
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Authors I REALLY Want to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Here at We Live and Breathe Books, two of us choose five books each week. This week's topic is...

Authors I REALLY want to meet!

Kiersten's Picks
I have been lucky enough in the past to have met many of my favorite authors - Cassandra Clare, Rainbow Rowell, Rick Riordan, Sarah J. Maas, and more. However, there are still plenty of other awesome writers who I'd love to meet.
  1. Susan Kaye Quinn - I have loved every Susan Kaye Quinn book I have ever read. I think Susan Kaye Quinn is probably one of the most interesting authors out there, having actually been a rocket scientist and now writing incredibly amazing indie YA. She's just so cool and I want to meet her.
  2. Shana Abé - One thing that's great about Shana Abé is all the conversations she has with her pets. I think we'd definitely get along well. I'm also in love with her The Sweetest Dark series (even though it feels like the third book is never coming out sob). 
  3. Rachel Hawkins - Rachel Hawkins is Lady Hawkins on Twitter. That already makes her cooler than most of the people I know. I'm also a huge fan of the Hex Hall series and I hope to read Rebel Belle soon. 
  4. Sarah Fine - I love her Guards of the Shadowlands series and all the characters so much. The way Sarah Fine writes her characters is definitely a tell to how she examines the world. I think having a conversation with her about people would just be an interesting thing.
  5. John Green - I mean, I think everyone who has read and enjoyed a John Green book wants to meet John Green. He seems like a chill dude.
Noor's Picks
Like Kiersten, I've also met a lot of authors I really love, like Cassandra Clare, Holly Black, Veronica Roth, Michael Grant, and a lot more than I probably deserve to have met. Although, there are plenty more I would jump through hoops for the opportunity to meet, and thus here are 5 that I haven't yet met but would absolutely love to. 
  1. Neil Gaiman - I've mentioned it many times, but Neil Gaiman is my favorite author and I'm in love with the way he writes and crafts stories. I did see him at a panel at BEA, which is where I received my signed copies of Fortunately, the Milk and his Make Good Art speech in book form, but I didn't actually meet him, I just saw him speak and I really want to meet him and tell him how much his work means to me. 
  2. JK Rowling - You had to see this one coming, honestly, and it's very self-explanatory. Why wouldn't I want to meet the woman whose books shaped my entire childhood and what few years of adulthood I've experienced? If I could meet JK Rowling, I could die happy.
  3. Rainbow Rowell - Kiersten went to the launch event for Landline last year where she met Rainbow Rowell (and David Levithan cries), so she's a step ahead of me here. I absolutely love her writing style and the heartwarming, quirky nature of her books and she seems like she'd be a really cool person and I want to meet her very much.
  4. Jennifer E. Smith - So I'm 700% trash and her only work that I've read is The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (review here) but 1. I absolutely loved it (my copy is currently making its rounds through my group of 3 best friends who are also enjoying it) and thought it was such a well-written, wonderful read and 2. I get such good vibes from her books if that makes any sense and they are on my reading list I just have a lot of other stuff on there too but I really want to meet her, I think she'd be adorable. 
  5. Yann Martel - I've read two of his works and I find his writing to be stunning and intriguing. His style has this air about it that makes me want to read his words forever and I like how he can be so dynamic with his writing because the two books I read were so different from one another. I'm just interested in meeting him and hearing what he has to say. 
What authors do you want to meet?
Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome list! Rainbow Rowell is probably one of my favorite authors, who I actually met. She is so nice, funny and interesting. I want to be her neighbor. And JES! She always warms my heart.
