
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Discussion Post: Book Confessions #1

I have seen many posts, where bloggers share some of their odd bookish quirks, and was inspired to write my own posts detailing my own book related idiosyncrasies, because I have plenty to share.

Today's Confession: I prefer ebooks to physical books. 

I know! I am the worst! A real reader would never make such an outrageous statement, but I did. Below are my top ten reasons why I love my eReader.
  1. I am old! and I need reading glasses. My Kindle allows me to adjust the font, giving me the opportunity to skip the glasses. I can also change the font to a sans serif, which I prefer. 
  2. White space! I love white space. I have not only found that many books are printed in small fonts (and serifs), but they also lack the white space that I desire. I set that white space to the max on my eReader keeping those lines of text as far apart as possible.
  3. I mostly read on my commute (90 mins each way), which is a bus to a train to a shuttle. If I have to stand on the bus or on the train or in the rain, I can still read, because I can handle my eReader single handedly. 
  4. Depending on the time of year, it may be dark on my morning commute, dark on my evening commute, or sometimes, dark both ways. I have a clip on light, but again, this can be cumbersome when waiting or switching betweens my modes of transport. My Kindle is backlit, so I can easily read in the dark. 
  5. I have carpal tunnel and de Quervain's tenosynovitis. What that essentially means is that I have a lot of pain and weakness in my wrist and thumb. I have no problem reading a physical book at home, where I can lay it out on a table, but it's quite difficult for me to hold one for long periods of time. My Kindle though, is much lighter, and I do not have to apply pressure to keep it open. 
  6. Sometimes, I finish a book during my commute. Therefore, in order to be prepared, I would have to carry two books at all times. I try to travel light as the trains/bus/shuttle are usually crowded. If I finish a book I am reading on my Kindle? No problem, because I have about 2000 books on there. 
  7. Speaking of all those books, I have very, very limited storage space in my home. If my entire library were physical books, I would have to yield the house to my books, and sleep in the yard. With my eReader, I can store lots and lots and LOTS of books, and it occupies less space than a single book. 
  8. Notes! It is so easy to take notes when I read an eBook. On Saturday, I read a physical book, and I had to stop to put the stickies on the page, making sure that it is near the part I am interested in, but still sticking out enough so I can find it. With my Kindle, I can highlight, and use the notes function to look at all my highlights. 
  9. Speaking of highlights, you can also see what other people highlighted. 
  10. I can be really lazy, and look at what my Kindle can do. Sometimes, I lay down to read, an just set it up on my stomach. 

Physical book or eBook?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. You're not alone!!! I prefer ebooks over physical ones any day (though the fact that physical ones are so very aesthetically pleasing is a whole other thing altogether). I travel a lot to and fro uni, and I also have very limited storage space around the room- and there's the $$$ to think about too :D So yes, ebooks it is- most of the time at least! <3

    1. I agree. Physical books look so pretty on the shelf, and I love posting pictures to Instagram (bookstagramming community = awesome).

  2. I didn't think about how ereaders would allow you to not wear glasses!! That's a great thing to keep in mind for later. I've never worn glasses and I'm dreading the day that I have to get them :(

    1. Reading glasses make me sad. If you look away from what you are reading, instant disorientation. I also have severe dry eye (yeah, Restastis is my friend), so but adjusting the font size and type, I reduce eye strain.

  3. I prefer physical books, but I’ll admit that the Kindle is much easier on my carpal tunnel. Some of those big hardbacks murder my wrists.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I feel your pain. It's good we readers have options. 😊

  4. Those are good reasons! I think I'll always prefer a physical book, but ebooks are so convenient now that almost all the books I get are in that format. I also like the white space and ability to change things up font- wise. If I love a book I may get it for my shelf, but chances are I'm reading it on the e- reader!

    1. I definitely agree, they are convenient, but I was surprised to find a few titles I wanted were not offered in ebook format. Just yesterday, I was gathering books for a friend's of the library donation, and I totally admired how all the books looked on shelf

  5. Love that you wrote this. I love my Kindle. I can read faster on it and I can carry it anywhere. I do love being able to quickly flip through a book and find a quote or a part I want to re-read (the search function on my Kindle is kind of wonky sometimes) but I am pro-technology!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. A kindred spirit! Yes, yes and yes to everything you said.

  6. I definitely prefer print, but my son bought me a Kindle.

    Can you help me when I get it? I have no clue what to do.

    Thanks for coming by my blog.


    1. The Kindle is easy to set up! Let me know if you need help. I feel a little disloyal saying this, because my Paperwhite has been good to me, but I really, really want it to die so I can get that new Oasis. It's a thing of beauty. I hope you learn to love your new eReader.

    2. LOL!!

      I didn't see the Oasis.

      I need help knowing how to get the books into the Kindle. :). I have no clue.

      Can we chat when I get it?

    3. Sure! All you need is an Amazon account and a credit card on file with them ;)

    4. Thank you.

      Will chat if I need help.

  7. I really like my kindle as well. I like having physical books but I usually want to read on my kindle. I have a Voyage and it is just a really nice reading experience.

    1. I am guilty of buying eBook versions of physical books I own, or checking them out via Hoopla or Overdrive. The Voyage looks nice. *kindle-envy*

  8. These are all super legit reasons to prefer reading ebooks over print, especially your wrist and thumb pain. You've gotta do what's most comfortable for you! And wow, your commute. Goodness, a bus, a train, AND a shuttle? Holy!

    Personally, I'll read either version and it doesn't really matter to long as the format's standard! When I was reading Illuminae I went for the print version because all the cool text patterns etc. just didn't have the same effect in the ebook version.

    1. I totally agree, that the format must be more traditional. I read both Illuminae and Gemina in physical book format. It would not have been the same as an ebook, though I heard the audiobook is great. My commute may sound tiresome, but I get lots of reading done

  9. Great topic, Sam! I'm actually right in the middle when it comes to choosing book format. There are pros and cons either way, of course, and I love both for different reasons. I love my Kindle for almost all the reasons you mentioned: font and sizing, portability, an entire library at my fingertips, note-taking, lighted. But with my physical books: I love the way they look on my shelf, it's easier to flip thru and find a certain page or section, I like using bookmarks and physically seeing my progress as I read, I love seeing page flags as I mark certain passages, and sometimes I just like the feel of a "real" book in my hands. I probably read on my Kindle *slightly* more than physical books but it's close! :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I agree. I love to admire my books on the shelf. I also like to bookstagram, and physical books are much more photogenic

  10. I completely agree. I love my Kindle for the utter convenience it is. No more do I need to make sure I've packed an extra book or two when I'm nearing the end of another because I have plenty to hand. And it's so convenient reading in the early morning or late at night. No trying to angle my book so it gets the best light on it. If I wake up in the night and can't sleep I can read a few pages without bothering anyone and try and rest my mind. I do still love physical books. I still buy and read them, especially for my favourite authors, but I rely on my Kindle for my regular day to day reading. Physical books are for weekends and evening and for those books I know I'll want to treasure forever.

    1. Exactly! I was just struggling with all the physical books in my basement this past week, as we are preparing to move. I donated paperbacks that were not ARCs to the Friends of the Library.But, I kept all the lovely hardcovers, because they look so pretty, and the books I plan to read. I have also won GoodReads giveaways and gotten my hands on a few physical ARCs for books I happened to have DRCs for, so I am doing giveaways for those.
