
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Completed Series I Have Yet to Finish

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Here at We Live and Breathe Books, two of us choose five books each week. This week's topic is...

Completed series I have yet to finish!

Kiersten's Picks
  1. The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan - I've read all the books in the Heroes of Olympus series except for the finale, The Blood of Olympus. When books come out during the school year, I just don't get to them. It just happens like that. That being said, I did want to read this book over the summer, but I've been holding out hope that the elibrary will get this book soon since it has all the other books.
  2. Fire and Thorns trilogy by Rae Carson - Bitter Kingdom is another book that sadly did not get read because of school. It's also a really expensive ebook (I'm not saying it's not worth that much, but it's just hard to pay that much for a digital book when I have so many other books to read, you know?), so that has been something keeping me away from it. I really do want to finish this series though, since I absolutely loved the first two books.
  3. The Lynburn Legacy trilogy by Sarah Rees Brennan - I'm sensing a pattern when it comes to fall releases. I read the first two books in the Lynburn Legacy trilogy, but I have yet to read the finale. Someday I will get there, and on that day, I'm sure Sarah Rees Brennan will stomp on my heart with her story.
  4. The Crewel World trilogy by Gennifer Albin - It's really bad that I haven't read the finale in this series because I actually own it. Perhaps I'll pull it together and actually finish this series this year.
  5. The Dharian Affairs trilogy by Susan Kaye Quinn - This is the only series on my list where the finale isn't the only book I haven't read. I'm a huge Susan Kaye Quinn fan, so I read Third Daughter right away when it came out. Since then, I haven't gotten around to Second Daughter or First Daughter yet, which is disappointing because I'm sure they're amazing.
Noor's Picks
  1. Partials Sequence by Dan Wells - I have a terrible habit of reading the first book in a series, loving it, but then not keeping up with the series because I feel like I'd be giving too much attention to that series and not to all the other potential unread books of the world so even when I own the later books in the series I put off reading them and don't finish for a long time. Either that or I binge read the whole series. The first thing is what unfortunately happened with Partials.
  2. Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore - Another sad case of enjoying the first book and not reading the next ones but in this case, it was also that the other two books were companions rather than sequels so at first I was just confused as to whether there was more to the series and then as to whether it was about the same characters and then when I figured it out I had a huge TBR list ahead of them.
  3. Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan - I didn't realize Kiersten put this on her list but I don't feel like changing it so we'll have doubles and you'll technically be getting a Top Nine. I just didn't read these because be the time they happened I was so tired of the same characters and I didn't want to stick around for more books on them and I did start reading them and I do realize there are more characters but I felt like I should get out while I had the chance. That being said, I am so here for him tackling other mythologies -- I loved Kane chronicles and I'm excited for the Norse mythology books I hear are happening.
  4. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - I know Winter doesn't come out until November so it isn't technically complete yet but by the time I get to the other books it will be so I'm cheating a little and I want to include it so you can all know how much I hate myself because this is a weird case where normally I like the book enough to go above feeling bad for other books when I ignore them for this series but then the second book wasn't out when I read the first and when it came out I just kept putting it off for no reason other than I'm a masochist???? Anyway I suck and I'm going to read the rest of these eventually.
  5. The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien - I have read some of this. I have not read all of it. I really really like Lord of the Rings as in I really enjoy the movies and I know things that happen in the book that don't happen or happen differently in the movies that I haven't read and I just really like it so I did start reading it and honestly the only reason I haven't finished is because I bet distracted by newer shinier books and I think "well these have been around for a while they aren't going anywhere" and I figure I'll get back to them later so it's just a long process but later will come.
What completed series have you still not finished?
Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Book 2 of The Graceling series was excellent. The last one left me a little meh, but I still liked the way Cashore tied it all together. I am with Kiersten on Fire and Thorns, Lynburn, and Crewel. I am always less likely to read a physical book (hate me!) and could have finished Crewel a long time ago (It's signed and everything). My goal is to finish those series, as well as, Mara Dyer and Defy
