
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Inspired Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

Summer Inspired Reads!

There are several things I associate with summer: road trips, summer camp, frolicking on the beach, fun romances, and easy, breezy days. The following are ten books I have read, which evoke the essence of summer for me.

Along for the Ride
Sarah Dessen
Series: N/A
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers 

Dessen is well known for her books sharing settings, and Along for the Ride is one of several set in the idyllic sea side town of Colby. This is a summer book to me, not only because of the beach setting, but because of freedom the characters enjoy over the course of this book. From beach bonfires to 2 am pie, Auden leads a very carefree existence in Colby, and that is a summer trademark, if you ask me.

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour
Morgan Matson
Series: N/A
Publisher: Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers

Nothing says summer like a road like a cross country road trip, and that is exactly what we have in Amy & Roger's Epic Detour. This is a car trip, which became more fun, once Amy and Roger veered from the itinerary and starting seeking some adventure. But let's face it, when I can't help but associate Matson with summer, as all her books are set during the summer and are marked with that fancy-free frolicking that happens when school let's out and the temperatures rise.

The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland
Rebekah Crane
Series: N/A
Publisher: Skyscape

This book was a pleasant surprise for me. I got it through the Kindle First program, and ended up really enjoying it. This says "summer" to me because it take place during the summer at a summer camp. Although this is not a traditional summer camp, the teen campers have some very typical summer camp experiences.

Chasing Forever Down
Nikki Godwin
Series: Drenaline Surf, #1
Publisher: Self Published

How could this not scream "summer", when it's book that focuses on those seeking the "endless summer" - surfers. This is a series I discovered through an anthology, and it ended up being a really fun read. I loved the premise of taking chances and fell in love with the characters.

This is What Happy Looks Like
Jennifer E. Smith
Series: This is What Happy Looks Like, #1
Publisher: Headline

This is still my favorite JES book. What could be better than accidentally meeting a teen celebrity online, and whiling your summer away with him as he shots his current film in your small town? This sweet little romance wrapped summer in a bow for me, and I remembering not wanting the book to end. **With that said, Smith did give me a follow-up novella, and I cried tears of joy.

Alex, Approximately
Jenn Bennett
Publisher: Simon Pulse

When your young, summer should be filled with falling in love and hijinks, lots of hijinks, and that is exactly what we get in Alex, Approximately. I have nothing but love for this light and easy romance, and can only say good things about it.

At First Blush
Beth Ellyn Summer
Series: N/A
Publisher: Bloomsbury Spark

Another celeb encounter, this book finds Lacey not wasting her summer days away, but working hard at her summer internship. We have summer, we have fun, we have a sweet romance, and that is why it is on this list.

Fixing Delilah
Sarah Ockler
Series: N/A
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

This is a time-out summer for Delilah. She was starting to make some bad decisions, so her mother whisks her away to Vermont. I loved the setting for a summer romance, new found friendships, and family healing.

On the Fence
Kasie West
Series: N/A
Publisher: HarperTeen

Kasie West is one of my go-tos for light and fluffy romance, and isn't summer all about being easy and breezy? This is an adorable story of the lone sister in a family of manly men, who discovers another side of herself after being forced to get a job to pay for a very expensive speeding ticket. She is not the only one who notices this new side of her, and a sweet romance ensues. Loved it!

An Abundance of Katherines
John Green
Series: N/A
Publisher: Dutton Books

I know I am in the minority, but this is my favorite John Green book. I loved the road trip, the whole string of failed "Katherine" relationships, and Hassan!, who is one of my favorite sidekicks to date. I loved spending the summer with these guys as they worked out their romantic issues.

What are some of your favorite summer books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Alex Approximately is one I definitely want to get to. The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland looks fun too, because camp. :)

    1. Alex, Approximately was so good, added to my favorites, and now I must read all Bennett's books. Loved it! Grover Cleveland was a funny book about something that's not so funny, and I thought the author did a good job presenting these damaged teens. Liked this one a lot more than I expected, and yeah, camp!

  2. It's been so long since I've read a Sarah Dessen book (think highschool days)! Shall I plunge on one again?! Excellent recs!!!

    1. Dessen is one of my go-to contemporary writers. Her new book cannot come fast enough!

  3. Alex, Approximately sounds sooo good! I've been wanting to pick that one up. I remember seeing The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland around and thinking that one sounded like something I would love too. Great list!

    1. I <3 Alex so much! Grover was an interesting mix of humor and heartbreak with a lot of hope.

  4. I'm not a very big fan of 'fluffy summer reads'. The closest thing I can think of that may be considered a beach read would probably be the Too Far Series By Abbi Glines C:

    1. My motto is, "Give me fluffy or give me death!". I actually had Glines on my preliminary list (I love her OTT soapy fun books), but they are mostly NA. I still have nothing but love the Rosemary Beach and Sea Breeze.

  5. I have not read a single book on your list. I do have Alex, Approximately checked out from the library right now and hope I can get to it before it is due back.

    1. I hope you get to Alex, because it was such a great read for me.

  6. I am a bad Sarah Ockler superfan!! I need to read Fixing Delilah!! Also, Sarah Dessen and Alex, Approx. are VERY Summery, I agree!

    1. My first Ockler was The Summer of Chasing Mermaids. After that, I had to read them all. Love her!

  7. Sarah Dessen is a must for summer! And there are so many amazing books on here than have been on my TBR forever, as well. I loved AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES...I think it’s actually my favourite John Green book because it’s so lighthearted and funny. Great list and happy reading :D

    1. Dessen has so earned Queen of the Beach. Yay! Another Katherines fan *whoo hoo*

  8. Lots and lots of Sarah Dessen popping up this week. She must be a must-read during the summer. Maybe I ought to dust off those books of hers I have?

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Summer reads, for me, are light with a touch of romance and a beach setting never hurts. I know! I am so literal. =)

  9. So many good books! Sarah Dessen's books all invoke summer for me, those are just the kind of books they are. I have Alex Approximately on my to buy list and I cannot wait to start reading. I can see that being the perfect summer read so why don#t I own a copy already?

    1. Alex was fabulous, and I totally agree that Dessen = summer. 😄

  10. I can't wait to read Alex, Approximately I have it up to read next!

    1. It was amazing, and made me add all Bennett's books to my TBR

  11. Alex, Approximately is definitely on my list to read this summer (as you've already seen. :) I can't believe I haven't read anything by Morgan Matson yet - despite owning 2 or 3 by her. And anything by Kasie West is such a great pick. When I want a cute/sweet, clean teen read, West is what I reach for.

    1. Matson has always come through for me. Her books have a good balance of fluff and depth, even Second Chance Summer, which left me a snotty mess

  12. I haven't read any of these, although they are mostly contemporary, so that doesn't surprise me. But a few are on my maybe-TBR list.

    1. I consider myself a contemporary reader, but hmmm, do any of the SFF books I have read fit? They have summer courts in ACOTAR and the Iron Fey series. And, people get married in the summer, so maybe The Selection, Delirium, and The Matched series. Caraval is summery too. Maybe I have read some books other than contemporaries that fit. =)
