
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Chaos of Standing Still - Jessica Brody

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tessa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I can't wait for The Chaos of Standing Still by Jessica Brody!

The Chaos of Standing Still
Jessica Brody
Series: n/a
Release Date: November 28, 2017
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Waited on by: Sam
Over the course of one chaotic night stranded at the Denver airport, Ryn confronts her shattered past thanks to the charm of romance, the uniqueness of strangers, and the magic of ordinary places in this stunning novel from the author of Boys of Summer.

Ryn has one unread text message on her phone. And it’s been there for almost a year.

She hasn’t tried to read it. She can’t. She won’t. Because that one message is the last thing her best friend ever said to her before she died.

But as Ryn finds herself trapped in the Denver International Airport on New Year’s Eve thanks to a never-ending blizzard on the one-year anniversary of her best friend’s death, fate literally runs into her.

And his name is Xander.

When the two accidentally swap phones, Ryn and Xander are thrust into the chaos of an unforgettable all-night adventure, filled with charming and mysterious strangers, a secret New Year’s Eve bash, and a possible Illuminati conspiracy hidden within the Denver airport. But as the bizarre night continues, all Ryn can think about is that one unread text message. It follows her wherever she goes, because Ryn can’t get her brialliantly wild and free-spirited best friend out of her head.

Ryn can’t move on.

But tonight, for the first time ever, she’s trying. And maybe that’s a start.

As moving as it is funny, The Chaos of Standing Still is a heartwarming story about the earth-shattering challenges life throws at us—and the unexpected strangers who help us along the way.

I have been wanting to read more of Brody's work, and she has by no means made it hard for me, since she has been writing tons of books lately. This one seems like the perfect book to accomplish this goal. It caught my eye with that bright cover, but it was really the description that solidified my desire to read this book.

My heart ached a little when I started reading this synopsis, but I know this will head in the right direction for me. There are a bunch of things which won me over here. In this day and age, I love this idea of the kindness of strangers, because I need that hope and faith in humanity. I also like the phone swap thing and that a happy accident can bring two people together. Then there is that stuff about secret parties and Illuminati conspiracy that has me intrigued. This sounds like it can be a great combination of fun and substance, and those are my favorite kind of books.

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Illuminati conspiracy? Now that has my attention! :D

  2. I like that title a lot. And I can see why this would appeal- I think I want to read it too! Stranded at the airport, the phone swap, an illuminati conspiracy?? This could be really fun. :)

    1. I am all for fun, and this one has possibilities. I like that there seems to be a little heart string tug-tug possibility there too.

  3. This actually sounds pretty fun! Probably not my typical read but thanks for putting it on my radar! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. Glad to hear it caught your eye (It is totally my typical rwad) 😄

  4. I haven’t read anything by Jessica Brody yet, but I got to meet her a few years ago and she’s a really sweet person! Can’t wait to read this one either, as well as her other books. Great pick!!

    1. I got to meet her at a Fierce Reads stop, and have the "Un" books, but I am trash and haven't read them

  5. Not my usual read but I'm definitely intrigued. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Happy to share it. Keeping my fingers crossed that it is good

  6. Mmmmm, Jessica Brody. I love her books. And she never stops writing! She is one of my favorite YA contemporary authors - and I don't even like YA contemporary (in general). :D I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Have a fabulous week, Sam. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I was surprised when I saw this book, because she has another book coming out in August. Woman is a writing machine. That is a high compliment from you, and I hope I get the opportunity to read this one. You have a great week too!

  7. This sounds great and the cover is really nice. I hope you enjoy this one!

    1. I am definitely intrigued by it, and the cover totally drew my attention.

  8. I love the idea of swapped phones and stranded in the interest is definitely piqued!

    1. It sounds like it could be so much fun. Kinsella had one with swapped phones, I'v Got Your Number, which was also a phone swap thing, and it was hysterical. This one sounds like there is some sort of wound, so a little substance with the fluff. Still, so many possibilities.

  9. This sounds like it would be so entertaining but also very emotional. I'll definitely be checking this one out.

  10. I like Jessica Brody's books, they're always so easy to read and fun! This sounds really awesome too! I love books that are set over just one day, and involves lots of serendipity. <3 Thanks for sharing! I'll have to keep my eyes open for this one.

    Cass @ Words on Paper

    1. I am trash, because I have not read the several Brody books I have, but to be fair, they are my co-bloggers and she is more of a paranormal/SFF reader. They are not Brody's contemporary books, otherwise, I believe they would have already been read. I hope we both read this book and get to compare notes.
