
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - 2014 Releases I Meant to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Here at We Live and Breathe Books, the bloggers rotate so that two of us choose five books each week. This weeks topic is...

2014 releases I meant to read!

Kiersten's Picks

The Blood of Olympus
Rick Riordan
Heroes of Olympus, #5
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

I did a Cover Cosmetics for The Blood of Olympus for its release, but I have yet to get to it! I've enjoyed all of the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books up to this point, so reading the final book with these characters is definitely going to be an emotional one.

Sarah Rees Brennan
Lynburn Legacy, #3

Unmade came out right around when school started, so all I got to do to celebrate was this Cover Cosmetics. Throughout the Lynburn Legacy series (Untold review here), Sarah Rees Brennan has consistently made me feel the feels and I'm sure Unmade will, reliably, be a heart-wrenching finale.

Gennifer Albin
Crewel World, #3
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

I'm a huge fan of the world Gennifer Albin has built in the Crewel World series (Crewel review here) and I can't wait to see what happens in this finale! My mom picked up a signed copy of Unraveled on the Fierce Reads tour for myself and for the blog, so I'll be giving away the copy once I read this!

Love Letters to the Dead
Ava Dellaira
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

I got an eARC of Love Letters to the Dead a while back but sadly never got to this one. With comparisons to Perks of Being a Wallflower (which I loved) and Stephen Chbosky actually endorsing this book, I'm sure it's an incredible and emotional piece. I must read it this year!

Dorothy Must Die
Danielle Page
Dorothy Must Die, #1

I have been intrigued by the concept of Dorothy Must Die since I first read the description. While I'm usually not super drawn to retellings, this one sounds completely awesome. I downloaded the ebook a while back and I can't wait to read it sometime this year!

Noor's Picks

We Were Liars
E. Lockhart
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

I'm SO upset I didn't get to this book this past year. I heard so many people say that this book was phenomenal but that the best way to go into it is by knowing nothing about it. So I've had the interesting experience of both hearing a lot of praise but also knowing absolutely no details. Hopefully I get to it in 2015 because I'm very curious, especially after a friend just finished it a few weeks ago and told me she loved it!

The Geography of You and Me
Jennifer E. Smith
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

Jennifer E. Smith has been gifted with glorious writing talents and just reading the blurb of this book makes me want to head to the nearest bookstore and pick this book up right this second. I really wish I had gotten a chance to read this during 2014 because I know I wouldn't have been disappointed. I just know I definitely want to read it before her new book comes out in September!

Lauren Oliver
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

I enjoyed Lauren Oliver's Delirium trilogy and the plot of Panic sounded enticing and I wanted to see where she would take it. Sadly, I didn't find time in 2014 to fit it into my schedule. It sounds like it's sure to be action packed and exciting so I can't wait to read it when I finally do!

Romina Russell
Zodiac, #1
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

The premise of this novel (and series in general) sounds very promising and I've heard a lot of good things about it by a lot of people and it sounds like a book I'd really enjoy. Look out for a review of Zodiac by Kiersten sometime in the future!

Katherine Howe
Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

I got this book at BEA and it's one of the ones I have with me at school and so it just has been staring at me for months and I haven't had a chance to read it. I have a friend at school who started reading it when she saw it on my shelf and picked it up and she enjoyed it, and the plot sounds like something right up my alley so I it's still on my TBR list for this year!

What 2014 releases did you mean to read?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I really want to read The Geography of You and Me too. It looks so good.

  2. Great picks! I recently read We Were Liars and it's definitely one of my all time favorite books. Love Letters to the Dead, Panic, Conversion, and Zodiac are all books that I wish I had gotten to as well. Hopefully you'll both read them this year!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
