
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Meant to Be - Julie Halpern

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I can't wait for Meant to Be!

Meant to Be
Julie Halpern
Series: n/a
Release Date: Oct 24, 2017
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Waited on by: Sam

In a world where the names of MTBs—"meant to be" mates—appear on the body at age eighteen, a girl must decide whether to believe the phenomenon or follow her heart in this YA novel.

It started happening a few years ago: the names of MTBs—"meant to be" mates—appeared emblazoned on the skin at age eighteen. Agatha's best friend has embraced the phenomenon and is head over heels in love with her MTB. But Ag isn't so sure. As she searches the interwebs for her MTB (who has a common name, no less) she finds herself falling for a co-worker at the local amusement park. Is he a better match? What does Agatha really want in a mate, and moreover, what does she want for herself?

With her trademark wit and irreverence, acclaimed author Julie Halpern explores an age-old question: Who are we meant to be with? Readers won't be able to resist knowing the answer.

Romance? Check
Interesting story element? Check
I want to read this book? Check

I am a lover of romance, and this book has a romance element that has me totally intrigued. Yes, I have read other books set slightly in the future, where matches are predestined or predetermined (Matched any one?), but this one seems to have an interesting twist all its own, and sounds more fun too. And, I really want to know more about his story

I am also really interested in the character's struggle. Follow your head or your heart? Stay on the path put before you or blaze your own trail? Sounds like this could be a fun, cute, and interesting tale of self discovery.

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh! This sounds like a cute read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  2. Why do I feel like I have this one... Was the cover white at some point??? The book seems so familiar. I'm not big on contemporary but if I have this book, maybe I'll give it a chance. :D I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Have a wonderful week, Sam. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I do feel like this is a new cover, and if may have been white. I love contemporaries and romances and this sounds like it has a magical realism element too. So, I am in.

  3. Replies
    1. I love the idea of being faced with the choice of being with who is your "perfect mate" or someone your heart selects.

  4. Replies
    1. Right? It's that combination of romance and a little magical realism that has me interested.

  5. Oh this so sounds like my kind of book!! Need to add to the TBR now!!

    1. I would prefer it on my Kindle right now, but I will have to settle for my TBR. 😀

  6. Sounds pretty interesting and I love the cover. Hope you enjoy it and are able to get a copy soon!

    1. I hope that if I cannot get approved for a DRC, that my library gets a copy, because I am really interested in this one.

  7. I've read a book by her in the past that I really liked so this is on my list too! I hope we both wind up liking it!

    1. I hope we both love it too! Glad to hear you liked Halpern's previous work.

  8. Oh, I think I'd enjoy this one! I'm adding it to my Wishlist.

    Here's my CWW:

    1. TTT and CWW/WOW are the worst for my TBR and wishlist. There are so many great books. Glad this one looked interesting to you.

  9. What an interesting premise! I hadn't heard of this one before. The whole meant to be concept is something many people wonder about at some point. I will have to look for this one.

    Thank you for sharing! Have a great day!

    1. It is such a timeless theme, but I think Halpern gave it a great twist.

  10. This premise really intrigues me. I've always thought it was amazing how certain people come into our lives and when, but this MTB match kind of turns that on its head. Nice pick!

    1. Absolutely. I kind of live the struggle that should result from this conflict of head and heart.

  11. Oooh, I like this! I need to add it right now. Nice pick!

    Jenea's Book Obsession's Can’t-Wait Wednesday

    1. I saw it a while back, and it really sounds like something I would enjoy. I hope one of us reads it!

  12. Interesting premise. This is the first that I have heard of this book. I hope you love it once you get the chance to read it.

  13. Oh, Sam, this sounds like such a CUTE story!! LOVE IT!! I had not heard of this book before, so thanks for putting it on my radar! I'm adding it to my GR shelves right away!! Hope we both enjoy it!! <3 :)

    1. Exactly! I love cute! I love romance! I feel like this will deliver both. Here's to us both reading it, so we can compare notes.

  14. That is quite a twist. I don't think I'd like a guy's name to appear on my skin when I turn 18, but I'm curious about what happens. Great pick! Thanks for linking up too! :)

    1. And if you don't get with your MTB, is it's like that tattoo of an ex left on your chest forever? I am definitely interested in learning more.

  15. This one looks cute! I love the video you picked for this one I love Grease!!

    1. Grease was such a huge part of my upbringing. It was fun to include Danny Zuko in my post.

  16. Ooo this one sounds great! I love the idea of MTBs. It's different & something I could see causing some good drama. Great pick, Sam!

    1. Drama with the promise of fun. That's a winning combination for me.

  17. Replies
    1. I like that it's contemporary with a touch of fantasy.

  18. This is such an interesting premise- I'm surprised I never came across this before. I'm so excited for this one now! Thank you for bringing it on my radar, Sam <3

    1. Yeah! I am glad we can be excited together. 😊
