
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books From BEA/BookCon

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

The Best Book We Got at BEA/BookCon!

I was not lucky enough to go to BEA, but Kiersten went and represented WLABB proudly, while acquiring a whole lot of awesome books. There are so many that I look forward to reading, many of which I have already mentioned in previous TTT and Can't Wait Wednesdays. This list contains ten books from our haul, which I am giddy with excitement to have in my hot little hands.

Wild Beauty
Ann-Marie McLemore
Series: N/A
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends 

You all know how shallow I am, and will therefore not be surprised that I really wanted this book because the cover is so lovely. *Pretty* But when I read the blurb, I felt like I was floating in this magical world. If the blurb did that for me, could you imagine how I will feel when I read this whole book.

Girls Made of Snow and Glass
Melissa Bashardoust
Series: N/A
Publisher: Flatiron Books

This one had me at fairytale re-telling, but then it went on to relate that this has a feminist angle. Now I was really intrigued. Early reviews are really good, and I like the whole female relationship focus.

Lauren Oliver
Series: Replica, #2
Publisher: HarperCollins

I was lucky enough to get a copy of Replica last year at BEA, and really enjoyed it. The book was filled with mayhem, clones, conspiracies, murder, secrets, lies, and even some romance. I am looking forward to more of all of that, as well as getting some closure on Gemma and Lyra's stories.

One Dark Throne
Kendare Blake
Series: Three Dark Crowns, #2
Publisher: HarperTeen

One of my biggest goals on Saturday, was to go to Harper, share my pick for the throne, and get this book. Mission accomplished! I loved Three Dark Crowns and I am eager to get back into that world. Even more exciting, I learned at BookCon from Blake herself, that this will be a four books series. That's one more book than I had anticipated. So, yeah!

Bad Girls with Perfect Faces
Lynn Weingarten
Series: N/A
Publisher: Simon Pulse

Kiersten had so many good things to say about Weingarten's last book, Suicide Notes for Beautiful Girls, that I have been wanting to check out Weingarten's work. When I heard about this book, I thought it would be a great way to mix up my normal reading pattern. It's sort of dark and has a suspense thriller thing going on, and this nefarious plot sounds delicious.

The Belles
Dhonielle Clayton
Series:The Belles, #1
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Totally loved Clayton's twisted Tiny Pretty Things series, and was quite excited to see her writing a new series. This concept of beauty as a commodity and that there are those who possess power that can be used to make others beautiful is quite interesting to me. I am really eager to find out in what other ways this Belle power can be used.

All the Crooked Saints
Maggie Stiefvater
Series: N/A
Publisher: Scholastic

Do I even need a reason besides that this book is written by Maggie Stiefvater? The Raven Cycle books earned 4, 5, 5, and 5 stars from me, so you can say I liked them. This story sounds odd and if anyone can spin odd into amazing, it's Stiefvater.

Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
Series: Unearthed, #1
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

*Squeee!* Kaufman and Spooner are back co-writing together, and I am a all atwitter about it. I 5-starred all three Starbound books. These two created magic together with that series, and I hope for more of that Magic with Unearthed.

I Hate Everyone But You
Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin
Series: N/A
Publisher: Wednesday

I love this title so much. Totally made me smile, but seriously, this is an epistolary format, which I am a solid fan of, accomplished through a mix of emails and IMs.  It's also written by two BuzzFeed contributors, so I expect it to be whip-smart. *Kiersten got this personalize for me and they said such lovely things like, "Good work mom-ing" and "Awesome job being a mom". How could I not love these two?

Tamara Ireland Stone
Series: N/A
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

My main reason for wanting this book, was because Tamara Ireland Stone wrote it. I really enjoyed Every Last Word, and am trying to work my way through her back catalog. Aside from my love for the author, this sounds pretty cute. It's middle grades, which is a little out of my normal range, but I have been dazzled by my latest MG reads, and this is about a girl who goes to CodeGirls summer camp and creates an app. *Yeah girls!*

Have you or do you want to read any of these?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ooh I'm jealous you got Ringer! I need the sequel to Replica lol. And One Dark Thrones is another I can't wait for.

    Wild Beauty does have an awesome cover!

    1. ODT was my big win. I was giddy like a little kid when I got my hands on it. Now I must contain my enthusiasm and not push this ahead of other books I have to read. =)

  2. I am so interested t see how Ringer plays out. I didn't love Replica but the sequel could be awesome. Wild Beauty's cover is so pretty!!! Enjoy all of these!!

    1. I know, and at least this is the last book, so we should get a definite ending

  3. So many amazing books were there! I've never been but it sounds like the best time. Unearthed, The Belles, and All the Crooked Saints are definitely high on my list of must reads. :)

    1. I went to BEA last year and found it stressful, but you do get a lot of great books.

  4. YES!!! UNEARTHED sounds amazing. I love their other series they write together, so I cannot wait for this one. Also Girls Made of Snow and Glass's synopsis has me wanting to read it right now. I NEEDS IT!!! lol

    1. I know. I will read anything Kaufman and Spooned write

  5. All these books look so good! Enjoy reading them. Also, loving some of these covers! I can't wait to read All the Crooked Saints Maggie Stiefvater I really like Maggie Stiefvater writing!

    1. I am a self proclaimed cover-ho. I am so drawn to the pretty and interesting ones

  6. Bad Girls with Perfect Faces and All the Crooked Saints look really good! More things to add to the TBR, I think.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday! Thanks!

    1. TTTs are the worst. I always find tons of new books for my TBR too 😊

  7. Such an amazing book haul - you're SO lucky! I can't wait to read Ringer and The Belles. I loved Replica so much and I'm eager to know what happens next, and The Belles...well that synopsis and that cover! <3

    1. Yeah another Replica lover. I am really eager to see how Oliver concludes that story

  8. Love the sound of I Hate Everyone But You! :) I love the format and it just sounds like fun. And how cool that it was personalized for you!
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  9. I'm so jealous you got All The Crooked Saints! Hope you enjoy it!
    My TTT:

    1. Kirsten did am amazing job getting every book we had on the list

  10. There are SO many books here that I want to read! And I definitely agree with you on the cover of Wild Beauty. I love it for that alone!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. All I care about is Wild Beauty. I've already preordered the book and am having lots of moments of envy whenever I see someone who has the ARC. Also, I am really excited about The Belles.

    1. That was one of my many ARC-envy books. I was so proud of Kiersten when she got all the books on our list.

  12. Oooh, I have not read Lauren Oliver's Replica yet, but I own it, so I really need to so I can be ready for the sequel hahah. I don't know much about any of these, but Girls Made of Snow and Glass sounds really interesting. I need to look more into that. I hope you enjoy all of these!!

    ~ Lefty @ The Left-Handed Book Lover
    My TTT!

    1. I really liked Replica. I thought the concept was very interesting, but I thought it was a stand alone when I read it, so I was a little surprised by the ending. Lo and behold, now I will get my answers.

  13. I know that I shouldn't be jealous...but I am totally jealous :) I hope you enjoy all of these wonderful new books!

    1. These are the only physical ARCs we get (small blog). It's a yearly event that I really benefited from this year, since I did not have to go and wait on all the lines. =)

  14. You got Unearthed?! OMG! I am sooooo jealous! :) I credit Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner for making me read YA again!

    1. I know! Kiersten was sending me pictures from BEA for the books she got, and I almost cried when I saw it. I will always read what these two write together.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. OMG ALL THESE BOOKS I'D KILL FOR!!!!! I abso-freaking-lutely loved the Starbound series so I'm so very green-eyed that you got Unearthed. Also very excited about Bad Girls With Perfect Faces (Suicide Notes is on my tbr and I need to get to it soon!) And super-excited about All the Crooked Saints (Stiefvater- yassss) too! This is the first I'm hearing of Girls Made of Snow and Glass but I want it already <3 LUCKYYY YOU!!!

    1. I do feel quite lucky. BEA/BookCon is the only way we get physical ARCs so it's a big deal for us. Kiersten did a great job, and got so many of my wish books.

  17. I’m super jealous of everyone that got to go to BEA, because all the books look amazing!! Definitely some on here that I just added to my TBR, haha! I’m really looking forward to WILD BEAUTY, because Ann-Marie McLemore does magic very well. Happy reading!! :D

    1. I am really eager to read Wild Beauty. Kiersten said she heard everyone raving about McLemore's backlist while she was waiting. I sense my TBR growing as we speak.

  18. I’m envious that you guys got so many amazing books. I hope you love them all!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. These are just some of them. We got so many ah-mazing books. I wanted to roll around in them. 😂

  19. I would love to attend BEA someday, though the chances are slim. "The Belles" and "Wild Beauty" are on my 2017 TBR. Hopefully, they`ll be good.

    1. I am lucky that BEA is usually in NYC only 40 mins away. I get really nervous about hyped books, but I still hope they are as good as I want them to be.

  20. I wish I could go to go to BEA! All the books look gorgeous! I can only imagine how pretty your shelf must be C;

    1. All the books is the fantastic thing about BEA, especially for us (a small blog that does not get any physical review copies from publishers). I went last year to BEA and found it quite stressful. It was fun to meet some of the bloggers I follow in read life, but it's exhausting. My shelves are a mess because I am moving. I gave away a ton of books to the Friends of the Library (finished copies), but I am excited to re-erect my shelves in my new home in the coming months.

  21. So lucky! Congrats on getting Maggie Stiefvater's upcoming release! :)

    1. Yes, Kiersten planned and worked her way through BEA like a boss.
