
Monday, April 3, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus.

This post is for sharing what I read last week, what I am currently reading, and what I plan to read.

What I Read Last Week

My audiobook selection this week, Bossypants, was for several reading challenges. I needed a non-fiction book and a book about an interesting woman. Bossypants met both requirements, as far as I was concerned, and it was both funny and though provoking. My favorite book of the week was One of Us is Lying. This murder mystery kept me completely captivated. Loved it!

What I Am Currently Reading

I was lucky enough to get Flora Banks through First to Read, and it's really heartbreaking so far. Flora had a brain tumor removed when she was 10, and it left her with anterograde amnesia, which left her being unable to create any new memories. I am 100 pages in, and it's very odd being in Flora's head, because she has to refer to notes and repeats things many times, but I am interested in seeing where this is going. I am listening to Two Summers, and am enjoying Sliding Doors type story.

What I Plan to Read

It seems the publicists checked in at Edelweiss last week, because I was approved for 29 requests on Thursday. Lots to read! I was pretty excited to get approved for Avenged because I really loved the first book in this series, and early reviews have been positive.

What are you reading?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I am trying to ease back on requesting review copies until summer. By then I will have completed my move and be settled in my new retirement home. Until then, I'm looking at packing, sorting, rummage sale, and moving and feeling just a little overwhelmed. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I can understand that. You have so many new and exciting things on your horizon.

  2. The one memory of Flora Banks seems like a good read. Will look into it. Oooh and One of us is lying is just my cup of tea!

    Happy reading! Here's my April Library Card:

    1. I am almost done with Flora, and it's sort of sad. She has the type of amnesia that doesn't let you make new memories. She is sort of stunted at 11 years old. There are some great moments in this book. I have 30 pages left and the author better answer some questions I have.

  3. I closed my account with NetGalley and never had one with Edelweiss as the ARCs were an all consuming, soul sucking experience for me. It's Monday, What Are you reading?

    1. I read a ton, and I like getting new books. I prefer ebooks, so it works for me. Hoopla is great, but the selection of ebooks is not as good as the audio, and Overdrive has better books, I wait 3 - 4 months on the hold list for newer books.

  4. Bossypants looks fun. Love the cover.

    The Traitor's Kiss has a fantastic cover too.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. I really enjoyed Fey's stories, and I enjoyed Traitor's kiss. It's a promising start to this trilogy.

  5. I tried to get Bossypants on audio from my library, but I am like #72 on 2 copies, so I'll get it eventually :) I look forward to reading it :)

    Happy reading this week!

    1. Wow! That's sort of impressive, when you think about the fact that it's an older book. Go Tina Fey =) I hope you like it when you finally get it.

  6. I listed to Bossypants a few years ago and thought it was okay. I have One of Us is Lying and am really looking forward to it.

    1. I really liked One of Us is Lying. I am a sucker for character growth and a good story, and I love when I can solve the mystery, because it makes me feel like I am so smart. ;) Fingers crossed you like it as much as I did.

  7. OMG, approved for 29 requests at once? I think I'd have a case of the vapors. Or hyperventilate. LOL I'll be starting Fireworks soon and I'm excited for it. I loved Cotugno's 99 Days (even though I feel like I was in the minority with that one).

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. 99 Days was a solid 4-star read for me. I went into it thinking it was a romance, which it was not! but I still enjoyed it. There was a lot of thought provoking issues raised in that book, and I thought Cotugno handled it well. Fireworks is good (I am at about 70%). Again, the romance is secondary to this growing up, maybe growing apart, and the complexities of a life long friendship.

  8. I had a whole bunch of stuff to say but then my mind saw 29 requests approved and my jaw dropped hahah. You are going to be one busy little bee, yes? Okay moving on haha. I felt probably about the same as you with Literally, 3-3.5 stars probably. I enjoyed Bossypants too, but man I hate that cover! I cannot WAIT to read One of Us is Lying so I am so glad you enjoyed it! I finished Fireworks but I was kind of underwhelmed honestly. I liked 99 Days MUCH better. I'll be curious to see your review for it! I also really want to read Flora Banks and Two Summers, and I hate to read Traitor's Kiss (up next, actually!) for review soon so I am glad you liked that too! Hope you enjoy your new additions- and that at least most of them are hits :D

    1. OMG! The Bossypants cover is so weird! I agree, 99 Days was better. Fireworks got the 3.5 from me, because I am a sucker for a good romance, and I was all in for Alex. So many books, too little time, but I will try to read them all. =)

  9. Tina Fey! I've been on hold for that audiobook for months! One day :)

    Happy reading this week!

    1. That was easy to get from my library, but I have holds right now that I started back in Jan. So, I feel your pain.
