
Friday, July 29, 2016

ARC August & #ReadThemAllThon TBRs

Hi, everyone! Normally I would wait to show off my TBR for next month, but I've decided to participate in a few reading challenges in August, so this is my declaration post! In August, I'll be participating in ARC August hosted by Read.Sleep.Repeat. and #ReadThemAllThon (August 14 - September 4) hosted by Read at Midnight!

Even though it goes out of chronological order to list my TBR this way, I'm going to start with my #ReadThemAllThon TBR. Almost all of the books I picked for this challenge are ARCs, so they fit with ARC August as well! (All the badge graphics and the challenge banner were created by Read at Midnight!)

I've yet to read a Taherah Mafi book (I'm the worst), but this one sounds so good. Plus look at that gorgeous cover! 
416 pages = 41 CP

This book is about a girl going through recovery from self harm, so I think it's fair to say that it might make me cry. I read a few pages when I first got it, and I'm really excited to read it.
416 pages = 41 CP

We don't need to talk about how I haven't read this book yet. Nope. But that's why I want to read it. So I can stop being upset with myself for not having read it. It's all good.
303 pages = 30 CP

I am so so SO excited to read this! I've heard only amazing things about this and it sounds so good.
416 pages = 41 CP

I can't tell from the description if this romance is going to end well, but it seems like it's definitely going to be epic.
256 pages = 25 CP

This book is a Russian fairytale retelling set in Brooklyn, with a magic doll and a witch. It sounds absolutely magical and wonderful.
304 pages = 30 CP

This isn't exactly a post-apocalyptic setting, but it is a dystopian set in a future New York City. I haven't read a dystopian in a while, and I'm really intrigued by this one.
448 pages = 44 CP

The cover is mostly red, so it totally counts. There are witches in this, so I'm down for it. 
352 pages = 35 CP

On top of earning the gym badges, there's also a challenge to get the highest CP Pokémon! If you want to read more about how that works, you can check out her sign up post here. I've decided to pick Squirtle as my Pokémon because you can't go wrong with a classic. If I complete all the badge challenges, my final CP would be 557, including starting CP, badge completion, and evolution bonus points! Of course, I might end up changing some of the books I picked, so who knows what CP I'll end up with.

Since #ReadThemAllThon starts on August 14th rather than the 1st when ARC August starts, here are some other ARCs I'm considering reading this month. I'll likely only read two or three of these, but I'm keeping my options open!

It just so happens that Bout of Books will be happening during these challenges as well, so I'll probably try to join in on that too! August is going to be CRAZY!

Are you participating in ARC August or #ReadThemAllThon?
Link me to your TBR in the comments!

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