
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I can share my wrap up of the past week, as well as plans for the current week.

My Week in Review

What can I say, I live a quiet life. I had been lent out to my old team last week, because they needed additional resources, and now I remember how much I didn't like that job. So, although it was nice to catch up with some old friends, I am happy the week is over.  I am also watching my sister's dog while she is on vacation. You need to understand, that this dog believes my sister gave birth to her, and is physically attached to her at all times. Needless to say, the dog is missing my sister and we are doing our best to cheer the dog up.

On the blog:
I am just going to leave this here for you: 

What I Read Last Week

Doing my old job left me with tired eyes. I did not read as much as I usually do, but I did read some awesome books. My top read of the week was The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love, which was just a whole lot of wonderful. It sweet, funny, charming, heartfelt. I swear, there were tears every time they talked about the mom, and there were times I really felt like I was the con with them. Another standout was A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares. I expected it to be funny, and it was, but this is a family with a lot of issues, and at one point stuff gets real, and I shed a whole lotta tears. I apparently was destined to cry a bunch, because my audiobook caused me to weep as well. However, these tears were mostly happy tears, because The Spire was the best Walsh book yet, and I loved every second of it.

What I Am Currently Reading

My co-blogger's loan for Lord of Shadows came up, so I had to jump on the opportunity to read this. I am about halfway through, and as always, I am delighted to be back in the world of the Shadow Hunters. I was pretty excited to see that Hoopla had Pretty Face on audio. The first book in this series was so much fun, and I have heard a lot of awesome things about this book.

What I Plan to Read

I am going to knock out my two blog tour books and some of my challenge books. I love Marie Lu so much, so you know I am stoked to start Warcross. I liked Vassa in the Night and thought Porter's writing was great, therefore I am interested to see what she does for us in her new book.

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I feel you on cheering a dog up. my dog gets depressed whenever my parents go away. i spend my time walking him and trying to keep him happy which often results in my giving him more treats than he deserves and letting him sleep on the bed because you feel bad for him. It sucks you went back to a job you hate but at least you got to see old friends doing it. Doing a job you don't enjoy always makes time drag. You got some good reading done, though. I hope you enjoy Pretty Face, I loved so many things about that book.

    1. I would have never volunteered to help out, but I love my manager so much, so when he asked, I couldn't say no. You know, "take one for the team" and all, but now it's over! If Bella (the dog) didn't always make the saddest face, it would be ok, but the depth of sadness I see in her eyes is slaying me.

  2. I had no idea that animals get depressed!

    I love the look of Geek's Guide. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. True story: my childhood dog passed away and our cat died within a few weeks. The doctor really believed that the cat died from a broken heart, because my dog and cat really got along well and were buddies. Geek's Guide was outstanding!

  3. Geek's Guide sounds like one I would really enjoy. I've got a huge soft spot for nerdy/geeky characters. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it so much. I hope you have a great week, and happy reading!

    1. I loved Geek's Guide so much, and was perturbed with myself for letting it sit unread for so long. I was seriously grinning from ear-to-ear from that book.

  4. I love Bette Midler's "Wind Beneath My Wings." I have a DVD of Beaches that I watch when I want to get more of her music.

    Enjoy your books, and thanks for sharing. I am curious about The Door to January.


    1. My heart can not take a Beaches re-watch. Too. Many. Tears.

  5. Beaches made me cry back in the day and I doubt I'd re-watch, but I do remember mostly liking it. The Geek's Guide looks cute, and I loved Pretty Face! Hope you do, too! Hope you get back with your new team at work this week! Great wrap up, Sam! :)

    1. Yeah! Another endorsement for Pretty Face. A lot of people are saying it's better than Act Like it, and I found that one so funny and sweet. I am definitely looking forward to starting that audiobook.

  6. I'm really looking forward to Lu's new book

  7. Aww, sad animals make me sad! I totally get it though. Furbabies are so special. I've been seeing good things about Geek's Guide and I can't wait for Warcross! It's one of those super hyped books right now so I can't help but want to read it too! :)
    Have a great week!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. My co-blogger was reading Warcross last week, and she said it was really good, and those types of books are more her wheelhouse, so I trust her. I am happy to report that the dog is doing better today. *yeah*

  8. The audio to the Dark Artifices series is AMAZING! Seriously, so freaking good. My dog is super attached to me too. Once, I had a friend visiting from out of town and I had to run up to work for a meeting. She said the second the door closed my dog LOST IT!! She didn't calm down until I came home.
    Have a good week!

    1. This dog is under 20 pounds, so my sister brings her everywhere. The one nice thing is that she is not a whiner. She actually makes no noise. They get really awesome people for the Shadowhunter audiobooks. I think these stories are too complex for me to listen too though. I am very visual, but do ok with contemporaries. If there is too much world building or detail, I get lost in the audio.

    2. I will say listening required a LOT more attention than I usually give an audiobook. But, they are performed so well it wasn't a hardship!!

    3. I just finished LoS and I have to dry my tears now. I think it would have been even more tragic with some good voice talent emoting that whole chaotic scene.

  9. What is that saying about we can never go back. Glad you had fun catching up with old work friends though. I need to try Lucy Parker. And the poor doggie. Hope this week is a good one!

    1. I told my immediate neighbor at work to remind me how miserable I was this week in case I get asked to do it again. Doggie is doing better today, and I have to say, Parker's books are really fun. I just started Pretty Face, but so far, I have laughed a lot.

  10. Awe, the poor doggie. Enjoy all the new books. :)

    Thank you for stopping by earlier,
    Jenea's Book Obsession's Sunday's Post

  11. *don't click play on that video...DO.NOT.CLICK.PLAY*
    *clicks play*

    I should have known you would do that after your last post... XD

    1. I am laughing right now, because when I was looking for the clip, I played a few and was covered in tears.

  12. Poor puppy. I skipped over that song and for good reason - great song but so so sad. I've been interested in The Door to January but I think it primarily caught my attention because it's my birthday month - pretty shallow reason to consider a book huh? Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Nothing wrong with celebrating yourself for a month. =P

  13. Replies
    1. Geek's Guide was a precious cupcake of a book, and I really like cupcakes, so that's something.

  14. Still a great reading week!! Geek's Guide is one on my wishlist. Glad you enjoyed it. I have Nothing to get to. I hope we both enjoy it. Have a great week!

  15. Good luck with the dog watching, hopefully he settles in nicely until she's back. :)

    The Geek's Guide looks fun, and I'm looking forward to Warcross too!

    1. I cannot express how happy Geek's Guide made me, and I don't even care what Warcross is about, because Marie Lu wrote it and she's awesome.

  16. Dog watching sounds challenging. I have 3 dogs but I am not sure I would want to watch anyone else's for a week. I hope you enjoy all of this week's reads. Have a great week!

    1. Three dogs would be a lot of work. I only ever had 1 dog (at one time) and a cat.

  17. Glad to hear the work with the old team was such a short term project. Makes you appreciate the current position even more, I imagine. Hope the dog-sitting is going well. I've never been a "pet person" and the only one in my family with a pet is my younger sister. Thankfully she's never asked me to dog-sit. LOL After The Infernal Devices trilogy and The Mortal Instruments series I decided to give it a rest with Cassandra Clare. I felt like I was done with the Shadowhunter world. But then came Lady Midnight and now Lord of Shadows so naturally I'm rethinking that. Gah! Just not enough time to read all the books. I started After the Game over the weekend and am enjoying it a lot more than Under the Lights.

    1. We have not had pets in a long time, but I will say, the dog is so well behaved. She makes like no noise, ever. And she is one of those little, cuddle dogs too. I am enjoying the Dark Artifices books. I like that we have Tessa and Jem and the TMI Shadowhunters incorporated in the story (you know me and companion novels). The ending was so savage. CC broke my heart there, and now I have a long time to wait for the next book. I hope you like After the Game more than the last book. I did, but I really connected with Riley

  18. It is so hard when animals are so attached to their owners. When we watch my husband parents dogs they can't get enough of us they just want his parents back. It looks like you got a lot of reading done this week! Have a great week!

    1. Yep. Bella will be really happy on Saturday, when her family returns
