad you missed the eclipse. It was really pretty neat. I had to keep an eye on the clock or I might have missed it myself. I have Lucas and The Luster of Lost Things coming up soon so I am glad to see that you enjoyed them. Enjoy all of your new books!

    1. Didn't miss too much in NJ, but hey, there is always 2024. Lucas was so good. I am such a fan of the Cold Fury series, and I think the series is getting better and better. I am all about this strong family element that Bennett is bringing to the series. The Luster of Lost Things was really beautiful. I told it was a MG book, but I think it falls more in literary fiction. This is a grown up story.
