
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Debut Authors Who Have Me Looking Forward To Their Sophomore Novel

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Here at We Live and Breathe Books, two of us choose five books each week. This week's topic is...

Debut Authors Who Have Me Looking Forward To Their Sophomore Novel!

Noor's Picks

Hello friends, I am alone again but it's a Top Five Tuesday this time because of things like not sleeping and other life conundrums *lots of eyes emojis go here*. 
  1. Nicola Yoon - I seriously can't get over how much I loved Everything, Everything (review here) and I can't wait to see more of her unique writing in the future, especially since her writing style drew me into the book to begin with.
  2. Jesse Andrews - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, if you haven't read it yet, is truly a book you need in your life. Jesse Andrews has such an ease with humor that you can see on his Twitter too (which I follow and hella love) and it made the perfect lighthearted book and I can't see what he works on next!
  3. Jennifer Niven - I thought her novel All the Bright Places was a very interesting read -- with a rad cover -- and I think it'd be cool to see what other ideas she has up her sleeve. 
  4. Jesse Eisenberg - Ok, so he isn't an author in the traditional sense and his book is a collection of essays/short stories and not a novel but really, who's nitpicking here? Certainly not I, who would love another book-sized publication of his wit and hilarity. 
  5. Dawn Kurtagich - I was totally feeling the creepy vibes of The Dead House and while I'm into that, I want to see if a new novel means sticking to more creepy themes or going a different route, and how her prose style would work with it. 
    What sophomore novels are you waiting for?
    Let us know in the comments!

    1 comment:

    1. I love Me, and Earl, and have heard sooooo many good things about Everything , Everything (I must read that soon)
