
Monday, October 12, 2015

Previously on WLABB: September 2015

Previously On We Live and Breathe Books is an end of the month wrap up post. Previously allows us to recap all our posts from the past month and discuss what's going on in our lives, including what books we're reading, any fun things we've been doing, and a TBR for the next month. Our inspiration for this meme comes from Midnight Madness Newsletters created by Melanie at YA Midnight Reads.

Posts from September

Release Day ARC Review: The Copper Gauntlet - Holly Black & Cassandra Clare
ARC Review: Bream Gives Me Hiccups - Jesse Eisenberg
Previously on WLABB: August 2015
Review: Firewalker - Josephine Angelini
Stuffed Animal Saturday: Dumplin' - Julie Murphy
ARC Review: Lizard Radio - Pat Schmatz
Top Ten Tuesday - Completed Series I Have Yet to Finish
Waiting on Wednesday: Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
Review: Everything, Everything - Nicole Yoon
Review: Tonight the Streets Are Ours - Leila Sales
Double ARC Review: Dumplin' - Julie Murphy
Stuffed Animal Saturday: Financial Accounting 9th Edition, Jerry J. Weygandt, E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel
ARC Review: I Crawl Through It - A.S. King
Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall TBR
ARC Review: Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
ARC Review: Zeroes - Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti

Keeping Up with the WLABBers (one of them)


I am sorry to inform you that my cobloggers were discovered to be a part of a secret murder plot in which they did not do a very good job of covering their tracks (unlike yours truly) and are now either being interrogated, imprisoned, or executed. Okay, probably not that, but that's honestly the most realistic option for why our Previously post for September is being posted halfway into October and I'm the only participant. Homies' corpses are probably rotting somewhere.

I used my sleuthing skills to snag some makeshift comments so you can pretend you're keeping up with all of us when really everyone's caught in a painful, soul-suckingly crushing college bind:

What well-rested enthusiastic individuals!! I bet Amrutha and Kiersten are definitely are not dying under the weight of their textbooks and papers and plays and exams!!!!! I bet they are also not part of the deliberate murder of a highly classified government official *insert many eyes emojis here*. You may have noticed Marlon is not part of this exchange and that is because he is hella off the radar, like I know Ruthie and Kiersten are swamped with work and so we aren't gonna get to keep up with them today (it's cool, RuRu only read one book this month and it was Dumplin', there her section is over back to me) but I don't actually know if Marlon goes to college or class or is alive???? I mean I guess he's alive because he posted his Six of Crows review but that could been a ghost writer so like???? I haven't actually had any proof he exists since BEA and even that was a little shady but I'm not losing sleep over it. 

Ok so now that y'all got a semi-decent explanation of why it's a one woman show today, we can see what I've been doing. My last two posts have been about my room and I contemplated not talking about my room because it's not relevant but because of who I am as a person I needed to mention it so like sorry not sorry. All I really have to say is that I started putting up things??? But not that many things because I still have a box of posters and things and my cardboard Loki cutout in my garage and I have like 200 photo prints sitting on my dresser so I have some things but not a Lot of things but wow look at this tapestry 

I took this photo very late at night so the natural light from my windows was not coming in so this was clearly not optimal lighting to make it look the prettiest but you get the gist also please note the painting on the right do you see it with the blue and the pink and the vaguely eiffel tower looking building yes hello I painted that wow!!! Also if you look at the second shelf you will see Harry Potter Illustrated but it came out in October and this is a September post so I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it?????? Eyes emojis everywhere. I feel like if I were an emoji I would definitely be the eyes emoji which is a great irony considering I cannot see anything with these plain non-elf eyes. 

I'm going to stop showing you pictures of my room even though I have so many Things. Besides home decor, another relevant thing in my life this past month was Eid, a Muslim holiday (I am Muslim) (therefore it was relevant) (in case you didn't connect the dots). I bought like four outfits online and I looked really cute so here is a photograph so you can see how adorable I looked: 

Now that you've gotten over my cuteness, you can fawn over this really cool used bookstore I found! I love love love used/vintage bookstores; really anyplace that has a combination of any of the following: 1. aesthetically pleasing, 2. smells good 3. has a lot of books (this one is like a requirement) 4. makes you warm and fuzzy inside 5. amazing!!!!! This place was super cool and I'm definitely going to be coming back here, but North Carolina has a lot of vintage bookstores so I'll be sure to check em all out and fill my tiny little heart up with joy.

Wow this keeping up section is so disjointed, I'm sorry, but this is the last thing I'll mention before moving onto September Reads and October TBR's. So I decided I'd save HP Illustrated for next month's Previously (cries for days) but you know what did come out in September???? Take a guess. The last book in my favorite non-Harry Potter book series: Library of Souls. (no I'm not crying) (yes I am) (I really like writing in parentheses I'm going to write a novel like this no one can stop me)

Tell me it's not the most beautiful book you've ever seen. Or read. Or smelled. God it smells so good. Wow I sound so terrifying????? Ok I'm going to be done now but just know this book is my heart and soul and you are not done hearing about it. Not by a long shot.

Also, I swear I did Real People things too but I don't like talking about those things so I don't. Also, more fun disclaimer: All these pics are straight from my Instagram so follow me y'all bc I'm proud of my aesthetic: @looonylovegood. (also follow me on Twitter I swear I'm funny @abnoormality look even my handle is funny) Aaaayyyyy shameless plugs. 

I started this month hella strong and I still sometimes think about I Crawl Through It because it was such a weird book but it straight up changed me as a person. It's definitely a love or hate book though, like if you aren't into the surrealist ish she's pulling you aren't gonna be a fan. A Curious Tale of the In-Between is middle grade and I really really enjoyed it -- it definitely had that haunting vibe I really like in books like this that's hard to pull off. Also, it was about ghosts and who doesn't love ghosts. I've mentioned my thoughts on Zeroes and A Step Toward Falling in full length reviews but both were solid books, especially Zeroes, which, despite some writing flaws, really was an ingenious story. Also, I know I'm hella late to the game with Go Set a Watchman but I literally bought it the day it came out and then I just...didn't read it???? I don't know what's wrong with me???? I finally did read it though, so better late than never. My most important read was Library of Souls which I mentioned earlier. The moment I first read Miss Peregrine, I fell in l o v e. The photographs. The concept. The storytelling. Everything was so amazing. I was entranced. And I didn't even realize there were more books. I just thought there was one. And then more happened and I was amazed and it was beautiful and this was amazing too and I'm so sad it's over. The last book on my read list is by David Sedaris, who is my best friend Anika's favorite author and very Important to her and I read this because she always tells me to and I think it's super important to read books and authors important to people you love or who are important to you and I absolutely loved it, Sedaris is a wonderful man, except I keep forgetting to tell my home slice that I read one of his books, which I should do eventually.

Because I like to consider us friends, I'm going to tell you a secret. I actually already finished Magnus Chase, because it came out six days ago so I finished it six days ago but I already put it on my list so I left it there and honestly I'd probably be done with Carry On, too, but I read Black Widow first so I could review it and then I just decided to spent four days looking at the illustrations in Harry Potter Illustrated. Anyway, Magnus Chase is my sarcastic little homeboy and we are going to rule the world together but next, I cannot wait to start Carry On because I have waiting far too long. The rest of these books are also books I generally am tryna read, especially October 6th release twinsies A Thousand Nights. Also, I didn't put it on the list because I forgot, but I'm totally going to read Life and Death, not because I'm a Twilight fan, because I really have hated Twilight since my phase ended after middle school, but because this inner desire in me needs to know how it pans out.

Illuminae - Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff 
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell 
A Thousand Nights - E.K. Johnston
The Scorpion Rules - Erin Bow
Need - Joelle Charbonneau
The Sword of Summer - Rick Riordan

If you've stuck with me until the end of this post, thank you and I apologize for being as all over the place as I am, but like, it happens????? 

What have you been up to last month?
Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. 1. This post is hilarious.
    2. You do look really pretty in that picture
    3. I cannot wait to read the last Peculiar Children book. That series is so good
