
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pokémon Go Book Tag with Bayram from Never Ending Books (SBPT)

This summer, We Live and Breathe Books (Kiersten in particular) is participating in the Summer Blog Promo Tour hosted by The Book Bratz! That means, every Sunday in July and August, we'll be hosting a different blogger to spread the love.

Today, Bayram is here from Never Ending Books, and we decided to come up with a Pokémon Go book tag! We both love playing Pokémon Go, so it seemed like a fun idea for this post. If you enjoy this book tag, we tag YOU to complete it! Go catch 'em all!

The Pokémon Go Book Tag

Pick your starter Pokémon
Squirtle: a book set near a body of water
Charmander: a book with a warm, fuzzy romance
Bulbasaur: a book set in nature

Bayram: Charmander, ACOMAF may not seem like a fuzzy romance movie but it certainly had it

Kiersten: Squirtle (I'm a sucker for water types) - I think I'm going to have to go with Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Since they sail across the ocean in the book, it definitely counts. (On a side note, I also just wanted to say that I think Squirtle is possibly one of my favorite named Pokémon - It's a turtle with a squirrel tail, and squirt also refers to water type moves. Just brilliant.)

Pick your team
Mystic: a book with an educational theme
Instinct: a book you picked up because of the cover
Valor: a book with a kick-butt heroine

Bayram: TEAM VALOR, definitely Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Kiersten: TEAM MYSTIC!!! (It's ok, we don't let our team differences get between us) - Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins is such a fun book about a magical boarding school.

A book you bought recently

Bayram: I didn’t buy this book but the latest one I received was Reawakened by Colleen Houck

Kiersten: I feel like I never buy books anymore (I'm trying to read books I already own and use the elibrary), but I did receive an ARC of We Know it Was You by Maggie Thrash at Blogbound Con last weekend!

A book that shocked you

Bayram: Riverkeep by Martin Stewart

Kiersten: I'm normally not a huge fan of contemporary romance, but I was shocked by how much I absolutely loved Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum.

A book that you don't understand the hype about

Bayram: This is a bit of an old movie but definitely the Twilight movies

Kiersten: And I Darken by Kiersten White is a book I really wanted to love but I just couldn't get into it. It's not that it was bad, it just didn't work out for me.

A book that was hard to get into but you ended up loving


Bayram: Illuminae was a bit confusing at the start but I ended up LOVING it

Kiersten: I'm going to cheat a little and do this one as a series. The concept for Cinder by Marissa Meyer put me off of reading it for a long time, but I ended up really loving the series!

A slow paced book that was still great


Bayram: Its been a while since I read Passenger but it did seem to be slow throughout but still amazing

Kiersten: The Diviners by Libba Bray is definitely a slow paced book, but the way Libba Bray builds up all these layers in the story makes it so wonderful.

A book with ghosts


Bayram: I think The Archived by Victoria Schwab had ghosts in it but thats the only one I can think of

Kiersten: The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle is not only perfect for this category but is also one of my favorite books.

A book with dragons


Bayram: Talon by Julie Kagawa

Kiersten: The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abé. Hands down.

A book you'd consider a new classic (released in the 2000s)

Bayram: Any of the Harry Potter books

Kiersten: I feel like The Hunger Games are already starting to be taught in schools. I feel like it's definitely a staple of the YA genre and especially dystopian as a whole.

A book that you had to recover from

Bayram: ACOMAF!!!!

Kiersten: Definitely A Court of Mist and Fury. All my feels, man. I also remember being a pathetic heap after Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare.

Poké egg
An upcoming release that you're dying to get your hands on

BayramNevernight by Jay Kristoff, it sounds AMAZING

Kiersten: I'm dying to get my hands on Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas! Also, these aren't upcoming releases because there is no news on when they will come out, but I would love the sequel to Courtney Eldridge's Ghost Time and the final book in The Sweetest Dark series by Shana Abé (please happen soon please).

Lure module
A book you want everyone to read

BayramShadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, everyone needs to read it

Kiersten: The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone by Adele Griffin is basically always my go to for things like this. It sounds like a strange book, but it's so good.

About Bayram

I am a senior in high school who LOVES to read, especially YA and sci-fi genre books. I started my blog more than two years ago and regularly post reviews of books I have enjoyed and received to review. I have had a passion for reading ever since I was in kindergarten and have only strengthened it ever since. I love talking to the book community and discussing various books with them.

Do you play Pokémon Go?
We'd love to hear your picks for this book tag!

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