
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Mothers

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

Favorite Mothers!

In honor of Mother's Day, this Top Ten Tuesday will focus on some of my favorite YA mothers and surrogate mothers. I know that YA has often been criticized for their abysmal parents, but I find that YA parents have been getting better and better. 

My Life Next Door
Huntley Fitzpatrick
Series: My Life Next Door, #1
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers

Mrs. Garrett was the head of a HUGE and somewhat chaotic household. Many outwardly passed harsh judgements on her, but she didn't care. She loved her family and her life. Her house was filled with all the love you could ask for and I wish I could be a Garrett and call her my mom.

If I Stay
Gayle Forman
Series: If I Stay, #1
Publisher: Dutton Books for Young Readers

I usually cry over book deaths, but when Kat Hall died in If I Stay, I cried because she was such an amazing mom and person. She was so vibrant and had lived her life out loud. This woman loved with her entire soul, and most importantly, those around her knew they were loved.

The Mortal Instruments Series
Cassandra Clare
Series: The Mortal Instruments
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books

Talk about a tiger-mom. Jocelyn Fairchild went to great lengths to protect her daughter. She abandoned her life and her world. She even made deals with Downworlders in order to keep her safe. And when push came to shove, she put her own life on the line. Maybe she concealed some important information from Clary, but I could forgive her, because it was for her own protection.

Everything All at Once
Katrina Leno
Series: N/A
Publisher: HarperCollins

The protagonist in this book, Lottie, was not only lucky enough to have a great mom, but she also had a most awesome aunt, who doted on her niece in a very motherly way. An example of this mom's awesomeness: after working overnight shifts at the hospital, she would put off going to sleep in order to talk to her kids, and check in on them. That's mom, always self sacrificing. And the aunt, she left letters and tasks for Lottie, in order to help Lottie deal with her death. There she was, dying, and she was more worried about how Lottie will heal.

Deacon Locke Went to Prom
Brian Katcher
Series: N/A
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books

Deacon's parents more or less abandoned him, but he was lucky enough to be blessed with his wonderful grandma, Jean. Although Jean's own children did not turn out great, she grabbed this opportunity to mother Deacon with both hands, and being as Deacon declared her to be his best friend, I would say she was very successful. She definitely filled that mother shaped void in Deacon's life.

It Started with Goodbye
Christina June
Publisher: Blink

This was another book with an awesome grandmother. Tatum did not quite get along with her step-mother, but she developed a very special connection with her step-abuela, who sort of served as her fairy godmother. She listened to her, mentored to her, and she really helped Tatum be the best version of herself.

Letters to the Lost
Brigid Kemmerer
Series: #1 (there will be a companion)
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA

This book had some not too awesome parents, who allowed their children to sink into a deep hole of depression, but there was also an example of a fantastic mom - Rev's mom. Rev's mom was his adoptive mom, but there was no distinction for him, because she treated him with more love, respect, and affection, than his biological parents ever did. She took this damaged boy into her heart and home, and has pulled him from the edge to a safe place.

Goodbye Days
Jeff Zentner
Series: N/A
Publisher: Crown Books for Young Readers

Once again, we have an amazing grandma, Nana Betsy, who steps in to raise her grandson, when his own mother would not. Not only did Nana Betsy love  and adore her grandson, she also was a great sort of comfort to his friend, Carver, after Blake's death. I loved her spunk, spirit, and her beautiful heart.

I Believe in a Thing Called Love
Maurene Goo
Series: N/A
Publisher: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux

When Desi's mom passed away, her father did his best to be both mother and father to her. His relationship with Desi as sweet and adorable and near perfect. I loved when they were on page together, and the way they could anticipate each other's wants and needs. And the love, there was so much genuine love and affection. He was definitely doing a great job in the absence of Desi's mom.

Nowhere But Here
Katie McGarry
Series: Thunder Road, #1
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Olivia was a fierce matriarch. Not only was she the old lady of the president of the Reign of Terror, but she also raised some of the key players of the Terror's next generation. Her heart overflowed for those kids, and she left them with wonderful childhood memories, and a stable moral base.

Who are some of your favorite YA "moms"?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I think authors are making an effort to get better about YA parents too. These all look pretty good but I think My Life Next Door and Everything All At Once sound especially good.

    1. Everything All at Once was soooooo good. I am getting chills just typing about it. It's a beautiful journey through Lottie's grief with a touch of magical realism, but I really adored the whole set up with the Rowling type writer aunt. Very good book.

  2. Jocelyn Fairchild sort of reminds me of Lily Potter. You know, giving up her life for the child's life!

    1. Absolutely! It's definitely a great quality in a mom.

  3. A couple of your picks had me practically bouncing in my seat and saying "Yes! Yes!" :) Definitely agree with Kat from If I Stay. That one broke my heart. Rev's mom in Letters to the Lost... that woman was sublime. I loved how she was so willing to open her home and heart to more than just her own children. She was there for Dec when he desperately needed someone. And Olivia! Such a great pick! Yes, she was the ultimate matriarch. All those rough alpha guys tended to jump when Olivia spoke. :)

    1. Yes! You totally understand why I chose those women.

  4. Aww, now I really want to read Letters to the Lost! The cover and your description of Rev's mom make it sound irresistible!

    My TTT.

    1. Letters to the Lost was wonderful! Every reviewer I follow loved it too. Kemmerer created so many amazing characters in that book, and the feels!

  5. This is such a great list. I totally agree with Mrs Garrett from My Life Next Door. I love the family aspect of that book so much.
    Megan @

    1. I loved the Garrett family. There was chaos, but there was so much love and dedication. One of my favorite book families.

  6. Mrs. Garrett was such a great mom!I loved Nana Betsy too. Great list!

    1. They were actually the first two that popped into my head. Loved and respected them both so much

  7. I have only read 3 of the books that made your list but I totally agree with you. Mrs. Garrett, Nana Betsy, and Jocelyn Fairchild were all awesome moms/grandmas.

    1. Garrett and Nana Betsy are like my top two! They were the best.

  8. I just finished It Started With Goodbye, and you are right about that grandmother, I loved her! Fun post!

    1. Wasn't abuela fab? She could totally be a Golden Girl.
